5 Perfect Ways to Create Size Illusion in Room with Home Accessories

Published on: 09 July 2016 Last Updated on: 17 June 2021
Home Accessories

In modern times, when people are flocking towards cities, the demand for homes has increased like anything. Builders have perfectly met this demand, but with some tricks. The sizes of the homes have gone smaller. Just look at the room sizes of rooms in the cities like Mumbai; these are really very small.

Small room size doesn’t mean that it has to really look small. Every problem comes with a solution, and the expert interior designers and creative people have found the solution to this problem as well. There are so many tips and tricks to create an illusion of larger room sizes.

5 Perfect Ways to Create Size Illusion in Room with Home Accessories

You just need some specific home furnishing accessories suitable as per Indian homes, right paint colors, and furniture to make your small bedroom look large.

1. Mirrors are the ultimate solution to create an illusion

Wall mirror

By adding some mirrors to the bare wall in the bedroom, you can make it look bigger. If you want to create depth or height, you can buy an angled mirror. When talking about mirrors in the bedroom, most people find the solution in the mirrored closet doors. But this is not the right trick for every bedroom. If you want to create an illusion of a wider space, you should place the mirror near the window.

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2. Smaller lamps

When buying lighting fixtures or lamps for the bedroom you should not rely only on the single source that hangs in the middle of the ceiling. Instead, you can use a combination of different smaller lamps to draw attention to the room. The best way for this is to place the lamps on the bedside table.

Read also: A Rundown of the Basic Led Lighting

3. Carefully decide the height and color of the curtains

Curtains make in important home decoration and furnishing item. The best way to use curtains that are a few inches above the floor. Drapes that run all the way to the floor disturb the flow of the room and make it look more congested. For the best effect, you can also tie them with designer curtain tiebacks.

Further, the color of the curtains also makes an impact on the size of the room. You should buy light-colored curtains. If nothing matches your style, it is better to avoid using curtains.

4. Simple Carpets

Today’s homeowners love to buy patterned carpets due to their beautiful designs and themes. But for small rooms, you should avoid rugs or carpets with heavy patterns. If you don’t want completely plain carpets for your living room or bedroom, you can look for the ones with vertical stripes. These help you create an illusion of a longer room.

Though carpets make the room look beautiful, there is no compulsion of using them. Sometimes these can make the room look more cluttered. Instead, you can try for solid continuous flooring to make the room look bigger.

5. Try something bold to divert the attention

Most people suggest bright colors for small spaces, but sometimes the opposite can work wonders. Experiment with some accessories in bold and loud colors to divert the attention from the space to other things. You can either use some different colored furniture or just small cushions in bold and big prints. These are just a few tips to make your small bedroom look larger. Above all the tips, you need to keep your room clutter-free and organized.


No matter how much you spend on online shopping of home accessories, these are useless until your room is clean. So use the tips, opt for the right color coordination, experiment with different home accessories and you are ready to surprise the guests by creating an illusion of a bigger room.

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Portable Generators

Portable Generators: 5 Ways To Keep Them Clean and Running

Before purchasing your portable generator, there are two essential things you should always consider; it’s versatility and handiness. This will significantly help in cases of breakdown. How? Once you’re sure of your portable generator power and versatility, then it becomes more comfortable for you to identify it’s spare parts availability. If you want your portable generator to last longer, then you’ll have to follow the number one rule of owning a portable generator strictly. Bonus: Maintenance. Proper maintenance will ensure your portable generator works efficiently. Outlined below are five tips for maintaining your portable generator for efficiency. 1. Fresh Oil Helps Changing the oil of your machine regularly replacing it with a fresh one will maintain your engine for efficacy. If your generator is new, then it needs to be synchronised exactly after 30 hours of use. This sounds demanding and tiresome but, you’re never going to regret it. Don’t worry because as time goes by, changing the oil of your small engine will only be done after every 100 hours of use, or even after every season. It is always important to have a stock of oil or gas set aside in case you run out of power. The fact is that you’ll never know when you’re going to have extended power outages. This is to prevent your engine from corrosion. 2. Plugs & Filters Ensure that your generator has a way of igniting gas into the engine cylinders otherwise, your generator will have no use. However, maintaining your generator will have you change your plug and air filter occasionally. You can do this after using it for 200 hours or maybe once at the start of each season. Having done that successfully, your generator will have a proper fuel-air mixture that will help your generator work efficiently thus, an extension of lifespan. 3. Store Your Generator on an Empty Tank This implies that if you ’re planning to store your generator for longer, maybe a month or so. But, before you do that, ensure that you drain the fuel from the tank. However, there are necessary steps you’ll need to follow before emptying your generator’s fuel tank. First, you’ll have to add a quality gas stabilizer to the fuel tank and allow it to run for about 15 minutes. Once you’ve done that, allow your engine to cool down, then start your engine and run it until it runs out of gas and automatically shuts down. On the other hand, you may use a siphon that’s non-conductive to remove excess gas in the tank. Remember, the siphon should be non-conductive to prevent the fuel tank from static electricity. 4. Charge the Battery You can charge your generator only if it has a battery because not all of the generators use a battery. Some of the generators are electric starts feature so; they will need to charge before storing them. You can as well plug your generator’s battery in a trickle charger for freshness and availability. 5. Train in the Off-Season As you continue to store your generator, you are advised to always start it after every month allowing it to run for some few minutes. This will help keep your generator’s features lubricated because oil will be circulating through the engine. Wrap Up Had problems before maintaining your portable generator? Worry not because the above tips have provided solutions to your questions. Read More: 7 Specifications You Should Look for When Buying a Home Generator Generator Secrets that manufacturer won’t tell you Advantages of Using a Portable Solar Generator

How To Clean Up Blood Stains

Know This: Tips On How To Clean Up Blood Stains on Workplace Accidents

Comply with OSHA Standards : Employers are required to comply with OSHA guidelines and specifically to the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard. Employers must also create Exposure Control Plans. This is the case for any workplaces where employees are in contact directly with blood or other infectious body fluids while on the job. Employees and workers that work in financial institutions and banks do not perform jobs where they have reason to believe they will come in contact with blood. In the event of an accident, these workers must know how to handle cleaning up blood properly. Workers must learn how to use precautions and treat any blood or bodily fluids as if they are contaminated. They must treat them as though they have pathogens or are infected with HBV or HIV. Hepatitis B vaccines should be made available within 10 days of exposure on the job to pathogens. As an employer, you have an obligation to follow the guidelines set forth by OSHA regarding biohazard waste. To be a good citizen, you must comply with all government regulations and make the health and safety of others your priority. What You Need to Clean Minor Spills : Before starting the process of cleaning up blood, be sure you have: Protective equipment for all personnel A registered disinfectant with the ability to clean broad-spectrum pathogens Biohazard bags and labels Brush and dustpan Forceps and tongs Leak-proof sharps containers Disinfectant wipes To clean a blood spill from a surface: Equip Yourself Properly : Use gloves, masks, gowns, and eyewear to protect yourself from splashes. Make sure that your protective gear fits comfortably and has no holes in it. You do not want pathogens to come into contact with your body. Remove : With your brush and dustpan or your forceps and tongs, remove any shards of broken glass from the area. You want to avoid ripping your protective clothing. Put each piece in the leak-proof sharps container. Do not remove them by hand once they are inside. First Cleaning : Use cloth towels to cover the blood spill and let them absorb as much as possible. The disinfectant will not work if blood is on the surface. Once covered and cleaned toss the towels in a bag designed for biohazards. Second Cleaning : Go on to the second cleaning only after the room has been properly ventilated. Pour the disinfectant on the surface and let it stay there for 10 minutes. Then, scrub from the outside to the center using cloth towels. Toss these towels in the biohazard bag after doing the second cleaning. Third Cleaning : Use more towels and disinfectant on the surface. Put these in a biohazard bag when you are through. Leave the surface to dry. Disposal : Dispose of any protective gear and equipment the same way you did the towels. Put them in a biohazard bag. Seal it and place into a second container. Be sure to label the container clearly and call the local health department for instructions on how to dispose of things correctly.  Decontaminate : After doing this, use the registered disinfectant to decontaminate any brooms, buckets, dustpans or other items you can use again. Scrub the tools thoroughly and then rinse with water. Check : Do a final check to make sure no area of your body has been contaminated. Make sure no blood has splashed on your feet or on your shirt. Wash Your Hands : Wash hands thoroughly with water and disinfectant soap.  Disinfectant wipes can also be used if you are not near a sink. Report Incident : This is crucial. Fill out the incident report clearly as soon as the cleanup is complete. File it as instructed, and be sure It is important that you and your employees know how to clean up the blood in your workplace. Get help if you need it from a blood cleanup company. Keep your workers healthy and safe with the instructions in this guide.


Is Living in a Loft All It Is Cracked Up to Be?

There are one thing movies and TVs all agree on – lofts are cool. If there is a loft in a TV show or a movie, you can bet it will be chic and stylish, furnished in the latest fashion, exuding both the minimalism of the upper class and the industrial design of the hipster movement. Generally speaking, a loft can also be the small attic apartment directly under the roof of the building, but we will keep to the first definition of the loft. We asked real estate pros from Neuman & Neuman to tell us what advantages and disadvantages you may expect if you opt to live in a loft. 1. High Ceilings As mentioned before, we will focus on the apartments on the top floor which have a lot of free space in which you can adapt to your liking, usually including the attic. That means that the height of the ceilings will be considerably higher than in other apartments, even in that same building. Naturally, what you do with all that extra vertical space is up to you, some people enjoy having a completely open plan and admire the height of the ceiling, whereas other construct landings and floors within the apartment, creating smaller separate units with or without physical walls. 2. A Lot of Natural Light Being on the top floor of a building comes with some perks, and having access to a lot more natural light than others is one of them. In cases when a building or the loft itself is adapted from a different purpose into a living unit, ceiling windows may exist already, or you may install them to give yourself that coveted sunlight. In other cases, ceiling windows may not be an option, due to the building itself, but with the vertical dimension of your home a lot bigger than a regular apartment, you may have a lot more room for regular wall windows which a door interior designer will know how to incorporate in your home’s design. 3. An Amazing View Finally, living on the top floor of a building means that your view of the surroundings promises to be spectacular. If you are fortunate enough to have a terrace or a balcony – all the better. If not, I’m sure that the view from your many large windows is just as spectacular as ever. The view factor is particularly appealing in revitalized buildings in the city centers, like in San Diego’s Little Italy district, or Brooklyn in New York – which makes the prices of these loft properties go up in recent times, especially since they’re becoming more popular with the younger population. 4. Disadvantages of Lofts Even though lofts look amazing and have a lot of advantages, there are some drawbacks as well. One of the biggest potential problems is that lofts tend to be, at least partly, repurposed old buildings. That means that they were not built for living and that the insulation is not great. And having so many large windows isn't exactly helping, either. This can potentially increase your heating and air conditioning bills. However, if you spend some money on adaptation and adding insulation, you can increase your home’s energy efficiency considerably. Another problem may be the echo and the noise, especially if you opt for a completely open plan. The cavernous nature of lofts means that the sound will reverberate and there's not much you can do about it. Having drapes and cushioned furniture may reduce this problem, but this is one thing you will have to learn to live with if you go for buying or renting a loft. Read Also: How Long Does Vinyl Flooring Last? 5 Factors to Consider in Choosing the Right Floor Colors 7 Unexpected Ways to Use Glass and Wood for your Home 7 Expert Hacks for Downsizing to a Smaller Apartment 10 Points to Remember if you are Building a Residential House