How To Deal With A Difficult Landlord

Published on: 16 November 2021 Last Updated on: 18 November 2021
deal with a difficult landlord

Landlords are a necessary part of renting. Unfortunately, a property that is otherwise perfect might come with a terrible landlord. In the ideal situation, your landlord will be someone you get along well with. But what happens when your landlord is difficult to work with? Fortunately, you can take steps to deal with this. To this end, we have put together a list of ways to deal with a difficult landlord to help you out.

Check your lease agreement

First things first: look over your lease agreement again. Is the issue you are concerned with covered in the lease? Then you know how to proceed. Of course, this could also work against you, if your landlord’s behavior is covered by the lease.

Because of this, before you sign a lease agreement, it is very important to properly read through it. On the flip side, if your landlord’s behavior is directly contradicting the lease, you have a legal way to make them stop. Alternatively, if you can’t landlord’s willing to give you a good lease agreement, it might be time to start considering if you want to continue renting an apartment vs buying a house.

Look through your lease agreement before doing anything else, to make sure there isn’t an easy solution to your problem.

Research rental laws

Research rental laws

The first step you should take is informing yourself on how you can, legally, deal with a difficult landlord. This will depend on what your exact complaint is. As such, you will want to go to the Residential Tenancy Branch website and learn about your rights as a tenant.

There are laws to help you against unreasonable landlords. For example, there is an established law about how much money they can as for a security deposit. There are also laws to protect your privacy, maintenance requests, and anti-discrimination.

Related Resource: How Did COVID Change Landlord-Tenant Laws

Pick your fights

Speak with the other tenants

A tenant is required to ask their landlord about any repairs, from minor to major, before they take action. But, what if your landlord is unresponsive? Well, chances are, if they are already uninterested then asking for every minor repair to be handled will make them more uninterested.

So, in this situation, you should only choose high-priority issues to fight over. Legally, a landlord is required to keep their property in livable condition, however, this might mean something different to you than your landlord. So if you have to choose what needs to be fixed, then prioritize fighting over the bigger problems. Alternatively, it might be better to avoid these issues entirely and start hunting for a new apartment.

If your landlord is generally unresponsive, try to only argue about important issues when you can.

Speak with the other tenants


Speaking with the other tenants about your issues is generally a great idea. After all, a group of tenants can more easily deal with a difficult landlord. So, ask around. Are the rest of the tenants experiencing the same issues? Check if there’s a tenant’s association, and file a complaint through them as a group. Generally speaking, groups have more success getting results than individuals filing complaints.

Be prepared to leave

Be prepared to leave

Unfortunately, in some cases, it might not be possible to deal with a difficult landlord. Or, dealing with them might not be worth it. In cases like this, you should be ready to move out on short notice. Of course, moving out on short notice isn’t something that’s easy to do, and it shouldn’t be done without a good reason. So, always go through every other option before deciding to do this. But, if this is the only solution, you should be prepared to leave your current apartment in a week or two.

Moving out is a solution that should only be considered when there are no other options.

Alt-tag: couple carrying moving boxes downstairs

Document everything thoroughly

If you have proof, then resolving your complaints tends to be much easier. Always make your requests in writing, and keep your landlord’s replies. Do this through email, letters, or texts. If your landlord then visits you in person, make a record of the date and things discussed. Keep copies of payment requests or any agreements whatsoever. If possible, take photo or video evidence with some sort of timestamp on it to help with proving your point.

Be respectful

No matter how difficult your landlord may be, do your best to stay respectful when interacting with them. After all, by being disrespectful, you are only giving them more reason to be unreasonable. Try to be calm in your communications, and try to work with your landlord. Maybe they will even decide to be nicer to you in the future. If this doesn’t help, it might be time to start planning a move. Experts from note that you should always have your move planned in advance for situations like this.

Never miss your payments

An easy way to help you deal with a difficult landlord is to never miss your payments, and generally be a good tenant. Follow your lease thoroughly, make sure your payments are on time. Keep the apartment clean and don’t cause trouble for the other tenants. By doing this, you avoid giving your landlord anything to say against you when you file your complaint.

Look for additional help

If you’ve spoken to your landlord, sent a letter, and filed complaints, but nothing came out of it, then it’s time to search for additional solutions. When you have tried everything and you just can’t reach an agreement with your landlord, then you should consider filing an appeal at the Residential Tenancies Branch. The Residential Tenancies Branch (RTB for short) can mediate between you and your landlord in situations like these. An agreement reached through this is final, binding, and enforceable.


Dealing with a difficult landlord isn’t easy. If they decide to be unreasonable, or unresponsive, there is almost nothing you can do to easily solve the issue. We hope you found this list of ways to deal with a difficult landlord helpful, and you luck in dealing with your issues.

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Moving Into Your Own Home

Top Things To Do Before Moving Into Your Own Home

Moving into one's house is the dream of most people, however, achieving this feat eludes many. Building or buying a property is an expensive expenditure that takes years of saving and planning. For those with a steady income, some choose a well-structured mortgage which they hope to pay off quickly. However, Irrespective of how one gets their own house, there are several things you need to do before moving into your own house. Arrangements To Make Before Moving Into Your House Here are some arrangements necessary before moving into your own property: 1. Hire a good mover Since you will need to transport your items from your rented apartment to your home, getting a local movers Seguin company is necessary. Choosing a good mover can be tricky because not all are fully licensed and insured. When you need a reliable transport firm, movers Seguin tx is a credible mover that helps people move their packages to their new homes. 2. Create enough time In the early stage of planning to move to your house, it's expected you plan sufficient time on how you will move. Movement can be stressful and you will need time for planning. If you have kids in school, you will need to plan on how to get them into a new school. Ask their present school for transcripts and documents which will make their enrolment easier. 3. Declutter Avoid being sentimental with your properties. You should try to get rid of as many personal items as possible. If you like, you can take your old clothes to a charity organization. You can give your friends some of your old electronics, those that are beyond repair should be disposed of. If you want to raise some cash, you can use amazon or eBay to sell your properties quickly. 4. Know when you are moving When you have decluttered and hired a reliable mover Seguin tx service, get a specific date you will be moving. The earlier this is confirmed, the better. When you have a specific time frame, it helps you to plan better and you will be able to say your goodbyes. 5. Get a home insurance Before moving into your new house, ensure you have content insurance. This is designed to guide against property theft or break-in. Also, it could cover damage to some of your properties via flood, fire, or pest. Who Should You Inform Before Moving To Your Own House? When changing location, certain entities should be aware of your movement, they include : 1. Postal service Before moving, you should contact your local mail services such as royal mail or USPS service. This is necessary to help redirect all mails to your new address. There are several redirection services available at these postal outlets which you can use to avoid missing important emails. 2. Banks and insurance companies It is also important to notify banks, pension providers, and insurers when moving into your home. When you opened an account with them, this was done with your current address, however since you are going, you will need to get them informed. 3. Council and electoral authority When moving to your new house, the local council needs to be aware to stop all taxes to your address. You should deregister your council tax via your local authority. When you move into the new house, you can then register in that local council area. 4. Employers If you are an employee, your employer should be aware of your intention to move at least a month before leaving. This is to avoid losing your payslips, as some might refuse to pay if you move without informing them. Benefits Of Moving Into Your Own Home Here are some reasons why moving into your own home is the best. 1. Comfort Leasing and renting apartments come with several inconveniences. You have landlords always on your neck, and neighbors always making noise which makes you less comfortable. But when you move into your property, you have peace of mind and no one can disturb you. 2. Security Life is precious, that's why it's important to always pay attention to one's security. When you stay with someone or rent a house, you have little say in how security is arranged. But when you are planning to move into your own house, you feel secure because you will be able to decide what goes out of your house. 3. For family reasons When you are still single, you can decide to rent a house or even stay with your family irrespective of your age. However, when you get married and start making babies, things change. You will need a place where your kids can grow and have time for themselves. There is no better place to do that, than your own house. It gives you more freedom with your family and you can start on a clean slate in your apartment. Conclusion The Ultimate dream of many people is moving into their home. However for this to be successful, you need to put in some work to avoid trouble moving into your house comes with many benefits which you should take advantage of. Additionals: Why Are Lenders Moving Towards Automated Mortgage Processing?How To Select The Right Packing Paper For Your Moving NeedsThings to Know Before Applying for a Vermont Mortgage LoanBuy to Let Mortgage Explained

Residential Buildings

Pre-Opening Inspections on Residential Buildings

Building a residential complex can be quite a challenge for any company. The sheer amount of planning and the complexity and scale of the task can overwhelm anyone. In those situations, mistakes are possible and they happen. Which is why it is important that the building is inspected for flaws during the construction and especially once the construction is done and before it is put into use. Experts at Xpera Group give us the rundown of the most important checks and inspections a building needs before it can be safely used. Electrical Inspection : Electricity is one of those things which can be extremely dangerous if treated carelessly and at the same time, indispensable for our daily lives. Before any building can get its use permit, the appropriate authority will need to ensure that all of the electrical installations are safe and installed properly. Waterproofing : Also known as building envelope inspection, this particular part of the inspection makes sure that no water can get into the building. The building envelope includes doors, windows, the roof, and the walls, everything that separates the outside from the inside. Typically, these inspections are conducted before the building is released to general use, but it is also important to periodically conduct it even when the building is in use since the envelope will be exposed to the elements the most. Fire Safety Inspection : Another hugely important matter is the fire safety of the whole building. Each municipality and county might have their own specific rules about fire safety, but it will always be a requirement in order to get a permit. The most important thing is to have a functional fire alarm system, as well as fire extinguishers or similar firefighting tool readily available throughout the building. Structural Stability Inspection : The name of this inspection is self-explanatory – the inspectors will need to ensure that the building can support its own weight, as well as that the materials used are durable enough to last for as long as the building is expected to be used. Earthquake Inspection : Some regions are just more prone to earthquakes, which has forced those areas to be extra careful when constructing their buildings, and the earthquake inspection is there to ensure that the building can withstand an earthquake and be safe enough for the people inside. Balcony Inspection : Balconies are a known weak point in the structure. The part which binds the balcony to the building itself is a critical point which needs to be protected and properly maintained. Water is probably the worst enemy of balconies, but the damp air and especially salty air near the seas can act as an abrasive force as well. The other key point in balcony protection is the railing. Depending on the material, the railing has different maintenance needs and expected durability which needs to be followed strictly. Pest Inspection : Even though the building is new, a variety of pests might choose to make it their home, especially if something was made improperly, giving them plenty of places to hide. This inspection is not obligatory and will not be a condition to get a use permit, but some people want to go the extra mile and perform this check as well. These types of inspection might not be the only ones you will have to apply for, but they are the most important and you need to make sure that your building is going to be up to the code before you do. Read Also : Ways To Take The Employee Appreciation To Next Level In Your Company What Can I Do To Make My Company Website More Profitable And Powerful? Finding The Right Moving Company


Best Essential Tips While Renting a Warehouse in Mumbai

If you are planning to sell physical products through your company, you might require an industrial or warehouse space. Buildings in Mumbai are all industry ready and usable for the purpose of warehousing as well as manufacturing. These big spaces can be used for the production of product or goods, storage, for distribution purposes, etc. Take a look at the essential tips for how to go about looking for, industrial space that includes what to do for how to find out the right space and to determine the renting needs along with the basics of industrial, commercial rentals listed below. What Is Your Best-Fit? Determining the commercial, industrial space needs : To determine whether a property is able to accommodate your business needs depends on the business itself. Space usually falls under one of the below-listed categories: Warehouse space. Manufacturing space. Flex space or a multi-purpose property. Each one of these industrial space has a different purpose. The work of a warehouse is to store the goods and most probably also do the distribution of the products. If you want to rent a warehouse in Mumbai, you should know all the consequences of leasing a warehouse. The process is too risky and fairly troublesome which is why you need to understand all the requirements for renting your warehouse. In places such as Mumbai, you need to keep in mind a lot of things before renting the space for warehouse purpose. When you look at the manufacturing space, you will understand that this is that space where one creates, build, and assembles all the goods and products. This type of space might be needed for special zoning or special types of construction depending on the manufacturing needs, for example, reinforced floors, high-volume power sources, or a specific type of ceiling height. A flex space is a mixture of a warehouse and a manufacturing space. It’s easy to manage your warehousing as well as manufacturing needs. You need to determine whether you are searching for a manufacturing space for the products, or storage space, or for packaging and shipment purpose or you need all the things to be done in one place. How can you locate the best property? To start with your search, right at the comforts of your home, check out all the online portals that offer you great deals when it comes to commercial properties. When you shortlist the property types that fit your business, you can take the help of online databases to make comparisons of the relevant properties that will meet your criteria while you rent a warehouse in Mumbai. Visiting industrial properties : Making appointments to see the commercial properties is the next step. A warehouse might be perfect online, but once you get through each of the properties, you will be able to know whether or not the properties meet your needs. If you want to stay organized, the professionals suggest that you keep the tabs of your preferred options of warehouses. The best way to do so is by creating a spreadsheet and mentioning all the details of the spaces you like. The bottom line : Finding and leasing a warehouse is certainly not a very easy task. However, it is a major step while establishing a successful business. Make sure that you take your time to get access to multiple properties and work with the real estate professionals to consider your options. This will ensure that you have considered the important steps while you rent a warehouse in Mumbai. Make sure it is the best for your business, and all your legal rights and assets are well protected. Read More : 6 Things You Must Know Before Selling Your Home Additional Ways To Keep Your Home Warm What Makes A Strong Foundation For Your Home