CRMDialer: A Zoho Alternative

Published on: 30 July 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
grow your business

A CRM is a necessary tool to grow your business. A great customer relations management tool will use technology to assist a company or business in managing its current customers and handling it’s potential customers, too. A strong CRM takes current relationships, and interactions and looks at how to develop, improve and retain those customers.

There are many CRM solutions on the market today. Some prove to be difficult to learn and implement into your business practice. Others have gaps in fulfilling the needs of your business goals. CRM Dialer proves to be a cutting-edge power dialer CRM platform. CRM Dialer is a substantial Zoho Alternative in the power dial CRM marketplace. It empowers small to mid-sized businesses, closing gaps and encouraging sales and supporting other enterprise needs.

1. Help-Desk :

Customer service is the core of every successful business. This is why CRM Dialer built their help-desk directly into their platform allowing you to see and track customer tickets as they are generated. This allows you to monitor the help ticket progress and ensuring that they’re resolved quickly and efficiently, ending with happy, repeat customers. CRM Dialer has help-desk capabilities as a priority in their platform, so your business can make customer service your priority.

Zoho offers Zoho Desk which is a help-desk application that integrates with Zoho CRM. This application utilizes the use of tickets and a knowledge base in order to better serve customers while resolving help desk issues.

2. Real-Time Visitor Tracking :

CRM Dialer allows you to see in real-time what customers are looking at on your site, and what they’re clicking on. This allows your contact with them to be timely, and impactful to aid in closing the deal. It’s included in the platform, no need to log in to an additional database or website to see the visitor’s information history. It’s accessible on the platform and happening at that moment.

Zoho offers access to data within their dynamic reports & dashboards. Zoho utilizes an Opportunity Tracking tool that allows you to see the customer in the sales cycle, what the deal’s size is, and if there has been any contact history.

3. Team Chat :

CRM Dialer has made it easier for the team to collaborate, chat, and communicate effectively. The team chat feature has been built-in so that information can be shared quickly and team collaboration can take place. This built-in feature allows for groups to be made for specific topics or projects, to allow the communication to flow easily in several species or designated teams/groups.

To chat with the team in Zoho, you will need to integrate Zoho Projects into your platform, allowing team collaboration on each project.

4. Email Validation :

Email validation is crucial in customer bounce rate. Having an authentic way to reach out to these customers is a worthwhile and profitable feature for a platform to offer. This is why CRM Dialer built an email validation feature directly into the platform. They offer three ways to perform an email validation: the Lead Email field, the Lead Importer, which allows you to do bulk email validation and validating within Quick Email pop-ups. This feature is refreshing considering most other CRM solutions require a third-party app to be integrated into.

5. Pricing :

CRM Dialer offers two pricing levels. The first is free. Yes, Free. Their first level of pricing offers Forever Free For two activated users. This is perfect for the salesperson who wants to test drive the all-in-one CRM platform and upgrade as his or her business needs to grow. This level does remain free for the two activated users until they decide to move up. The next pricing level offered will be quoted out based on each company’s individual user needs. This is a great feature because, really, no two businesses needs are exactly alike. This pricing strategy allows you to get just what you need.

With Zoho, pricing is offered with several levels of different service features. They include the Standard, Express, Premium, and Enterprise levels, each with their own bundle of features. The prices range from $20.00 to $125.00. The most popular service is their Premium version being offered at $85.00 a month. Interesting to note, these are monthly prices, but they are billed annually with the addition of tax. Zoho does offer a free 10-day trial to test out the platform.

CRM Dialer is a revolutionary CRM power dialer platform. It is a great alternative to other CRM platforms. The designers behind it integrated several key features that work for you to improve your business relations. These features had been stand-alone integrations up until this point. CRM Dialer offers an excellent, improved solution for the small to midsize business. With this in mind, CRM Dialer is a powerful tool for managing both current and potential customers in a business.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Online Business

Weighs in On Building an Online Business: 7 Steps to Success

Building an online business is always challenging, particularly if it's your first business venture. Competition for customers is high in almost every marketplace, so you need to find ways to stay ahead of your competitors. Planning and preparation are crucial for long-term success When it comes to online entrepreneurship, the CEO of, Joel Devidal enjoys sharing his passion and knowledge for his career with others. He serves as an advisor and board member to companies, helping them create bright futures through decisions around strategy, marketing, and development. His intuition and experience help these organizations eliminate excessive operational costs while still delivering quality to the end users. Here are seven steps detailed by Mr. Devidal for building a successful online business. Find a Gap in the Market: Look for a niche or gap in the market that has not already been filled. This may be as simple as finding an area where your competitors are falling short of customer expectations, or it could mean finding a way to provide extra value or novel additions to your products. For example, if you want to start a business selling residential smoke alarms, it would be difficult to compete with more well-established companies. However, you could create your niche by making your products from recycled materials and working with a designer to create unique and attractive designs. Do Your Research: Proper research forms the foundation for any business, but its importance is often overlooked. Researching your competitors is crucial for planning, starting and growing your business. Customer research enables you to define and target a specific type of customer, making it easier to market your products and reduce advertising costs. Create a Platform: Your website is the storefront of your business; it should contain all the information potential customers will want to know, including your contact details, mission statement, FAQs (frequently asked questions) and any legal notices you need to include. The design of your website should complement the type of business you're running. Consider hiring a professional web designer to make your platform attractive and easy to navigate. Build Your Reputation: Posting regular content on your website or blog is a simple way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. Create well-researched content that is useful to your customers. Stay informed about developments and important issues in your area. Writing content for trade magazines and other appropriate websites will also help to build your reputation. Drive Traffic to Your Website: It takes time to achieve high search engine rankings, but there are other ways to drive traffic to your website. Social media is one of the cheapest and most effective tools for increasing website traffic, but monitoring several social media accounts can be time-consuming. Focus on maintaining a presence on one main social media platform rather than trying to spread your time across multiple platforms. Alternatively, if your budget allows, you could hire a social media manager. Paid advertising campaigns can also be highly effective at driving traffic to your website, but you will need to consider whether the results will be worth the cost of running the campaign. Convert Site Visitors to Customers: Once visitors arrive at your website, it's your job to convince them to buy your products. Showcasing your products and services with targeted landing pages will increase your chances of immediate sales. However, visitors often need time and extra information before making buying decisions. Therefore, the main aim should be to capture the email addresses of your site's visitors. Once you have their email address, you can work on building a long-term relationship through regular email communication. Keep Customers Coming Back: Providing an excellent customer experience is the key to keeping your customers satisfied and ensuring future sales. “Happy customers are more likely to recommend your products to family and friends,” stated Mr. Devidal. Keep in touch with customers by sending regular email updates, exclusive offers, and discounts. Building an online business is a difficult task, but proper preparation will increase your chances of success. Taking the time to do your research and plan your strategy will make all the difference when setting up a new business. Read Also: Make Your Business Popular Online How To Master Social Media For Businesses & Entrepreneurs

Financial Planning For Contractors

Financial Planning For Contractors: Ensuring Project Viability

Financial planning is an essential aspect of any business, and for contractors, it's no different. In the construction industry, project viability relies heavily on careful financial management. This article will explore the principles of effective financial planning for contractors and how using a bid bond can demonstrate financial stability and attract clients. The Importance Of Financial Planning For Construction Companies  The construction industry is highly competitive, and its dynamics and the economic scenario are changing continuously. Therefore, it is important to have a plan in place when it comes to navigating regulations, compliances, and even finances. This section mainly discusses the importance of financial planning for the construction companies.  1. Navigating The Landscape Of The Construction Industry As mentioned above, the construction industry is rapidly changing. Every now and then, you have new rules, guidelines, compliances, and changes in technology. It is an important aspect of the entire industry. A personalized plan can help you pinpoint these changes and be prepared to face the challenges in the future.  2. Managing The Flow Of Cash  Cash flow management is another critical aspect of any business. The construction business is no exception. The irregular scheme of payments and also the out-of-plan expenditure can, indeed, disrupt the flow of cash. A personalized flow of finance in the construction industry can help you maintain quite a healthy cash flow. It helps manage the sudden need for finance and fix issues.  3. Long-Term Sustainability  A well-planned financial plan offers a roadmap for the long-term sustainability of the construction companies. They assist companies in setting attainable goals and targets. If you do not have a solid base of finances, you won’t be able to plan ahead in the future. One of the biggest challenges that business organizations face today is the long-term sustainability. As a business, you could only attain it if you have a steady supply of finances.  4. Managing The Risks The construction industry is quite risky. There are financial liabilities, safety, legal and other issues. A personalized financial plan helps create the strategies. They help reduce the chances of financial setbacks and also the circumstances hitherto not experienced. 5. Reducing The Cost Of Borrowing  You all know that the construction industry is quite fund-intensive. You need to have a large sum of money. Under the circumstances, borrowing is the biggest way to handle it. But they have their interest associated with it, which is quite hefty at times. They may affect your budget and the prices of the products. Therefore, you must have the planning and a strong pedestal in place. But there is no alternative to a strong planning.  6. Increased Profitability The be-all and end-all of business is earning profits. Managing the expenditure is quite a challenge; therefore, you must be highly prepared with a plan in mind. A well-crafted plan of finances considers the revenue streams of the company assets and the expenses. A business owner uses their plan to make the wisest of choices. They help boost the profits and then cut the costs.  7. Attracting The Investors When you woo the investors for your projects, they look at some of the important things before investing. One of the core elements in good financial planning. If they understand that your finances are well managed and your organization is well in shape, it can drive them to invest in your vision. Therefore, you must invest in professionally prepared finance to ensure steady growth and stability in the long run.  The Core Aspects Of Financial Planning For The Contractors  In this section, we discuss some of the core aspects of financial planning that can help you stay ahead in this competitive landscape. As a stakeholder in the construction sector, you must have the planning in place. Budgeting The cornerstone of any financial plan is a well-structured budget. It’s essential to account for all expenses, including materials, labor, equipment, and overhead costs. By creating a detailed budget, you’ll be better equipped to estimate project costs accurately. Cash Flow Management Cash flow is the lifeblood of your contracting business. Timely invoicing and efficient collection of payments are critical. Moreover, having a cash reserve for unexpected expenses or delays is a wise strategy. Using Bid Bonds To Show Financial Stability One effective way to demonstrate financial stability to potential clients is by using bid bonds. A bid bond is a form of guarantee that you, as a contractor, provide to the project owner. It is a promise that if you're awarded the project, you will enter into a contract and provide performance and payment bonds as required. It assures project owners that you have the financial capacity to complete the project. By including these bonds in your bids, you signal to clients that you are financially stable and capable of fulfilling the contract. This can set you apart from competitors and instill confidence in project owners. Financial Planning For Contractors Emergency Fund As mentioned earlier, cash flow can be unpredictable. Having an emergency fund that covers at least three to six months' worth of expenses can provide a safety net during lean times or unexpected setbacks. Diversify Your Client Base Relying on a single client or type of project can be risky. Diversifying your client base and the types of projects you take on can help stabilize your income and reduce vulnerability to market fluctuations. Regularly Review And Adjust Your Financial Plan Financial planning is not a one-and-done task. It's essential to review and adjust your plan regularly, especially as your business grows and evolves. Insurance Coverage Consider various insurance options to protect your business against unforeseen events. Liability insurance, workers' compensation, and equipment insurance are just a few examples of coverage that can safeguard your financial stability. Invest Wisely Make informed investment choices for any surplus funds you may have. Consult with a financial advisor to develop an investment strategy that aligns with your long-term financial goals. Conclusion In conclusion, financial planning is a critical component of a contractor's success. It ensures project viability, stability, and, ultimately, the growth of your business. Remember to create a comprehensive budget, manage your cash flow efficiently, and explore various financial strategies to secure your financial future as a contractor. By following these principles, you can build a strong foundation for your contracting business and thrive in the competitive construction industry. 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Riding The Wave Of Innovation

Setting Sail For Success: Your Journey With A Full-Service Marine Dealership

Sailing across the open sea is a vivid dream for many. However, the steps to turn that dream into reality sometimes seem overwhelming. For most, this journey begins with finding the right marine dealership that offers comprehensive services, taking care of everything from finding the perfect boat to providing continuous support, maintenance, and upgrades. These essential aspects of a full-service marine dealership are vital in ensuring a hassle-free, smooth sailing experience. It's time to bring your dock decking vision to life with a partner passionate about going against the grain to offer cutting-edge solutions to all your problems. The Complete Package: Understanding Full-Service Marine Dealerships Comprehensive Services For All Your Needs A full-service marine dealership provides all-encompassing services tailored to boat owners' diverse needs. These dealerships are one-stop shops where you can purchase new or pre-owned boats, access high-quality maintenance services, and find unique dock decking solutions that enhance your boat's aesthetic appeal and significantly increase its durability and lifespan. Turning Your Dock Decking Vision Into A Reality Go Beyond The Norm With Innovative Solutions Your boat is a significant investment; you want it to last like any investment. This goes beyond just the boat's structure; it extends to the deck, one of the most utilised parts of any marine vessel. Decking not only contributes to the visual appeal of your boat but also its overall performance. Choose a decking material that withstands time and weather without sacrificing comfort or aesthetics. One material gaining popularity due to its resilience and innovative properties is 100% polypropylene. This material exceeds expectations regarding longevity, as it is immune to warping, bending, cracking, and splintering, issues commonly associated with wood or composite decking. A Worry-Free Decking Choice What sets 100% polypropylene apart is its "worry-free" promise. This decking material requires minimal upkeep, making it the ideal choice for those seeking to invest more time in enjoying their boating experience rather than maintaining it. Furthermore, these boards are UV protected to minimise fading, a common issue with most other decking materials. This UV protection means that your deck retains its original colour even in the harshest sunlight, ensuring your boat remains as aesthetically appealing as the day you purchased it. These boards also don't have heat, making them comfortable for barefoot walking even on sunny days. Weathering The Storms Marine environments can be harsh, and storm surges significantly threaten your boat and dock. The 100% polypropylene boards come with a unique water flow-through design. This feature helps protect your port from damage dring storm surges and prevents water from pooling on the deck, providing a safer and cleaner surface. With the smooth texture of the 100% polypropylene boards, you can walk barefoot on your deck without worrying about splinters or rough spots. This comfort, coupled with their resilience, makes these boards the perfect choice for any boat owner. Riding The Wave Of Innovation More Than Just A Product An in-tune marine dealership doesn't just provide products; it offers solutions. The journey towards being a boat owner is exciting, filled with many decisions and considerations. A reliable dealership understands this and provides guidance every step of the way, helping navigate these choices and offering innovative, problem-solving products that genuinely meet your needs. Pioneering The Future The boating industry continuously evolves, introducing new technologies and materials regularly. Staying ahead of these developments and integrating them into the services provided is a hallmark of a forward-thinking marine dealership. Using 100% polypropylene for dock decking is an innovative solution that enhances the boating experience and contributes to sustainability by providing a durable, long-lasting product. Conclusion As previously discussed, embarking on your transformative journey with a full-service marine dealership is like setting sail towards an endless ocean of possibilities and the promise of success and selecting a partner who understands your aspirations and requirements as the winds behind your sails guide your every move forward. Full-service marine dealerships provide invaluable support, meticulously catering to your needs, from expert advice for selecting the ideal vessel to top-tier maintenance and repair services; they ensure your boating experience runs smoothly and efficiently without unnecessary concerns or headaches. With their unwavering commitment to excellence, you can confidently navigate the waters, knowing you have a trusted partner.