CRM and ERP Combination for Business Solutions

Published on: 04 June 2019 Last Updated on: 15 October 2019

A major component of running a business successfully -any business- is being able to have all your information integrated. At MCA Connect we have the ability to intertwine both your CRM and ERP needs seamlessly.

Every business has 2 sides. You have the customer base side and you have your employee sides. Both of these sides are vital to your business success and both sides have unique needs. It is crucial for business owners to understand the needs of both sides. The owners can work with technology experts on how best to combine those two, ensuring that all needs are being met.

Let’s take a look at each aspect and how it affects your business:

ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, is a vital component of your business’ operations. To run ERP successfully you will need to implement this software within your company. ERP software will help manage sales and marketing, human resources, accounting, manufacturing, order management, and distribution.

Using ERP software effectively will help your company with product and purchase planning, manufacturing and delivery planning, inventory management, shipping and payment, supply chain management, accounting, marketing and sales, and customer relationship management. An ERP system can be comprised of a single suite of software or multiple software applications that can be integrated with each other.

CRM stands for Customer Relations Management. This type of software is used to assist the customer-based side of your business. This software will help your business to keep track of customers and their purchasing patterns, identify business opportunities and new sales leads, streamline the sales process and reduce paperwork, automate the marketing process, manage social media, and facilitate support for current customers. You can purchase different software to handle all of these applications, but there are some all-inclusive software options available.

So how do both of these functions work together?

Both ERP and CRM systems will help your sales force automation and marketing automation. There is where the overlap ends. If you are using an ERP system that you like, then you can just integrate a CRM system.

If your business is growing or you just need to revamp your current system, then it is recommended that you upgrade your ERP. Once you have your updated system in place, you can add in CRM components to best fit your company’s needs.

Using a combination of both ERP and CRM systems will streamline your business and be a positive change for your company. By using both technology systems, you are integrating both sides of your business. A good combination system will allow you to be up to date with your manufacturers and suppliers and to have up to the minute info on orders and deliveries. Your company will also be able to accurately and quickly answer questions from customers and manage their needs.  And everyone in your company will be using the same technology and will have access to all up to date information.

This combined CRM and ERP technology will assist your company seamlessly and help it to continue to grow and be successful.

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Corporate World

How to Stand Out in the Competitive Corporate World

Building a portfolio in today’s competitive corporate environment is a tough challenge for professionals. After all, you need to stand out from the crowd in order to land your dream job. So the question is, how do you make sure you set yourself apart from your competitors in the industry? Staying Ahead of Your Competitors in the Corporate World: Everyone has their own competitors to live out with. Whether you’re a doctor, artist, musician, or a business owner, you will come to a point where you need to stand out and draw your market’s attention. Moreover, the corporate world is like the complex rollercoaster ride, where you can skip your job or play some other trick, to reach to a level much higher than your previous one. Therefore, you need some effective strategies to stay ahead of your competitors in this world where change is a constant thing. The following are some tips you can use in order to develop a more competitive edge from your corporate competition. Also remember that no trick is the short cut, talent, wit, and hard work is going to pay you for the long run: Develop your strengths to better skills to become your best self. Do not stop acquiring skills and practice whatever you learn so you can turn them into qualifications. You can opt to take a masters in business administration online if you don’t have the time to go to a traditional university. With the right skills set, you can get your dream job in the company you want to work long term.   Focus on your personal branding. One of the most important factors in an individual’s professional portfolio is a personal brand. If you have strong branding, it’s easier to showcase your potential to employers and companies.   You can blog, join podcasts, attend conferences, and accept speaking engagements to get your brand out there. Creating a trend is not so hard these days. Create your own story, own character, and own trademark, and you already be considered as a brand.   For example, McDonalds’ clown is the mascot of the brand, therefore the brand is not only famous physically but digitally too. The character’s humble and funny habits have portrayed the brand as a good and humble brand. Now we know why we think of McDonald's, whenever we feel like having burgers!   Research on the areas your competitors lack and work on them. What do you think is your edge from your competitors? What are the potential deficiencies that made you stand out from them? Work on those areas and take over the competition in the corporate world.   Provide insights whenever you can. The secret to a successful corporate life is sharing your knowledge and expertise. This will boost your personal brand while increasing your connections. One of the best way to let know of your professional caliber to your community is via Linkedin.   Linkedin not only gives you recognition in your professional field but also finds you great opportunities to enhance your lifestyle. Whether it’s in the office or on conferences, build rapport with people to improve your reputation. Professionals, business owners, and organizations need to look for continuous improvement in order to remain relevant in their industries. If you work with talented people and continue learning, it’s easier to stand out and conquer your corporate goals. Don’t just be hardworking and intelligent; know how to take on challenges and turn them into opportunities. Remember, it’s a dog eats dog world out there -  equipping yourself with the right mindset and skills is important. Read Also: A Beginner’s Guide In Using MT4 On A Mac 3 Ways To Boost Employee Engagement In Your Business New Technology In Business: 4 Inventions In 2019 That Are Changing The Game


Top User Tips For Getting Started With Salesforce

Salesforce is one of the leading tools for custom retention by streamlining how your organization conducts its business. It allows you access to centralized customer data and enables personalized communications. You can also use it for tracking customer interactions and reviving inactive clients. To effectively use the various functionalities, salesforce employs multiple tools within the software. It can take you some time to master and deploy all these functions effectively. That would mean a waste of resources and losing revenue for the business. 4 User Tips To Getting Started With SalesForce For every organization and the company to apply the sales force, they are going to need some special skills as the goal is different along with the products. But the fundamental strategy of salesforce is remaining the same. In 2021 many new Ai-based techniques will be invented, and if you want to match up with your target, you have to use the following four tips. Here are four of the tips to get you started with salesforce; 1. Plan Ahead  Every organization has unique data needs, and the salesforce can be customized to meet these needs. Before you can find the ideal tools for your business, you first have to understand your specific needs. Look into the type of products you deal in and the nature of clients.  For example, if you run a contact center, you need to include various aspects like the average talk time, issues for calling, and resolutions. For an eCommerce site, you might need information on abandoned carts and purchased items. Slow down the pace and take the tools slowly as you determine the impact on business processes. You can only expect results if you feed the right data on the system. 2. Invest In Resources To Get The Most Out Of The Salesforce  While the salesforce is robust software with multiple functionalities, it is not a standalone tool. You still need other resources like human resources or other software to make it work perfectly.  For example, the customization data from the salesforce is not important if you cannot use it when addressing the clients. You still need software like TinyLetter to help you place the specific names on emails and landing pages for personalization.  Train the staff on how to get the most out of the salesforce. Let them interact with the platform as they master the multiple resources it comes with.  3. Look For A Consultant  The other way to make salesforce work for you is by looking for a consultant or an external contractor. The consultant has the expertise on how best to use the platform depending on your business needs. They have interacted with various businesses and have since mastered what works best for every entity.  A consultant also helps you with an external view when setting up the system. Using only the internal can be biased and lead to defective data. You are also better off working with a consultant from the area where the prospective clients come from.  For example, look for salesforce consulting companies in Pennsylvania if you are targeting clients around the locality. They have the demographics, and specific customer needs you can use on the platform when generating data.  4. Optimize Your Implementation  Once you have set everything up, you need to get the best out of the salesforce by optimizing the implementation. Look for ways to automate key business processes(because you are already acquainted with its importance), win more deals, and improve lead conversion by ensuring consistent speed-to-lead formula. The more you use the platform, the better you get at understanding its limits and how best you can gain from it.  Automatic implementations and chatbot customer care both are pretty effective for the salesforce. However, more often, the customers are starting to lose their interest in the products as the companies are taking too much time to answer the product queries. But automatic systems and chatbots do not let you lose your single customer due to late responses. Conclusion: The automatic business process to the new generation's smart business planning, everything belongs in the strategy to match up your sales goals and salesforce. These four tips successfully build a good sales force for your organization. All you have to do is just plan out your strategy and incorporate the salesforce-related business planning. Within a few months, you will start to see the differences. Read Also: Why an Automated Sales CRM Platform is What Your Business Needs Avoiding Sales And Operations Planning Mistakes

Green Card Application

7 Common Green Card Application Mistakes You Need To Avoid Making

According to a report, more than one million people apply for a green card every year in the USA. However, amongst such a massive number, only 45% of them get accepted on the first try. The others, however, get delayed or canceled within the first month of the application.  Why? Well, according to a green card lawyer, the most common issue that causes such mishaps is making mistakes during the application procedure. In this article, we have explained a few of them and offered some insights on them as well. Keep reading to find out more about this aspect.  Green Card Mistakes That You Must Avoid  Making a mistake while enlisting a document in your green card is pretty common, especially if you’re doing it alone. Hence, if you are not too savvy regarding the subject, we’ll ask you to consult a green card lawyer prior to the application. Anyways, let’s get back to our topic and learn about the mistakes that you need to avoid.  Mistake - 1: Missing A Document In Your Application  Filling up a green card form is pretty tricky. In this aspect, you cannot fill out a single document and submit the same to the USA government. Instead, you have to write around eight to twelve forms at once and include various supportive papers alongside them. If you fail to provide even a single document, your application might get delayed or canceled.  Potential Loss Of Money: USD 500  Possible Loss Of Time: 6-24 months  Mistake - 2: Not Signing The Form  Creating an ideal documentation form will not be enough for your purpose. Besides, you will need to sign each and every one of them as well. Also, you will have to make sure that the person, who’s applying for the green card, is performing this task. Once you are done with it, be sure to double-check everything again to ensure that the application looks fine.  Potential Loss Of Money: USD 50-100  Possible Loss Of Time: 6 months  Mistake - 3: Missing Out On Deadlines  While you’re making a green card application, you will have to deal with multiple deadlines altogether. If you end up missing out even on a single one amongst them, the whole formal request for the documentation will get denied entirely. To avoid this, you can try to mark the important dates on your calendar or set up an alarm for them.  Potential Loss Of Time: 6 months Potential Repercussion: Denied or canceled application  Mistake - 4: Giving False Information Giving out false information accidentally is yet another mistake that almost everyone submitting a green card application makes. While it may seem not of importance to you, the US government will consider it as a “lie.” As a result, they will either deny your request to get a green card or ban you from the country for a lifetime. Potential Loss Of Time: 6-12 months Potential Repercussion: Denied or canceled application/Lifetime ban from the USA  Mistake - 5: Not Getting The Help Of A Lawyer  As mentioned before, filling out a green card application properly is a complex procedure. Hence, if you’re considering trying to do it alone, you might end up messing everything. It, in turn, may cost you a lot of money or, in the worst-case scenario, get banned from the country. Due to this reason, we’ll ask you to collaborate with a Green Card Lawyer to ensure that everything’s going in the right place.  Potential Loss Of Time: 6 months Mistake - 6: Making An Incorrect Payment  While handling too many documents at once, many of us tend to forget or make an incorrect payment. For example, while submitting an application for a green card, you’ll have to spend at least USD 1,000 on the US government. Nonetheless, if you attach a cheque of USD 100 to USD 300, then your request will get denied instantly.  Potential Loss Of Time: 6-12 months Potential Repercussion: Denied or canceled application Mistake - 7: Not Sending Document Translation  While working on a green card application, you’ll have to submit quite a few supporting documents. Amongst them, you should provide your birthdate, driver’s licenses, marriage certificates, bank accounts, passports, etc. However, if you don’t live in an English-speaking country, you have to translate everything from top to bottom. If you don’t send the same, your application will get delayed until you send the right ones.  Potential Loss Of Time: 6 months The Bottom Line  Making mistakes is pretty common while filling up a green card application. Therefore, if you don’t want your application to get delayed or canceled, make sure to be careful while working on this matter. If you're going to play it safe, you can also hire a Green Card Lawyer.  Read Also: What Are the Important Parts of a Free Business Credit Report? Credit Card Fraud the Holiday Season: Things to Consider for Next Year