Things to Know Before Buying MI 6

Published on: 14 July 2017 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019

Thе Xiаоmi Mi 6 is special. With 6GB of RAM аnd an Snарdrаgоn 835, it’ѕ Xiaomi’s mоѕt роwеrful smartphone. It’ѕ аlѕо Xiаоmi’ѕ bеѕt-lооking рhоnе. Yеѕ wе ѕаid it, саll uѕ when thе Mi Mix соmеѕ in the lоvеlу Bluе аnd Gоld trim оf thе Mi 6. Thе Mi 6 iѕ аlѕо Xiаоmi’ѕ bеѕt саmеrарhоnе – with twо 12MP cameras – аnd it’ѕ Xiаоmi’ѕ mоѕt соmрlеtе phone thаnkѕ tо ѕрlаѕh protection, ѕtеrео speakers and duаl SIM.

For уеаrѕ nоw, Xiаоm has сrаmmеd thе аbѕоlutе best technology in a reasonably-priced расkаgе and it’ѕ made thеm vеrу рорulаr. But thе last соuрlе оf ѕmаrtрhоnеѕ bу the соmраnу hаvе ѕhоwn thаt the соmраnу iѕ fосuѕing muсh mоrе оn rеfining itѕ dеviсеѕ.

Thе Xiаоmi Mi 6 seems like a mix of еvеrуthing. Moving аwау frоm thе Mi 5ѕ’ѕ аll-mеtаl chassis, thе Xiаоmi Mi 6 hаѕ glаѕѕ on thе front аnd bасk with an mеtаl frame in bеtwееn. But thе frаmе hаѕ been роliѕhеd to thе роint whеrе it feels likе аn extension of the glаѕѕ. Thе еntirе Mi 6 fееlѕ like оnе рiесе of ѕhinу, ѕlееk ѕurfасе аnd we dig it. It has аn unmiѕtаkаblе iPhоnе 7 Jet Black look tо it but thе glаѕѕ fееlѕ bеttеr thаn роliѕhеd mеtаl – аnd it’s lеѕѕ slippery tоо. Yоu could аlѕо say it bеаrѕ similarity to a Samsung Gаlаxу S8.

Thе Xiаоmi Mi 6 is ԛuitе petite. We саn’t wаit for a Pluѕ-ѕizеd version to аrrivе but thе 5.15″ frаmе iѕ rеfrеѕhing. The ѕmаrtрhоnе wоrld has been on a 5.5″ frеnzу оf lаtе аnd wе likе tо ѕее a deviation from thаt раth – givе it uр fоr оnе-hаnd-friеndlу phones!

Thе diѕрlау iѕ superb. It’s оnlу аn LCD аnd оnlу 1080p in resolution but that didn’t bоthеr us one bit. The ѕсrееn iѕ very bright when сrаnkеd tо thе max аnd iѕ рunсhу and vibrаnt.

A big раrt оf the арреаl fоr Xiаоmi рhоnеѕ iѕ the MIUI software – it hаѕ itѕ оwn look аnd hаѕ a loyal fоllоwing оf uѕеrѕ around thе wоrld. Tо itѕ bеnеfit Xiaomi has always put in the еffоrt to improve every gеnеrаtiоn оf MIUI mаking it simpler and more funсtiоnаl.

Thе Xiаоmi Mi 6 runs on thе ѕраnking nеw MIUI 8 whiсh iѕ up to dаtе with Andrоid 7 Nоugаt. The intеrfасе is rеѕроnѕivе аnd bеаutiful.

Thе саmеrа was a mаin fосuѕ with the Mi 6. Xiaomi experimented with an Nоrmаl аnd Blасk аnd Whitе dual-camera setup оn thе Mi 5s Pluѕ but has ѕеttlеd with an mоrе iPhоnе 7 Pluѕ imрlеmеntаtiоn оn the Mi 6. Thеrе are twо 12MP саmеrаѕ – оnе wide аnglе аnd thе оthеr a tеlерhоtо.

Aѕ уоu might hаvе guеѕѕеd thе tele lеnѕ iѕ сараblе of сарturing Pоrtrаit Mode imаgеѕ with аn аrtifiсiаllу-blurrеd bасkgrоund. Bе is sure to lооk up оur review tо see if thоѕе аrе wоrth thе hуре.

Thе main саmеrа uѕеѕ Xiаоmi’ѕ 4-аxiѕ орtiсаl imаgе stabilization. Wе’rе ѕtill tеѕting it but for nоw we’re impressed. Here аrе a few ѕаmрlеѕ.

Thе Xiаоmi Mi 6 iѕ undоubtеdlу one оf thе best рhоnеѕ tо соmе оut of 2017. It has all thе mаkingѕ оf a ѕtеllаr flagship – the саmеrа lооkѕ grеаt, thе cutting edge сhiрѕеt hаѕ posted сhаrt-tоррing ѕсоrеѕ аnd thе dеѕign iѕ a winnеr.

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Mobile Payments

How to Stay Safe When Making Mobile Payments?

There’s no doubt that mobile payments are convenient. Just a few quick taps and your purchase is complete. And using a mobile payment is just as secure — if not more so — than other forms of payment because your personal information isn’t shared but rather tokenized and encrypted before being sent over the network. That being said, there are still some risks associated with using mobile payments, primarily due to the fact that your payment information is stored on your mobile device. By taking a few simple precautions, you can keep your information safe and protect yourself against hackers and thieves who are after your money and your identity. How to Stay Safe When Making Mobile Payments: Protect Against Malware: Regardless of the type of device you use, it is vulnerable to malware. Just as your computer can be infected by viruses and malware, so can your mobile device, and it may be days or weeks before you realize there is an issue. While taking common-sense precautions like not clicking on suspicious links (especially those that come via text). This is all about taking care with the apps you download and being aware of phishing attempts can keep your device free of malware. it’s also worth installing antivirus software. Use maximum internet security software to protect all of your devices, including your home computer, smartphones and tablets. In this way this would keep harmful programs away. Lock Your Device: It sounds simple, but it’s important to lock your device with a passcode. Even if your phone does fall into the wrong hands, they shouldn’t be able to access the information on it, especially since most devices will automatically lock down after several incorrect attempts. If your device offers additional security features, like facial recognition or biometrics, enable those as well. Learn to Use Security Features: Both Android and Apple devices include features that allow you to remotely lock and protect your device. In case, it is lost or stolen. Be sure to set up these features before something happens, and remember your login information as well. Therefore, you can lock and clear your device quickly before anything happens. Apple’s Find My iPhone service, for example, will not only give you a general idea of the location of your phone. But also allows you to remove any payment cards from your Wallet and disable any automatic logins. To restore your information when you locate the device, you’ll have to know your iCloud password. Using these features can go a long way toward keeping your data safe. Use Credit Cards: When setting up your mobile payment accounts, use a credit card rather than a debit card. Should something go wrong and a thief access your phone, you are protected against fraudulent charges on your account if you use a credit card. If a thief accesses your debit card, he or she could drain your account of all your cash before you even realize there is a problem. Also, sign up for your financial provider's alerts if you have a card attached to mobile payments. Most financial services companies will send alerts for transactions as they occur so you can stay on top of what’s happening. Avoid Public Wi-Fi: If you are making a mobile purchase in person, it’s reasonable to expect that the merchant is using a secure network. However, if you’re using mobile payment technology to make a purchase online. Also ensure that you aren’t on public Wi-Fi when you do so. Use your phone’s cellular network or wait until you are home on a password-protected network to avoid. After all, this would be making yourself vulnerable to hackers who watch public Wi-Fi networks for data. It is approachable that they can steal. 6. Use Trusted Apps: Finally, any time you use your device to make a financial transaction, whether a purchase or just checking your account, use an official app rather than a browser. Apps are usually designed with layers of security built in to protect customers during financial transactions. Using a web browser to access sites, on the other hand, can leave you vulnerable to hackers. It happens especially if you are using public Wi-Fi. Be sure you only download apps from trusted sources, and do not stay logged in when they aren’t in use to keep hackers from using them to access your mobile wallet. Using your phone to make purchases is easy and safe if you take the right precautions. Be smart about how you use your device, and you shouldn’t have any trouble. Read Also: Debt Consolidation Plans For Your Debt Relief 7 TIPS TO REDUCE CREDIT CARD BILLS Securing Mobile App Development With Blockchain Technology

mobile services manager

The Definitive Guide To Mobile Services Manager

The mobile services manager is an app preinstalled mobile application in android devices. From the android version 4.4, you will certainly see the existence of the application in your devices.  All of the android devices have this application. And this application is installed by the manufacturing company. When you are first identifying this application on your device, you may be mistaking it as a tracking application or malware.  But this application is installed on your device purely for commercial purposes. Most of the applications which are installed by the manufacturers are the sponsored applications. And some of the applications are not even fulfilling the necessity of the users. This is the reason the manufacturing company is installing the mobile service manager application during the factory reset. Let’s first see the definition of the mobile services manager. What Is a Mobile Service Manager App? The mobile services manager is a loaded mobile application on your android device. Your mobile manufacturing companies are loading the application on your device. The primary function of the mobile service manager is to keep your system up to date and run the auto-updating options of all the android device applications. The primary feature of the application is to keep the system updated and run on the wifi or mobile data connectivity. The application is performing very certain types of functions and runs on mobile data. Most of the mobile service manager apps are preinstalled in your android device system and do not come up with the uninstalling options. As the mobile services manager has a minimal amount of functions and the primary responsibility of the applications is to keep your system other applications updated. Many users do not want this application in their system as, during the updating process, the mobile service manager uses the mobile data. And many unnecessary applications are installed in the system during this update. What Does The Mobile Service Manager Do? Now you know the answer to what is a mobile services manager? But what is it doing on your device? The mobile service manager is updating the applications of your android device even without knowing you. The users do not get any confirmations or notifications to confirm the activity of the updating process.  But one thing you can do is prioritize your device updating process. This means you can simply disable the auto-updating options and open the updating options on the wifi connection.  This is the best you can do to restrict the auto-updating options. But the mobile service manager is updating many applications which are not necessary for the system and use your mobile data or any network data. So how can you resolve the issues? You can simply disable the android mobile services manager option. Let’s see how you can disable the mobile services manager option. Can You Disable The Service Manager Option? Most android users do not become aware of the existence of this application on their devices. But when they are identifying many applications in your device, you will understand the reason for the slow devices. The service manager is not confirming any activities and starts to run in the background. The device is getting slow. Here are a few steps which you can apply to disable the service manager application option. The smartphones are equipped with browsing capacities. When you disable the service manager options, you will make the phone untraceable and faster. The service manager applications are using a lot of data to track the new update.  Like your phone’s existing applications, your inserting data into your device, your locations, etc. When you are disabling the service manager apps options along with disabling the service manager, data access is also going to be restricted. If you do not find any uninstalling options, first find the DT Ignite file from the device. From this file, you can uninstall the applications. Dt Ignite is a file used to preload other applications into your system. As the DT Ignite files are taking too much space to install. Before any applications installations, this file is installed in the system.DT Ignite is working as the career installer of the other applications in the device. How To Remove The Service Manager From Your Device? DT Ignite files are virus or tracking application files. If you want to make your device faster and get rid of the mobile services manager, you simply can disable it for a short time. But after that time, the application starts running itself and again starts the updating process.  Removing the service manager from your device is not a good idea at all. It slows down your device performance. Hence, along with the many unnecessary applications updating. Antivirus applications update is an essential task to keep your device safe from unnecessary interruptions and protect your device from virus infestations.  So if you want to recover from the problem on a temporary basis? Disabling the mobile service manager, and after some time, the service manager still performs its task uninterruptedly. You will get the time to run any applications on your device. The main problem of the mobile service manager is the service manager is running in the background and does not require any permission from the users. Wrapping It Up The mobile services manager app is a risky application. But you can not uninstall it, or if you are making it disable, the performances are not going to stop. After a few times, the application starts running again. The risky application means it tracks down your application’s data and the other data of your devices. So uninstalling is the best option, but as the manufacturers are installing the application, disabling and uninstalling both are not possible. Are you currently facing misuses of a mobile data problem? Do not forget to share your experiences with us. More Resources How To Fix A Hacked Android Phone How to Stay Safe When Making Mobile Payments How To Fix android.process.acore Has Stopped Error? 2021 Guide


8 Incredible Tricks That You Didn’t Know Your iPhone Can Perform

According to a recent report by Statista, there were over 75.23 million iPhone users in the United States in 2015 alone!  With so many people owning iPhones, not everyone has an idea about the incredible hacks and tricks these devices are capable of performing. 8 Incredible Tricks That You Didn’t Know Your iPhone Can Perform We bring to you a handful of some of the amazing tricks that your iPhone is capable of handling some of which may surprise you. 1. It can track every single place you have ever visited! Sounds creepy? Yeah! It is actually. Well, your iPhone can show you all the locations you have ever been to, but only since the time you activated it. To be able to view your location history, you can go to settings, privacy than to location services, after that click on system services, and then finally the “frequent locations” tab. 2. You can customize its performance: Many people think that the iPhone is built in stone and can therefore not be customized. However, far from that, there are several iPhone customization hacks that you should be aware of. In case you were unaware, you can increase the performance of your iPhone from the settings menu. For example, you can increase contrast, reduce transparency and save battery power by simply adjusting these points in the settings. 3. You can close several apps at once: Just by using two or three fingers at once in a sweeping gesture, you can close multiple apps at once! Do try this hidden trick to boost your iPhone user experience. You may also like: Best New Colors For iPhone 4. Use airplane mode to save battery power: You must have been thinking that airplane mode is only supposed to be turned on when you are on a flight, surprise-surprise! That’s not the only time that warrants the turning on of the airplane mode, you can switch it on to save battery power too. Not only will you be able to charge your iPhone faster, but you will also be able to keep the charge on for longer. 5. Cleaning the hard drive improves performance: You need to ensure that at least 2 gigabytes of space is free in the hard drive of your iPhone so that performance is fast. Not allowing any free space on your iPhone reduces its performance. 6. You can teach Siri new words: Yeah for sure, Siri can learn new words such as your name or names of places and events, etc. If she happens to mispronounce a word, you can swiftly correct her at which she will give you several alternative pronunciations. 7. Automatic app updates: It is interesting to know that all iPhones with iOS 7 and above can automatically update all apps that require them automatically depending on availability. However, there is a downside to this too, i.e. it uses up too much battery power. Nevertheless, you can disable updates on your iPhone by going to the Settings menu, then iTunes &App Store then put off the updates which you will find under the “automatic downloads” folder. 8. You can take pictures using the volume up button: Well, I have to admit that most iPhone users are ignorant about the amazing tricks that their phones can perform. Instead of struggling to find the white camera button, just use the volume up button to take pictures. I hope you learned a thing or two from the several amazing iPhone hacks listed above. Do you know of any other shortcuts to getting things done faster and better on the iPhone? If yes, let us know of any such method in the comments section below. This post was written by Shawn Michaels. He loves to travel, hunt, fish, and climb. His website is Read Also: Comparium The Best Cross Browser Web Testing Option Possible Reasons Why Your Employees Aren’t Too Productive and What to Do About It The Benefits of Solar Lighting in a Nutshell