Experts Recommend: Top Interior Design Trends for 2017

Published on: 02 October 2016 Last Updated on: 04 September 2024

Unquestionably, 2016 has been a prominent year in various spheres; starting from refreshing fashion couture to unimaginable makeup trends all the way to advanced technology fields and business opportunities. It’s certainly not surprising to witness a complete revelation in terms of interior design. This year, globally recognized designers have made it their goal to create distinctive design concepts which will give the modern home a more expressive appeal. Customized interiors, exhilarating tones, and lavishness of decorations are just the beginning of this journey, so buckle your seat belts as we’re taking you on a tour of the top interior design trends for the following year.

Minimalism with a Twist

While 2015 was a year of utter minimalism characterized by sterile environments and impersonal spaces, this year minimalism is getting a new form. The accent is not on decluttering the space and creating a bland surrounding, but on designing functional, multi-practical areas. There will be no place for useless decorations that just gather dust, but only for fully functional objects which serve a purpose. The goal is to create a space that will comply with the busy modern lifestyle and give people a home that’ll work in their favor, alleviating any processes that need to be done.

Colours of Serenity

Another refreshing feature we’ll welcome into our homes is the astonishing use of color in the space and a clever combination of contrasting hues. With the rapid lifestyle of the modern age, people have been in dire need of a tranquil ambiance, a sanctuary that’ll provide a sense of calmness. Pantone has decided to take the game to the next level by announcing not one, but two colors of the year: rose quartz and powder blue serenity. When combined, the two contrasting shades offer a truly mesmerizing sensation of peacefulness and composure, while their disparity gives the space a remarkable appeal.

Read also: How to Bring Summer into Your Space

Warm Metals

The use of materials is getting a new dimension in 2017 as we’ll be seeing a lot of seemingly contradicting and repairable mixtures of different material types. Warm metals such as brass, copper, and gold in combination with glass, raw wood, and natural stone have the ability to give a sensation of rough luxury while implementing iron, stainless steel and marble details will give your home a touch of glamor and a superb sophisticated allure.

Sustainable Households

Over the course of years, the importance of eco-friendly practices and sustainable spaces has become quite prominent. Many people have embraced the greener lifestyle by relying on different systems and methods of interior design which conform to these environmental beliefs. The presence of plants and lush vegetation is only the beginning of a sustainable residence, as there’s also an accent on the use of natural sunlight and skylight installations, the use of green appliances and creating indoor gardens. Everything is designed following the basic principles of green architecture, whose sole goal is creating sustainable homes that’ll benefit both people and the environment.

Refreshing Decorations

In terms of decorations, this year is all about cultural diversification and practical use. The use of decorations is going to be focused on functionality such as bedside tables or lamps which have the ability to wirelessly charge all electronic devices. A clash of cultures is also quite prominent in 2017, as indigenous nations are going to provide inspiration for ornamental features such as Scandinavian flatweaves, African-inspired decorative concrete or the use of decorative materials sisal and jute, native to India.


These aspiring ideas in interior design are going to mark the year 2016 with its distinctive features, refreshing designs, and remarkable concepts. The trends are always following the advancing lifestyle of humanity in order to create a convenient, pleasant and most importantly – a functional sanctuary that’ll provide its residents with everything they require.

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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Patient Portal Development Company Addresses Technology

Healthcare industries are focusing more on technology and better patient engagement to fuel the population health. But for the patient portal development company, it is necessary to address the technical shortcomings as well that limits interoperability for healthcare systems. Once all technical and political barriers will be considered well then it would easy to make better healthcare decisions effectively. Till now, healthcare systems are more rhetoric than real but making them result-oriented is still a challenge. The healthcare industries usually try to make patients more engaged and empowered otherwise any patient portal will not work at all. Patient engagement will struggle with certain political and technical barriers as information access may be challenging for consumers. Some of the main barriers in healthcare technology adoption are interoperability, data access, non-incentive payment options, etc. Here, this is the responsibility of the patient portal development company to address the technology shortcoming for better interoperable healthcare systems. There is not only a single place where you can download health records so you have to be cautious when working with external data sources. But the problem is people always want easy solutions that can be availed with a single click only. TO make data access that much easy, it is easy to work on big data analytics for better record management and organization. To bridge the gap between healthcare industries and patients, patient portal development company has developed better consumer-driven systems that completely focus on customer requirements. Further, it is necessary to aware people about the benefits of better patient engagement to improve the overall quality of care and healthcare services. According to the latest research and study, better consumer engagement improves health outcomes and reduces overall costs too. Experts have also defined strategies to address various technical barriers in most effective without putting many efforts and cost investments. Read More: Best Therapies To Cure Pain And Discomfort Using Digital Signage To Improve Your Business Top 6 U.S. Universities That Offer Health Science Course

bootstrap templates

Bootstrap Templates and Allied Tools to Make Your Web Presence Easy and Instant

It is no secret among online business marketers and website builders that the Bootstrap templates and themes could be their first option in terms of building a web presence. There are many reasons why people tend to use handy Bootstrap templates as: Primarily, most of the designers tend to use this as boilerplate. Bootstrap is out there with us for long, and people are so familiar with it. Many find it much riskier to switch to other options unknown to them. Bootstrap is time-tested, and it also found to be valid. It is a tool, which is time-tested and can also pave a strong foundation for websites. An endless collection of classic Bootstrap templates now helps you construct any type of website you want. It also has high flexibility and rich features, so irrespective of a regular blog or portfolio site, you can get it all here. The community around Bootstrap is so immense and extensive. This constantly expanding expert community will give you plenty of choices and unrelenting support for any issues. Most importantly, Bootstrap is a freemium product and also boasts of its high quality. You will come across countless free templates of Bootstrap, which won’t disappoint you at all. All these could act as a quick fix to your web development problems from time to time. In addition, they will also give you the apt solutions on which you can build safely. Some important things you need to know about Bootstrap 4 themes As we have already seen, Bootstrap is a very powerful but freemium CSS framework with an impressive selection of jQuery plugins, components, layouts, and UI/UX elements. The primary thing about Bootstrap is that it can be availed for free by the users. Now, the extreme popularity of Bootstrap has also urged web developers and designers from across the globe to land on this platform and uses it as a top choice in their projects. If you are also planning to use framework or workflow tools in your web projects, one should always make a note about the updated version of Bootstrap. The latest update is Bootstrap 4, which comes with a custom set of tools and features for the users to benefit from. The new version Bootstrap will certainly help the developers to create business websites flawlessly with ease. A few key things to remember while using Bootstrap You should know that there are different types of Bootstrap 4 themes and templates available out there, both official and third party. So, if you consider using one, always make sure that you do a thorough baseline analysis to identify the best theme for your purpose. In fact, with an abundance of choices, it will always be difficult for a customer to feel overwhelmed about the choice and get confused. This will be more so in case of the beginners who don't have an idea about how to make use of the best Bootstrap 4 template for their purpose. If you are among one of those amateurs who are confused about Bootstrap 4 templates, here we will discuss a few handy things which will help you out in making the right choice. When to consider using a Bootstrap template? The ones who are into website design or the developers who are applying the CSS, as well as a markup of Bootstrap, would have some basic default designs handy. Many don't want to customize Bootstrap, which also isn't ideal as it will make your site look similar to many others out there. So, the best move is to take any of the Bootstrap templates which are useful for you and then customize it to match your needs as well as to look unique. When it comes to choosing a default template, the design may not seem to be very appealing because the providers tend to make those pretty simple with some basic features embedded. So, to bring a professional look to the website, you should try to work further on it and customize it. For this, designers need to pay attention to the CSS framework to make the end product more stylish. There are many tools to help you customize the Bootstrap templates. Tools to customize Bootstrap themes It is so easy to create Bootstrap templates and themes, but it may be confusing if you don't use the right tools. In the case of beginners, it could be somewhat difficult until they get a good grip on it through practice. Adding to it, they also need to pay close attention to the fine details to set things right, which is time-consuming. Fortunately, many tools are there to help these novice Bootstrap web builders to create customized Bootstrap templates quickly and easily. Let's explore some such tools. Sublime Text This tool has a fair number of features to help web development. On using this tool, you can get quick access to many quick windows for the project code. Adding to it, you can also see the codes which you have written on the panel. Anvil The same group of developers had developed both Anil and Hammer, and you use both these tools independently. Anvil could work the best for the localhost servers, which could further let you preview the themes and choose the best for your purpose. Hammer As we said above, Hammer could be used in combination with Anvil or independently. It is a Mac-based development tool that comes with a handful of features to develop Bootstrap themes and static sites. With this tool, you can ensure that you make use of various HTML in the standard templates for further customization. Hammer could also be used to compile the languages like CoffeeScript, SASS, JavaScript, Markdown into CSS, and HTML, etc. SASS If you are planning to create a template of design a full-fledged website, then you may know that the Bootstrap 4 framework is built primarily on the SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets). In simpler terms, SASS is a wonderful scripting language that could be interpreted to CSS. You should also note that SASS is a scripting language used in almost every case. There are many other tools too to be used for customization of Bootstrap as Grunt, Harp, Bootply,, Bootstrap Starter Kit, etc. which could be handy for the developers and designers. All this help to pay attention to the crucial elements of Bootstrap customization and help you build the most relevant and user-friendly websites. Read Also: Adrian Rubin Tells How To Bootstrap Business In The Photography Niche Major Financial Problems That Can Affect A New Business

Why You Should Always Use Special Effects for Video Productions

Why You Should Always Use Special Effects for Video Productions

Special effects don’t necessarily have to express over the top scenarios, like explosions or fantasy lands. In fact, special effects are just some visual tricks to simulate imagined scenarios that would be impossible to recreate in real life. These visual effects are powerful storytelling tools that will help your audience imagine themselves as part of your story. While these effects are commonly used in movies and commercials, they can be used in any type of video, from a creative tutorial to a plain vlog. Here are some of the major advantaged of using special effects in your videos: They are versatile : As we already said, special effects can be so much more than just explosions and fantasy worlds. They are simply a tool through which you can express your most creative thoughts and stories. You can use them to simply stylize a basic video to increase its graphics quality, you can use them in live-action videos to cut down on some production costs, or you can create animations from scratch in order to tell a story in a unique way. However, the trick is to create professional-looking visual effects in order to properly transmit your message. If you don’t know much about special effects, we advise you to work with a team of professionals such as Augustus Films, the best VFX Company in Los Angeles. They have experience with a wide range of video projects, from commercials for local companies to independent movie productions. They are entertaining : For marketers, the internet is a constant battle for attention. Every piece of content that gets posted online must battle dozens if not thousands of other pieces of content within the same area of interest. Using visual effects is a great way to make your videos stand out from the crowd and gain the undivided attention of your audience. Even a seemingly unattractive subject can become entertaining with the right use of visual effects or animations. Moreover, animations are particularly useful at putting audiences at ease, due to the fact that they are associated with the childhood period. They are memorable : Did you know that our brain is capable of processing images 60,000 times faster than it can process text? Moreover, according to recent studies, the brain is three times more likely to remember visual and verbal information, than it is to remember just verbal information. As such, presenting your story in a unique visual manner is a great way to make sure that you will have an impact on your audience and that your message will be easily remembered. However, to achieve this, try not to use special effects just for the sake of saving money. People have seen dozens of explosions in movies, but you will certainly be memorable if you show them a unique, artistic explosion that will leave them speechless. They give you more creative freedom : While you can tell a good story with just words or with a good picture, special effects offer you the more creative freedom to play with the details that make the difference and tell a story that will really captivate your audience. Don’t waste your time tricking your audience into imagining a fantasy scenario, but let them see it with their own ideas. Transport them into your world and make them feel like they are a part of your world. They create visual fluidity : When the story that you tell doesn’t match the images in your video, you are causing a visual discrepancy, which your audience will certainly not appreciate. You can’t make a fantasy movie in an urban background and you can’t have actors pretending to fight in slow motion. Moreover, it will be next to impossible to materialize your ideas and turn them into a believable video, without any digital tricks. Speaking of believability, the quality of the video effects that you use will have a strong impact on how believable your story or your message will be, so make sure to only work with professionals. Read Also : Would Your E-commerce Website Pass The Cybersecurity Test? Here Are 3 Things You Could Be Doing Wrong Top 5 Graphic Design Trends For 2017 How To Maintain WordPress Website For Free?