Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit In South Carolina: Here Are 7 Things You Should Know

Published on: 23 May 2022 Last Updated on: 18 February 2025
Personal Injury Lawsuit

Medical negligence, car accidents, defective products, dog bites, slip and fall injuries…

The list of personal injury accidents can go on and on. The thing that should be noted is that all the above-mentioned accidents can result in grievous injuries. While some of them might not be fatal, it is true that a lot of individuals lose their lives every year in personal injury cases.

If you are looking to file a personal injury lawsuit in the state of South Carolina, you should be aware of the facts. This is because the rules and regulations governing the administration of personal injury lawsuits differ from state to state.

If you are not aware of the specifics of filing one in South Carolina, you might not get the desired solution in the form of settlement claims or compensation you are looking for. This is going to cause an unnecessary financial burden on top of the turmoil you are going through.

In this resource article, we are going to list seven important things you should know when filing a personal injury lawsuit in the state of South Carolina. If you or someone you know is looking to file a personal injury claim, you should check out what we have to say in the article.

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit: Is it absolutely necessary?

The first thing that you should note is that there is a difference between a personal injury claim and a lawsuit. If you have been injured because of the irresponsible actions of someone else, you need not file a lawsuit right at the beginning.

This is because, in most instances, the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident and the consequent injury will help you with the compensation amount required.

Yet, it has been found that in a majority of cases, insurance companies have been found to strongarm victims into accepting lower amounts of compensation than they are rightly entitled to. The reason is simple- every time an insurance company pays, it compromises its profits.

You should be looking to file a personal injury lawsuit if-

  1. You find that the insurance company is purposely delaying the disbursal process for the compensation.
  2. The person responsible for the accident is hesitant to share their insurance details with you.
  3. The extent of damages is far beyond what the insurance company can pay as part of its coverage.

In such instances, you need to hire a personal injury attorney South Carolina and take the case to court to help you get what you deserve in terms of the losses suffered.

7 Things you should know when Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit in South Carolina:


1. Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney-

Studies have shown that individuals that lawyer up when filing a personal injury lawsuit are able to recover far more than people who go at it alone. This is why the first thing you should do when you want to move the case from a claim to a lawsuit is to hire an experienced personal injury attorney for your case. This will allow you to focus on getting better physically.

2. South Carolina has a Statute of Limitations-

The period of filing a personal injury lawsuit in the State of South Carolina is fixed. The term period for the same is 3 years from the date of the accident. You need to file a personal injury lawsuit within the three-year period, or it will not be entertained by the courts thereafter. Make sure that you are not delaying it indefinitely since it sends the wrong message to the court.

3. Never sign anything given to you by the Insurance Company of the accused-

You have no idea about the extent insurance companies can go to save their skin. They do not want to pay up. This makes them resort to unfair means like asking you to sign complicated paperwork that might compromise the integrity of the personal injury case. It is best that you refer all official documents sent to you by the insurance company to your attorney.

4. A Personal Injury Lawsuit can be won even before the start of the court proceedings-

Yes, there are two main ways how you can win a personal injury lawsuit. When you file a case, the lawyer and insurance company of the accused will try to get the case settled before it goes to trial if they believe it will help them minimize the settlement amount. On the other hand, a case can go to the Jury for their decision, and whatever the court orders will have to be paid.

5. The point of a Personal Injury Lawsuit is to Fix Fault or Negligence-

There is only one way to get the settlement compensation you want- fix negligence. You need to prove that the accident and the subsequent injuries were squarely the faults of the accused. In other words, it was their negligence that resulted in you receiving injuries and spending time in the hospital. This is what will help you get the maximum traction for your lawsuit.

6. Gathering evidence and building a solid personal injury lawsuit is a top priority-

In most personal injury lawsuits, it all boils down to the nature of the evidence that is being presented in support of your claims. This is where an experienced personal injury attorney and their team of investigators can prove to be an invaluable asset for your lawsuit. They will be able to gather evidence whose examination will be able to establish the guilt and negligence of the accused.

7. Personal injury lawsuits can drag on for months and be very time-consuming

Yes, it is true that some personal injury lawsuits are settled within a month, whereas others can run for one or even two years. There is a certain sense of the complexity involved when it comes to personal injury lawsuits. You need to be prepared for the long haul if you want to see this through. Make sure that you pay attention to the fees for your personal injury attorney.

The Final Word

When it comes to personal injury lawsuits and the claim amount, it is not only about helping you pay the medical bills. If the injury is serious, you need to ensure that the compensation that is being offered makes up for lost wages, takes care of the medical care you need during the recovery stage, and more.

If you have any more questions regarding personal injury lawsuits in the State of South Carolina, please let us know in the comments section below.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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What Happens At A Preliminary Hearing Of A Criminal Case In Knoxville?

A preliminary hearing is a court proceeding that takes place before a serious criminal trial. For offenses by minors, preliminary hearings are not acceptable. On the other hand, in the case of an adult, the criminal charge is applicable, and it may result in 14 years in prison for a serious crime like assault or murder. If you have been charged with a crime, you should immediately consult a skilled criminal defense lawyer in Knoxville. We urge you to learn more from a criminal defense lawyer in Knoxville if you are a resident there. Introduction to Preliminary Hearing A preliminary hearing allows the court to evaluate if there is enough evidence against the defendant for a reasonable jury to convict if the judge orders it. If there is insufficient evidence, the accused will be discharged. In the majority of situations, this results in the lawsuit being dismissed. A preliminary hearing is similar to a trial, except it usually takes a lot less time. By calling witnesses and presenting evidence, the Crown Prosecutor will offer evidence against the accused. The defense counsel will have the chance to question witnesses called by the Crown prosecutor. The purpose of the Crown prosecutor is to persuade the court that there is enough evidence to go to trial. Preliminary hearings allow the accused to see the evidence against them and may assist in planning defense before trial, even though a few cases are dropped at this stage. They also show the strength of the case against the accused, which might help in the case's conclusion. The Best Way to Tackle Hearing in a Criminal Case If you have been charged with an offense against which it is possible to have a preliminary hearing, it is better not to choose only one hearing. This is because you're conceding that there's enough evidence to go to trial, but you're not admitting guilt. In addition, attending a preliminary hearing carries various risks; in other cases, such as if the evidence shows a more serious accusation, you may be forced to stand trial on both charges. Does Every Criminal Case inKnoxvilleReceive a Pre-Trial Hearing? No, if you're charged with a crime in Knoxville, you won't get a preliminary hearing unless one of these three things happens: For starters, if you are charged with a misdemeanor in Municipal Court, you will not be offered a preliminary hearing. Instead, the matter will be heard right away in front of a municipal court judge. If you lose your trial and wish to appeal, you can request a new trial, and the trial transcript will be treated similarly to the preliminary hearing record. Rather than granting a defendant a preliminary hearing, the Commonwealth of Knoxville indicts a grand jury regularly. The grand jury will next decide whether or not the defendant will be charged. In cases requiring long investigations by investigative grand juries, the Commonwealth may request to forego the preliminary hearing in particular circumstances and instead rely on the grand jury's presentment. The defense commonly raises objections to this motion. However, there are just a few options for challenging the use of an indicting grand jury. First, the defendant can still file a motion to quash in this case. So, most individuals charged with a crime in Knoxville are granted a preliminary hearing; however, this is not always the case. Read Also: Civil Cases Versus Criminal Cases: What You Need To Know The Personal Effects Of A DUI Case On Individuals: By Counsellors What To Look For When Researching A Criminal Lawyer? Criminal Law Enforcement