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The Importance of SEO Based Digital Marketing Services

The Internet is one of the most integral parts of life presently. Be it business, shopping or entertainment, the contribution of the Internet cannot be overlooked by any means. The rapid growth of the virtual world has made it easier for people to invest minimally and enjoy high business productivity, through better advertising procedures. Marketing concepts carried out through the Internet definitely has proved to be highly beneficial. The introduction of search engine optimization strategies has made scenarios even better. With the help of the SEO strategies, it becomes easy to manage a website and make sure that it enjoys higher visibility in the digital world. Enhancing the performance of a website is what SEO strategies do in the most convincing way. Online business trend Purchasing a domain name, developing a website, and finally owing the same is the latest trend for e-commerce owners. But, among the millions of websites and web-based businesses available throughout the digital world, only a handful are visible on the first two pages of a search engine directory. This is where the importance of SEO or search engine optimization comes into effect. With the right set of SEO strategies, the entire website can be transformed into a search engine directory friendly one while ensuring it receives the highest form of ranking to remain at the top. What does SEO services primarily includes? In general, a reputed SEO agency includes all the following services like: Optimization of the webpage and website content Maintenance of client website Editing the web content and manipulating the same, if required Removing every kind of barrier associated with the indexing activities Ensuring a perfect marketing campaign for the website Search engines like, Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other notable ones need to be carefully managed. Since they come with a strong set of rules and guidelines, websites must abide by them. Otherwise, they will get banned from the search engines. Satisfying certain quality attributes of usability must be followed while trying to carry out SEO marketing strategies for client websites. This is why content optimization according to search engine directory rules and guidelines is extremely important. Reputed SEO service providers would always ensure that the exact guidelines are followed. They would also be offering help in 24/7-time format with regard to website content revision and SEO strategy rebuilding purpose. They would always provide both offline, as well as, online assistance to ensure that the client’s website achieves the highest form of ranking in the search engine directories. Digital marketing is what that matters most There are different forms of advertising procedures, but none has achieved such tremendous success like digital marketing that takes place over the Internet. With digital SEO based marketing strategies, it becomes easy enough for anyone to promote their brand, business, products, services, and lots more in a more convincing way. A reputed digital marketing agency will always focus on implementing the right type of SEO strategies to make things better and more convenient for the website it is working on. Spreading brand awareness in the virtual world is crucial; what you need to do is opting for the correct approaches to make things fall in the right place. There are numerous digital marketing service providers available, but not all are proficient in implementing the right SEO strategies. Remember, an effective digital marketing campaign will depend strongly on the implementation of the perfect SEO strategies. Henceforth, it is crucial to figure out a suitable SEO service provider who can handle your company’s digital marketing needs and requirements.   Walter Moore is an SEO specialist working with a leading Digital Marketing Agency. He writes regularly for and other blogs to spread awareness about the importance of SEO based digital marketing services. 

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The 10 WordPress Plugins Every Sucessful Blogger Uses

WordPress is one of the most amazing programs to grace our modern age of technology. It powers countless websites and continues to improve with every update and change. It’s the product of numerous people working on the open-source software and a true accomplishment. It’s also the best platform for bloggers. Beyond the ease-of-use, WordPress is also great because of its plugins. These bite-sized apps give us huge flexibility and features we need to keep our sites healthy and our visitors happy. Today, I’m going to show you 10 plugins every successful blogger is using. 10 Plugins You Need For Your Blog Today Some plugins offer additional security, some offer peace of mind, and still others improve the user experience. A careful combination of them can result in a powerhouse of a blog that runs smoothly and provides a great experience for visitors. Let’s take a look at ten plugins I couldn’t live without (and neither should you!): 1.  W3 Total Cache Website speed is incredibly important. According to studies, internet users today expect a website to load in 2 seconds or less, and every second that they have to wait past that tests their patience. To get your website down to this time, you need a good caching plugin. W3 Total Cache fulfills this need handedly with their plug-and-play solution. Once you have the plugin installed and activated, you don’t need to touch it ever again if you don’t want to. Having it installed to make your pages load faster for users by caching data and making it easily accessible to browsers. Better speed equivalates to a better experience, more conversions, and higher search engine rankings. 2.  SEO by Yoast Speaking of search rankings, you’re going to need assistance with your search engine optimization. It isn’t something anyone can do themselves. SEO by Yoast is by far the most well-reviewed tool for this purpose. Having a higher search engine ranking for your new website will do wonders for visibility and potential conversions. That’s why a tool like this is so important to have. It’s most common use is for evaluating a page’s content. This tool will track instances of your main keyword, and how it’s been used throughout the post. You’ll also have the option to customize things like the permalink, title tag, and meta description. This tool goes beyond that for those who have technical knowledge of SEO as well. Things like XML sitemaps can be generated easily with this plugin. It’s by far the best tool for managing and improving optimization across your site. 3.  Login Lockdown By default, WordPress does not limit the number of times you can attempt to log in. This leaves you vulnerable because it gives hackers an unlimited number of chances to guess your login. With this plugin, if the number of attempts is passed, then it blocks the I.P address itself to ensure the would-be hacker can’t use another method to keep trying. The default setting is a 1-hour lock after 3 failed attempts, but you can modify this using the administration settings of the plugin. 4. OptinMonster This is one of the most trusted options for conversion rate optimization. You can trigger an email subscription when people are leaving your site and utilize a number of different tactics beyond this to capture more email subscribers than you ever could in the past. Email marketing continues to be an extremely valid way of boosting your engagement and conversions, and this plugin is the #1 choice for doing so. 5. BackupBuddy You may feel like your blog or website is invincible, but there’s always the chance that something could go wrong. The last thing you want is to lose hundreds or thousands of hours of work because you didn’t have backups in place. This plugin is a simple and easy tool you can use to ensure your website is backed up in the event of a hack or a server issue. 6. MaxCDN In the interest of website speed and performance, a CDN or Content Delivery Network is a must. These networks deliver content to web browsers based on the location of users that are accessing it. This geographical delivery ensures that speed is maximized for your visitors. This plugin is a great way to get started with a CDN so you can see how it improves your website’s performance. 7. WPForms Forms are going to come up as part of developing a website, so a form builder is a must. Whether it’s for contacting you or finalizing a sale, plugins like this are absolutely needed. This option is a great beginner-friendly option. Drag-and-drop functionality means that you’ll be able to create forms, email subscriptions, payments, and anything else you need information for, with ease. 8. Wordfence Security in today’s world is more important than ever. You need a good plugin to ensure your information and your site is safe. Wordfence handles these tasks with a great plugin that protects you on multiple fronts. Things like bots that try to brute force their way into your site will be blocked automatically by this plugin. You can also get customized email alerts if anything suspicious happens. 9. WP Optimize Keeping your databases optimized can go a long way towards maintaining your site’s health and performance. That being said, it can be extremely daunting or downright dangerous to your site if you don’t know what you’re doing. This plugin will keep things in check automatically, and leave the rest of the daily tasks in your capable hands. 10 Google Analytics Dashboard Google Analytics is a must-have tool and a huge value, seeing as how it’s free. This plugin will give you the opportunity to see your analytics in your dashboard on WordPress, which is convenient since you would have to otherwise leave and go to your dashboard to see them. Final ThoughtsHaving the proper plugins can elevate a site from good to great. Do you utilize any of these plugins on your blog? Let us know in the comments! Read also:  Top Torrent Sites For Games Download 4 WordPress Plugins To Make Your Blog More Powerful Best SEO Tools For Ranking The Website WordPress Developer: Job Profile And Key Responsibilities


How to Maintain WordPress Website for Free?

WordPress is Awesome! Creating a WordPress website and maintaining a website are two different things. It is very important to keep your internet presence up to date and in good condition. However, maintaining WordPress website can be a tedious task. It is important to be updated with the latest version of WordPress so that it remains safe and secure. There are so many things that can affect your website. It can be anything from losing your website data to hacking your website due to security loopholes. Neglecting a basic to maintain WordPress website regularly can have many consequences like: -Increasing website load time -Bad User Experience - Declining Search engine Rankings Regular maintenance of a website is necessary in order to generate business from it. In this post, we will discuss upon few tips for maintaining WordPress website without any technical assistance. WordPress Updates Keeping your WordPress website updated is really important. Make sure you take a full backup of your site when you update WordPress website. A Newer version of the update includes new features, code updates, security fixes and many more thing. In fact, failure to update is one of the most common reasons why WordPress sites get hacked. Read More:  The 10 WordPress Plugins Every Sucessful Blogger Uses 4 WordPress Plugins To Make Your Blog More Powerful Optimize Website for Better Speed Website loading time is very important. If your website takes too much time to load user will leave the website very quickly. From an SEO perspective Google loves fast loading sites. High-Resolution images can slow down your website loading time. You can use plugins like WP Smash to boost your site loading time by optimizing your images. Similarly, the database can be optimized with plugins like WP clean up. Secure Your WordPress Website Most of the new businesses and bloggers don't give much importance to WordPress Website security. To maintain WordPress Website , you must keep it secure to prevent any hacking attacks. Plugins like ButtleProof security and Limit Login Attempt can help you to keep your site safe. Limit login attempts plugin will limit the login attempt and block the IP of the computer system from which password hacking tries comes. Manage User Account Effectively WordPress website can have multiple users managing the site. You need to make sure other accounts and their passwords are secure enough. Due to the carelessness of the users sometimes it becomes vulnerable to attacks. Make sure your users don’t use “admin” username for your WP account. Try unique username with the lengthy and difficult to break the password. You can also change the URL of your admin panel or login page. Remove Unused Plugins WordPress plugins are a great way to extend website functionality. Using many plugins can affect your website’s performance & security. You only need to keep the plugins that are used on the website and remove the unnecessary plugins. Update Your Portfolio Your website is a virtual catalog for your business. It is really important to keep updating the website. The portfolio is one of the most important pages on the website. You might have done amazing work for your client and it is equally important to showcase it to your website visitor in order to attract new leads & business. Conclusion Maintaining a WordPress website isn’t too hard. With a little effort, you can manage your WordPress website. You might not need an expert every time you want to update or manage the site. What’s more important than seeing your website load faster and search ranking rising quickly? It is worth a little effort to maintain your website. Many WordPress Development Services Companies are available to help you with the WordPress website. Read also: Top Torrent Sites For Games Download 7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using A CDN With WordPress WordPress Developer: Job Profile And Key Responsibilities


New Technologies and Consumer Protection

American consumers greet new product lines with enthusiasm. Consider the long lines you see at stores when a new smartphone or mobile device is released. These lines are evidence of our willingness to accept new technologies, and they are also evidence of the big profits that companies make when they are the first in their industry to offer exciting, new products to customers. The problem is that in the great haste with which companies make to release their products, they so often fail to recognize some of the dangers inherent in the design or in the components of their products. There are many examples of this in just the past year or so. Let’s take a look at three examples, and how each depicts a different challenge faced by consumers. Samsung’s Galaxy Note7 was subjected to recall in September and the company halted production of the smartphones due to the fact that they were spontaneously exploding. There were 92 reports made to Samsung about overheating batteries, including 26 burns and 55 reports of property damage. While Samsung scrambled to find out what precisely caused these devices to overheat and explode, the problem, most believe, stems from the use of lithium-ion batteries, a problem which we’ll revisit soon. According to the New York Times, Samsung struggled to replicate the device explosions when reports first came in, and they assumed that the cause was faulty batteries by only one of the company’s suppliers. The problem apparently continued even after adjustments were made. In the case of Samsung, the company took a serious hit by stopping the sale of the Galaxy Note7. It was a good, albeit late, move for their consumers, but it was also a costly one for Samsung. The company saw a steep drop in its shares and market value. Samsung’s product obviously hurt many consumers, but they tried to address the problem and, when that didn’t work, they stopped selling the product. This is a tactic that companies don’t always use. Read also: Samsung Galaxy Note 6 to be Mega Hit? Details Here E-cigarette users have faced growing concerns about a similar problem with their vaping devices. This issue also stems from the use of lithium-ion batteries, which explode and cause fires and injuries to users. The problem with these devices is that there is little to no accountability among manufacturers since they are not regulated like manufacturers in other industries. This also makes centralized reporting a problem. Data about just how many people have been harmed is assembled largely by whatever media outlet takes enough of an interest to look into it. E-cigarettes represent the dangers consumers face when there is a lack of oversight in an industry. They also represent a growing concern over the use of lithium-ion batteries in a number of products, batteries which have also caused similar problems in laptops and hover-boards. The last example we’ll look at is the rise of automated vehicles and the race to be the leader in this technology on part of manufacturers. The specific example we’ll look at involves Tesla and the Autopilot system equipped on several of their vehicles. The technology provides semi-autonomous controls to drivers, meaning it allows the drivers to take over in certain situations. The concerns arose when a Florida driver was killed in May while the vehicle was in autopilot mode. Consumer safety advocates questioned whether the company marketed and released the vehicle with conflicting messages. As Consumer Reports asked, does the vehicle drive itself, or is the driver responsible for taking over in emergency situations? If it is the former, then why did this technology fail the Florida driver. If it is the latter, then shouldn’t consumers be informed or even trained about using this technology? In the case of Tesla and automated vehicles, the worry stems from a company’s desire to be first in an emerging market. In this race by manufacturers to reach buyers before their competitors do, are consumers being shorted when it comes to a product’s safety? These examples are the most recent in a long line of consumer safety issues that emerge whenever new technologies reach our stores. In some cases, it is the hasty manner in which a company releases a product that is to blame. In others, it is a clear lack of oversight. The reluctance to take a hit like the one Samsung took for their Galaxy Note7 also represents the reason that so many companies balk when deciding whether they should completely remove a product line from stores. It is also indicative of the dangers that will continue to face consumers as the technology boom continues. It is in our best interest to learn as much about these problems as possible. It is even more important for companies to be held accountable for releasing a dangerous product to their consumers. Bert Louthian is an attorney in Columbia, South Carolina at Louthian Law Firm, P.A.


Experts Recommend: Top Interior Design Trends for 2017

Unquestionably, 2016 has been a prominent year in various spheres; starting from refreshing fashion couture to unimaginable makeup trends all the way to advanced technology fields and business opportunities. It’s certainly not surprising to witness a complete revelation in terms of interior design. This year, globally recognized designers have made it their goal to create distinctive design concepts which will give the modern home a more expressive appeal. Customized interiors, exhilarating tones, and lavishness of decorations are just the beginning of this journey, so buckle your seat belts as we’re taking you on a tour of the top interior design trends for the following year. Minimalism with a Twist While 2015 was a year of utter minimalism characterized by sterile environments and impersonal spaces, this year minimalism is getting a new form. The accent is not on decluttering the space and creating a bland surrounding, but on designing functional, multi-practical areas. There will be no place for useless decorations that just gather dust, but only for fully functional objects which serve a purpose. The goal is to create a space that will comply with the busy modern lifestyle and give people a home that’ll work in their favor, alleviating any processes that need to be done. Colours of Serenity Another refreshing feature we’ll welcome into our homes is the astonishing use of color in the space and a clever combination of contrasting hues. With the rapid lifestyle of the modern age, people have been in dire need of a tranquil ambiance, a sanctuary that’ll provide a sense of calmness. Pantone has decided to take the game to the next level by announcing not one, but two colors of the year: rose quartz and powder blue serenity. When combined, the two contrasting shades offer a truly mesmerizing sensation of peacefulness and composure, while their disparity gives the space a remarkable appeal. Read also: How to Bring Summer into Your Space Warm Metals The use of materials is getting a new dimension in 2017 as we’ll be seeing a lot of seemingly contradicting and repairable mixtures of different material types. Warm metals such as brass, copper, and gold in combination with glass, raw wood, and natural stone have the ability to give a sensation of rough luxury while implementing iron, stainless steel and marble details will give your home a touch of glamor and a superb sophisticated allure. Sustainable Households Over the course of years, the importance of eco-friendly practices and sustainable spaces has become quite prominent. Many people have embraced the greener lifestyle by relying on different systems and methods of interior design which conform to these environmental beliefs. The presence of plants and lush vegetation is only the beginning of a sustainable residence, as there’s also an accent on the use of natural sunlight and skylight installations, the use of green appliances and creating indoor gardens. Everything is designed following the basic principles of green architecture, whose sole goal is creating sustainable homes that’ll benefit both people and the environment. Refreshing Decorations In terms of decorations, this year is all about cultural diversification and practical use. The use of decorations is going to be focused on functionality such as bedside tables or lamps which have the ability to wirelessly charge all electronic devices. A clash of cultures is also quite prominent in 2017, as indigenous nations are going to provide inspiration for ornamental features such as Scandinavian flatweaves, African-inspired decorative concrete or the use of decorative materials sisal and jute, native to India. These aspiring ideas in interior design are going to mark the year 2016 with its distinctive features, refreshing designs, and remarkable concepts. The trends are always following the advancing lifestyle of humanity in order to create a convenient, pleasant and most importantly – a functional sanctuary that’ll provide its residents with everything they require. Read More: 5 Good Luck Plants That Deserves A Place In Your Home Best 5 Designer Secrets To Make The Most Of Small Spaces How To Make Your Home Look Like A Splendid Hotel? 6 Expert Tips For Finding The Right Home To Buy

How To Capture Streaming Video On Mac

How To Capture Streaming Video On Mac

Streaming is nowadays quickly gaining popularity. We see that it is included in popular social networks, as with Facebook. At the same time, streaming was included on YouTube. There are even some websites that do specialize in streaming content, like Capturing streaming video is normally not possible. That is because it is available just through the system. In most cases, the video will be recorded by the streamer. However, this is not the only option that is currently available for you. In the event that you want to learn how to capture streaming video on Mac, remember that the only thing that you actually need is a good software program that is designed for this. At the moment, the best market option is offered by Movavi Screen Capture Studio for Mac. It is a program that is really easy to use and offers a highly intuitive interface that makes everything very simple. Just a few clicks allow you to quickly take advantage of some pretty interesting features. Some of those that you absolutely want to know about include the following. Quickly Select Screen Area To Record All that you really have to do with Movavi Screen Capture Studio for Mac is to drag your mouse and select the area that you are about to record. In some cases, it is also possible to record the direct feed, if it is possible based on where the feed comes from. Select the area and you are ready to record whenever you want to. Edit The Video That You Record Besides the fact that you capture the streaming video, you can also edit absolutely everything you recorded. This is not at all difficult to do with Movavi’s software. All you have to do is select what you want to do like cut, make transitions or add animations. You will quickly figure out the fact that there is a huge list of features available. It is possible to keep just the part of the video that you actually want to save while you remove everything else. If you want to, you can also record your own audio or add music to the video. The number of options is endless. To sum up, if you want to record online streaming video, it is possible through such software. You can record your own streaming content or you can record what someone else is streaming. The program works great in both cases. Read also:  Top Torrent Sites For Games Download Movie Streaming Website Putlocker.Ch Is Down; Here Are The Three Top Alternatives

Torrent sites

Top Torrent Sites for Games Download

There is no age that defines an individual’s love for gaming. Some call it addiction while for some it is a passion to thrive and excel. All the gamers around the world look for endless collections and easy availability of games to play. In our search for good gaming sites, we often land on the sites of spams, viruses, malicious tools that fill the hard disc with never-ending adware and pests that damage out the operating system. This is something that calls for justice. Of course, there are many gaming sites on the internet but being safe is the priority before doing anything else. Read also:  Best 7 Torrent Sites Of 2017 Top College Humor Sites So in this post, we have done research and brought for you the top best Torrenting sites for games download. These sites are surely the easiest way to save money that you spend on purchasing game CDS. All these sites that we will be sharing in this post have a huge database of game torrents. You can download all kind of latest games for free. Some of these sites are well known torrent sites for all multimedia and especially suited for games. Top Torrent Sites to Download Games for Free All the torrent sites in this post have a rich database, free and safe to use. You will find a separate section where all the game torrents are listed on these torrent sites. You will find recent Games listed there. THE PIRATE BAY: Pirate Bay is one of the top torrent sites in the world today. Pirate Bay has been the top stop for gaming lovers since its release. The Pirate Bay is famous for delivering full versions of games and software with crack. It is currently ranked at 192 according to Alexa in 2016. Unfortunately, Pirate Bay has been banned currently in India, Pakistan, and many other countries. While looking for Pirate Bay you must make sure that you do not fall into the web of illegal activities. I would recommend you to use legal torrent sites according to the rules of your country. But still Pirate Bay is an amazing Torrent site to watch out for games download. BITSNOOP: Bitsnoop is a safe and secure torrent site you will come across. This site has filters that verify the files for viruses and malware. You can download all your favorite latest and old games using this site. Bitsnoop like Extratorrent indicates the health of the torrent you want to download. This helps you in making a quick decision to find out which torrent will give you high download speed. ISOHUNT: IsoHunt is a good and relatively new torrent site for downloading games. This website is simply a large portal for enormous games. has launched three years ago in the year 2013. Unfortunately, the owner of the site shut it down within one month of its launch. was launched to keep Isohunt alive. You will get latest games torrents uploaded right here. You can trust us with the great user experience on this site; you will feel blessed to have this site. The new version of the website has the same design and is as impressive as I found it in 2013. KICKASS TORRENTS: It will not be wrong to call Kickass Torrents the leader of all torrent sites. Whether it is games torrents, or movie torrents sites or music torrents sites, the Kickass Torrent has everything that you would want to download. It does not matter if you are looking for PlayStation games or a game for Windows, every torrent will be located right here on this site. Its popularity has increased only since its launch and the working torrent links make this site worth for gamers. EXTRATORRENT: Extratorrent is another Torrent giant and one of the biggest names in torrent site for games. On extra torrent, you can also see the health of the available torrents and choose which torrent to download. You can find games for all platforms including PlayStation, iOS, Windows, MAC, Android and more. You get full version games here that do not require any crack or license TorrentSnack: TorrentSnack is a game torrent site dedicated to console and PC games. You can get games for various Categories like PC, XBOX 360, PS2, PS3, PSP, PS Vita, Nintendo WII and Nintendo 3ds. TorrentHound: With over 4.7 million torrents, TorrentHound is one of the largest players in the torrent P2P game. The site has been found easier by most readers. The comments counts are not included in the initial search results and you'll have to click individual files to see reader comments. TorrentDownloads.Net: With over 6 million torrent files this site is considered the second-largest torrent index on the Web today. Torrent Downloads publishes a filter to see only those torrents that have passed verification testing. The filters help you navigate through its database. We hope that this post on top torrent sites to download games will help you. You can download the games of your choice with these torrent sites. It will save you time, and you will be able to locate easily download links of games of your choice safely and securely.  Read also:  Best 7 Torrent Sites Of 2017 Movie Streaming Website Putlocker.Ch Is Down; Here Are The Three Top Alternatives Reference: Top 23 Torrent Sites  


Promotion Position For Your Ex-panding SEM Business

Growing an SEO consulting business is not easy, it is not uncommon to run into issues. If you follow some elementary guidelines for expansion and professional tips, you will be headed on the right path. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind. A positive attitude has a very positive effect on the people who do SEO consulting business with you. If they see that you are happy to give them the goods and services that you sell, it will make them happy to keep purchasing those products and services from you, which means more business. Let your customers be your most important spokespeople. Ask for testimonials from your best customers, and incorporate them into your marketing materials. People often consider the advice of others when looking for an SEO consulting business or service they need. Apart from the difficult work you put into your SEO consulting business, you also have to have ample financial resources up your sleeves. It is imperative for you to keep sufficient business funds with you all the time. If you are seeking to enjoy a reputable business without any hindrance, then you need to work on this aspect. At the affair, take pictures of your consumer and then post them on your Facebook page or website. Get their acquiescence first, and then tell them the URL that they will be on. People love to see pictures of them, especially if it’s a huge SEO consulting business that is posting it. It may make them feel a bit like a celebrity Sign in to all the social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and the like and try providing unique and interesting information on all of them. Also, remember to connect all your social networking sites and make sure that you are continuously visible everywhere. Put the merchandise on display outside of your store. Clearance items are ideal for demonstrating outside. In most instances, products sell like hotcakes when placed in the public eye. Curiosity about other items you carry will bring more traffic to your SEO consulting business. Have a jingle written by a songwriter. Jingles directly focus attention on your SEO consulting business. Make it catchy and irresistible. Just sit back and watch the call flow increase. There are wonderful examples at Jingle dot net. Using a short song to promote your SEO company can be an excellent way to grow your business. It’s important to make sure you are running your SEO consulting business within the confines of the law. If you’re uncertain about something from a legal standpoint, be sure to enlist the help of a professional to avoid facing serious unintended consequences later. Legal issues can be the death of the business. Curious about the topic of video SEO consulting? Don’t forget to go to my SEO Blog and you’ll be able to find quite a bit of helpful tips.

Understanding Search Engine Optimization

Understanding Search Engine Optimization

Why is it that certain websites end up at the top of the search engine results? There are certain mathematical SEO equations that come into play that you have to understand to get To The Top, and Grigoriy Ichshenko has offered some free tips to help with your website’s SEO setup. Understanding Search Engines There are three main factors that are part of the database and rankings of search engines, known as SEO. Everything from the words used in a search to the order in which the results are displayed is based on mathematical calculations that give people the results they are looking for. 1. Search engines use a web crawler, also called a spider or a robot, that “crawls” the web. This web crawler looks at various websites and finds links based on certain topics. When the web crawler finds various websites that relate to a topic in the index and that have good information, it adds those sites to the database. That means databases are constantly growing and being updated. That is how search engines give the best results for each search. 2. Search engines have an index where the website data is stored after they are picked up by the web crawler while it searches the Internet. Anytime a website gets a The new data will go into the index to replace the old information. Indexes keep growing as time goes on. 3. The actual search engine is a computer program that looks the data kept in the index every time someone does a search on a browser. The search engine provides results based on a mathematical equation that determines the relevance of the websites based on the search criteria. Search engines place websites in order by determining which of them are most strongly related to the topic searched. What Do Search Engines Aim to Do? Search engines aim to give people results that are relevant to the keywords they used in the search. Search engine optimization can be used to determine how well search engines work. Each search engine will provide different results based on the method of calculation used. People who have a website want to use the algorithm to their advantage to get their rank up, by using SEO. Tips for Effective SEO SEO Tip 1: Add links, which are pathways that lead back to your website. These links make your website more visible to search engines. If someone is doing a search, you can have your URL show up despite the fact that a different website is the source of your link. SEO Tip 2: Write a good page summary. Include things like your meta tag names and the keywords for your website but in moderation. You should write a creative and interesting page summary so it will get noticed even if it doesn’t match the search perfectly. That way, you can get your website noticed on search engines and get more traffic. SEO Tip 3: Carefully consider your title. No one understands how the algorithms that search engines use work, but some people will tell you that a title is beginning with “A” through “E” is more effective. SEO Tip 4: Choose your keywords carefully. The keywords are very important. You don’t want to have too many keywords, or that will lower your website’s ranking because of the repetitive nature. It is best to have no more than 4 or 5 keywords on your website to raise your search engine ranking. SEO Tip 5: Getting your URL out is important. If your URL is in a lot of databases, you will see better results on search engines. Use blogs, emails and more to share your URL as much as possible.


8 Incredible Tricks That You Didn’t Know Your iPhone Can Perform

According to a recent report by Statista, there were over 75.23 million iPhone users in the United States in 2015 alone!  With so many people owning iPhones, not everyone has an idea about the incredible hacks and tricks these devices are capable of performing. 8 Incredible Tricks That You Didn’t Know Your iPhone Can Perform We bring to you a handful of some of the amazing tricks that your iPhone is capable of handling some of which may surprise you. 1. It can track every single place you have ever visited! Sounds creepy? Yeah! It is actually. Well, your iPhone can show you all the locations you have ever been to, but only since the time you activated it. To be able to view your location history, you can go to settings, privacy than to location services, after that click on system services, and then finally the “frequent locations” tab. 2. You can customize its performance: Many people think that the iPhone is built in stone and can therefore not be customized. However, far from that, there are several iPhone customization hacks that you should be aware of. In case you were unaware, you can increase the performance of your iPhone from the settings menu. For example, you can increase contrast, reduce transparency and save battery power by simply adjusting these points in the settings. 3. You can close several apps at once: Just by using two or three fingers at once in a sweeping gesture, you can close multiple apps at once! Do try this hidden trick to boost your iPhone user experience. You may also like: Best New Colors For iPhone 4. Use airplane mode to save battery power: You must have been thinking that airplane mode is only supposed to be turned on when you are on a flight, surprise-surprise! That’s not the only time that warrants the turning on of the airplane mode, you can switch it on to save battery power too. Not only will you be able to charge your iPhone faster, but you will also be able to keep the charge on for longer. 5. Cleaning the hard drive improves performance: You need to ensure that at least 2 gigabytes of space is free in the hard drive of your iPhone so that performance is fast. Not allowing any free space on your iPhone reduces its performance. 6. You can teach Siri new words: Yeah for sure, Siri can learn new words such as your name or names of places and events, etc. If she happens to mispronounce a word, you can swiftly correct her at which she will give you several alternative pronunciations. 7. Automatic app updates: It is interesting to know that all iPhones with iOS 7 and above can automatically update all apps that require them automatically depending on availability. However, there is a downside to this too, i.e. it uses up too much battery power. Nevertheless, you can disable updates on your iPhone by going to the Settings menu, then iTunes &App Store then put off the updates which you will find under the “automatic downloads” folder. 8. You can take pictures using the volume up button: Well, I have to admit that most iPhone users are ignorant about the amazing tricks that their phones can perform. Instead of struggling to find the white camera button, just use the volume up button to take pictures. I hope you learned a thing or two from the several amazing iPhone hacks listed above. Do you know of any other shortcuts to getting things done faster and better on the iPhone? If yes, let us know of any such method in the comments section below. This post was written by Shawn Michaels. He loves to travel, hunt, fish, and climb. His website is Read Also: Comparium The Best Cross Browser Web Testing Option Possible Reasons Why Your Employees Aren’t Too Productive and What to Do About It The Benefits of Solar Lighting in a Nutshell


App Development Benefits: Here’s why you should go Mobile

The rapid proliferation of mobile devices has changed our lives. Right from fitness, shopping, cab-hailing, to travel, there is an app for everything. Everywhere you turn around; you’re likely to find someone using a smartphone app or tablet.   Cell phones and mobile internet are affordable and easier to adopt by users from all sections of society. 2016 has already revolutionized mobile app development to new heights. The mobile apps industry has also witnessed an increasing focus on emerging technologies like cloud computing, wearables, big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT).  The evolution of this industry will continue on a consistent basis. Economies of Scale By 2017, it’s expected that over 268 billion downloads will generate $77 billion worth of revenue. The mobile app development industry is growing at an alarming pace and there is no stopping. This is the best time for businesses to develop mobile applications.  There is no dearth of expert mobile app developers. You can either hire developers dedicated for your project or outsource your project to a mobile development company. The number of skilled and experienced mobile app developers is increasing rapidly, allowing businesses to choose the best mobile app developer at affordable rates. It is about the right time to get a mobile app according to your budget. After all, the mobile application will help take your business to the next level. Location-Based Apps for Contextual Information Mobile apps are all about providing the right information to the user at the right time and location. Beacon technology is revolutionizing mobile apps with its ability to bridge the gap between the offline and online worlds. This technology is all set to transform the way retailers, event managers, enterprises, and education organizations interact with users indoor. The real focus of beacon technology depends on how applications use proximity for marketing and promotions, coupons, content delivery, catalogs, information display, in-store coupons, proximity-activated objects, people and object indoor tracking. Wearable Devices for Increased Personalization Wearable technology is currently in its early adoption phase. However, the launch of Apple Watch has helped the technology to go mainstream.  Wearable devices are no longer limited to being a fitness device. It is about connecting devices and helping users stay healthy and live a safe life. Read also:  Role of messaging apps in enhancing a company’s market prospects The wearable device can connect and communicate through cellular connectivity or through another device, such as a smartphone using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth®. Wearable devices have given mobility a different dimension altogether taking personalization to a new level. Companies that explore the full capabilities of wearable devices in order to build apps will enhance the user experience in an unimaginable way. Such companies will stand tall. Further, the adoption of this technology at the commercial level will help businesses gain a first-mover advantage. Forecast unit sales of wearables worldwide by category from 2014 to 2016 (in millions) [gallery size="full" columns="1" ids="1512"] Augmented Reality Augmented reality has completely changed the way we interact with technology and with each other. It is not limited to sci-fi technology or games. This revolutionary technology is making inroads into different business domains such as retail, travel, and education simplifying the most complex functional aspect of products. It is undoubtedly taking a mobile application to new heights. Here are some stats to assist you to decide… AR/VR could hit $150bn in revenue by 2020, with AR taking around $120 billion and VR $30 billion. source: Digi-Capital Facebook bought Oculus for $400 million in cash and $1.6 billion in stock – even though Oculus had not released a commercial product. Source: TechCrunch 336 startups list themselves under AR on Angelist. source: Angelist It is Now More about Personalization The mobile revolution is more about the empowerment of users. It is the ability to work and access information anytime, anywhere. Businesses across the globe are embracing the app personalization to drive higher user engagement levels and customer engagement. Enterprise apps are a new way forward and can dramatically reshape the way we do business. The focus is now shifting towards enterprise apps to leverage advanced functionality in order to make most out of products and services. Calvin is a technology enthusiast working with Hidden Brains Infotech UK – A well-known enterprise mobile application development company in the UK and likes to write about the latest mobile application trends.

Messaging apps

Role of messaging apps in enhancing a company’s market prospects

Business firms are always in search of new ways in which they can enhance the user experience of their customers. After all, that is the best way to retain customers in a market that is characterized by increasing levels of competition. Apart from maintaining strong lines of communication with their customers, business houses also need to promote their brands and products in an effective way without sounding too pushy. This can be only achieved with the help of a tool that creates strong ties of communication with the end-users while at the same time provides a creative platform for brand promotion. A messaging app is a great way to accomplish this and are light and easy to use. These apps come with numerous features that help in various tasks necessary for today’s businesses. By allowing a company to learn about the needs and preferences of their end-users, such in-app messaging tools really help to enhance the overall customer experience. The latest messaging apps are designed in such a way that they are not only convenient for day-to-day use but also perfect for keeping detailed accounts of customer conversations and transactions. A well rounded messaging app can be used on both desktop and mobile platforms for easy customer communication at any given time from any place. Since most people prefer to stay in touch these days via their mobile phones, a good messaging app needs to be made for smooth mobile use as well. Apart from offering the option for two-way communication via chat and messaging, these apps also allow a company to send emails and push notifications to their customers to let them know about the status of their account or orders and also about a product’s latest features. Over the last few years or so, in-app messaging tools have also gained considerable momentum as efficient email marketing tools. Email marketing is a direct form of marketing in which prospective customers send emails about products and offers that would interest them. A lot of research is carried out before sending such emails so that companies are aware of the kinds of products and services that are preferred by a specific customer. Messaging apps allow a company to learn not only about the personal preferences of the customers they are trying to appeal to but also about their personal habits through live interactions on the messaging app and analytics from their visits to the product or website. These messaging apps, therefore, make marketing automation easier and allow a company to make efficient plans for smooth marketing campaigns. If you are the owner of a business looking to find new ways in which you can garner customer satisfaction from your end-users, invest in a messaging app that will help you to communicate easily with them and implement effective marketing campaigns. By investing in such messaging apps, you will be able to enjoy greater ROI within a very short period of time