How to Handle the Move-Out Cleaning

Move Out Cleaning

Changing home is a stressful and demanding endeavor itself, you have to think about so many things – packing, organizing transport, and of course, cleaning. You need to clean your new place unless someone was kind enough to do it for you, but still, a second-round might come useful.

And of course, you need to clean your old home and leave it in decent condition for the new tenants.  Otherwise, you may not get your deposit back. In case you are selling your own place, it is also an important criterion which will make your former home much more attractive to the potential buyers.

Unless you hire professional help, cleaning your old place is definitely not going to be easy, but there are a few things that can make the experience a bit less stressful and burdensome as recommended by move out cleaning professionals.

Start from the Top

A common mistake many of us make while cleaning is to start from the floors, as they usually do represent the biggest item on the list. However, if you start from the floors, and then move up to walls, corners, and surfaces, guess what – you will have to clean the floors all over again.

So, be wiser than that and start this excruciating business from the top. This will save you a lot of time and energy. Also, when talking about directions, always start the cleaning from the back, that is from a wall towards the door, so you don’t end up stuck in one small uncleaned place, like on an island, having to cross all the wiped space to go back, and potentially soil it all over. It sounds funny, but this has certainly already happened to some of you, and you will definitely want to avoid it this time.

Change the Approach

When cleaning, everyone mostly likes to do the job room by room. However, this usually takes way more time than actually cleaning segment by segment, which is task by task. For instance, if you are wiping floors, it is better to do it in the whole house while you are at it, instead of moving to a different segment in the same room. This approach is much more efficient so take it into consideration once you start you moving out clean up.

Have Everything at Hand

In situations where time is really precious and you don’t have the liberty to take too long because a lot of other things are waiting, good organization is everything. You will definitely need different cleaning chemicals such as glass cleaners, disinfectants, baking soda, vinegar, and others, as well as cleaning equipment like cloths, vacuum cleaners, brooms, dustpans, brushes, and others.

The first important step is not to pack any of these along with the rest of your stuff. The second is to actually know where they are and to organize them as much as possible so you don’t have to lose too much time searching for them. As professional home cleaners at Maid Easy say that good organizational skills can shorten the time it takes to clean the whole house significantly.

“Dry” Cleaning First

Make sure you first do the “dry” cleaning such as swiping, dusting, and vacuuming to remove all the dust and other dirt in that way. If you apply wet cloth or a brush, you will just make bog, rather than clean something. The best option is to dust all the corners and surfaces first, swipe any bigger mess, and then finally vacuum to give it the final touch. After this, you may proceed with “wet” cleaning activities.

Once you are done with the old place, you can apply all these tips to your new home. Even if the previous tenants or owners have cleaned it, you will probably want to make sure it is spotless. Of course, if repeating the same process all over again is just too much for you, you can always ask the professionals for help, at least for one of these cleaning actions.

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Kitchen Cabinets

Different Styles of Kitchen Cabinets

With so many different styles of kitchen cabinets to choose from, it can be hard for a homeowner to narrow down their options. Inevitably, the decision will come down to the individual desires of the homeowner. By taking the time to learn more about the following areas of concern, a homeowner is able to come to a decision far more easily than they would have otherwise: What Color Cabinets Never Go Out of Style? Since kitchen cabinets must be chosen in a way that allows for maximum durability and long-term aesthetic appeal, it is important to know which color cabinets will never go out of style. The experts recommend leaning towards neutral color schemes for this reason. This allows the homeowner to update their kitchen with various accents, as the neutral colors provide a simplistic backdrop. Homeowners who are looking to sell the home will also tend to choose neutral color kitchen cabinets because they give potential buyers the chance to make the necessary changes more easily. Instead of being hemmed into one particular motif, homeowners have the chance to add pop colors throughout the kitchen as well. Rugs and artwork can be swapped in and out at the homeowner’s leisure, making life much easier. Trends come and go but the kitchen cabinets offer a sense of normalcy. Are Wood Cabinets Better Than Laminate? Once it comes time to make a decision, the wood vs laminate battle is sure to be an interesting one, as there are experts who land on both sides of this topic. Each of them come with their own pros and cons. At the end of the day, the homeowner will have a few specific factors to take into consideration. Laminate cabinets are typically chosen by homeowners that are looking for certain reassurances. These cabinets give homeowners the chance to split the difference, giving them a modern, high gloss look that is very easy to maintain. Laminate cabinets come with a plastic coating that allows for a much easier cleaning process. For homeowners who are not looking to put in a sizable amount of time and effort when it comes to keeping their kitchen clean, this is a major bonus. On the other hand, wood cabinets will hold up much better from a durability standpoint. These cabinets are also chosen by homeowners who value a more rustic look. Neither cabinet is necessarily ‘better’ than the other so homeowners must base their decisions on what they value most. What are Veneer Cabinets? Veneer cabinets are not always considered by homeowners who have bought into the old horror stories. Wood veneer cabinets used to be avoided at all costs by the average homeowner because their reputation preceded them. These cabinets were a durability nightmare, as the wood would slowly peel away due to long-term exposure. The wear and tear were too much for them to handle. Now, things have changed significantly. They are similar to laminate cabinets because a manufactured interior level adheres to the thin wood, providing a stable and sturdy final product that functions in the same manner as real wood. These cabinets are more cost-effective than solid wood and are resistant to long-term warping. The easy maintenance appeals to a wide range of homeowners as well. In addition to these benefits, there is a sizable amount of versatility to be enjoyed when it comes to various aspects of the selection process. The homeowner can choose between various types of wood, door styles, finishes, stains, and paints. The process of matching veneer cabinets with specific features has never been simpler. Do Floors Have to Match Countertops?  The answer to this one should be an absolute no-brainer for all parties involved. Of course, the kitchen should be designed in the most cohesive way possible. Starting with the countertops is the best choice that can be made in these instances. The floors and cabinets will be easier to match to the countertops when it is handled this way. Homeowners who attempt to match these items in reverse are sure to struggle. That’s why it is important for homeowners to thoroughly consider the materials and colors that they wish to include in their countertops. This is not a one size fits all proposition, as design and lifestyle preferences need to be taken into account. For best results, think of the kitchen in terms of three different colors. Two dominant colors need to be selected, colors that are able to accent one another. From there, a third color is chosen to serve as a backdrop to the first two selections. Dominant colors are typically simplistic, while the third color is more vibrant. It should add a level of interest to the kitchen without potentially overpowering the dominant colors of the room. What Makes a Kitchen Look Expensive? While the different styles of kitchen cabinets can make a kitchen look more expensive, there are other factors that come into play here. Those who are investing in their kitchen will want to make sure that they do it right and it has never been easier to make a kitchen look like a million dollars. By taking the time to invest in high-quality fixtures and materials, a homeowner is able to create a room that is every bit as elegant as the rest of the home. High-quality materials and fixtures are able to pass the test of time far more easily, keeping the kitchen looking like new for a longer period of time than ever before. Yes, the homeowner may be tempted to choose lesser materials as a means of keeping costs down. This is not advisable in most instances, though. In addition to the unsightly wear and tear that is caused by cheaper materials, the homeowner is also placing themselves at increased risk of having to shell out for costly repairs and replacements. Saving money in the short term is great but these savings tend to come at a far greater long-term cost. Read Also: Small Kitchen Storage Ideas Know About The Type Of Kitchens According To Different Size Installation of Kitchen Cabinets: Best Way to Give Your Home

Cleaning Your Home

Cleaning Your Home with Pets – The Most Common Problems

For most of us, pets are a part of the family, we love them, talk to them and generally pamper them. However, they don’t always return the favor by behaving as we would want them to – after all, they are animals and different species, so some of their habits and instincts may clash with our ideas. Professional maids and cleaners from That’s Clean Maids share some of the most common issues that pet owners come across and how to deal with them in terms of cleaning your home. Hairs, Hairs Everywhere Probably one of the biggest concerns for people who live with pets are hairs; no matter how long your pets’ hair is, they will shed, and you will need to clean it out of your carpets and furniture. This can become even more problematic if a member of the family develops an allergy to animal hair. One way to ensure a reduced amount of hair needs to be cleaned out of your furniture is to groom your pet regularly. The frequency of grooming can depend on the species and breed of your pet, as well as the season and other factors. One thing is certain, though – with proper grooming, your pet will shed less on your carpet and furniture, making cleaning so much easier. Air Quality Concerns Another related issue is the air quality in your home. There are numerous things that can affect the quality of air in your home, and pet hair and pet dander are a part of it. Animals, just like humans shed skin cells and hair, and it is not much you can do about it. What you can do, however, is change your cleaning routines and habits to counteract the problem of pet dander and hair. Once again, this issue is not a big problem for most people, but particularly cleanliness-oriented people, as well as those with allergies, may be interested in this one. Keeping your pets away from areas where you sleep is a good start, but you should also make sure to vacuum the house regularly, as well as keep the air conditioning unit in good condition. That means cleaning the vents and changing the air filter as often as the manufacturer recommends. Ensure Your Pets Don’t Bring In Dirt If you have a dog, you need to walk them regularly, and that means going out. Cats can be strictly indoor animals, or they can have access to the great outdoors. With both dogs and outdoor cats, there’s one thing you should be wary of – dirt they can bring in on their paws. Dirt is seldom just dirt, it can also be full of pathogens that you would rather not have in your home. When it comes to dogs, the issue can be quite simple – wipe their paws with a wet wipe (one suitable for pets, of course), and you are good unless they rolled around in the mud or something. On the other hand, cats are much more independent and come and go as they please. Still, you can put a little disinfecting tray in front of the cat flap (once again, make sure that the solution is not harmful to your pet). Scratches on the Floor and Furniture Cats need to scratch things as a part of their instinct. If you don’t provide a scratching post, chances are that your furniture will suffer for it. Similarly, dogs whose claws are not trimmed can do quite a lot of damage to your hardwood floors. In order to mitigate those problems, keep your pets’ claws trimmed, and give your cat plenty of things to scratch. Read Also: Top Home Cleaning Tips Home Maintenance Plans And Cleaning Tips During Covid-19 How Cleaning Helps Us Feel Better and Why We Don’t Do It

log cabin construction

Timber! 8 Facts About Log Cabin Construction You Should Know

Thought log cabins were a thing of the past? Think again. Today, log cabin construction has become a chic, upscale way to build a modern home with a unique look. In fact, some people have even built high-rise buildings that pull design elements from cabin construction. Log cabins have a solid place in modern architecture. They meld old-fashioned traditions that endure for a reason with popular modern elements like environmentally-friendly designs. Wondering what else you don't know about log cabins? Keep reading to learn more fascinating cabin facts! 1. You Can Calculate Exactly How Many Logs You'll Need How many logs does it take to build a log cabin? Turns out it's all a matter of simple math. For example, by determining the height of each wall, then the height of each individual log, you can calculate how many logs you'll use per wall. From there, it's simple to add up the number of walls in a room to get the total. Of course, other design aspects like the addition of doors or window can make things more complicated. When there's an opening in the wall, it will get flanked by shorter logs, which can increase the total number of logs used. If the roof is built of logs, that will also change the numbers. While you'll want to leave it to the professionals when it comes to deciding how many logs to order, it can still be fun to try your hand at calculating the number of logs in a cabin. 2. You Can Build from a Kit: Did you know that you can order a log cabin kit for a major DIY moment? With a log cabin kit, you don't have to be a pro to have a rustic cabin of your own. Most companies also offer plenty of customer service support, so you'll know where to turn if you run into problems along the way. It also doesn't take a lot of extra tools to work from a kit. Most people can get the job done with just a few basics (think drills and hammers). Since this is a more rustic form of the building, it appeals to many environmentally-savvy consumers. You're not bringing in heavy machinery to pollute the area and disrupt local wildlife. 3. Log Homes Stay Warm: Having trouble keeping warm in the winter? A log cabin just might hold the answer. Wood naturally keeps heat in -- that's why wood furniture tends to feel relatively warm, even if the rest of the room is cold. Many modern building materials, from concrete to sheetrock, get cold fast. This lowers the overall temperature of your home fast. With walls made of solid wood, your home actually soaks up and stores heat, dispersing it into the home over time. This helps your home stay warmer, while you save on heating costs. 4. Moisture Matters: When you're building a log home, one of the keys to success is keeping your logs completely dry. You can actually choose to buy logs with different levels of moisture content. The lower the moisture, the better, because you won't have to worry about what happens when the logs shrink and settle over time. You'll also need to take care to keep your home as dry as possible after it's complete. This can mean installing different design elements (read more here) to keep water away from the walls. Sturdy log cabins often include an overhanging roof or protective landscaping elements. You'll also need to take care to keep other sources of water, like an automated sprinkler, away from the log walls. 5. Log Homes Last a Long Time: There's a reason many historic log cabins from 100 or more years ago remain to this day. This is one of the most durable ways to build a home that will remain sturdy for years to come. Although American architecture doesn't date back so far, you can find homes and churches made of logs in Europe that have stood strong for many hundreds of years. This natural building material offers the perfect balance of strength and flexibility to withstand all kinds of threats. 6. Log Cabins Work Best in Shade: In addition to keeping your cabin away from moisture, you'll want to build it so it's shaded from the sun as much as possible. Sun won't destroy a log home, but it will mean you'll need to re-finish the logs more often to make them last. If you can build in a shady area that's guarded against moisture, your log cabin will require virtually no maintenance at all. 7. Log Homes Save Energy: In log cabin construction, it's super-important that you seal up the spaces between the logs carefully. But as long as that's done properly, you'll have an incredibly energy-efficient home to enjoy. Spaces, where energy can escape, include the connection between individual logs, the space between the foundation and the lower logs, and space between the walls and roof. But when those spaces get sealed, your home will be significantly more energy-efficient than most. The solid wood walls offer great insulation, so keeping your home warm or cool becomes far easier than with other materials. 8. Air-Dried Logs Work Best: Drier is generally better no matter what, but if you have a choice between air-dried and kiln-dried, opt for the first choice. Logs that get air-dried for the proper amount of time have already adjusted to the outdoor environment where they'll be placed. This reduces settling even more because the moisture content of an air-dried log isn't likely to change much further. Kiln-dried logs tend to absorb more moisture when they first get placed outside. Then, as they lose that moisture over time, they'll settle, creating a need for more home maintenance. Will You Try Log Cabin Construction at Home? Whether you build it yourself or hire the professionals, log cabin construction can give you a durable, unique, cozy home that you'll love. These tips will help you plan ahead for the best possible cabin construction. Once you build a log cabin, it's time to decorate the inside! For a rustic look that matches perfectly, try these cork board ideas. Read Also: Best Ways To Maintain A Shower Cabin Why Kiln Dried Wood Is Better For Furniture