What Items Are Most Commonly Stolen During Break-Ins?


09 November 2021

Home Improvement


The prospect of someone breaking into your home is terrifying. In the best-case scenario, you and your family will be out of the house at the time, and the only at-risk things will be your possessions. This is no small violation, however, considering elements ranging from something’s price to its sentimental value. Here is a list of the items most commonly stolen during a break-in that will have you on the lookout for the best home security systems on the market today.

1. Cash


This one is probably a no-brainer. Chances are that if someone is searching your household and belongings during a break-in the most lucrative thing for them to take is cash. Keeping wallets and purses out on the open, on counters, or somewhere easily visible once someone enters the house, is inadvisable. Though if you’re not home, it would be hard to keep them from finding them in closets or other closed areas. Try to keep cash wherever you think it is safest and most concealed in the house.

2. Prescription Drugs

It should come as no surprise that in the current economic climate in the United States, people are having greater difficulty obtaining their medications, whether it is due to the inflated cost of copays, insurance dropping their prescription coverage, or losing their health care altogether.

This creates two dangerous scenarios. One, it makes people desperate enough to contemplate committing robbery. And two, it makes prescription drugs more attractive items to career robbers who can sell them on the black market. While it is always wise to keep your prescription medications out of the reach of children, be aware that they may not be out of the reach of robbers.

3. Jewelry


It’s a tale as old as time… precious jewelry being stolen and sold for either a fraction of the price or for a massively inflated price. No matter the destiny of the piece after it enters the hands of the robber, the reality is that jewelry is uniquely vulnerable to robbery due to its assumed high market value. Even if your jewelry isn’t expensive, chances are that you have some family heirlooms that hold precious sentimental value, and your heart would be broken if they were vulnerable to robbery.

4. Car Keys

Car Keys

What could be more lucrative than stealing and reselling a car, or bringing it to a chop shop to sell parts? The key, no pun intended, to a car heist is in your home. Car keys are one of the most highly-sought items by thieves because it allows them to gain access to your vehicle without making a lot of loud noise and damage, which benefits them both in terms of the potential to sell it and to avoid being caught.

Other commonly stolen items include electronics, fine art, important documents, computers, and firearms. While these are not the only items that are attractive to thieves during break-ins, they offer the biggest monetary value to their takers, and chances are, the biggest financial and/or emotional loss for you and your family. By investing in a reliable home security system, you can avoid a crisis like this and keep your items, and family, safe.

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LED Strip Lights

Here Are A few Of The Benefits Of The LED Strip Lights

LED Strip Lights provide a lot of benefits over the more traditional luminaries, like halogen, incandescent, and fluorescent. A few of such lights are intrinsic to the LED-technology in general, as the extended life expectancy, while the others are unique to the LED Strips, like flexibility. This post will outline a few of the benefits provided by these new generation strip lights available at https://www.lepro.com/. Color: The LED lights are capable of recreating a much broader range of colors than the customary types of lighting, making them particularly suitable for the effects of light installations. As well as the standard cool white and warm white, which are utilized for ambiance, the LED lights can also make a broad spectrum of the customary colors. Less Electricity: Like all the LED-technology, these LED Strip lightings make use of considerably less electricity in operation. The typical meter strip of the LED lights will make use of approximately 7.2 watts in power, which can really work out to about ninety percent more efficient than the other lighting types. It can really make these lights incredibly reasonably priced to run and permits the users to experiment with the much larger installations without the fright of running up excessive electricity bills. Flexible: The customary luminaries really tend to be housed inside the glass enclosures, which are inflexible and fragile. On the contrary, the LED lights on the strip lights are mounted to the flexible ribbon of the circuit board, which can really be bent around ninety-degree corners and be created to really fit the surfaces with the changing gradient. Life Expectancy: The LED lights have a life expectancy that can far exceed that of the customary luminaries. A typical Strip Light will last you up to seventy thousand hours. Less Heat:   Incandescent and halogen light bulbs are infamous for becoming extremely hot during utilization. The LED Strips (https://www.lepro.com/led-strip-lights) while conversely generate comparatively less heat, making them much safer to make use of and less of a fire hazard. Discrete: Such lights are usually contemplated as a linear lighting source because of their extremely long and thin design. It really permits them to be fitted in the locations that the majority of other types of lighting cannot. Under the alcoves, kitchen cabinets, bookcases, shelves, you name it, these LED strip lights can really do it! Cutting: The LED Strip Lights are one of those types of lighting available that can easily be cut. They feature cutting points all along the length, which can be utilized for shortening or separating strips. The non-solder connections can be utilized for simple re-connection, or you can also ask the retailer to do the job for you. Simple Installation: The mounting strip lights are astonishingly simple and need extremely little know-how. The majority of strips have a three M of self-adhesive backing, which permits them to be stuck down onto the surface without the requirement for brackets or mounts. Even if they do not have such backing, installing them is still quite simple and far less annoying than the installation of the fluorescent tube, for instance. Diverse manufacturers can provide even more variables and also the custom options in these lightings, so discuss the needs with the signage or LED lighting specialist for deciding exactly which product will really suit the best. Read Also: The Benefits of Solar Lighting in a Nutshell A Rundown of the Basic Led Lighting


What You Need To Know About Ceiling Textures And Drywall Options

Drywalls are those construction materials that are used to create walls and ceilings of your home. Not all that but, drywalls also come in handy if you want to create design features like eaves, arches, or any mind-blowing architecrequireigns!!! Do you know the best part about drywalls? These are super easy to install, highly durable, and only require simple repairs when damaged. So drywall is a flat component composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate, typically extruded between thick sheets of facer and backer paper, used to construct interior walls and ceilings. Through this article, I’ll be talking about the ceiling textures and the drywall options you can choose for your home!!! The Ceiling Textures And Your Drywall Options Decorating your home can be a real challenge for many!!! And choosing the right drywall finish or texture can prove to be a hard nut to crack. And it’s very natural to get at a state of indecision if you are handpicking it for your new home or renovation project. There are so many options that it feels like you are “searching for a pearl in an ocean.” Making up your mind about whether or not to go for texturing your ceiling can be a tough job. And even if you choose to texture your ceilings, there are chances you’ll be confused about which one to go for!!!! And remember, getting the drywall right is the first step of tiling projects?”. But No Need To Worry!! This article will guide you to choose the perfect texture and drywall option for your ceilings to look elegant more than ever!! 1. Sheetrock Texture: Old Is Gold Sheetrock ceiling texture is a drywall ceiling texture that has been famous since 1917. The reason this drywall texture is so awesomely renowned is because of the artistic look that it gives to your ceiling And the best part, you don’t need to use and sort of spray paint in this case. You can achieve this texture by using your artistic hand technique and without using any special brushes. This texture is perfect for any room. There are no restrictions of use for this ceiling texture. 2. Stipple Brush Texture: A Test of Your Skill This texture is not as easy as it seems. You need skills for this texture to be created. In order to create this texture, you need a roller and slap brush. The fascinating fact about this texture is it can cover the bumps and holes on your ceiling. And if you have the skills, then this texture can surely make your ceiling look gorgeous than ever!! 3. Swirl Texture: Creativity Taken To A New Level In order to achieve this texture, you need either a roller or sprayer. You can also do this by using a technique called “the basic swirl” method. But one thing that you need to keep in mind is while creating this texture, you’ll need a lot of patience to get the best result. And the difficult part is you need to create the pattern before the mud dries. So make sure to have a helping hand by your side. Overall, the texture can really give that awesome look on your ceilings if you do it in the right way!!! 4. Orange Peel Texture: A Color of Choice The name suggests all, the color of orange skin, but sometimes it’s also called “an eggshell” ceiling texture. If you really love this color, then this can be on the top of your favorite lists. In order to create this texture, you need to apply thin mud to the ceiling using a spray gun set at very high pressure. The more artistic mind you have, the artistic look it has got!!!! 5. Smooth Textures: Choice of Many If you are someone who wants the best at a cheap cost, then this texture is just the right choice for you. Moreover, you don’t need to have much skills to create this texture design. The look of this texture is just mind-blowing, and if you are someone who likes things to be consistently gorgeous, then this is the texture you can have for your ceiling. This texture is effortless to remove and is also perfectly suited for any room. 6. Tree Bark Texture: Beauty of Nature If you are someone who loves nature and wants to bring the reflection of nature inside your home, then this textured style is just the option you can have. This ceiling has the look of a tree. You can create this texture just by using a heavy roller. The texture might look simple, but it’s very artistic and can surely catch the eyes of many. If you have a farmhouse, then this texture will double the beauty!!!!! 7. Slap Brush Texture: Slap The Beauty Out Artistic, gorgeous, beautiful, and elegant are the nicknames you can give to this texture. A complete package of beauty!!!! To get this texture, you’ll be needing a brush with very stiff bristles and thin mud. Firstly, you have to cover your ceiling with mud using a roller, then take the brush and slap the ceiling from the edge. This can be a hard nut to crack because if you don’t get it right on the first shot, the whole ceiling might end up looking messy. 8. Popcorn Texture: Cottage Cheese This texture, also known as the “cottage cheese” or “acoustic” ceiling texture, is probably one of the most famous ceiling textures ever!!! If you look closely, you’ll see it’s kind of a look-alike of “popcorn.” That’s why it’s called “popcorn texture.” In order to achieve the correct texture, you need to use a sprayer to apply to your ceiling. This contains Styrofoam with mud which gives that puffy effect. But it will require you to have a lot of skill to achieve this effect. That’s because the “popcorn texture” is both challenging to apply and remove. I hope this article will help you to know about the needs of ceiling textures and drywall options. And now I believe you’ll be able to get yourself the perfect texture for your ceilings. Read Also: Here’s How to Turn Your Garage into a Bedroom on a Budget! Turn your attic into a living space

Pros And Cons Of Mini Splits For Cooling

Pros And Cons Of Mini Splits For Cooling

Today, the technology has so evolved that we are now talking about mini splits. If you do not know what mini splits are, then you are in luck as we will be discussing this innovation in this article. Our focus shall be on the pros and cons of using it. For those who may wish to know more about the history of ACs, you can read this article. What Are Mini Splits? Mini-splits are the ductless evolution of air-conditioners. They are called "splits" because they are designed into two different parts, an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. These two split the traditional cooling process of window units into two. What the outdoor unit comprises of are condenser coil, compressor and fan and while the indoor unit consists of a fan and an evaporator coil. These two units are linked by electrical wiring and a thin copper tubing to carry the refrigerant. For the system to work, the compressor located in the outdoor unit pushes the refrigerant through the copper tube to the indoor unit. Here, the cold copper tube exchanges the heat in the indoor space with cooler air which the fan blows into the space. Through this exchange, the refrigerant heats up and changes to a gaseous state and is then cycled back to the outdoor unit where it is cooled back to a liquid form. This cooling process takes place as the coil in the outdoor unit removes the heat absorbed from the indoor unit. Having been cooled, the compressor pushes it back inside and the cycle repeats over and over again. The Pros And Cons Of Mini-Splits Having described how these ACs work, we want to look at some pros and cons associated with their use. Like most things in life, regardless of how good they may be, it’s almost impossible not to have a few cons. Let’s start by looking at some of the Pros Pros There are obviously a lot of positives to using mini-splits for cooling your space. Some of the more common ones include the following: Ease Of Installation The design of this system makes its installation pretty easy. All you need is a small hole through which to pass the wiring and refrigerant tube. You then need to mount the indoor unit where you need it to be and do same with the outdoor unit. This is something that air conditioning services can send a single technician to install with ease, unlike the central cooling type that will require a lot of work and ducts. Quiet Operation Another benefit that you can enjoy with these ACs is their quiet operation. With the compressor and main fan located outdoors, its operational noise is drastically reduced. All you will hear indoors is the soft humming of the indoor fan spinning as it circulates the cooled air. Effective And Precise Cooling With the positioning of these mini splits, their cooling function is precise which is why it is usually positioned in strategic positions across the space. This allows different sections of a space to be cooled effectively. Energy Efficiency The power consumption of these units is far lower than what traditional HVAC units will consume. The savings you make from this can in the long run offset the initial high installation cost, giving you a great ROI. Health Benefits Every indoor unit has a filter installed. This filters the air, making it cleaner than it was. In addition to this, modern units come with ionization function that removes bacteria from the air, making it purer and healthier. Cons Now that we’ve looked at the benefits that these ACs offer, let’s also look at some of the cons that may come with their use. These include: Installation Cost The first con that you may come across is the initial installation cost. Unlike central systems, you will need to install these mini units in every space where you need the air cooled. The cost can add up, but like we noted above, the savings you will make from energy savings can make up for this initial cost over time. Aesthetic Value While these units are not necessarily unsightly, they have to be mounted where they are visible unlike the central variations that can be more discrete. There are however different designs that are marketed to make up for this. In fact, some have a frontal space where artwork can be mounted, making it look like a piece of artwork rather than an indoor cooling unit. Conclusion We’ve taken some time to explain what mini splits are and how they operate. We’ve also looked at some of the pros and cons that they offer. With this information, you can now decide if this is something you will love to install in your home or office space. Read Also : Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO 4 Points To Consider When Creating A Great Content Marketing Strategy Today How To Deal With Debt By Doing Business Marketing Smartly?