CRM and ERP Combination for Business Solutions

Published on: 04 June 2019 Last Updated on: 15 October 2019

A major component of running a business successfully -any business- is being able to have all your information integrated. At MCA Connect we have the ability to intertwine both your CRM and ERP needs seamlessly.

Every business has 2 sides. You have the customer base side and you have your employee sides. Both of these sides are vital to your business success and both sides have unique needs. It is crucial for business owners to understand the needs of both sides. The owners can work with technology experts on how best to combine those two, ensuring that all needs are being met.

Let’s take a look at each aspect and how it affects your business:

ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, is a vital component of your business’ operations. To run ERP successfully you will need to implement this software within your company. ERP software will help manage sales and marketing, human resources, accounting, manufacturing, order management, and distribution.

Using ERP software effectively will help your company with product and purchase planning, manufacturing and delivery planning, inventory management, shipping and payment, supply chain management, accounting, marketing and sales, and customer relationship management. An ERP system can be comprised of a single suite of software or multiple software applications that can be integrated with each other.

CRM stands for Customer Relations Management. This type of software is used to assist the customer-based side of your business. This software will help your business to keep track of customers and their purchasing patterns, identify business opportunities and new sales leads, streamline the sales process and reduce paperwork, automate the marketing process, manage social media, and facilitate support for current customers. You can purchase different software to handle all of these applications, but there are some all-inclusive software options available.

So how do both of these functions work together?

Both ERP and CRM systems will help your sales force automation and marketing automation. There is where the overlap ends. If you are using an ERP system that you like, then you can just integrate a CRM system.

If your business is growing or you just need to revamp your current system, then it is recommended that you upgrade your ERP. Once you have your updated system in place, you can add in CRM components to best fit your company’s needs.

Using a combination of both ERP and CRM systems will streamline your business and be a positive change for your company. By using both technology systems, you are integrating both sides of your business. A good combination system will allow you to be up to date with your manufacturers and suppliers and to have up to the minute info on orders and deliveries. Your company will also be able to accurately and quickly answer questions from customers and manage their needs.  And everyone in your company will be using the same technology and will have access to all up to date information.

This combined CRM and ERP technology will assist your company seamlessly and help it to continue to grow and be successful.

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Event Charter in Dubai

Planning the Perfect Event Charter in Dubai

Dubai is the ideal destination for vacations, entertainment, and even business meetings. Planning an event charter in Dubai is beneficial, especially if you have capable partners who can help you organize a successful event. Planning an event can be tiresome, and planning a successful one is a big job. You need creativity and organization. What to Do Before Planning the Event: Some people feel that events are a waste of time and money, especially when done wrong. This is why you ought to plan your event to make it valuable to the participants. These meetings are excellent for sharing ideas, interactive learning, problem-solving, and creating valuable relationships. We gathered useful tips to help you. Define Your Goals: Every event charter has its objectives; for instance, do you need to do team-building with your team? The best way to come up with your goals is by establishing the results you want to accomplish after the event. Many people don’t like events because, at the end of the day, they end up learning nothing. When you lack clear goals, the event turns out to be a big waste. For instance, if you plan to use an exhibition stand design Dubai audience needs to get the message you seek to relay. Understand Your Audience: The best thing about knowing who will attend relates to the success of the event. For instance, if the event’s goal is to find a solution, you ought to have several key persons. If you want to talk about a general subject such as education, you need a larger audience. List down all the attendants you need, be specific, and make allowance for last-minute attendees. Create a Budget: If you are not careful, you can end up spending more than you intended that is why you ought to plan how much you need to invest. Don’t just estimate a specific number, break down the budget and see how much you need to spend. For instance, items like catering, nametags, and even exhibition stand in Dubai can be expensive. As you breakdown, the budget, don’t forget that your event will cost more than your estimate. Choose a Location: If you have a few attendees, you can use a conference hall; however, if you have more than 60 people, a larger hall is convenient. Think about the details and the strategies of your event when choosing a venue. Ask questions like will the audience at the back see the visual aids? If you are going to use sophisticated technology such as teleconferencing, confirm that the venue is appropriate. Ensure that the location is accessible and if not arrange transportation. Get a Team: To create a successful event charter in Dubai, you need a team of personnel who will help you to organize your meeting. Decide who you need in your team, for instance, speakers, venue management, logistics, and event sponsors. When you plan an event charter in Dubai, you ought to hire presenters who will talk and teach the audience. However, if you have a charismatic individual in your organization, he can be the speaker of the event. Choose someone who does not only teach but does this in an engaging manner. Develop an Agenda: You should know your goals at this point; this allows you to develop a plan on how to achieve these objectives. Jot down your main concepts and then break them into smaller topics to make them easier for the audience to understand. Decide whether you need visual aids and inform the technical team early and if you decide to use an exhibition design Dubai has several providers. Once your plans are set, you can go ahead and choose a date for your event charter. Make the event stand out by choosing a unique theme. Publicity is necessary when planning an event charter in Dubai. Promote your event by issuing a notice or announcing it on your website, use offline and online resources, and encourage people to register for the event. During the Workshop: Now that you have set your objectives and you have a plan, figure out how to make your event charter exciting. If you plan to have a group exercise, remember that many people are not good at public speaking, so keep the groups small. Combine different people in the groups; for instance, put people from different departments together. This encourages people to interact and look at things from different perspectives. Think of how to record ideas from each group. Many people overlook this aspect, which causes chaos because some people shout while others write down their results. Planning an event charter in Dubai can be exhausting if you don’t have a strategy. Several factors help you to have a successful event in Dubai, such as knowing your audience and creating a budget. Knowing who will attend allows you to choose the right location, while the budget prevents you from overspending. Read Also: 7 Ways To Plan A Smooth Business Succession Exploring Arabian Ranches 2 – Luxurious Living In Dubai


Why Off-Plan Investment Is Beneficial For Expats

Considering the potential of gaining those profitable gains from Dubai’s profitable estate industry? Dubai is known to be a blossoming sector for property investment throughout the world, although current economic times have been diminishing the returns of investment (ROI) for present property owners. Nevertheless, through careful planning and consideration, you can alleviate these economic repercussions and continue to weather the storm until the business cycle inevitably stabilizes. With that said, the best advice to be given to foreign investors looking to partake in the real estate industry in Dubai is most certainly to look for off plan real estate projects currently in place, which may yield the most lucrative rewards. Perfect Investment Opportunity for Expats: If you reside in another country far from Dubai itself, the regulations here in Dubai are quite lenient for you to be able to buy a property within the city. This came as a result of the current economic downturn of the local real estate industry, although the cycle trend has started to shift upwards again, come 2019. Since 2002, foreigners purchasing Dubai properties have been given leeway to own freehold properties without the need to register for holding visas in the city. However, if you want to visit your property, you will have to apply for a Property Holders Visa which is applicable for 6 months before requiring renewal. Still, this is only available for properties which range higher than AED 1 million in market price. Why Property Investment in Dubai is a Brilliant Idea? Off-plan properties in Dubai also offer the most reasonable prices for expats to own their dream house here in the city! Developers are willing to accept market price cuts and allow discounts for potential buyers to initiate a sale during a project’s kick-off phase. Considering that these properties have yet to be completed, some may not even be started yet; the ball is on the buyers’ court where purchasing power is given to your hands. Dreaming of owning a home overseeing the city’s sprawling towers behind beautiful crystal-blue waterlines? Dubai Creek Harbour projects are among the most in-demand property developments currently being pursued by potential investors around the world! Investing your time, and money, towards these upcoming off-plan properties in Dubai, will surely pave a way to more possibilities for you. The Benefits of Investing in Off-Plan Properties: Due to volatile market fluctuations and the frequent regulation changes made by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), purchasing off-plan properties will benefit you by locking the price of your preferred investment and safeguarding you from any unforeseen market changes. With the current market starting to experience a stabilizing cycle transition, you can look to avoid higher sale prices by committing to property early on in its development. Secure Long Term Investment and Peace of Mind:  With all these shared, it is high time that you start looking for off-plan properties to buy here, in Dubai. Delaying it longer will only endear you to higher opportunity costs in the long run. In addition, you may even find yourself completely outpaced by other investors who have invested earlier in their pursuits than you! Come make your interests known, and you will find that Dubai is indeed a land full of opportunities to be explored. Read Also: 10 Best Tourist Attractions In Dubai BEST GOLF COURSES IN DUBAI Investing In Property Is Investing In Your Future 4 Considerations Before Investing In An Oil Change Franchise Under 100k


Why Is Mentoring Important In Leadership?

You can become a great leader in overnight. Its needs experience, skills, persistence, and personal introspection. But, along with the skills, today’s leaders need one mentor. Mentoring is one of the most important and cost-effective tools which guides leaders throughout the business process. To avoid the pitfalls in the business, it is vital to take mentoring programs or to hire a mentor. Mentoring can build a healthy relationship between employees and shape the culture of the company. Why is Mentoring Important in Leadership: What Will the Mentor Do? A mentor is your professional who will work alongside you and help you in navigating in the twist and turns of your business path. Your mentor will help you in creating fruitful strategies that take your business to the next level. It helps you in understanding the key issues resolving them and minimizing risk. Leaders who enter the mentoring relationship will get many benefits. Some of the major benefits are listed below:  Let’s get review it. Gain Practical Advice: Today’s leaders look for practical advice and guidance to resolve internal business issues. To fill that need, it is advisable to attain mentoring programs. Mentoring daily may help leaders to take decisions practically not emotionally. It makes them clear about a decision without having a feeling of fear and regret. It is keen to help guide you in achieving long-term goals. Leaders can gain clarity, sharping communication skills as they navigate their most significant decision effortlessly. Becoming A More Effective Speaker: After making a decision, then you are charged with communication with the employee around you. Mentoring programs can also enhance your speaking skills and make you an effective communicator. Effective leadership is all about communicating. If you get failed in demonstrating strategies in front of your employees, it can create ambiguity and reduce your credibility. The best way to improve communication is to take the help of the mentor. He/she will offer you the essential tips to communicate more effectively. By planning small talk with you and rid of unnecessary conversation filters, learning body language, a mentor can make you an effective and fluent communicator. Nurturing Self-Confidence: Through the power of mentoring a leader can nurture his self-confidence. There are so many benefits that a mentor can bring in the leader’s life. But, nurturing self-confidence is the great one. A mentor can build self-confidence in you which helps you navigate twists and turns of your business path. Measure Knowledge Transfer: Mentoring is all about sharing knowledge with employees. If you know how to deliver the knowledge, you can effectively make your employees informative. A mentor will guide and help you in delivering learning and measuring knowledge transfer to the employees. To Conclude: With monitoring, you can determine the step you are going to take for your business is good or bad. With monitoring, you can easily observe yourself and your behavior towards your employees. If you want to achieve a clear target for success with greater confidence, then it is advisable to take a mentoring program. Your chances of success in business can be expanded by having the right mentor like Brian Paes Braga. Brian Paes-Braga serves as the President, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Lithium X Energy Corp. Read Also: 5 Key Leadership Skills For Entrepreneurs Leadership Qualities Help In Enhancing Visionary Transform