7 Tips for Getting Rid of Clutter in Your Home

Published on: 23 January 2019 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
getting rid of clutter

Are you guilty of hanging on to items you don’t need anymore?

Is your home starting to look more like the dwellings of a pig than a person?

It can be easy to let clutter creep up on you. One minute all of your rooms seem spacious and empty, but the next you realize your entire floor is covered with items.

Getting rid of clutter is an important step in having peace of mind. This article will give you seven tips on eliminating clutter so you can start to think more clearly.

1. Begin With the Bedroom:


Your bedroom should be a sanctuary for you.

It should be the place you can go to relax and get away from the world. If your bedroom is full of junk, it’s not likely to be relaxing.

Start by putting all of your items in a pile. This will enable you to take inventory of what you have.

Get two giant trash bags, one for trash and one for donations. Put all the items you want to throw away in one bag and put the items you want to donate in the other.

Once you get rid of all the useless junk you don’t use anymore, you’ll be able to find places to store the items you really value.

Getting your bedroom tidied first will motivate you to fix the entire house.

2. Kill the Clutter in Your Kitchen:


Your kitchen is where you prepare your food, so you want to make sure it’s a clean environment.

Begin by throwing away any food that is expired. Look through your pantry and toss and spices or soups that may have been sitting there for decades.

Make room in your cabinets by throwing out extra Tupperware. Only keep the Tupperware that has a lid. Make sure every base has a matching lid.

Discard any old pots and pans that go unused.

Cleaning out your kitchen will ensure you don’t develop a pest problem. Rodents, roaches, and other insects won’t want to make a home in a clean kitchen.

3. Get the Family Involved:

Decluttering doesn’t have to be a one-man job.

Send in some recruits, aka your children and spouse, to help you.

Turn banishing clutter into a game for your kids. Set up trashcans like basketball hoops and see who can get the most useless items inside.

Give them incentives for donating old clothes and toys they don’t use anymore. Tell them they can’t have any new toys until they donate some.

Your children need to learn the art of letting go as much as you do. You can’t keep accumulating items into your home unless you take some out of it.

Otherwise, you might end up a hoarder and need serious hoarding help.

4. Put on Some Music:

home theater

Any task can be made easier with the right music.

Put on music that motivates you and watches as your body kicks into overdrive. Before you know it, your entire house will be clean.

Dance around as you clean to burn some extra calories and have a blast doing it.

5. Use the KonMarie Method:

Marie Kondo has become famous for her method of getting rid of clutter.

She says you must think carefully about each and every item in your home. Hold it up to your chest and ask yourself if it “sparks joy.”

If it does spark joy, you keep it. If it doesn’t make you feel happy, you should thank it for its time in your life and then discard it.

This method causes you to be more mindful of your belongings. It makes you think about what items you care about.

6. Don’t Get Overwhelmed:

The easiest way to give up on your de-cluttering journey is to try to do too much at once.

You can’t possibly tackle your entire house in one day and do a good job. Instead, focus on one room at a time.

Schedule in time to clean in your day so it doesn’t take away from other responsibilities.

If you schedule in 20 minutes a day for a week, you’ll notice big progress at the end of the week. You’re less likely to give up that way then if you tried to do several hours in one day.

Slow and steady wins the race and the clean house.

7. Keep it Clean:

If you don’t want to have to go through the stress of cleaning everything all over again, take steps to keep your home under control.

As soon as you’re done using an item, put it away in it’s designated storage place.

When you’re done eating, do the dishes. When your laundry is done, fold it. When the trash is full, take it out.

When you do these small chores every day, they won’t pile up on you. You must commit to the habit of tidying up after yourself. It will make you feel better and make your home look better for guests.

Start Getting Rid of Clutter Today:

The key to getting rid of clutter is commitment.

You have to want to eliminate clutter and set realistic goals to get there. Picture how great your house will look once you’ve cleaned out all the excess.

Close your eyes and envision how easy it will be to find something when everything has its own place. You’ll be able to save so much extra time in your day because you won’t be sifting through things for hours trying to find what you need.

Enjoy this article? Want to tell us some of your best tips for eliminating clutter? Please contact us here.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How to Choose the Right Containers for Your Container Garden

Container garden is a great idea for those who don’t have too much space in their house. Besides that, with a container garden, you will not have to spend too much time and effort to take care of it, such as mowing regularly with a lawn mower. So, in this article, I would like to introduce you to some ideas about choosing the right containers for your garden. I may be useful if you are intending to build one. Read also: Gardening Tips To Improve Outdoor Space There are two essential things to successfully choose a container for use in a container garden: size and material. The size of the content relates to the optimal growth of the plant. Choose one that's too small, and your plant might not reach its full potential. The material, of which the container is made, is of almost equal importance. Which material works best depends on the situation. Larger perennial plants (those that grow for more than one season) do quite well in a large wooden container. Most container gardeners prefer wood for use with perennials. It's also a good choice for plants that will be grown outside in a visible location. Read also: 3 Amazing Flower Street Garden – How To Design Although wooden containers tend to be more expensive than other materials, the cost is balanced by their extreme durability. Should the wood be treated? Yes and no. Yes for the outside, no for the inside of the container. If the inside is treated, the chemicals could leach into the soil. Remember, whatever is in the soil ends up in the plant. At best, your plant will be damaged. At worst, if it's an edible plant, it could actually make you ill. Plastic pots are widely used in container gardens. The main reason for this is cost. Plastic pots are the cheapest option in most cases. There's nothing wrong with saving money, but plastic may not always be your best choice. Plastic pots are fine to use if you don't intend to keep it up. Maybe you don't even know if you'll enjoy it or if it will work for you. But if there's any chance you will continue to garden in the future, you should realize that plastic pots are not very durable. Read also: 5 Essential Tips To Designing A Beautiful Front Yard Garden They look durable, but looks can be misleading. Regardless of how thick or hard the plastic seems to be, outdoor elements can quickly crack and warp this type of container. Once the pots are damaged, they're essentially useless. Not much future in cracked pot gardening. Pots made from terra cotta clay are also quite inexpensive. The only plastic is cheaper. Unfortunately, clay can be delicately made and easily broken. This material doesn't handle freezing temperatures very well either. If your area experiences below-freezing weather, plants in terra cotta containers should be brought indoors during the winter.   Okay, so far wood is expensive, plastic is cheap and clay can break. What's next? You can often do well with fired ceramic pots. Sometimes they are somewhat delicate but relatively durable. Look for the glaze on the outside with unglazed insides. The outside glaze enhances appearance, but inside glaze could leach into the soil. Read also: Does Organic Gardening Improve Soil Quality? Another option is to construct containers from things around your home. If you find something large enough for the plant, cut some drainage holes in the bottom and you're good to go. The possibilities are wide open. Milk jugs, soda bottles, and even margarine tubs have all been used. For larger plants, trash cans and plastic tubs could work.   If you really want to go minimalist, then use a bag of soil. Cut a hole in the bag and plant something in the exposed soil. This simply proves that almost anything can be used. Just make sure it's big enough for the plant, will last as long as you want it to, and allows for proper drainage. Read also: Lawn Care Maintenance Services And Tips


3 Amazing Flower Street Garden – How to Design

When it comes to planting your own garden, perhaps you love nothing but the joy of rooting, tilling, and otherwise nourishing your plants and flowers to grow to be amazing and beautiful. Really, you are passionate about gardening, and would not trade the experience for anything. That said, perhaps you have experimented with tons of different types of gardening, from hydroponics to indoor planting. This time around, you are probably curious to take on planting flowers…on the street. While you might find it to be a piece of cake, there is actually a certain art to it, and we are here to help you out! Read on to learn more in this article on how to design an amazing flower street garden. Pretty soon, you will be well on your way to an excellent garden that you can show off to your family and neighbors. Without further ado, let’s get started! How to Design an Amazing Flower Street Garden First things first, it is necessary to take some time to do research on just how you are going to start off your flower street garden. It is not just a matter of rushing into doing so, but rather taking the time in order to yield great results. Trust us: in the end, it will all be worth it. Here are three, simple steps to follow:   1. Select your plants and flowers Aside from choosing plants and flowers which look aesthetically-pleasing and also color-coded with each other, it is also a matter of choosing some which can co-habit together peacefully. In other words, you need to select plants and flowers which can grow well without having to fight for the same nutrients in the soil, let alone fertilizer. Really, competition can be fierce for some of them, which can end up leading not only to inadequate nutrients being distributed unevenly, but also inadequate growth on both parts of the plants and flowers. For instance, zinnias and geraniums go well together, both in terms of being planted together and color-scheming. Another good one to refer to is that of Melampodium and shrub rose, which add that extra pop to your home curb appeal. 2. Keep them orderly Paradoxically-speaking, this point is both about keeping your street garden limited just to a few plants and flowers, but also diversifying them for an aesthetically-pleasing sight. What do we mean by this? In other words, it is advisable not to go crazy with too many different species of plants and flowers within a given plot of land, considering that, again, they will have to compete for nutrients (which can affect how they grow), as well as create a hodgepodge of all sorts of species which can make it look a bit too disorganized and detract from its attractiveness. That said, a rule of thumb is to plant just a few varieties: we recommend planting no more than ten sorts of perennials, five kinds of shrubs, and two types of trees. Again, strike a balance between color scheme and practicality, and doing so will make all the difference when it comes to the beautiful results of your street garden. 3. Maintain them regularly Finally, it is a matter of just getting around to planting and nourishing your plants and flowers along the side of your street. Besides just the basics of watering and giving them enough sunlight to flourish, you will also have to maintain it regularly with appropriate fertilization and pruning from time to time, especially if you are growing plants and flowers which tend to get quite thick and heavy with foliage and so forth. Hence, for the latter, it is a good idea to have at least a prune tool around to make it easier (and safer) to efficiently keep the plants and flowers under good maintenance. From shears to pole saws to lawnmowers, pruning tools come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, so it is essential to know which ones are the best for the type of pruning you need to do. *bonus* Give them love and care. While this point sounds corny, it is important nevertheless to care for your plants and flowers like they are your own children. Doing the basics such as watering, fertilizing, and pruning is a good start, but to take it above and beyond to keep them safe from harsh weather and investing in safety fences to keep out pests and other sources that might otherwise damage, that will make the street garden even more lovely and happier. For an idea of what to expect for street gardens, check out this video here: https://youtu.be/qh0ckoAiCek Read also: 5 Essential Tips To Designing A Beautiful Front Yard Garden Overall, street gardening is an interesting concept that is not a bad idea to consider doing, should you be passionate about planting flowers, in general. With the right amount of tools and planning, you should be able to create an amazing and attractive street garden to call your own.

buying locally-made furniture

Furniture In Utica: Benefits Of Buying Locally-Made Products

In recent days, globalization has allowed the world to become everyone’s marketplace. Goods and services can move around easier. People from any country can enjoy products manufactured from halfway around the world. E-commerce has its advantages and disadvantages but sometimes the global competition hurts local manufacturers. These days, anyone can purchase pieces of furniture from different parts of the world at a very competitive rate. This trend can be a challenge for local furniture makers and can result in inferior quality or shipping damages so it’s important to entertain the idea of buying locally. Here are some benefits to buying locally-made furniture pieces: 1. Local commerce and economy thrives: One of the best ways to support and encourage local business is to patronize local brands. If their companies are growing because of local consumer patronage, then they are likely to expand their businesses. Others who have an entrepreneurial mindset who haven’t started their venture yet will get an additional drive to start a business locally. Aside from that, the money that you earn revolves locally as you purchase local products. The members of a society are interconnected with each other. The effect of buying products made by your fellow resident would affect the earning and purchasing power of those that they employ. Family-run businesses do not answer to outside big corporations. Their profit is at their own disposal thus giving them a choice to provide better compensation to their employees. If this sounds like something you’d support, click here to buy from a family-owned furniture business in Utica. Your local products showcase your community and culture, and patronizing them would help support their production.  If more people in the community engage with business, then it entails availability of variations of products and services to choose from. Also, supporting local products is way more than supporting the business itself; it means you are helping to sustain the identity of the actual products produced in your town or city. 2. Localized and personalized service: The people behind the pieces of furniture in your house have faces and names that you are familiar with. Some may even be your friends and relatives. If any issues arise with your purchase, you can contact them without going through a lot of hassle. From the delivery to the installation of your furniture, you are confident and comfortable because you know the people and you know how they work. You can rest assured that you’ll be getting the best pieces of furniture with quality service. 3. Local engagement: The more you buy locally, the more you get to engage with your community. You help each other leverage the products made by your community and can find ways to work with each other to achieve common goals. There is no better place than a community where everyone helps each other out. 4. Guilt-free purchase: Safeguarding the environment is a top priority because of the climate change issues that affect all of us. Buying a local product gives you the confidence that the materials are obtained legally and, in many cases, sustainably. You can take solace in the fact that the locally-made furniture was created within the bounds of environmental laws. You can assume that the logs weren’t illegally cut for your beautiful furniture piece. To add to that, you may be surprised to find that your locally-made chair, bed frame, or table was made with materials sourced from your community or region, which entails less contribution to carbon emissions because there was minimal transportation involved. 5. Labor laws upheld: It’s a great feeling when you know that you sit on a sofa made by artistic folks who are also well taken care of. They are well-compensated for the beautiful pieces they crafted and have medical insurance to keep them doing what they are doing best. Buying locally-made products oftentimes means enhanced transparency when it comes to the treatment of the workers. As local owners generally uphold labor laws, safety and security of workers are also guaranteed. They don’t follow laws because they are forced by legislation. They follow them because the people working in their furniture shops belong to the community that they are also a member of. That sense of responsibility comes with the fact that within a tight-knit community, everyone’s welfare is being looked out for by each other. Conclusion: It can be tempting to buy imported products for various reasons ranging from affordability to the appeal of owning furniture from another country. Whatever your reason is, give it a thought or two as you decide whether to get your pieces of furniture from a store that sells locally-crafted pieces or those from abroad. Consider the benefits you and your community will reap. Read Also: Unique Furniture To Transform Your Home How To Salvage Your Furniture After A Flood