What to Expect During a Psychic Medium Reading

Published on: 06 September 2018 Last Updated on: 15 July 2024
Psychic Medium Reading

The psychic industry grew 2.4% between 2011 and 2016.

Although 1 in 3 Americans feel they’ve experienced a psychic moment, most people look to psychics and mediums to communicate with the other world. While similar, psychics and mediums are two different professions. A spiritual medium offers a different service than your everyday psychic.

If you’re thinking about seeing a spiritual medium for the first time, you may not know what to expect from your medium reading. You may be wondering how a medium communicates with the spirit world and how you should prepare for your clairvoyant reading.

Keep reading to find out what a medium does, what your reading will entail., and how you can make the most of it.

The Difference Between Psychics and Mediums:

While most mediums are also psychics, not all psychics are mediums.

A psychic can sense the energy field of the individual that they are reading. This allows them to gather information about the person’s life and the directions they’re headed.

A medium can also tune into this energy field, but they’re more specialized than that. They are also able to sense the energy of individuals that have crossed over to the spirit world. They communicate with individuals in the spirit world as well as those on the physical plane.

Going for a medium reading is not about entertainment. A medium is able to connect with spirits that are connected to you in some way. Meaning that they can deliver messages and information related to you and spirits that are related to you (i.e. friends, family, extended family, etc.).

How Does Communication Work Between Worlds?

There are multiple ways in which experts connect you to the past and future worlds. One of the leading ways is through tarot card reading. If you have been to a successful and credible who specializes in tarot cards, you know how well they are able to list down your challenges, concerns, and worries.

The ways in which a medium interprets communication from the spiritual world are unique to the medium as well as to the spirit they’re connecting with. Sometimes it’s a conversation, other times it’s images, symbols, and feelings that have to be interpreted by the medium.

Mediums have different abilities. Some of all or a combination of the following:

  1. This means that the medium can visually see the spirit. They can also see images that spirits show the medium
  2. This refers to the medium being able to hear spirit. This includes names, places, and other audible words.
  3. Mediums who are clairsentient can feel and sense the emotion and personalities of the spirit. They may also be able to feel pain related to injuries and traumatic deaths.
  4. A medium who is clairaudient can use their sense of smell to communicate with spirit. Sometimes a spirit will allow them to smell something that is symbolic to the spirit.
  5. Remote Viewing. Some mediums can be taken to different areas of the physical plane by a spirit. This allows them to see different people and places related to the message they’re delivering.

What to Expect from a Medium Reading:

There are a few things you should know to prepare for your medium reading. Keep these in mind for the best experience possible.

Come With an Open Mind

Many people are skeptical about the abilities of a medium. While a healthy degree of skepticism is fine, at least try to keep an open mind during your reading. Being completely closed off to the idea and trying to rationalize the details will take away from the experience.

Degrees of Communication

It’s also important to remember that every spirit is different. They all communicate differently and place importance on different things.

Spirits also have varying abilities to communicate. While some know how to communicate clearly, others are unable to clarify and focus their messages in a way that is immediately understandable.

Let Go of Expectation

Remember that spirit is going to tell you what you need to hear. Don’t come with any expectations on what you want to hear, because it’s not guaranteed to come through.

This is also related to information that may be helpful in the future. Although a message may not seem important to you now, it may be very important and clear to you in the future.

Come with Questions

It’s always a good idea to have a few questions to get the medium started. Questions can be related to your health, relationships, or work. They may also be related to specific loved ones that have crossed over.

Allow the Medium to Guide You

Once the medium reading begins, the spirit world is in control of who comes through and what messages are delivered.

The medium acts as the translator between the spirit world and the physical plane, but they can’t direct or demand the spirit. You’re also unable to influence that process.

Allow the medium to guide you through the reading. They’ll prompt you for your questions and deliver the messages that you need to hear.

Who Comes Through?

In the same way, a medium doesn’t control or direct spirit once they have opened up, they also cannot control who comes through.

Sometimes, the spirit of people you haven’t spoken to or thought about for a long period of time will come through. Other times, family members you may not have known or met will send messages.

In the cases where you’re unsure who has come through or their connection to you, ask family and friends following the reading. You may be able to piece together the puzzle of a very important message.

Speaking to Specific Loved Ones

Most of the time, a medium can connect with the specific loved one you’d like to speak to. But ultimately, the spirit realm decides who will come through and what messages they’ll deliver.

Sometimes, specific loved ones won’t choose to come through. There are spiritual reasons for this that are out of your control. They may also choose not to come through or to pull back if they sense that you’re uncomfortable or fearful.

Private readings are the best settings for connecting with specific loved ones. In this setting, the medium can learn more about who you want to connect to and attempt to connect with them on your behalf.

You’re Ready for Your Reading:

A medium is different from a psychic. They can connect with the spiritual world and deliver messages and guidance from those that have left the physical plane.

A medium reading can be an emotional and fulfilling experience. Keeping the above in mind will ensure that you get what you have an enjoyable and enlightening reading.

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Sexually Harassed

5 Ways You Could Have Been Sexually Harassed in the Workplace

While a whopping 81-percent of women have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, sometimes it isn’t so easily defined. Thus, it isn’t uncommon for sexual harassment to go dismissed. But the main issues with letting sexual harassment go is that it may continue, and worst of all, it may happen to other current and future employees in the near future. To prevent any harassment, SafetyTalkIdeas gives a great guide on what to do about workplace harassment. In response to sexual harassment, affected employees might become uncomfortable at work, suffer from lower concentration and productivity on the job, and may even be at risk for developing mental health disorders from anxiety to depression. If any of the following are relevant to you, you may be able to receive compensation for sexual harassment: 1. You were bribed or requested for sexual favors: Being bribed or asked for sexual favors is usually what most classify as sexual harassment. This can include a boss asking for sex in return for a pay raise or a co-worker asking you to send nude pictures or else they’ll sabotage your job. Unfortunately, many don’t speak out about these issues and may even give into these favors because they fear they will lose their job or have their paycheck withheld. 2. You were told sexist remarks: Whether directed towards you, your sex in general, or even the opposite sex, sexist remarks fall under the category of sexual harassment. However, many may feel that sexist remarks are only able to be worked with by an attorney if they are extreme. Thus, most tend to overlook sexist remarks if they believe their coworker or boss was trying to be sarcastic or funny. 3. Someone inappropriately touched you: An inappropriate touch is hard to define. For some cultures, a kiss on the cheek is completely normal. However, others may find it unprofessional and even disturbing. Additionally, the one touching, as well as the one being touched, may have a different idea of what the touch implies. Nevertheless, it is usually you that decides if a touch was inappropriate. Additionally, know that Inappropriate touching can be a one time or repeating instance. The severity of the touch(es) can vary drastically. 4. The way you dress dramatically changed how you are treated: If your boss or co-worker mistreats you or acts inappropriately when you dress a certain way to work (e.g., showing cleavage or arm muscles, wearing tighter clothing), you might have a legal case on your hands. Additionally, if your boss or co-worker suggests or requires, for instance, that you wear a short skirt and low-cut shirt to work, this would also be sexual harassment. 5. You were treated differently due to your gender: Generally, being treated differently because of your gender, whether with good or bad intentions, can qualify as sexual harassment. For example, this can include being given lower pay or hours or being verbally spoken to differently due to your gender. You may notice that the opposite gender in your place of work is treated in a completely different way. If you believe you are or have been sexually harassed at work, reach out to sexual harassment attorneys to confirm your potential qualification for legal compensation. Conclusion: Sexual harassment in the workplace is a very real issue that affects both women and men of all ages. However, many fear speaking up, especially if they believe someone will belittle their case. But reaching out to an attorney can be your best route to ensuring a safer workplace not just for you but for other employees at your place of work. Read Also: 9 Signs You Work For A Bad Boss How To Improve Workplace Security

The Benefits Of Modular Classrooms In Education

The Benefits Of Modular Classrooms In Education

In a world where children dream of fun camping trips and exciting days at the pool, why not infuse their educational journey with a dose of creativity and flexibility? In the ever-evolving landscape of education, innovation is the key to unlocking brighter futures for our students. Modular classrooms stand out as the optimal learning environments that foster growth, adaptability, and collaboration. Gone are the days of traditional brick-and-mortar structures that limit educational possibilities. From elementary schools to universities, many educators nowadays turn to flexible and sustainable modular classroom building. Whether you're tired of the same old classroom routine or just someone who's fascinated by the blend of architecture and education, these structures are worth checking out. Thanks to the durable materials and high-quality construction, they can handle the wear and tear of everyday school life with ease. Fast Construction Regular construction is such a pain - the noise, the dust, the never-ending wait. Well, with modular classrooms, all those headaches disappear. These structures are prefabricated off-site, which means while the building's being built, your school life remains nice and peaceful. No more dodging construction zones on your way to class! And once they're done with the construction, they deliver them to your school ready to go. It's like a huge puzzle that's already been put together! You don't have to wait months and months for the building’s completion. So, how fast can you build a modular classroom? You can have a brand-new structure up and running in just over two months! No more waiting around for ages, dealing with construction delays, and counting the days. So, whether your school needs to accommodate a growing student population or wants to create a flexible space for different activities, modular is the answer! Cost-Effective Traditional construction can be a money drain. From hefty material costs to never-ending labour fees, it often leaves schools scratching their heads and digging deep into their pockets. But with modular classrooms, it's a whole different ballgame. They build these structures in a controlled environment, which means less waste and more savings. And since they’re built in record time, you save on labour costs. Less time on-site means less money spent on construction workers. With these buildings, you can avoid the headache of unexpected expenses that often pop up in traditional construction, such as surprise repairs or delays that can send the budget skyrocketing. Their streamlined process keeps things predictable and budget friendly. So, whether you're on a tight budget or a savvy spender who loves getting more bang for your buck, these classrooms are the answer. You don't have to break the bank to create a top-notch learning environment! Sustainable Eco classrooms are built with sustainability in mind, using sustainable materials and energy-efficient features. Since the construction happens off-site, they produce way less waste than traditional construction. The manufacturer carefully selects the materials to minimize their impact on the environment. A modular classroom building will also reduce energy consumption. With proper insulation and ventilation, they keep the temperature just right without overloading the AC. That means lower energy bills and less strain on the planet. Modular structures are like the eco-warriors that come to the rescue. They’re built to last, so they reduce the need for constant repairs and replacements. This way you’re investing in a sustainable future for generations to come! Minimal Disruption With modular buildings, the noise, the dust, and the blocked pathways that drive everyone crazy are a thing of the past! Since they're built off-site, all that noisy construction stuff happens far away from your school. It's like the construction zone is in a secret location, away from all the daily hustle and bustle. So, your students can continue learning and your teachers can continue teaching, without any interruptions. And when they're ready, they just deliver the completed structure right to your school. No more waiting for months and months for a building to rise from the ground. The assembly process is super quick and efficient. It's like a well-coordinated dance – they bring in the pieces, fit them together like a jigsaw puzzle, and before you know it, your brand-new classroom is ready to roll. Say goodbye to blocked paths and detours that can feel like a maze. With modular classroom buildings, it's smooth sailing all the way! Customisation Every school is unique and has different needs. This is why you need a super flexible structure, so you can customise it to fit your school's personality and requirements. From the layout to the colour scheme, it's all in your hands. You can go wild with your creativity and create a space that reflects your school's vibe and values. You can choose the number of rooms, the size of each one, and even the configuration – it's like building your own educational paradise! Want big windows to flood the classroom with natural light? You got it. Fancy a cool outdoor deck for some fresh air learning? No problem. The possibilities are practically endless! Plus, the manufacturers understand that schools change over time. Maybe you need to expand in the future or reconfigure the rooms for a different purpose – not a big deal for modular structures. They're the shape-shifting transformers of education! Mobility Sometimes schools are expanding, relocating, or just trying to keep up with the changing educational landscape. If your school needs to move to a new location, modular classrooms are your trusty sidekick, ready to pack up and hit the road. It's like having a portable structure that you can take wherever you go! And this mobility doesn't mean you're compromising on quality. These structures are built to the same standards as traditional buildings, so you're getting durability, comfort, and flexibility all rolled into one. The mobility also means you can repurpose these classrooms. Need a new science lab or an art studio? No problem! It's like having a classroom that's always up for a makeover, no contractor needed. Bottom Line From their rapid construction that saves time and reduces disruptions to their cost-effectiveness eases the burden on school budgets, these modular classrooms have proven to be a game-changer. Their flexibility and customizability empower schools to create learning spaces that reflect their unique vision and adapt to ever-changing educational needs. Moreover, their sustainable design showcases a commitment to both student growth and environmental responsibility. These buildings embrace innovation and pave the way for a brighter future in education! Read Also: Enhancing Nursing Education: A Detailed Guide To Performing Head-To-Toe Assessments With Goreact Creating Educational Materials? Find Out Why Foreign Language Versions Are Essential SAP Hana Training Courses And Their Importance In IT Industry