7 Benefits of a Clean and Decluttered Workspace

Published on: 20 December 2018 Last Updated on: 23 June 2021
Decluttered Workspace

They say that cleanliness is next to godliness; however, even someone who does not believe in god will vouch for the tremendous power of living and working in a clean and organized environment. The most important benefit of keeping one’s surroundings clean and free of clutter is that it allows free flow of energy and creates a positive ambiance that has proven psychological benefits. Once we’ve become used to working in a cluttered environment, change can be difficult but it’s not impossible.

7 Benefits of a Clean and Decluttered Workspace

Here are seven reasons why you should care about the cleanliness of not only your own desk but also your immediate surroundings at work and home.

Cleanliness improves efficiency:

Everyone wants to make the best use of their time at work, but a dirty and disorganized workplace enables exactly the opposite. In fact, people subconsciously dread going to an office where they’ll have to spend a significant part of their day plowing through stuff and enduring the unhygienic conditions in the pantries, washrooms and work bays.

A clean and hygienic office space where every nook and corner has been paid attention is a haven for efficient and result-oriented work.

A clean work environment encourages creativity:

You may have experienced this in your personal life. Cluttered and dirty spaces do nothing more than sap one’s energy, stagnates the mind and obstruct the flow of creative thoughts and ideas. This can be particularly detrimental to the growth of a business.

Therefore, maintaining a clean and orderly workspace is essential to encourage and inspire yourself and your colleagues to be creative in everyday tasks.

Cleanliness helps you focus:

A clean desk no doubt enables people to focus on the task at hand; however, a clean office building has an even greater impact on the employees’ ability to concentrate and complete tasks without distractions.

Professional organizers say that knowing where your things are helps keep the mind clear, which in turn makes you more efficient and focussed and also says a lot about your professional caliber. in addition, clean and well-maintained indoor spaces tell your staff that you value their working environment.

A tidy work desk means more room to work:

Clearing your desk of clutter gives you more space to do your work, which in turn improves productivity and helps you achieve your daily goals on time.

While a small office can be cleaned easily by your housekeeping staff, a larger workspace is best cleaned by a professional cleaning service that has the requisite tools and skills to do a thorough cleaning.

Decluttering saves time:

In business time is money, and when you have an organized work area with a place for everything from stapler pins to large files, you save a substantial amount of time every day that you would otherwise spend looking for stuff. Even a few minutes wasted every day by each staff member add up to a significant number.

Do the math and share the figures with your colleagues and subordinates to inspire them to organize their working space.

It acts as a stress-buster:

A messy work desk or office space can cause a lot of stress and at most times you won’t even know that it’s the clutter that’s making your anxious. In fact, experts say that just walking into an unkempt office can make you feel stressed and disinterested in your work.

Research shows that living and working in a clean and clutter-free space has a definite effect on a person’s mood and overall psychological well being.

While some work-related stress is normal, if you feel overstressed especially when sitting at your desk or being inside a messy workplace, think deeply about whether it’s a work situation that’s freaking you out or the place itself.

A clean work area means less sick leaves:

An unclean and untidy workspace can make you sick from all the microorganisms that get to breed on and around your desk. Food crumbs and dust are the main culprits that find a safe haven in your keyboard, behind your desktop and under your desk.

In many offices, cleaning staff are instructed not to move stuff lying on the desks, which means your desk space may not have been cleaned for weeks! If you’ve been falling sick a lot lately but can find no obvious explanation, a cluttered and dirty workspace could be to blame.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Kitchen Cabinets

Different Styles of Kitchen Cabinets

With so many different styles of kitchen cabinets to choose from, it can be hard for a homeowner to narrow down their options. Inevitably, the decision will come down to the individual desires of the homeowner. By taking the time to learn more about the following areas of concern, a homeowner is able to come to a decision far more easily than they would have otherwise: What Color Cabinets Never Go Out of Style? Since kitchen cabinets must be chosen in a way that allows for maximum durability and long-term aesthetic appeal, it is important to know which color cabinets will never go out of style. The experts recommend leaning towards neutral color schemes for this reason. This allows the homeowner to update their kitchen with various accents, as the neutral colors provide a simplistic backdrop. Homeowners who are looking to sell the home will also tend to choose neutral color kitchen cabinets because they give potential buyers the chance to make the necessary changes more easily. Instead of being hemmed into one particular motif, homeowners have the chance to add pop colors throughout the kitchen as well. Rugs and artwork can be swapped in and out at the homeowner’s leisure, making life much easier. Trends come and go but the kitchen cabinets offer a sense of normalcy. Are Wood Cabinets Better Than Laminate? Once it comes time to make a decision, the wood vs laminate battle is sure to be an interesting one, as there are experts who land on both sides of this topic. Each of them come with their own pros and cons. At the end of the day, the homeowner will have a few specific factors to take into consideration. Laminate cabinets are typically chosen by homeowners that are looking for certain reassurances. These cabinets give homeowners the chance to split the difference, giving them a modern, high gloss look that is very easy to maintain. Laminate cabinets come with a plastic coating that allows for a much easier cleaning process. For homeowners who are not looking to put in a sizable amount of time and effort when it comes to keeping their kitchen clean, this is a major bonus. On the other hand, wood cabinets will hold up much better from a durability standpoint. These cabinets are also chosen by homeowners who value a more rustic look. Neither cabinet is necessarily ‘better’ than the other so homeowners must base their decisions on what they value most. What are Veneer Cabinets? Veneer cabinets are not always considered by homeowners who have bought into the old horror stories. Wood veneer cabinets used to be avoided at all costs by the average homeowner because their reputation preceded them. These cabinets were a durability nightmare, as the wood would slowly peel away due to long-term exposure. The wear and tear were too much for them to handle. Now, things have changed significantly. They are similar to laminate cabinets because a manufactured interior level adheres to the thin wood, providing a stable and sturdy final product that functions in the same manner as real wood. These cabinets are more cost-effective than solid wood and are resistant to long-term warping. The easy maintenance appeals to a wide range of homeowners as well. In addition to these benefits, there is a sizable amount of versatility to be enjoyed when it comes to various aspects of the selection process. The homeowner can choose between various types of wood, door styles, finishes, stains, and paints. The process of matching veneer cabinets with specific features has never been simpler. Do Floors Have to Match Countertops?  The answer to this one should be an absolute no-brainer for all parties involved. Of course, the kitchen should be designed in the most cohesive way possible. Starting with the countertops is the best choice that can be made in these instances. The floors and cabinets will be easier to match to the countertops when it is handled this way. Homeowners who attempt to match these items in reverse are sure to struggle. That’s why it is important for homeowners to thoroughly consider the materials and colors that they wish to include in their countertops. This is not a one size fits all proposition, as design and lifestyle preferences need to be taken into account. For best results, think of the kitchen in terms of three different colors. Two dominant colors need to be selected, colors that are able to accent one another. From there, a third color is chosen to serve as a backdrop to the first two selections. Dominant colors are typically simplistic, while the third color is more vibrant. It should add a level of interest to the kitchen without potentially overpowering the dominant colors of the room. What Makes a Kitchen Look Expensive? While the different styles of kitchen cabinets can make a kitchen look more expensive, there are other factors that come into play here. Those who are investing in their kitchen will want to make sure that they do it right and it has never been easier to make a kitchen look like a million dollars. By taking the time to invest in high-quality fixtures and materials, a homeowner is able to create a room that is every bit as elegant as the rest of the home. High-quality materials and fixtures are able to pass the test of time far more easily, keeping the kitchen looking like new for a longer period of time than ever before. Yes, the homeowner may be tempted to choose lesser materials as a means of keeping costs down. This is not advisable in most instances, though. In addition to the unsightly wear and tear that is caused by cheaper materials, the homeowner is also placing themselves at increased risk of having to shell out for costly repairs and replacements. Saving money in the short term is great but these savings tend to come at a far greater long-term cost. Read Also: Small Kitchen Storage Ideas Know About The Type Of Kitchens According To Different Size Installation of Kitchen Cabinets: Best Way to Give Your Home


Best Practices That Extend The Life Of Your Appliances

Replacing your home appliances might not be an appealing endeavor because it carries a hefty price tag. When your appliance has been experiencing frequent breakdowns, you know that unit replacement is the only option you have. There are factors that determine the longevity of your units such as the brand, type, and age. Home appliances can serve you for many decades. However, the manner you are using your home appliances can either shorten or lengthen their lifespan. Your air conditioner, for instance, needs regular servicing. An AC repair technician should inspect your unit to find out if there are underlying problems that can cause the unit to breakdown. As for other home appliances, giving them TLC should be the best practice to follow. Even simple practices can definitely make a huge difference in extending the lifespan of your appliances. Clean and unplug your appliances: The simple and yet most frequently forgotten practices are cleaning and unplugging your appliances when not in use. It is important for your appliances to be as clean as possible because dust, stains, and grease can negatively impact your appliances. Whether it is a food processor, oven, fridge or air conditioner, all of them needs regular cleaning. When you are finished using an appliance, do not forget to clean it right away. Cleaning your home appliances might have already slipped your mind but it is an important practice that can keep your appliances in tip top shape. Keep your washing machine at a matching level: All appliances have moving parts which are the ones that wear out first. Even your washing machine has these moving parts and they need to be well taken care of so they stay fully functional. Your washing machine can only get longer lifespan if you consider keeping it level. Check the surface of your washing machine using a spirit level. Be sure to adjust the legs so you can keep them at a matching level to prevent fewer breakdowns and to maximize the performance of your washing machine. Your washing machine's internal motor and drum will thank you for it. Avoid putting firm items your food processor: Your food processor allows you to blend ingredients and speed up food preparation. However, your food processor's lifespan can be shortened if you use it for cutting hard ingredients like nuts or coffee beans. These ingredients might blend but they can have a negative impact on the food processor's blades. Avoid blending them whole. You should cut them into smaller pieces before you put these ingredients in your food processor. Your food processor will continue to serve you if you use it the way it is intended. pre-wash dishes before Placing them in the dishwasher: You can save time when you use your dishwasher for washing dirty dishes. However, if you directly put your dishes in the dishwasher without pre-washing them, this practice can do serious damage to your appliance. Dishes with sticky food items need to be prewashed as the dishwasher might not be able to wash them off completely. Not only will you reduce wear but also ensure that your dishes are free from grease or oil. Scheduled maintenance: Regardless of your home appliance, maintenance is sure to prevent untimely repairs or replacement. While home appliances are expected to last for a decade or even more in some cases, your appliances will stop functioning as they should if you do not consider scheduling regular maintenance. The purpose of maintenance is to ensure that minor problems are properly addressed before they become severe. Problems with your appliances that are not immediately addressed can be the reason for considering replacement earlier than you expected. While DIY maintenance can save you money, there is no guarantee that you have thoroughly inspected all aspects of your home appliance. You still need to consider calling a professional to do the job. They have the tools, knowledge, and expertise to ensure that your appliances will be in working condition. You do not have to buy new appliances if you know how to take good care of the existing ones. By following these practices, you can be sure that your home appliances will make your life easier even in many years to come. Read Also: How Can Appliance Repair Services Help You Smart House Technology For Saving Energy 5 Easy Ways To Detect A Water Leak In Your Home 7 Smart Tips To Improve The Efficiency Of Your Refrigerator

Best Indoor Plants For The Dining Room

3 Best Indoor Plants For The Dining Room

Everyone has had that moment after moving into a new home. The work is done, the rooms are looking great, and the house has your touch on it, but there’s something wrong. The dining room. Why is it always the dining room?! When it comes to home décor, the dining room is one of the hardest spaces to get right. You can have beautiful dining room sets, gorgeous silverware, and a lovely table spread. But even if you have all of that, it can still feel like it’s missing something. This is mostly due to the fact that it has to be simple – as is its nature – but it has to simultaneously draw people in and ensure that it is a room that is actually used. If your dining room is not working, therefore, it can be very hard to know what to do about it. You don’t want to do a full-scale renovation, but similarly, you don’t want to leave it as the one room that doesn’t really work in the house. But don’t worry, because all is not lost. The answer is actually very simple, and it comes in one of the most popular home decor themes of 2022: nature. Instilling a sense of the outdoors into a room can do a lot to change the tone and atmosphere without the need for a massive redesign. It can also make the room – especially the dining room – feel more light, airy, and warm, getting rid of the coldness that a traditional dining room can sometimes have. With this in mind, what are the best indoor plants to get in your dining room, and what can they do to fundamentally change the feel of the room itself? Below, we’ve compiled three of our absolute favorites: Golden Pothos We might as well start big. The pothos is one of the most popular plants in 2023, mostly due to its ability to flow out from its bed and almost overtake the world around it. A perfect addition, then, to fundamentally change the look and feel of a dining room. We would recommend placing this one on any cabinets or shelves in the room, as it does have the tendency to completely dominate a table – you don’t want to be rifling through plant life when trying to find the salt shaker! Succulents You’ll find these cute little plants on a number of “top ten indoor plants” lists online, but they are most in their element when placed in the dining room – especially if your dining room has a lot of natural light. As plants, they’re almost quite neutral in color and shape, but in a brightly lit room, they really stand out and complement the atmosphere of the room itself. This then leads them to radiate a feeling of sophistication, tranquillity, and luxury on top of the atmosphere you have already created. Monstera Not all dining rooms have bright light, however. In fact, the problem with your dining room might be that it has low light, which means succulents won’t exactly work to elevate the space in the way that they are meant to. The best way to subvert a dark space, however, is with the monstera plant. These fit in well with darker colors, helping to instill a bold, tropical feel to the room, which will subsequently brighten up the space without the need for additional lighting. It also works well on its own, which means you can simply invest in attaining and sustaining this plant by itself. No hassle. No abundance of nature. Just a single plant and a completely changed room! Read Also: 10 Best Aesthetic Big Leaf Plants To Buy In 2022 5 Reasons Why You Absolutely Must Have Houseplants In Your Life 9 Awesome Plants – The Door To Welcome Prosperity & Healthy Life