New Technologies and Consumer Protection

Published on: 07 November 2016 Last Updated on: 04 September 2024

American consumers greet new product lines with enthusiasm. Consider the long lines you see at stores when a new smartphone or mobile device is released. These lines are evidence of our willingness to accept new technologies, and they are also evidence of the big profits that companies make when they are the first in their industry to offer exciting, new products to customers.

The problem is that in the great haste with which companies make to release their products, they so often fail to recognize some of the dangers inherent in the design or in the components of their products. There are many examples of this in just the past year or so. Let’s take a look at three examples, and how each depicts a different challenge faced by consumers.

Samsung’s Galaxy Note7 was subjected to recall in September and the company halted production of the smartphones due to the fact that they were spontaneously exploding. There were 92 reports made to Samsung about overheating batteries, including 26 burns and 55 reports of property damage. While Samsung scrambled to find out what precisely caused these devices to overheat and explode, the problem, most believe, stems from the use of lithium-ion batteries, a problem which we’ll revisit soon. According to the New York Times, Samsung struggled to replicate the device explosions when reports first came in, and they assumed that the cause was faulty batteries by only one of the company’s suppliers. The problem apparently continued even after adjustments were made.

In the case of Samsung, the company took a serious hit by stopping the sale of the Galaxy Note7. It was a good, albeit late, move for their consumers, but it was also a costly one for Samsung. The company saw a steep drop in its shares and market value. Samsung’s product obviously hurt many consumers, but they tried to address the problem and, when that didn’t work, they stopped selling the product. This is a tactic that companies don’t always use.

Read also: Samsung Galaxy Note 6 to be Mega Hit? Details Here

E-cigarette users have faced growing concerns about a similar problem with their vaping devices. This issue also stems from the use of lithium-ion batteries, which explode and cause fires and injuries to users. The problem with these devices is that there is little to no accountability among manufacturers since they are not regulated like manufacturers in other industries. This also makes centralized reporting a problem. Data about just how many people have been harmed is assembled largely by whatever media outlet takes enough of an interest to look into it.


E-cigarettes represent the dangers consumers face when there is a lack of oversight in an industry. They also represent a growing concern over the use of lithium-ion batteries in a number of products, batteries which have also caused similar problems in laptops and hover-boards.

The last example we’ll look at is the rise of automated vehicles and the race to be the leader in this technology on part of manufacturers. The specific example we’ll look at involves Tesla and the Autopilot system equipped on several of their vehicles. The technology provides semi-autonomous controls to drivers, meaning it allows the drivers to take over in certain situations. The concerns arose when a Florida driver was killed in May while the vehicle was in autopilot mode.

Consumer safety advocates questioned whether the company marketed and released the vehicle with conflicting messages. As Consumer Reports asked, does the vehicle drive itself, or is the driver responsible for taking over in emergency situations? If it is the former, then why did this technology fail the Florida driver. If it is the latter, then shouldn’t consumers be informed or even trained about using this technology?

In the case of Tesla and automated vehicles, the worry stems from a company’s desire to be first in an emerging market. In this race by manufacturers to reach buyers before their competitors do, are consumers being shorted when it comes to a product’s safety?

These examples are the most recent in a long line of consumer safety issues that emerge whenever new technologies reach our stores. In some cases, it is the hasty manner in which a company releases a product that is to blame. In others, it is a clear lack of oversight. The reluctance to take a hit like the one Samsung took for their Galaxy Note7 also represents the reason that so many companies balk when deciding whether they should completely remove a product line from stores. It is also indicative of the dangers that will continue to face consumers as the technology boom continues.

It is in our best interest to learn as much about these problems as possible. It is even more important for companies to be held accountable for releasing a dangerous product to their consumers.

Bert Louthian is an attorney in Columbia, South Carolina at Louthian Law Firm, P.A.

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Spy phone

Why Spy Phone Are Beneficial To Use?

Let us admit that spying on someone is a very difficult thing to do. Not every time you will be able to keep an eye on that person. But there is a way through which you can get most of the information about a person nowadays is through their Smartphone. Only you have to get to know about the phone calls and various text messages that come into that particular phone. It's not possible to look at another phone without him knowing that. But there is an application that makes it easy to know about your cheating spouses. The name of the app is the Spy phone and it is getting its popularity slowly. Only you have to install the app on that particular phone to get every information off that phone. So without further to do let's just look at the various details of this amazing application. Following Activities Would Be Tracked By Spy Phone: Here I am going to list out some of the main functions of this spy application so that you can use it accordingly. It will keep a record of the incoming and outgoing calls with the phone number. The actual time and date of the call will also be listed in the records. All the outgoing and incoming text messages will be tracked with the phone number it was sent and received. In this case, also that date and time will be recorded. Every 30 minutes, it will be sent the exact location of the mobile phone to the control panel so that you could know where the person is. It is also beneficial if the Smartphone is lost. When you visit many websites it will keep a record of it with the exact time and date of visiting. All the data that was tracked will be stored there 24/7 and whenever you want you can log in to see each and every detail and analyze it. Spy phone will use the phone internet to send the details to the central server. Not only for adults you use this app for your child so that they don’t go into the wrong ways. An average child over 5 years uses a Smartphone without knowing its benefits and disadvantages. So this application will allow you to look at the activities of the kid so that he/she cannot do some odd thing with the phone. As you know nowadays the adult content is destroying the mindset of the kids. Top Reason To Use Spy Phone: There are some valid reasons to use a spy phone to track someone's activity on their phone. The installation of this app is free and fast. It can be used on most Android phones. All the activity can be recorded such as phone numbers, incoming and outgoing calls. Whenever you log in to the website you will be able to access all the details. The 24/7 website is easily accessible. It also has the GPS tracking feature which will provide you with the exact location of the device. Further, there are some other activities which will help you to track others without facing any problem. Above written is an application through which you can spy on people easily. And record all the activities happening on their smartphones. A spy phone will help you to know the people surrounding you. it any be your wife, husband or kids but you can know about the things that they are doing in their life. So without thinking more use it and dig up the James bond inside you. Read Also :  Best iPhone Spy Apps Without Jail Breaking 7 Essential Apps For Your Mac In 2018

The Selfie Culture: Should we be worried?

The Selfie Culture: Should we be worried?

Selfie trend is spreading everywhere in teenagers and teenagers. If you visit Facebook or Instagrams you can see many selfies posted by teens. It is very rare that you scroll on Facebook or any social media site, and you do not find any selfie posted by teenagers. Research shows that 91% of teenagers daily post their selfies on Facebook. Selfie has become a harmless habit of teens. Selfie is not dangerous in actual, but it could be harmful in many ways. Parents should ask their children to avoid this habit of always taking selfies. Inform them about the risks they can face. Selfies and Self-Esteem Many teenagers think that before the trend of selfies they were extremely camera-shy. But now they feel confident while taking selfies as well as in normal life they are confident, but this is just the thought of teens. In actual, the craze of taking selfies is a reason for the development of poor self-esteem. A survey has been made which shows that 65% of teenagers think that selfies are a way of increasing self-confidence, 40% of them believe that social media is a good way to share pictures with others in this way, they can show their beauty to others while 53% believe that if their photos are posted by someone else, it makes them feel bad. On the other hand, American plastic surgeons declared that more patients are visiting them for surgery because they think their face does not look good while taking selfies. They are not happy with their pictures on social media sites. There is a story of a UK teen which shows you how bad is selfie habit? He left the school and stayed at home for six months and spends 10 or more hours in selfie-taking. In the end, he attempted suicide due to over craze of a selfie. Now you can understand how selfies hurt teen’s self-esteem. Read More: App Development Benefits: Here’s Why You Should Go Mobile Selfies and Your Online Reputation As some activities on the internet or social media sites can be dangerous for your children and selfie is one of them. Teens post and share their selfies on Facebook or any social site with their friends. This can have a harmful impact on their reputation if their friends give bad comments on their selfies it may also hurt their relationships. Teens focus on online reputation more than the real world, if someone hurt their reputation they may get emotional and can take wrong steps. So, sharing selfie can be very harmful. Selfie Safety Tips: Parents should discuss with their children that too much enthusiasm for selfie-taking is not okay. Also, the comments of people on their pictures should not be related to their reputation. Make sure that your child is using all the security settings in their social accounts. Explain to them that they should take care of their personal things and do not share selfies with strangers or person to whom they cannot believe. Only post those selfies on social media on which they feel comfortable. Read More: Google Getting Into Phones – And It’s Changing The Mobile Internet Best IPhone Spy Apps Without Jail Breaking Top 5 Digital Wallet Apps For Android


Things to Know Before Buying MI 6

Thе Xiаоmi Mi 6 is special. With 6GB of RAM аnd an Snарdrаgоn 835, it'ѕ Xiaomi's mоѕt роwеrful smartphone. It'ѕ аlѕо Xiаоmi'ѕ bеѕt-lооking рhоnе. Yеѕ wе ѕаid it, саll uѕ when thе Mi Mix соmеѕ in the lоvеlу Bluе аnd Gоld trim оf thе Mi 6. Thе Mi 6 iѕ аlѕо Xiаоmi'ѕ bеѕt саmеrарhоnе - with twо 12MP cameras - аnd it'ѕ Xiаоmi'ѕ mоѕt соmрlеtе phone thаnkѕ tо ѕрlаѕh protection, ѕtеrео speakers and duаl SIM. For уеаrѕ nоw, Xiаоm has сrаmmеd thе аbѕоlutе best technology in a reasonably-priced расkаgе and it'ѕ made thеm vеrу рорulаr. But thе last соuрlе оf ѕmаrtрhоnеѕ bу the соmраnу hаvе ѕhоwn thаt the соmраnу iѕ fосuѕing muсh mоrе оn rеfining itѕ dеviсеѕ. Thе Xiаоmi Mi 6 seems like a mix of еvеrуthing. Moving аwау frоm thе Mi 5ѕ'ѕ аll-mеtаl chassis, thе Xiаоmi Mi 6 hаѕ glаѕѕ on thе front аnd bасk with an mеtаl frame in bеtwееn. But thе frаmе hаѕ been роliѕhеd to thе роint whеrе it feels likе аn extension of the glаѕѕ. Thе еntirе Mi 6 fееlѕ like оnе рiесе of ѕhinу, ѕlееk ѕurfасе аnd we dig it. It has аn unmiѕtаkаblе iPhоnе 7 Jet Black look tо it but thе glаѕѕ fееlѕ bеttеr thаn роliѕhеd mеtаl - аnd it's lеѕѕ slippery tоо. Yоu could аlѕо say it bеаrѕ similarity to a Samsung Gаlаxу S8. Thе Xiаоmi Mi 6 is ԛuitе petite. We саn't wаit for a Pluѕ-ѕizеd version to аrrivе but thе 5.15" frаmе iѕ rеfrеѕhing. The ѕmаrtрhоnе wоrld has been on a 5.5" frеnzу оf lаtе аnd wе likе tо ѕее a deviation from thаt раth - givе it uр fоr оnе-hаnd-friеndlу phones! Thе diѕрlау iѕ superb. It's оnlу аn LCD аnd оnlу 1080p in resolution but that didn't bоthеr us one bit. The ѕсrееn iѕ very bright when сrаnkеd tо thе max аnd iѕ рunсhу and vibrаnt. A big раrt оf the арреаl fоr Xiаоmi рhоnеѕ iѕ the MIUI software - it hаѕ itѕ оwn look аnd hаѕ a loyal fоllоwing оf uѕеrѕ around thе wоrld. Tо itѕ bеnеfit Xiaomi has always put in the еffоrt to improve every gеnеrаtiоn оf MIUI mаking it simpler and more funсtiоnаl. Thе Xiаоmi Mi 6 runs on thе ѕраnking nеw MIUI 8 whiсh iѕ up to dаtе with Andrоid 7 Nоugаt. The intеrfасе is rеѕроnѕivе аnd bеаutiful. Thе саmеrа was a mаin fосuѕ with the Mi 6. Xiaomi experimented with an Nоrmаl аnd Blасk аnd Whitе dual-camera setup оn thе Mi 5s Pluѕ but has ѕеttlеd with an mоrе iPhоnе 7 Pluѕ imрlеmеntаtiоn оn the Mi 6. Thеrе are twо 12MP саmеrаѕ - оnе wide аnglе аnd thе оthеr a tеlерhоtо. Aѕ уоu might hаvе guеѕѕеd thе tele lеnѕ iѕ сараblе of сарturing Pоrtrаit Mode imаgеѕ with аn аrtifiсiаllу-blurrеd bасkgrоund. Bе is sure to lооk up оur review tо see if thоѕе аrе wоrth thе hуре. Thе main саmеrа uѕеѕ Xiаоmi'ѕ 4-аxiѕ орtiсаl imаgе stabilization. Wе'rе ѕtill tеѕting it but for nоw we're impressed. Here аrе a few ѕаmрlеѕ. Thе Xiаоmi Mi 6 iѕ undоubtеdlу one оf thе best рhоnеѕ tо соmе оut of 2017. It has all thе mаkingѕ оf a ѕtеllаr flagship - the саmеrа lооkѕ grеаt, thе cutting edge сhiрѕеt hаѕ posted сhаrt-tоррing ѕсоrеѕ аnd thе dеѕign iѕ a winnеr. Read also: 8 Incredible Tricks That You Didn’t Know Your IPhone Can Perform