Fall Prevention in the Elderly – What Home Tips Can You Employ?

Published on: 17 May 2022 Last Updated on: 22 June 2022
Fall Prevention in the Elderly

Every year there are around 6,000 deaths through accidents at home, with senior members of the family facing some of the most significant risks from falling, according to RoSPA statistics. 

This is the reason most health clinics are giving training to their staff on fall prevention in the elderly.

Of course, we spend much of our time at home, and looking after our safety both in our house and garden is key to avoiding many accidents, falls, or other harm that we face with hazards around the home.

9 Fall Prevention Tips In The Elderlies

9 Fall Prevention Tips In The Elderlies

Here we look at some of the measures you or your life in carer can take to make being at home safer and reduce the risk of an accident.

For fall prevention in the elderly, you will require a very systematic infrastructure and execution process.

Here are nine fall prevention at home in the elderly tips.

1. Maintain A Clean And Tidy Space

Keep the place tidy and avoid leaving items on the floor as they can easily be trip hazards to fall over. Leaving a magazine on the floor rather than placing it on a coffee table can easily mean anyone of unsure footing or wearing socks slips on it as they get up from sitting.

2. Enough Lights On The Troubled Areas Like Stairs 

Ensure adequate lighting shows any features well, so hallways and stairs are well lit. Use night lighting to ensure adequate guidance for moving around at night.

For fall prevention in the elderly, you have to organize the whole living area systematically. For example, many of the house areas are risky and dark. You have to design those areas carefully. Enough lights are never bad.

3. Keep Wearing The Non-Slip Socks

Wear shoes or non-slip socks to prevent slipping on non carpeted falls. They can also protect feet should you nudge furniture helping to reduce the occasions you hurt yourself or fall over.

Non Slip socks and nonslip shoes are great options for fall prevention in the elderly. Wearing these socks are keeping your feet protected, and you can easily avoid sudden fillings.

4. Maintain A Single Level Flooring 

Add grab bars and handrails where there are changes in flooring levels, as well as to help get onto and off the toilet safely. 

Baths and stairs are safer if you have well-fitted grab bars to help you move safely. Enlist a live-in carer to help you if you feel you need more assistance.

5. Loose Clothing Is A Serious Trouble Maker

Avoid clothing that is too loose. For example, if you have wide baggy legged trousers or excessively flowing sleeves, failing to grip or hold on securely or tripping on excess fabric is another major cause of falls in the home. 

Avoiding dragging or bunched up clothing helps in fall prevention in the elderly.

6. Avoid Making The Surface Too Slippery

Flooring and slippery surfaces are hazardous for many to slip or fall, even when wearing proper footwear and clothing, and especially when wet. 

Ensure bathrooms, kitchens, and porches with slippery floors are covered to reduce dangers. Add a mat or carpet to make them safer to walk on and give fall prevention to the elderly.

7. Rails and Holding Anchors In The Restroom Areas

Bathtubs and showers may need additional grab rails and matting to ensure that slick surfaces are safer to use. 

Ask for help. Many accidents at home arise from falling in the bath or shower, so a helping hand from a live-in carer can help keep you safe.

8. Install The Stairlifts And Avoid Too Much Stair Climbing

If you are finding stairs difficult, remove the need to use them. 

Consider installing a stairlift and looking for ways to reduce the number of times you need to go up and down each day as much as possible or if you can move to live on one level.

9. Take Time For Walking

Lastly, give yourself time. Don’t be in a rush. Many people fall by not taking enough care or time before they move after standing up or before taking the first step on the stairs going up or coming down and end up falling, this is another major cause of falling at home.

Convinced a live-in carer could be a good fall prevention strategy? Why not take a look at this list of live-in care agencies so you or your family can find just the right carer for your needs so you can remain in your home safely.


All of these fall prevention in the elderly nine tips are effective for fall prevention at home. Usually, the older adults are not going outside, and as a result, 90% of the accidents among older adults happen in their home locations. Home is a secure space. Almost 100% of the people are well aware of their homes and whereabouts. Even any blind person can walk into the houses securely. All of these tips will help you with the fall precautions and develop a house plan which is safe for elderly people.

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Imbalanced Swimming Pool

Risks of Imbalanced Swimming Pool Chemistry

The swimming pool offers an ideal spot to beat the heat and stay cool during scorching summer days. However, to enjoy this luxury all year round, it's necessary to follow basic care tips like: Regular cleaning Shock the pool Vacuum weekly Remove dead leaves and other debris Maintain pool chemistry Invest in an electric pool cover or set up a pool enclosure that offers long-term protection to your pool. When it comes to balancing water chemistry, a slight up and down in recommended level can create a huge difference and make the pool unsafe for swimming. But that’s not all! Some other risks associated with the unbalanced pool chemistry are: 1. Skin infections Swimming in a pool having disturbed chemical levels can pose risks to your health and can cause serious skin problems like: Rashes Hot tub folliculitis Fungal infection Itchy red bumps So, maintaining the right chemical level is necessary to enjoy a problem-free swimming experience. 2. Corrosion Poor pool chemistry can make water corrosive and decays the iron and steel components like heaters, motors, pumps, etc. Corroded equipment doesn’t work effectively and can make your water unfit to swim in. The rusting of pool equipment is inevitable but the process can be slowed down by maintaining the chemical level. pH – 7.4 to 7.6 Total Alkalinity – 80 to 120 ppm Calcium Hardness – 200 to 400 ppm Cyanuric Acid – 20 to 50 ppm Free Chlorine – 2.0 to 4.0 ppm You may go through:  Top 5 Tips in Designing Your Swimming Pool 3. Cloudy water A pool having high or low levels of chlorine, pH, total alkalinity, and calcium hardness can turn your pleasant oasis into a giant bowl of milk. For instance, high calcium levels can be one of the reasons behind the cloudy pool and can also clog the filter with calcium deposits. It is not safe and healthy to swim in a cloudy swimming pool. 4. Algae growth If you notice your pool turning green, then it is most probably because of the unbalanced water chemistry. Poor water balance can make your pool a breeding ground for algae and bacteria. These microorganisms can affect you and your pool in many ways: Clogged filters and pumps Unclean pool Skin infections Cloudy water Degrade and stain pool surfaces 5. Plaster problems Pool plaster ensures the long life of your swimming pool. However, with the passage of time, it can degrade even in a well-maintained pool. So, what causes cracking, scaling, or etching of pool plaster? The main culprit behind plaster deterioration is improper water chemistry. For instance, if your pool has a high alkaline level, it can cause etching on plaster surfaces. This can make the pool surface feel like sandpaper and can lead to a host of other problems. In the end… Maintaining the pool chemistry is a vital part of overall maintenance. There are many factors that can affect the pool chemistry like rain, microorganisms, poor filtration, and other elements. It’s important to keep a check on water chemistry to avoid potential problems and prevent costly repairs. Read ALso: What is the Right Age to Start Swimming Lessons? All You Need to Know About Pool Maintenance Services


5 Uses For ATVs That Might Surprise You

The All-Terrain Vehicle, or ATV, is widely used around the world for many different reasons, with numerous industries making good use of what we call the quad in the UK. From cattle ranching to patrolling national parks, the ATV is a vital component to many industries, which include the following. Snow Plough With the right front attachment, the ATV is a very effective slow plough, mainly used in rural areas that do not have the local authority resources to keep minor roads clear of snow. While large snow ploughs clear main roads, some of the smaller lanes are effectively cleared by ATVs with snow plough attachments. If you are thinking of buying a quad bike, there is quad finance for UK applicants from the leading quad supplier, who covers all of the UK. Weed Killing With a special attachment underneath the machine, the ATV can spread weed killer effectively, covering a lot of ground in just a few hours, which is really essential for farmers with large areas that need weed protection. Another popular task carried out by a quad bike is spreading seed and fertilizer, with a special hop that is filled up and while the ATV is ion motions, the grains are equally distributed. Rounding Up Livestock Primarily in Australia and New Zealand, the ATV is often used to drive livestock to a different grazing area, and as they must cover large areas, the ATV is better than a horse, as it never gets tired. Teams of ATV cowboys often work in conjunction with helicopters, to move large herds of cattle, and these riders are very skillful, managing to turn quickly, with good torque and top speed. Hunting Many hunters use an ATV with a trailer to go deep hunting in the wild, and they might take enough provisions for a several day expedition, plus the ATV can be used to retrieve the carcasses. The hunter might stop his ATV a few kilometres before his target game, as the noise of the machine would scare the animals. If you do buy a quad, there are a few ways you could ruin an ATV, so do take care at all times, as your beloved ATV is not a cheap thing to buy. Ploughing While most farmers have plough attachments for their tractors, some small farm owners prefer to use their ATV to plough small areas of agricultural ground. There are also grass-cutting attachments for ATVs, and with a winch fitted, the ATV is great for all kinds of farming. Of course, riding a quad for sheer pleasure is one of the most popular outdoor activities in the UK, where you can easily find world-class quad trails that test you no matter what skill level you possess. If you would like to view new and second-hand quads, search online for the leading UK supplier and pay them a visit. Once you own a quad and a trailer, you can visit some of the best quad riding venues in the UK. Read also: Edmonton Landscape Maintenance Tips Your Essential Guide to Leasing a Vehicle in the UK