10 Best Foliage Plants To Buy In 2024 – Must Read!

Published on: 14 April 2022 Last Updated on: 28 March 2024

Sometimes it’s the leaves that matter, not the flowers. While most people keep flowers in their gardens, balconies, and backyards, some extra greenery also looks nice sometimes. This is where many people get the itch to include some foliage plants in their gardens. While many consider flowers to be the most crucial part of the vegetation of the household, some outdoor greenery also looks natural. Having some big green plants also helps make the house outdoors look beautiful and lush with greenery. Therefore, we have searched far and wide to present you with the 10 best types of foliage plants that you can buy and welcome to your household in 2022.

What Are Foliage Plants?

Foliage plants refer to plants that do not produce any flowers. Their main beauty lies in their leaves. They are primarily placed outdoors but can be placed indoors. Foliage plants are typically bigger than most flowering plants and potted plants. Therefore, they are primarily suited for outdoors, but some are better suited indoors.

Read More: 10 Best Low Maintenance Plants To Buy In 2022

10 Best Foliage Plants In 2022

If you want to buy plants to decorate your house or garden’s outsides, then here are ten assorted foliage plants that you can buy and add to your garden in 2022.

1. Caladium


If you want to impress your soulmate with many hearts, then caladium might just get the job done. This plant has heart-shaped leaves that are typically reddish to crimson towards the middle. However, some leaves might also be white or pink. Since these plants have bright, arrow-shaped leaves, they are best used to brighten parts of your garden.

2. Coleus


If you want lots of options in choosing the color or shape of the leaf you want, then Coleus is for you. This plant comes in various bright colors, with the leaves being green with a different-colored midsection. This plant is popular because it comes with different splashes of colors that create great colorful contrasts.

3. Elephant Ear

Elephant Ear

While this might not be as big as an actual elephant ear, the leaves of this foliage plant are enormous. Compared to the other plants on this list, the leaves of this plant are big but have various colors available. The leaves grow up to 1 to 2 feet in length. Just keep it where the leaves get sheltered from strong winds.

4. Ferns


One of the most common foliage plants, ferns are a common sight in most houses that have foliage gardens. This plant comes in various sizes, from small to big. The leaves are typically bright green with dissected sword shapes, similar to spiky plants. These plants should be kept indoors, being placed beside the bed or the couch.

5. Ninebark


These deciduous shrubs come in lobed oval shapes and are purple foliage plants. It might also be available in other hues of golden and pink. This foliage plant is popular because it often changes color based on the season. It is best placed in focal points in your garden to get seen easily.

Click This To Read: 10 Best Low Maintenance Plants To Buy In 2022

6. Rex Begonia

Rex Begonia

This foliage plant is known for its broad and big leaves with highly decorative patterns. This plant is kept both indoors and outdoors, depending on the season. They are best kept in shady areas outdoors during summers and are taken inside during winters. This plant comes in various colors, with circular patterns on white, black, or darkish pink on the leaves.

7. Dusty Miller

Dusty Miller

If you want a light-colored 

foliage plant, dusty millers will be a great addition to your garden. It is best kept in sunny areas so that the bright white-solver color of the leaves can pop and look vivid. This plant is best kept in pots and containers, especially indoors.

8. Peacock Plant

Peacock Plant

Being one of the best bedroom plants, it comes in various shapes and sizes based on its species. The leaves of this plant are colorful and can grow quite big. This is why they get compared to a peacock’s tail. It’s best if you keep them outdoors with higher temperatures and humidity.

9. Calatheas


These broad-leaved foliage plants are typically green in color with darker midsections. The leaves of these plants are pretty big and often look like canopies. If you decide to keep this plant in your garden, keep it in a shady area since they do not like direct sunlight.

10. Crotons


If you want colorful plants in your garden, then get some crotons. The leaves of this plant are long and slender, typically green in color with yellowish midsections. This plant is a pretty and colorful addition to your botanical garden.

How To Care For Foliage Plants?

After you get foliage plants for your garden, you must take good care of them. Make sure that these criteria are fulfilled and keep your plants lush and healthy throughout the year.

1. Lighting

It’s best to keep most of your foliage plants outside in your garden or on your doorstep, where it gets sufficient sunlight. Therefore, it is vital to keep track of the intensity and duration of the sunlight your plants get exposed to during the daytime. It’s best to keep your plants outside so that it gets 10 to 16 hours of sunlight daily. However, some plants like the Calatheas and the Rex Begonia are best kept outside the range of direct sunlight.

2. Temperature

Foliage plants thrive best at 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (16 to 30 degrees Celsius). While most of these plants can survive warmer temperatures, colder temperatures around 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) will cause severe problems.

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3. Humidity

Since most of these foliage plants are tropical plants, they thrive better in warmer and humid climates. A humidity level of 80% will be perfect for these plants, but not less than 35%. Inadequate humidity can cause these plants to develop brown patches on their leaves. If you keep some of these plants indoors, you have to make sure the room is humid with indoor humidity controllers, especially during winters.

4. Soil

The health of the soil affects the growth of the plant in many ways. If you keep these plants in pots, add some potting soil with peat moss. These help the roots of the plants to breathe easier and get the essential nutrients it needs from the earth. Don’t keep these plants too close to each other, especially if they have more giant leaves like Elephant Ear. In addition, make sure that they get watered regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. What Are Foliage Plants Used For?

Foliage plants are used for decorating your garden with big green leaves or your interiors.

Q2. Do Foliage Plants Need Sunlight?

Yes, most foliage plants do need sunlight.

Q3. Can You Plant Foliage Outside?

Yes, foliage plants are typically planted outside, with a few exceptions.

Q4. What Soil Does Foliage Like?

Foliage plants like moist soil that gets watered regularly.


Foliage plants are some of the most beautiful non-flowering plants that you can add to your garden. The main attraction of these plants is their colorful leaves, which can come in different patterns, colors, and sizes. Plants like Elephant Ears, Ferns, Coleus, Caladium, and Rex Begonia are some of the most popular foliage plants you should add to your garden. First, however, you must ensure that they are well kept and maintained, with sufficient sunlight and water. If you liked reading this blog, then check out our other blogs about gardening plants too!

Read Also:

  1. 10 Best Aesthetic Plants To Buy In 2022
  2. 10 Best Tall House Plants To Buy In 2022
  3. What Are Trailing Plants? – What Are The Types Of Trailing Plants?

Debamalya is a professional content writer from Kolkata, India. Constantly improving himself in this industry for more than three years, he has amassed immense knowledge regarding his niches of writing tech and gaming articles. He loves spending time with his cats, along with playing every new PC action game as soon as possible.

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getting rid of clutter

7 Tips for Getting Rid of Clutter in Your Home

Are you guilty of hanging on to items you don't need anymore? Is your home starting to look more like the dwellings of a pig than a person? It can be easy to let clutter creep up on you. One minute all of your rooms seem spacious and empty, but the next you realize your entire floor is covered with items. Getting rid of clutter is an important step in having peace of mind. This article will give you seven tips on eliminating clutter so you can start to think more clearly. 1. Begin With the Bedroom: Your bedroom should be a sanctuary for you. It should be the place you can go to relax and get away from the world. If your bedroom is full of junk, it's not likely to be relaxing. Start by putting all of your items in a pile. This will enable you to take inventory of what you have. Get two giant trash bags, one for trash and one for donations. Put all the items you want to throw away in one bag and put the items you want to donate in the other. Once you get rid of all the useless junk you don't use anymore, you'll be able to find places to store the items you really value. Getting your bedroom tidied first will motivate you to fix the entire house. 2. Kill the Clutter in Your Kitchen: Your kitchen is where you prepare your food, so you want to make sure it's a clean environment. Begin by throwing away any food that is expired. Look through your pantry and toss and spices or soups that may have been sitting there for decades. Make room in your cabinets by throwing out extra Tupperware. Only keep the Tupperware that has a lid. Make sure every base has a matching lid. Discard any old pots and pans that go unused. Cleaning out your kitchen will ensure you don't develop a pest problem. Rodents, roaches, and other insects won't want to make a home in a clean kitchen. 3. Get the Family Involved: Decluttering doesn't have to be a one-man job. Send in some recruits, aka your children and spouse, to help you. Turn banishing clutter into a game for your kids. Set up trashcans like basketball hoops and see who can get the most useless items inside. Give them incentives for donating old clothes and toys they don't use anymore. Tell them they can't have any new toys until they donate some. Your children need to learn the art of letting go as much as you do. You can't keep accumulating items into your home unless you take some out of it. Otherwise, you might end up a hoarder and need serious hoarding help. 4. Put on Some Music: Any task can be made easier with the right music. Put on music that motivates you and watches as your body kicks into overdrive. Before you know it, your entire house will be clean. Dance around as you clean to burn some extra calories and have a blast doing it. 5. Use the KonMarie Method: Marie Kondo has become famous for her method of getting rid of clutter. She says you must think carefully about each and every item in your home. Hold it up to your chest and ask yourself if it "sparks joy." If it does spark joy, you keep it. If it doesn't make you feel happy, you should thank it for its time in your life and then discard it. This method causes you to be more mindful of your belongings. It makes you think about what items you care about. 6. Don't Get Overwhelmed: The easiest way to give up on your de-cluttering journey is to try to do too much at once. You can't possibly tackle your entire house in one day and do a good job. Instead, focus on one room at a time. Schedule in time to clean in your day so it doesn't take away from other responsibilities. If you schedule in 20 minutes a day for a week, you'll notice big progress at the end of the week. You're less likely to give up that way then if you tried to do several hours in one day. Slow and steady wins the race and the clean house. 7. Keep it Clean: If you don't want to have to go through the stress of cleaning everything all over again, take steps to keep your home under control. As soon as you're done using an item, put it away in it's designated storage place. When you're done eating, do the dishes. When your laundry is done, fold it. When the trash is full, take it out. When you do these small chores every day, they won't pile up on you. You must commit to the habit of tidying up after yourself. It will make you feel better and make your home look better for guests. Start Getting Rid of Clutter Today: The key to getting rid of clutter is commitment. You have to want to eliminate clutter and set realistic goals to get there. Picture how great your house will look once you've cleaned out all the excess. Close your eyes and envision how easy it will be to find something when everything has its own place. You'll be able to save so much extra time in your day because you won't be sifting through things for hours trying to find what you need. Enjoy this article? Want to tell us some of your best tips for eliminating clutter? Please contact us here. Read Also: 5 Tips To Add More Zen To Your Home 5 Ways That Ensure That Your Home Is Safe For Living

garden sheds

Best Material for Garden Sheds: A Guide for Everyone

In your garden, you can add more style and storage with the help of outdoor garden sheds. Once you are ready to invest in a garden shed, you have to decide about materials and design. Nowadays, sheds come in several materials and styles. For this reason, it can be confusing to choose the best storage shed. What Are The Material Which Is Using For The Garden Sheds? People find it difficult to choose between concrete, metal, and wood. Each material offers different benefits and drawbacks. However, it is essential to compare each material before finalizing your decision.   The materials of the garden sheds depend upon your requirements of the sheds. For the fancy sheds lover, the lightweight materials are ok, but when you want to fulfill some extra purposes like the storage and organizers, the heavy metals are good to select. 4 Best Materials For The Garden Sheds The best decision may depend on security, customization, appearance, and durability. If you want to make an informed decision, make sure to understand the characteristics of each material. Here are the four materials which you can use to build the garden sheds. 1. Metal Sheds Metal sheds are lightweight and durable. These are famous because of their designs and cost. You have to anchor them to the floor. Typically, the metal garden sheds are made of galvanized aluminum or steel. You will get different colors and styles of metal sheds in the market. Remember, Absco sheds at Wholesales Direct can be the best choice for you. These sheds are available in different colors, but you have to paint them. Remember, repainting will help you to maintain a classic fresh look. Unfortunately, metal sheds may have to dent and rusting according to the weather. For this reason, you should choose a durable foundation to store in heavy equipment. 2. Wooden Sheds For garden sheds, wood is a favorite choice. People often prefer it to increase the aesthetics of their garden. Remember, wood is customizable; therefore, you can change things with time. You are free to paint them if desired. Remember, the nature of wood allows you to increase storage options because you can add cabinets and shelves. In the case of wood sheds, you are completely free to create a shape or size. You can use your desired colors to complement your surroundings or house. Feel free to dress them with desired features, such as window flower boxes. Kits of wooden sheds can be expensive as compared to metal or resin sheds. Undoubtedly, wood is a strong material but vulnerable to deterioration and rot. The paint finish on the shed may fade and peel over time that requires frequent maintenance and repainting. 3. Resin Sheds Resin sheds or plastic sheds may contain high-density polyethylene or vinyl. These are made of high-quality material. Yet, it is durable and more robust than wooden sheds. For ultimate durability and strength, people use steel support. Remember, these sheds are free from maintenance. You will get several size options. Undoubtedly, the kit is solid and easy to assemble. Resin sheds look decorative and attractive with neutral colors garden sheds. Put perfect choice able potting benches, and get astonished seeing the entire combination how damn transform your garden! These come with a nicely finished interior with plastic floor and wall panels. 4. Concrete Sheds Indeed, concrete garden sheds are durable and offer incredible security for valuable possessions. It will help you to increase the security of your room. Unlike wood and metal, concrete sheds are permanent fixtures. You are free to customize this shed according to your needs. It will be easy for you now to compare different materials and choose the best one according to your needs and budget. Conclusion: The decorative garden sheds are not only looking very glamorous for your garden interior but also provide ample benefits to your garden. Apart from that, your garden is going to look more organized and subtle with the niche selections with the all purposes garden sheds. Choose the right one for your garden, and do not compromise the quality of the materials. You may be thinking this is an interior part. But your garden sheds are going to need weather protection. So choose wisely. Read Also: Garden Edging for Beginners 5 Summer Garden Maintenance Tips and Tactics You Have To Know Grow these flowering plants in your home garden


How To Make Your Home Look Like A Splendid Hotel?

But, when you enter your home after such a lavish holiday, don’t you feel irritated to see the unmade bed and cluttered bathroom? Yes right!! So, It’s worth to experience even a small version of this luxury in your daily lifestyle. With that point of view, I am listing out today some really effective ways through which you can easily attain a deluxe and opulent experience at your home. Have a look!! A lavish bedroom is the first priority You’ve to agree with the fact that when you go to a luxury hotel the first thing which catches your attention is a well-designed bed with matching cushion, bedsheets, and mattress. So, at the very first step, start with a premium quality mattress and then layer it up with the fluffy and big pillows. Choose a king or queen size bed with a headboard upside, two bedside tables, two beautiful side lamps, etc. Make a stupendous entry-way Just think of the last awesome hotel you visited, you would have noticed a well-organized lobby with some pretty orchids, designer mirrors, and dim lighting. Incorporating such a view in your small entry-way of your home is not a tough job. You just have to do a simple thing to attract your visitor’s eye to an attractive centerpiece. It can be a small table made up of marble, wood or glitzy lacquer. A refreshing spa bathroom When you’re thinking of imitating a luxury hotel, one thing which is must-have is a posh bathroom décor. You can add a glass confined walk-in shower, a dip sink with large mirrors and extremely appealing and pleasant smelling soaps. And to make it more hi-fi and comfortable things which you can add are soft towels like the puffy clouds and a bathrobe. Designer curtains are must When it comes to the window and door curtains, these are very important. It’s because the whole look of your home is dependent on these curtains up to a great extent. If you go for cheap curtains from the local store then you’re spoiling your home decor. The curtains should be of exact measurements and the ones which are in contrast with the color of your walls look more good. Read also: Top Expert Tips For A Stunning Condo Interior! Gorgeous lighting is necessary A five-star or seven-star hotel is never dark or dreary. It has enough lights that brighten up the whole interior and give the hotel-room a prominent look. At first, think of the huge overhead lights in your home. You shouldn’t use the out-dated ones and instead go for the modern and lush light-fixtures. Then add some beautiful lamps to your side-tables. An artistic look of the lamps makes a real difference. You can try that. Next, don’t forget to add some light scones over your artwork which will make them effectively visible. Flowers and greenery give the ultimate touch You can add some pretty, pleasing, elegant and aromatic floral arrangements in your every room. And even you can add those decorative plants to give an aesthetic look and make the rooms look more like a hotel room. When you enter a hotel room, the first thing which you smell is some sweet-smelling blooms. So, add up them to your home as well. These changes in your home decor will surely change it for better and will make you feel as if you’re in one of the snuggest hotels of the town. Lastly, have a happy home and great living!! Read also: Best Vietnam Trekking Tours With North Vietnam Travel Three Amazing Travel Destinations In Africa