Home Maintenance Plans And Cleaning Tips During Covid-19

Published on: 17 April 2020 Last Updated on: 29 June 2020
Cleaning Tips

The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak rages on as many fall victim to the deadly virus. Everyone started with the assumption that it is something benign that will soon be over, but no one speculated that the virus could evolve into something so catastrophic. Entire countries beat down by the virus are now practicing strict precautionary measures and complying with the imposition of a house quarantine. The damage can’t be reverted, but everyone is playing their part to minimize it and save as many lives as possible. As unfortunate as the condition is, it is onto us to play an active role and do the needful to ensure our safety.

Local authorities and governments have published and requested people to observe a set of rules to minimize spreading the virus when out of the house. Exercising these measures have helped people take a step towards securing themself from a host of the COVID-19. However, it isn’t sufficient as we can do a lot more to raise the bar and tighten the grip to avoid catching this virus. Staying indoor at all times doesn’t mean that we are not susceptible to this virus as it can survive on surfaces, especially metals, from where others can get it. What we should be doing to guarantee our safety is to go to extensive lengths and adopt extraordinary hygiene practices. Not just of ourselves, but the surroundings where we are living should also be in exemplary states. If you feel that you have ever been half-hearted in cleaning up your house, now might be a good time to make up for it and show some diligence.

Practicing personal hygiene includes all the necessary steps like bathing regularly, washing hands after short intervals, and maintaining distances. People can do this even if they don’t have a quarantine handbook to follow, but exterminating the traces of this virus from your house can be a challenge. There are many ways that you can do this, but there are certain subtleties that you need to practice while at it to do it right. It may sound easy, but it heightens the risk of contracting the virus. That is why you need to be extra careful and make sure that you are prioritizing your health and safety while doing this. With that noted, here are some maintenance and cleaning tips that you should follow to build your defenses against this virus.

Here are home maintenance plans and cleaning tips during COVID-19

1. Secure The Entrance

In a normal situation, this would mean placing a security guard on your front door to keep anyone from intruding. However, under these circumstances, the objective remains the same, but you need to use inanimate objects to secure the parameter. Like many other counties, people in Australia have started covering up windows with solid window shutters to avoid anything floating in from there. You can find some high-quality window shutters in Sydney to help you do this.

The next step would be to cover the basement, since it is an area likely to have an opening from outside, like a water inlet. If you find anything like that, keep it sealed unless you have no other option but to use it. Besides this, look for openings and cracks in your flooring or ceilings, and try to patch them up, even if it is temporary. Follow these to ensure that whatever is outside, stay outside.

2. Cleaning Layers

Cleaning Layers

Don’t panic and start applying the disinfectant everywhere. It is neither the best effective nor the right way to go about the situation. If you see dirt on a surface, use some water and soap to clean it first, and then use the disinfectant. Don’t forget to target the areas that are most frequently touched by everyone. These include doorknobs, staircase railings, switches, remote controls, desks, toys, electronic devices, and similar other stuff. Be thorough. One thing that the quarantine has granted us is time, so don’t rush with your cleaning.

3. Cleaning The Cleaners

What’s dirtier than the surface that you are cleaning are the tools that you are using to do it. Wash sponges and wiping clothes after using them to clean a surface so that you don’t pass on the germs of one place to another. Don’t miss out on the internal surface of your vacuum cleaner. After removing the dirtbag, apply a disinfectant and wait for it to dry off before placing the dirtbag back in. Don’t use your bare hands to pull out the dirtbag. Try putting on some gloves to avoid catching anything from it. And between all this, don’t forget to clean your gloves when moving on to another task. Take them off, wash them, and don’t forget to wash your hands at the end of it all. That should suffice.

4. Get It Off From Your Clothes

If the virus can survive on surfaces, then it can survive on your clothes as well. Wash things that are used regularly, like undergarments, towels, and linens between 40 and 60 degrees Celsius. Try and use a bleach-based detergent or a bioproduct to ensure that the clothes get rid of anything that can spread. Handle the dirty laundry with care and maintain minimal contact with it. Don’t touch them unless you have to. Once done, let your washing machine run empty for a while to get everything out of the system. And in case if you don’t have a washing machine, then don’t think of doing your laundry inside the house. You will risk spreading the virus. It’s better to take it outside and bring it back in once done.


These were some primary maintenance and cleaning tips that you should follow to disinfect your house. Try to start early and do it daily to minimize the risks. In case you feel unwell, don’t act tough, and distance yourself from all these tasks. Try to stay isolated until whatever you were experiencing subsides. If your condition doesn’t improve, reach out to the relevant health care services immediately to get yourself checked. Practice strict personal hygiene and don’t neglect minor symptoms if they aren’t going away. The best way to survive this is by exercising caution, so don’t slack off on it.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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house painting

5 Interior House Painting Tips

Owning a house which you can modify according to your personal desire, is always something permanent and something incredibly profound. A home with well-painted walls and beams should tell the story of who you are and what you love. New paint with vibrant colors can change your mood, and make your home your favorite place to live in. Interior house painting can be a very intimidating and challenging task if you decide to take it upon yourself. You have two options, to either do it by yourself or hire a professional painting company to look over the project. If you opt with the first choice, these tips and techniques will help you to paint your own home, according to your likings, within a very friendly budget. When you want to paint your Boynton Beach home, be sure to give Gustafson Painting a call. The following steps are a guide on how to paint a house to meet your expectations: 1. Self Choosing Colors: The critical step, to begin with, is to choose a color which you like. Or at least you should have a good idea of what color combination suits your home, i.e. which colors you would like to paint to your rooms and which colors to paint washrooms, kitchen, etc. Select the color palettes and plan out which color combination gives your rooms the vibrant energy. Every color has its functions, e.g. Blue, green and purple are all relaxing colors. Moreover, other deep and shocking colors such as red, pink and yellow can be used in rooms which are mostly in use during the day, giving your rooms a lively, gaudy look. 2. Gathering Tools and Equipment: After this, you have to pick all the tools and equipment which are needed for painting the house; which includes sanding and scraping tools, wire brush, respirator, paint rollers, plastic sheets to cover the carpets and your valuable stuff, work gloves, drop cloth, ladder and scotch tape. This will ensure you are ready and won't have to leave your task in between, to search for something. 3. Repairing Damaged Parts: Once you have organized everything, the next step is to remove any dirt and dust buildups from the walls by using a pressure washer. After this, you can apply epoxy filler to cracks and fractures by using a putty knife. Allow it to let it dry. Once this is done, fill the gap around windows, doors, and ceilings to ensure a better coat of paint. When this is dried up, then feel the wall with your hand to ensure if there are any uneven spots left behind. Then, apply the primer to prepare the walls for paint when all damaged parts are repaired. 4. Brush the Walls: Before painting the walls with a roller, you should brush the walls. To brush the walls, mean to paint the corner of walls, ceilings, and trims. You can choose from paintbrushes which come in many shapes and sizes. The traditional method to paint the walls through brush is by the use of metal cans, which can be very difficult for you to carry along with the brush and can result in poor results. But nowadays, there are proper paint pails which will make the whole task a lot easier for you. 5. Ready to Paint Ahead! Finally, you are ready to paint with the rollers. But wait, before this you should mix a primer with paint to give a fresh and everlasting look. If you paint without using a primer, then the paint would peel off. For this, you have to scrap all the paint away, clean the surface before applying the first coat and after that, apply the second coat of your own choice. This is one way when you do not use a primer. But if you are using a primer with paint, then it will not cause any problem even if the first coat is not applied. And the most important order of painting as suggested by the experts of house painters in San Diego is that you should paint the trim first, then ceilings, and then walls. It will provide better adhesion throughout and will enhance the ability of the topcoat. Another pro tip is that don’t forget to open the windows and doors of your house during painting, as it provides better ventilation and the paint dries off quickly and efficiently. At the end of the painting, do the cleanup. Wash all the brushes and other stuff which you have used in the process. At last, give your house a final touch by placing all of the favorite furniture in place, to give your dream house a new look! With these interior house painting tips from the most experienced of the San Diego painting company, you will get pro results for your residence! Read Also: Find The Right Painters For Your Ann Arbor Home This Painting Season 5 Factors To Consider In Choosing The Right Floor Colors Roofing Painting Contractor Leads: Four Questions To Ask Before Hiring One


Best Practices That Extend The Life Of Your Appliances

Replacing your home appliances might not be an appealing endeavor because it carries a hefty price tag. When your appliance has been experiencing frequent breakdowns, you know that unit replacement is the only option you have. There are factors that determine the longevity of your units such as the brand, type, and age. Home appliances can serve you for many decades. However, the manner you are using your home appliances can either shorten or lengthen their lifespan. Your air conditioner, for instance, needs regular servicing. An AC repair technician should inspect your unit to find out if there are underlying problems that can cause the unit to breakdown. As for other home appliances, giving them TLC should be the best practice to follow. Even simple practices can definitely make a huge difference in extending the lifespan of your appliances. Clean and unplug your appliances: The simple and yet most frequently forgotten practices are cleaning and unplugging your appliances when not in use. It is important for your appliances to be as clean as possible because dust, stains, and grease can negatively impact your appliances. Whether it is a food processor, oven, fridge or air conditioner, all of them needs regular cleaning. When you are finished using an appliance, do not forget to clean it right away. Cleaning your home appliances might have already slipped your mind but it is an important practice that can keep your appliances in tip top shape. Keep your washing machine at a matching level: All appliances have moving parts which are the ones that wear out first. Even your washing machine has these moving parts and they need to be well taken care of so they stay fully functional. Your washing machine can only get longer lifespan if you consider keeping it level. Check the surface of your washing machine using a spirit level. Be sure to adjust the legs so you can keep them at a matching level to prevent fewer breakdowns and to maximize the performance of your washing machine. Your washing machine's internal motor and drum will thank you for it. Avoid putting firm items your food processor: Your food processor allows you to blend ingredients and speed up food preparation. However, your food processor's lifespan can be shortened if you use it for cutting hard ingredients like nuts or coffee beans. These ingredients might blend but they can have a negative impact on the food processor's blades. Avoid blending them whole. You should cut them into smaller pieces before you put these ingredients in your food processor. Your food processor will continue to serve you if you use it the way it is intended. pre-wash dishes before Placing them in the dishwasher: You can save time when you use your dishwasher for washing dirty dishes. However, if you directly put your dishes in the dishwasher without pre-washing them, this practice can do serious damage to your appliance. Dishes with sticky food items need to be prewashed as the dishwasher might not be able to wash them off completely. Not only will you reduce wear but also ensure that your dishes are free from grease or oil. Scheduled maintenance: Regardless of your home appliance, maintenance is sure to prevent untimely repairs or replacement. While home appliances are expected to last for a decade or even more in some cases, your appliances will stop functioning as they should if you do not consider scheduling regular maintenance. The purpose of maintenance is to ensure that minor problems are properly addressed before they become severe. Problems with your appliances that are not immediately addressed can be the reason for considering replacement earlier than you expected. While DIY maintenance can save you money, there is no guarantee that you have thoroughly inspected all aspects of your home appliance. You still need to consider calling a professional to do the job. They have the tools, knowledge, and expertise to ensure that your appliances will be in working condition. You do not have to buy new appliances if you know how to take good care of the existing ones. By following these practices, you can be sure that your home appliances will make your life easier even in many years to come. Read Also: How Can Appliance Repair Services Help You Smart House Technology For Saving Energy 5 Easy Ways To Detect A Water Leak In Your Home 7 Smart Tips To Improve The Efficiency Of Your Refrigerator

house cleaning services

Vancouver House Cleaning Services with Local Home Cleaners Near You

Cleaning the house is not mainly a fun thing to do. Sure, some people enjoy it, while others want to get over it as soon as possible by house cleaning services. But what happens when you don't have time to clean? Your obligations sometimes won't allow it. You can try so hard to find the time, but things just go out of hand. Not to worry because cleaning services exist in the world to make your life much easier. Moreover, you don’t necessarily have to hire house cleaning services just to clean your home. They also do commercial cleaning for offices and different buildings, community centers, daycares, etc. Therefore, if you don’t have the time to clean everything up yourself, you should definitely hire house cleaning services. Your office building probably has janitors to keep everything spotless and clean. Or, if by some chance you own the office building, then it’s a good thing to have a scheduled house cleaning service taking care of the hygiene. It’s good for productivity and raising morale. Walking into your freshly-clean office every day will definitely motivate you to work harder. The same goes for your employees as well. Here are some of the reasons why you should definitely consider hiring a cleaning service. Reasons Why You Should Hire House Cleaning Services: Professionalism and efficiency A business that offers a cleaning service will provide a team of experts to make sure that everything is thoroughly cleaned. After all, they are professionals, and they know more about hygiene and cleanliness than anyone else. Also, they are quite efficient at what they do. Their organizational skills of house cleaning in Denver are impeccable, and they will finish the work more quickly. This doesn’t mean that they just want to get it over with. It means that they are experienced in the matter and will clean everything up at a faster rate than you. In addition, make sure to hire house cleaning services that are closer to your home or your office building. Surely, you have several options online to go through. All you need to do is go through several websites until you decide to contact one for further information. Click here to know more. Make sure that the website is reliable and not a scam. Usually, those that are scams are quite noticeable because they are filled with ads. Be sure to avoid them. Or, on the other hand, you can ask for recommendations from people that have used this type of service before. The right tools and products Once the professionals arrive for the cleaning process, they will not come empty-handed. They carry with them all the essential tools and sanitizing products to do a thorough job. You might not have them all in your home. Why run back and forth to the store constantly? In fact, you can even learn some tricks and tips from them while they clean the place. Hiring this type of service is the perfect solution to your problem. If you are satisfied with their service, you can always hire them again. Moreover, they won’t just clean everything up, they will also organize it. As mentioned above, they have impeccable organizational skills that any home or business owner can benefit from. It will be a nice feeling once you enter the house to find that everything is spotless and well-organized. Let them take that burden off of your shoulders. You work hard as it is. They will make sure that you are satisfied with the outcome. After all, if the customer is happy, then this positively affects the reputation of the cleaning business. So, don’t waste any more time and pick up the phone to make a deal. Check out Go Cleaning Genie, among others, to find out more information. Better air quality The air in your home can be affected by many things. If you have dust lying around everywhere, then the air quality will definitely be affected. A lot of bacteria come from dirt and filth, and you'll be inhaling it constantly. What happens if someone from your household has allergies? They won’t be comfortable living in a filthy area where they’ll have trouble breathing. A cleaning service will make sure that all the dust is dusted from the shelves or any other surface that has it. No more sneezing and coughing. Sometimes, a cleaning service can help you discover a problem with mold in your home. If you have mold growing, then this also ruins the air quality. The spores from the mold are dangerous to inhale as well. They can cause additional breathing problems. Make sure to act fast if you are facing this kind of issue. Better health conditions Living in filth will not benefit anyone. In fact, you can also develop allergies and infections. Cleaning professionals will make sure that doesn’t happen. A clean environment positively affects the body and mind. If you are struggling with keeping everything neat and spotless, then it is best to turn to professionals instead. They will take care of everything while you handle other chores and obligations. Moreover, lots of diseases can spread through dust and dirt. The same rule applies to your office building as well. If the place is not adequately maintained, then a lot of your employees can get sick. This can really put a strain on the whole business. Therefore, make sure to call a reliable house cleaning services and leave the rest to them. Read Also: We Buy Houses Companies Saving Homeowners From Foreclosure Hosted Mail Service That Runs on the Cloud