How Businesses Benefit From Keeping A Text Message Record


23 April 2021


Businesses Benefit From Keeping A Text Message Record

Text messages have become an integral part of how businesses interact with their customers and employees. They are used to receive orders, promote products and services, answer customer questions, give instructions to employees, and for general communication within an organization. Their convenience and effectiveness have made text messages the primary means of communication within many organizations. This makes it necessary for businesses to implement systems to effectively manage their text messages.

Knowing who is texting, what was texted, and the response given is required knowledge for businesses to successfully compete in this digital age. Without proper management of text messages, companies not only expose themselves to being left behind because of failing to recognize changing customer tastes, but also open themselves to internal and external legal threats. Visit this site for more information about text message records.

Clearer Understanding Of Customer Trends

Having a complete history of text messages gives businesses greater insight into customer wants and expectations. Being able to access this data will help sales and marketing teams to identify the strengths and weaknesses of current marketing activities, as well as provide instances where customers give their opinions about their experiences. Documented customer feedback should be used to improve existing products and services while helping to drive the development of new ideas that could be brought to the market.

Text Message Records Provide Protection

Customer complaints and lawsuits are unfortunate, but an inevitable part of doing business. Companies must protect themselves from costly lawsuits and the possible repercussions of false customer complaints, which include bad publicity, regulatory sanctions, and loss of income.

Disgruntled current and former employees also pose a serious risk to businesses, as they might file lawsuits claiming they were wronged in some way. If an effective text message record-keeping system is in place, companies can discourage the occurrence of any false internal accusations

Given the stakes, businesses cannot afford to simply delete text messages. Since text message records provide a valuable layer of protection for businesses, their safe storage has become a necessity.

Monitor Employee Performance

Knowing how sales representatives are communicating with customers is necessary to maintain or improve customer satisfaction, which is vital for a businesses’ growth and sustainability. Customers must be treated with respect and their concerns should be addressed in a courteous, professional manner.

Text message records are not only utilized to assess current employee performance, they can also be used to train new employees, providing “real world” examples of the right and wrong way to handle specific situations. Conversations between customers and frontline staff should guide the creation of policies devised to address the underlying issue being discussed.

Make Better Strategic Decisions

Managers are usually under tremendous pressure to increase sales, improve customer satisfaction while reducing expenses. Unfortunately, in seeking solutions to improve their organizations, managers often make decisions based on theories or concepts that may not work when they’re implemented by a particular business.

All businesses are unique in some way. Therefore, its policies and strategies should be based on the data surrounding its customers and frontline employees. Keeping text message records allows business managers to make decisions based on feedback from frontline employees and the customers they serve.

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Vendor Management Software

8 Reasons Why Your Company Should Get a Vendor Management Software

Vendor Management Software is a tool that companies can utilize to track vendors, in this case, third-party service or good providers. This includes onboarding, performance monitoring and review, risk management and implementation advice. The goal of Vendor Management is to ensure that a company runs smoothly, minimise risks and maximise the Return on Investment (ROI). As your company matures and grows, you can’t avoid outsourcing or relying on outside help for some of the company services. It simply is one of the tricks of the trade and is unavoidable. However, managing these third-party providers (or vendors for brevity) can prove to be a major headache. Spreadsheets and notepads are not enough to consolidate their information nor is it recommended for growing businesses. Simply put, it would be too messy. For most companies, a staff or technology is dedicated to managing the vendors’ information. Vendor Management Software has become a must-have tool that will gear your company towards success. Reasons You  Should Have A Vendor Management Software 1. Consolidate Information A Vendor Management Software organizes all your vendors’ information while keeping it in an online system that you can customize to suit your business structure. This tool can allow its users to rate their vendors regarding their performance. Having this feature makes way for quick decision-making and lets you pinpoint who is performing poorly. Vendor Management Software provides an efficient way of storing, collecting, and analyzing vendor’s data. This reduces documentation errors which may lead to major mishaps. 2. Performance Review: By determining those who are delivering perfectly and those that are not, you can take appropriate measures that can maximise your Return on Investment (ROI). This could lead to renegotiation, renewal or end of contracts. The ability to identify problems, even before it becomes one, and opportunities, is one aspect that vendor management software has an advantage of as compared to having a staff dedicated to the job. This also ensures that all your vendors are meeting the agreed-upon Key Performance Indicators (KPI), which can boost vendor performance. 3. Reduce Risks and Compliance Costs: A Vendor Management Software guarantees that you reduce your company’s compliance cost. By having an internal management structure, you can pick off unnecessary expenditures while also having an automated checklist that ensures that your company does not run any risk of noncompliance or malpractice. It also has a comprehensive Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) system which allows you to reduce your inherent and residual risks. 4. Implement a Vendor Strategy: The ability to control your company’s costs can be a dream come true. A Vendor Management Software creates clear and effective Spend Management Reports that will help you make an informed decision regarding your vendors. Through the information collected by the software, you can devise a clear vendor strategy that can vastly reduce your expenses. This provides you an objective point-of-view on which vendors should you keep, and which ones should you let go of. 5. Simple, Quick, and Easy to learn: Despite being complex software, the user interface is easy to learn and provides all users a pleasant experience. No need to take a crash course. It may sound complicated and tedious but, it is not. There are ready-made templates that you can use for easy consolidation of data. 6. Improve Vendor Communication: You can directly communicate with your vendors through the Vendor Management Software. This ensures that all communications run through only one channel and does not become a messy ordeal. As it stores all communication with vendors, it also minimizes the risk of who said what should a problem arise. Having a direct communication channel can also improve your vendor relations. 7. Automated Reminders: A calendar that reminds you of deadlines, tasks, and renewals might sound like a small task, but it is not. By reminding you of your and your vendors’ responsibilities, you can reduce the number of missed deadlines and lapsed contracts. This will prove to be helpful especially during chaotic times when you don’t know which task to prioritize. The application of vendor management software can make things work for you in all aspects. 8. Data Storage: A Vendor Management Software allows users to store and organize documents making it easier to locate contracts and files should you need them. While it may seem rubbish or unnecessary now, there is a high chance that having an unorganized system may greatly affect your operations in the future. Read Also: How To Choose A Practice Management Software For Your Law Firm How To Enhance Stakeholder Management In Projects With Agile Integration Redmine Demo Vs. Trello Demo: Choosing The Right Project Management Tool

Dedicated Server

Why Online Gaming Companies Need Dedicated Server

The term dedicated server gets chucked around a lot nowadays. It can be used to describe both physical hardware and it can also describe a non-tangible software. In this article, we talk about the main differences in these and then focus on the more important points of physical dedicated servers. What Do People Mean When They Say Dedicated Server? If you are talking about hardware in the hosting world then you are referring to a dedicated machine that typically lives in a data-center. Usually, this is a high powered rackmount power-hungry beast with multiple processors, storage devices and enough RAM to shake a stick at. The alternative to this (and so not a “dedicated” server) would be a VPS. A “virtual private server” is a smaller server that runs inside a dedicated server and shares its resources with other VPS on the same machine. The benefit of a VPS is that you can get access to computing resources without having to own/rent a whole physical server. If you are talking about a non-physical dedicated server then you are probably talking about a set of files that are run to create a persistent online gaming environment. The “dedicated” part for this comes from the fact that it is kept running all the time in order for the game logic to carry on without human intervention. The Disadvantages of a Dedicated Server: So all the power of a dedicated machine sounds like a dream come true for gaming companies, but with great power comes great responsibility. If you buy and own your dedicated servers then you will be responsible for “co-locating” them. This is the term used to describe where you keep them, so choosing a suitable data-center and then ensuring that it is a safe and reliable physical environment to keep it in. Now you have a co-located dedicated server (bought or rented) you need to ensure that it is protected from outside dangers. Every IP address in the world is routinely checked for back door entries by hackers. It’s the digital equivalent of going around your neighborhood at night and checking to see if any windows or doors are left open. Hackers love an easy entry and this process is easy to automate. Once you are then finished with the machine, it can be a bit of a hassle getting rid of it, it can require multiple transportations in order to sell it. The reduction in value is also another nail in the coffin for buying a dedicated server rather than renting too. Then comes maintenance, if you need to fix an owned dedicated server that is in a data-center halfway around the world you may have to pay a fee for on-site staff to do the work. Downtime for an owned machine is the responsibility of the owner and can cause a mass of problems which if renting could be sorted by shifting to another rented machine. Why a Gaming Company Would Need a Dedicated Server: As a gaming company, you would need a dedicated server (well you would probably need a lot for most titles released in this day of age) to handle the mass of data required for managing your players. Even if your game is not multiplayer you may still release regular updates that require syncing up with players and distributing the newly released code for your game. If your game releases are multiplayer then your computing demand will probably be huge. If you decided to host all of the game servers in a house like game publisher Electronic Arts do (in order to control who gets hold of the server source code) then you will need to scale with the number of players. Scaling is possible with services such as Amazon Web Services that stretch with your increased demand. You pay on a usage basis, so the more/less you use the more/less you pay. This is massively useful for gaming companies who can release titles that are the most played for a few months and then replaced within a few weeks by something better. Keeping your gaming company’s website on a dedicated server may be a bit overkill unless you expect massive traffic. With many publishers selling their game catalog through platforms like Steam (online game buying platforms that feature games like Ark: Survival Evolved and Unturned) it has really taken the pressure off their in house systems and reduced costs in that respect for e-commerce and community features. Dedicated servers are also important in the development of 3D assets as a large amount of computing power needed can be shared across networks. It was said that the biggest let down for the 3D special effects on the award-winning film Titanic was the lack of computing power to make realistic looking waves. Read Also: 10 Top Games For PC Gamers Top 6 PC Games In History Which You Should Definitely Try Why Server Colocation Hosting In India Is Becoming More Popular Than Dedicated Servers?

Space Tech

Starships, Junk, and Tourism: Space Tech Trends for 2022

Space tech constantly evolve, thanks to which more and more people can go outside the Earth and look at it from space. And 2021 was a real breakthrough in space travel. But the main thing is that we get new essential knowledge about the Universe, the planet, and ourselves. And we use all this knowledge and technologies in different spheres. Here you can find out how EOS uses satellite data for agricultural sustainability. These are some space industry trends that will be relevant in 2022. 1. Space Junk Liquidation Unfortunately, man's presence in space is accompanied by a junk appearance in the form of inoperative satellites and rockets. There are more than 3000 of them, and the situation will only worsen over time. One of the main consequences can be the so-called Kessler syndrome: the junk will make the orbit unusable. Therefore, space agencies develop technologies to clean up debris outside the Earth. There are various options: eliminating garbage using special nets and magnets and burning it in the atmosphere. The serious problem is that garbage objects come in different sizes, so it is difficult to determine a uniform way to destroy them. However, a solution is a matter for the future. 2. The Moon Exploitation Until a few decades ago, this topic was irrelevant. Today, however, it is increasingly viewed as a testing ground for relevant technologies in the quest to get to Mars. Moreover, it is unnecessary to send a person to the moon. Mainly missions will focus on sending autonomous instruments for analyzing satellite elements and robotic landing devices. Several countries work in this direction, including the USA, India, and Japan. 3. Space Tourism's Rise In 2021, thanks to private suborbital flights, interest in space tourism has grown. However, such a vacation is too expensive for most people: one flight is estimated at millions of US dollars. Nevertheless, everything suggests that soon the trend will continue and cover more and more people. Already, there are projects to create conditions for a person's stay in orbit longer than 10 minutes, including constructing a space hotel. And although there are no opportunities for the mass creation of commercial structures in space, shortly, everything may change. 4. Small Satellites Improvements Thanks to technological advances, mobile, and compact satellites have almost replaced bulky standard devices. For example, communication service providers actively place them on low Earth orbit (LEO). Research agencies use small satellites for scientific purposes such as remote sensing. This trend is supported by the possibility of mass production, standardization of satellite buses, cooperation of missions for joint rocket use, and modular commercial equipment creation. Moreover, satellite manufacturers work on small satellites for the geostationary orbit. 5. Space Tech vs. Climate Change Space tech are critical to sustainable environmental development. So, many innovations, created initially for the space industry, are later used in other sectors. For example, construction companies use reflective materials to retain heat in spaceships to insulate buildings. The threat of global warming makes the development of space tech even more urgent. For example, they are used to identify methane emission sources that are a significant cause of global temperature increases. Satellite images are also used to solve environmental problems. For example, they help map tree cover and monitor deforestation. As we can see, space trends have become more and more diverse, which indicates the increasing human activity in this industry. Moreover, it affects our daily life. We introduce its inventions into various spheres; for example, we use satellites for communication. But more importantly, space tech helps us tackle significant global warming challenges and protect the environment. Read Also: 8 Ways of Making the Best Use Out of a Small Office Space 5 Ways Technology Will Change the Hospitality Industry Post Covid-19 Pandemic High Technology Devices for Better Life Why You Need A Secure Wifi Connection In Shared Space