Experts Recommend: Top Interior Design Trends for 2017

Published on: 02 October 2016 Last Updated on: 20 July 2024

Unquestionably, 2016 has been a prominent year in various spheres; starting from refreshing fashion couture to unimaginable makeup trends all the way to advanced technology fields and business opportunities. It’s certainly not surprising to witness a complete revelation in terms of interior design. This year, globally recognized designers have made it their goal to create distinctive design concepts which will give the modern home a more expressive appeal. Customized interiors, exhilarating tones, and lavishness of decorations are just the beginning of this journey, so buckle your seat belts as we’re taking you on a tour of the top interior design trends for the following year.

Minimalism with a Twist

While 2015 was a year of utter minimalism characterized by sterile environments and impersonal spaces, this year minimalism is getting a new form. The accent is not on decluttering the space and creating a bland surrounding, but on designing functional, multi-practical areas. There will be no place for useless decorations that just gather dust, but only for fully functional objects which serve a purpose. The goal is to create a space that will comply with the busy modern lifestyle and give people a home that’ll work in their favor, alleviating any processes that need to be done.

Colours of Serenity

Another refreshing feature we’ll welcome into our homes is the astonishing use of color in the space and a clever combination of contrasting hues. With the rapid lifestyle of the modern age, people have been in dire need of a tranquil ambiance, a sanctuary that’ll provide a sense of calmness. Pantone has decided to take the game to the next level by announcing not one, but two colors of the year: rose quartz and powder blue serenity. When combined, the two contrasting shades offer a truly mesmerizing sensation of peacefulness and composure, while their disparity gives the space a remarkable appeal.

Read also: How to Bring Summer into Your Space

Warm Metals

The use of materials is getting a new dimension in 2017 as we’ll be seeing a lot of seemingly contradicting and repairable mixtures of different material types. Warm metals such as brass, copper, and gold in combination with glass, raw wood, and natural stone have the ability to give a sensation of rough luxury while implementing iron, stainless steel and marble details will give your home a touch of glamor and a superb sophisticated allure.

Sustainable Households

Over the course of years, the importance of eco-friendly practices and sustainable spaces has become quite prominent. Many people have embraced the greener lifestyle by relying on different systems and methods of interior design which conform to these environmental beliefs. The presence of plants and lush vegetation is only the beginning of a sustainable residence, as there’s also an accent on the use of natural sunlight and skylight installations, the use of green appliances and creating indoor gardens. Everything is designed following the basic principles of green architecture, whose sole goal is creating sustainable homes that’ll benefit both people and the environment.

Refreshing Decorations

In terms of decorations, this year is all about cultural diversification and practical use. The use of decorations is going to be focused on functionality such as bedside tables or lamps which have the ability to wirelessly charge all electronic devices. A clash of cultures is also quite prominent in 2017, as indigenous nations are going to provide inspiration for ornamental features such as Scandinavian flatweaves, African-inspired decorative concrete or the use of decorative materials sisal and jute, native to India.


These aspiring ideas in interior design are going to mark the year 2016 with its distinctive features, refreshing designs, and remarkable concepts. The trends are always following the advancing lifestyle of humanity in order to create a convenient, pleasant and most importantly – a functional sanctuary that’ll provide its residents with everything they require.

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Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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How Developers Can Get More Out of Hadoop?

"Time is money" for every organization that seeks to spend time to market, anticipate, and hear requests of the clients and offer them new products and services. Handling data can become tough but Hadoop developers in India are handling it well with the help of big data processing tool. Such tools are extensively used by organizations to help businesses in acquiring real-time insights into the business. If you are also among those developers, you can make optimum use of Hadoop technology using the framework in many ways - 1. Move faster Just by switching to Apache Spark from data integration jobs built with MapReduce, you will be allowed to complete development jobs two and half times faster. Once the conversion of jobs is done, when you add spark-specific components for positioning and caching, you can enhance the performance five times than before. When you increase the RAM, you can do more stuff in memory and live a 10-fold improvement experience in productivity. 2. Get smart As you can process big data in real-time, it is still important to perform smart processing data in real-time. In order to enhance the IQ of the query, Spark leverages machine-learning, which allows customizing web content to triple the number of page views. It also enables you to deliver targeted offers that can help double conversion rates. This means you are driving more revenue along with delivering better customer experience. 3. No hand coding Developers can program anything discussed in this post in Spark, Java, or in Scala. However, there is still a better way. If you are relying on a visual design interface, your productivity can be increased by 10 times or even more. You can make a start by using a big data sandbox, with Spark. Ask for assistance from hadoop developers in India if you don't know how to start.


How Easy It Is Hiring A Story Board Artist?

Here we are talking about the easy ways by which you can hire a storyboard artist. But before getting into that let us tell you about exactly who are storyboard artists and what role they play and what is the agenda behind discussing them. A storyboard artist is a type of artist that makes a sequence of animated things that make it a film or a video which is used for the entertainment process. Storyboard artist usually is hired for the purpose of making animated short films or videos that are displayed before children. The process of storyboarding and evolution of storyboard artist emerged or was produced at the Walt Disney productions in the animation studios in the year 1930 and since then the animated movies are being made and for the sole reason of entertainment. Now if we talk about the purpose of making these movies in the earlier times these movies were telecasted on television but as far as today’s time is concerned, these movies are made for a special cause. Cause of hiring storyboard artists : We all are aware that today a lot of people are suffering from cancer and some of them even don’t have enough time or chance to combat the disease and they very well know the fact that one day they would be facing death. From those many people are also some kids that also suffer from cancer and have no expectation left of getting cured and have very less time left for embracing death. Hence it is our duty to make these children happy and also full the rest of their life left with happiness and as much as entertainment we can fill in their life so that they never feel afraid of their disease. This is a very noble cause as it imparts happiness to children and enables them to live a happy life. If you want to hire a storyboard artist you can just type famous frame artists and click here on the link provided to you. Hiring famous frame artists for a noble cause : We all know that kids love entertainment and animated movies hence by hiring storyboard artist we can make them watch the fun and entertaining animated movies which will fill their lives with happiness and this step would definitely impart a sweet smile on their face. Many NGO’s have already taken such steps to unite the public with such artist so that they can help the cancer patients in fighting the dreadful disease they are living and feeling in them daily. According to me this step taken by the socially active people who love serving mankind is extremely good and praiseworthy. Every child is special and a gift of God to mankind. And if in case they are going through any such condition their not is the duty of every individual to help them and encourage them to live their life with happiness and do something entertaining every day.    

Website Design

SEO Website Design Tips for Small Businesses

As a small business owner, you may feel like you need to do everything at once. Build your site, generate great content, advertise, keep up with search engine algorithms, learn who your audience is, learn who your competition is – and on and on that list goes. At these stressful moments, it is important to step back and remember the adage “slow and steady wins the race”. Your business wasn’t built overnight, and neither will your digital marketing be. The key to effectively marketing your small business is knowing where to put your efforts first. Website design is one of the most important elements of that and is a great place to start. Once you have the basics of your web design ironed out, you can do more work here and there to complete your digital marketing strategies over time. Not sure where to start? Our Nashville web designers offer six tips for getting started. SEO Website Design Tips for Small Businesses 1. Learn how Google Crawls Your Site As you are building your website and planning for your future in digital marketing, it is important to understand how Google crawls your site. That means understanding what it is that Google looks for on websites when they rank them in search engine results. Google’s algorithms change routinely, but there are a few concepts that are always the same – such as SEO and website design. When ranking websites, Google looks at factors like: Utility and usability (user-friendliness, page load speed, graphics loading, etc.) Content (quality long-form content) Long-tail keywords Related key terms Backlinks Internal linking strategy Optimized media 2. Choose a Clean and Simple Layout As you get started with website design, one of the best ways to start is by choosing a clean and simple website layout. You want users to be attracted to your site and engaged with it, but you don’t want it cluttered or distracting. Choose a design that speaks to your brand and mission. Choose a color scheme that matches your logo and branding. Make sure your font is easy to read.  Use the same template style for all pages. 3. Make Sure Your Site Performs Yes, Google crawls and ranks based on SEO, but they also crawl and rank based on performance. That means you should make sure your site is optimized for fast page load speed, mobile use, and image speed. If your site only works on a computer, you will lose an endless number of possible mobile users. 4. Use a Consistent Layout and Formatting Web design is just one aspect of building your brand. You should make sure that your website layout and formatting is consistent with other marketing materials, such as social media. Being consistent helps you establish your brand and makes you easily recognizable to customers from various platforms. 5. Use Every SEO Opportunity Search engines match up results with websites based on their optimization and relevance to the search term. That means you should use every SEO opportunity you have. That means including your keyword in the page title, meta description, and URL. If your page is titled “Best Dog Toys”, your meta description should include that phrase, and your URL should be something akin to 6. Add Alternative Text on Your Images Alternative text, or ALT text, is an SEO tactic that seems small but can have big results. When you add an image to your webpage, you will have an option to add ALT text or an ALT tag. You want to put your keyword in that box so that search engines know that your image also links to your keyword for the page. Your images are indexed just like content. Put It All Together As you can see, there are many aspects to web design. For a small business, one of the best things you can do is to make a plan for where you will start and what goals you want to accomplish here and there. By using these six tips as you build your website, you will have a solid foundation for your digital marketing that will last a long time. For the latest trends and challenges in SEO click: Read Also: Tips on Building Your Resume for a Website Design Company How to Design an Effective Company Website 7 Rules of Effective Ecommerce Web Design