How To Deal With A Difficult Landlord

Published on: 16 November 2021 Last Updated on: 18 January 2025
deal with a difficult landlord

Landlords are a necessary part of renting. Unfortunately, a property that is otherwise perfect might come with a terrible landlord. In the ideal situation, your landlord will be someone you get along well with. But what happens when your landlord is difficult to work with? Fortunately, you can take steps to deal with this. To this end, we have put together a list of ways to deal with a difficult landlord to help you out.

Check your lease agreement

First things first: look over your lease agreement again. Is the issue you are concerned with covered in the lease? Then you know how to proceed. Of course, this could also work against you, if your landlord’s behavior is covered by the lease.

Because of this, before you sign a lease agreement, it is very important to properly read through it. On the flip side, if your landlord’s behavior is directly contradicting the lease, you have a legal way to make them stop. Alternatively, if you can’t landlord’s willing to give you a good lease agreement, it might be time to start considering if you want to continue renting an apartment vs buying a house.

Look through your lease agreement before doing anything else, to make sure there isn’t an easy solution to your problem.

Research rental laws

Research rental laws

The first step you should take is informing yourself on how you can, legally, deal with a difficult landlord. This will depend on what your exact complaint is. As such, you will want to go to the Residential Tenancy Branch website and learn about your rights as a tenant.

There are laws to help you against unreasonable landlords. For example, there is an established law about how much money they can as for a security deposit. There are also laws to protect your privacy, maintenance requests, and anti-discrimination.

Related Resource: How Did COVID Change Landlord-Tenant Laws

Pick your fights

Speak with the other tenants

A tenant is required to ask their landlord about any repairs, from minor to major, before they take action. But, what if your landlord is unresponsive? Well, chances are, if they are already uninterested then asking for every minor repair to be handled will make them more uninterested.

So, in this situation, you should only choose high-priority issues to fight over. Legally, a landlord is required to keep their property in livable condition, however, this might mean something different to you than your landlord. So if you have to choose what needs to be fixed, then prioritize fighting over the bigger problems. Alternatively, it might be better to avoid these issues entirely and start hunting for a new apartment.

If your landlord is generally unresponsive, try to only argue about important issues when you can.

Speak with the other tenants

Speaking with the other tenants about your issues is generally a great idea. After all, a group of tenants can more easily deal with a difficult landlord. So, ask around. Are the rest of the tenants experiencing the same issues? Check if there’s a tenant’s association, and file a complaint through them as a group. Generally speaking, groups have more success getting results than individuals filing complaints.

Be prepared to leave

Be prepared to leave

Unfortunately, in some cases, it might not be possible to deal with a difficult landlord. Or, dealing with them might not be worth it. In cases like this, you should be ready to move out on short notice. Of course, moving out on short notice isn’t something that’s easy to do, and it shouldn’t be done without a good reason. So, always go through every other option before deciding to do this. But, if this is the only solution, you should be prepared to leave your current apartment in a week or two.

Moving out is a solution that should only be considered when there are no other options.

Alt-tag: couple carrying moving boxes downstairs

Document everything thoroughly

If you have proof, then resolving your complaints tends to be much easier. Always make your requests in writing, and keep your landlord’s replies. Do this through email, letters, or texts. If your landlord then visits you in person, make a record of the date and things discussed. Keep copies of payment requests or any agreements whatsoever. If possible, take photo or video evidence with some sort of timestamp on it to help with proving your point.

Be respectful

No matter how difficult your landlord may be, do your best to stay respectful when interacting with them. After all, by being disrespectful, you are only giving them more reason to be unreasonable. Try to be calm in your communications, and try to work with your landlord. Maybe they will even decide to be nicer to you in the future. If this doesn’t help, it might be time to start planning a move. Experts from note that you should always have your move planned in advance for situations like this.

Never miss your payments

An easy way to help you deal with a difficult landlord is to never miss your payments, and generally be a good tenant. Follow your lease thoroughly, make sure your payments are on time. Keep the apartment clean and don’t cause trouble for the other tenants. By doing this, you avoid giving your landlord anything to say against you when you file your complaint.

Look for additional help

If you’ve spoken to your landlord, sent a letter, and filed complaints, but nothing came out of it, then it’s time to search for additional solutions. When you have tried everything and you just can’t reach an agreement with your landlord, then you should consider filing an appeal at the Residential Tenancies Branch. The Residential Tenancies Branch (RTB for short) can mediate between you and your landlord in situations like these. An agreement reached through this is final, binding, and enforceable.


Dealing with a difficult landlord isn’t easy. If they decide to be unreasonable, or unresponsive, there is almost nothing you can do to easily solve the issue. We hope you found this list of ways to deal with a difficult landlord helpful, and you luck in dealing with your issues.

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Household Items

Top 10 Household Items That Are Commonly Damaged During Moving

Moving or shifting to a new house is a lot of work. You have to ensure whether each and every item is being moved or not. Whether all those delicate and fragile items are safely moved or any of them got damaged or not. There are a lot of household items that can get damaged during shifting and moving. You have to give special attention to those items. Otherwise, you will end up getting all broken or damaged items. Top Household Items That Are Commonly Damaged During Moving Here is the list of those household items that commonly get damaged during moving tasks. Knowing about these items will help you take special care of them and decide on how you are going to move them safely. One of the ways is opting for the house moving company in London for the packing(with right material) and moving task. 1. Artworks Artworks are indeed expensive, and we also understand how precious they are to you. Artwork is fragile, and if not cared for properly, it can get damaged while transporting or moving. So, ensure you have wrapped them properly. 2. Lampshades Lampshades are something that we often deny to pack properly or even pack due to their shape. But never make a mistake; you might get a broken, twisted or damaged lampshade. When moving items, you have to be extra cautious about your favorite lamp. 3. Refrigerators And Freezers Refrigerators and freezers have some inside parts that are fragile. When you are moving them, ensure you have already removed the crisper, vegetable trays, ice trays, and other parts that are portable. This way, you will be able to ensure less or simply no damages. 4. Furniture Furniture is one of the items for which you encounter the most damage that is caused. Furniture not only gets damaged but also damages the other items. So, it is always advised to lock the cupboards before moving. 5. Electronics Electronic items like tv, sound systems, and other things also need to be moved really carefully. The slight damage to a single tiny part of the electronic items can damage the whole functionality of the piece and might cost you a lot on fixing that. 6. Plants Plates are very, very delicate. You can not pack beforehand. So, you have to ensure you are taking proper care of them when you are moving them. It will be best not to stick them into the moving truck and bring them with you. 7. Glassware Should we have to say anything about all these? If you do not pack them properly, you will get broken pieces of your favorite glassware. So, ensure you are wrapping them properly and packing them in cardboard in the proper way. 8. Washer And Dryer Just like refrigerators and freezers, you also need to take special care of your dryer and washer while moving. Ensure you have dismantled all the parts of your dishwasher before moving them. 9. Liquid Cleaning Supplies Liquid supplies are another danger. They not only get leaked or damaged, but they also damage and make other stuff dirty. So, ensure you have sealed them properly and packed them separately. 10. Wine And Liquor Bottles The last thing you will want while moving is all your wine and liquor collections have drained out. If you are not willing to pay this price, you have to ensure that the box of liquor is packed in a proper manner and also placed in the van at a safe place, be very careful while shifting them. Final Talks So, above are the names of the household items that can break while moving. Your back can also get damaged - however, it is not a household item, but it is more important than any earthly stuff. So, when you are moving and lifting heavy objects, make sure you are not straining your back too much. Along with taking safety precautions for your household items, also pay attention to your health and back as well. Read Also: 9 Home DIY Decorating Tips Do you have to sell your home to pay for care? What are Retirement Homes?

Value Of Your House

How To Learn The Value Of Your House

There are many reasons to want to value a house. A new addition to the family may need additional rooms, a work promotion in another location, or even just time for a change may require the home to be sold. Another reason to value a property is to identify a person’s current financial position. This may be necessary for those starting a business or needing additional finance. How do people learn the value of their houses? Here are three ways. Top 4 Ways Of Learning The Value Of Your House 1. Online Valuation Tools One of the easiest ways to get a valuation is to use one of the many online valuation tools available. They use public data to price your home. These tools use the automated valuation model (AVM). The valuations are based on data retrieved from public records like deeds of ownership, property transfers, and tax assessments. A mathematical formula is also applied, taking data from recent sales in the area. The challenge with relying on AVMs is that they’ll value every property, regardless of the available data, possibly giving an inaccurate value. To effectively use an AVM, do it from a real estate site that also includes a ‘confidence score.’ This value means a professional has checked the result from the AVM and given a score based on how close it is to market value. Any AVM plus a confidence score over 90% can be considered. 2. Comps One of the most common ways to get a current value for a house is to check out recent sales in the same area. Take a look around the neighborhood at comparable homes. These are known in the industry as ‘comps.’ When made public, the results of these sales can be an easy predictor of the values in the area. An ‘apple for apples’ approach needs to be applied here. If the house next door is a little more run-down but has an additional bedroom, that value isn’t a good comparison. If one down the road, with an equal number of rooms, was renovated around the same time, that’s a closer valuation. The way to get the best valuation for your home is to find four comps — two at the higher price range and two at the lower. Go for something that’s somewhere in the middle. Remember that values change quickly; any sale over three months ago may not match the current market. 3. Professionally Appraised The most expensive but arguably the most accurate way to value a home is to get it professionally appraised. These people have seen hundreds to thousands of comparable properties and can give you a correct value. A 2018 survey revealed that ¼ of US homeowners valued their properties this way. Lenders will require an appraisal before approving a mortgage; however, they’ll want it done by their own appraisers. Appraisers may even suggest changes that can be made to increase the property value. A professionally presented pre-purchase appraisal by a reputable appraiser makes it easier for the potential buyer to decide. This is one task that they don’t have to do. Appraisers are independent contractors. They get paid per appraisal; they don’t earn commission and therefore offer unbiased opinions. 4. House Valuation Made Easy Using an AVM is the most convenient way for a person to value their home; however, it’s possibly the least accurate. Spending the time to compare recent sales on comparable properties in the area is a closer way to get a more accurate price. Choosing a value mid-range of these is the best way. Unbiased professional appraisers will provide the most accurate value, but at a cost. Whether using an AVM, checking out local comps, or hiring a professional, there is one surefire way to know the value of a house. The value is whatever someone else is willing to pay for it! Additional: 5 Ways A Home Maintenance Plan Can Prevent Disaster How You Can Increase the Value of Your Home with Stone Veneers 6 Easy Ways To Make Your Home More Appealing To Buyers What Qualifications Do I Need to Have to Get a Home Mortgage?

Mortgage Broker

Work with a Local Mortgage Broker Company for Your Vancouver Mortgage

Real estate investing is one of the best and safest investments that any of us can make. Whether you are planning to provide housing for ourselves, or want it to be a source of income, buying a property is undoubtedly a big step. Many people observe hiring a mortgage broker as something casual. The expense of working with a mortgage broker is irrelevant in terms of how fast and efficiently the work will be done. The best way to get a roof over your head is to pay in cash, the whole amount at a time. Of course, for most of us, this is mission impossible (unless you are a lottery winner or rich heir). An average employee would probably need years of savings to decide on such a step. That is why another, equally good and affordable option was created - taking a mortgage. Check this page to see some good and bad sides of getting a mortgage. If you decide on this step, you will certainly need help. The mortgage-lending process is not straightforward. However, it can be quite confusing for people who do not understand legal and financial affairs. That is why it is best to hire a proven mediator who has the necessary knowledge, experience, and information. Mortgage Broker Tasks When you apply for a loan, you ask for money from mortgage lenders. These can be banks, credit unions, and even individuals involved in this financial business. A broker is there for you, to guide you to the lender that offers the best deal, according to your requirements and capabilities. Individuals and agencies can perform mortgage broker tasks. They work closely with lenders and are familiar with their current offerings. At any moment, they know where the interest rates are lower, who gives the more extended grace period, and so on. The point is to find a product set that offers a monthly rate that won't put too much strain on the borrower's budget. One more strenuous task that brokers will do for you is dealing with paperwork. Applying for and obtaining a loan can sometimes be complicated. Someone who knows what documents you need and how to gather and prepare them can be very helpful. Benefits of Hiring Local Mortgage Broker As every intermediary, mortgage brokers work on commission they previously agreed with lenders. But they certainly want their clients to be satisfied. Hiring a broker may not save you money, but it will bring you savings in other segments. For example, you will not waste time gathering documentation, compiling reports, and filling applications. They already did all these many times, so everything can be done sooner than you think. With the authorization you give your broker, they will try to finish the job within deadlines. Of course, you will be there to monitor the entire procedure, to read everything they did, and to underwrite whatever it takes. But you don’t have to deal with forms and legal terms. That can save you a lot of nerves and energy. Brokers have an insight into government-funded special home loan programs. It is an excellent way of getting a loan to solve housing issues, especially for groups of clients who may have difficulty applying for a mortgage - young people with short employment history, the disabled, people with low credit ratings, etc. Hiring a Broker vs. Going Directly to Lender Many people observe hiring a mortgage broker as something unnecessary. They find it a significant expense for something they can do on their own. And that is perfectly fine if they are aware of the fact that, in addition to the lender, they have to deal with realtors, lawyers, underwriters, and various institutions where the necessary documentation is obtained. In the whole process of applying for a loan, you are likely to focus on a few offers that seem acceptable. You will go directly to the bank, which will present their products, with some variations, perhaps. Maybe you’ll have luck, and find a suitable offer for the first time. Experts from a Vancouver mortgage company suggest that can be a trap for those who are in a hurry to buy a property. As they don’t have time to shop around, they will usually opt for the first offer. In most cases, it won’t be the most favorable one. Brokers have an insight into a much wider selection of mortgage offers by a large number of companies and individual lenders. The benefit of this collaboration is precisely the access to more options, from which you can choose the best one or the one that gives you the best conditions The process of applying for a loan can be quite stressful. Having someone from that branch to help you with knowledge and experience is always a good idea. The cost of working with a mortgage broker is insignificant in terms of how quickly and efficiently the work will be done. Read Also: Finding the Best Mortgage Lenders to Buy Your Dream House 7 Expert Tips In Finding The Best Mortgage Broker In Vancouver Business potential of stockbroking agencies in India