Get a New Leash on Life: 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have a Pet

Published on: 21 February 2019 Last Updated on: 29 February 2020
why everyone should have a pet

Did you know pet owners spent over $69 billion on their pets in 2017?

It’s no secret that so many people love having a furry companion in their lives. However, not even current pet-owners know all the reasons why an animal companion improves their quality of life. It is a proven fact that dogs know you love them because they can sense it. They reciprocate this love in many ways.

Keep reading to learn science-based reasons why everyone should have a pet.

10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have a Pet:

There are so many benefits of owning a pet and a ton of reasons why everyone should have a pet. Owning a pet can literally change your life.

1. Less Stress:

Less Stress

There have been studies done on people doing a stressful task. If they have their pets with them, they experience less stress. There are rehabilitation facilities that encourage their patients to get a pet and allow them to be at their facilities.

Read more:  Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress?

2. Fewer Allergies:

When kids grow up in a house with pets, they are less likely to develop allergies as they get older. The dander that pets have on their hair is natural immunotherapy for kids. Keep in mind that getting a pet as an adult doesn’t minimize allergies.

3. Less Lonely and Happier:

Pets give people a sense of purpose. They have someone to care for and feed, which gives humans a self-esteem boost. Pets have certain needs that only humans can help them with.

As a pet owner–whether you have a dog, a bird, or a rabbit–you have choices to make to give your pet the best life possible. If it’s a rabbit, you have rabbit food choices you have to make to ensure your furry friend has all the nutrients he/she needs. Same with a dog or a cat.

The choices you make for your pet will make you feel happier naturally because you’ll have a sense of need. Your fur baby will also help you feel less lonely, especially if you are living on your own.

Those who are clinically depressed are less likely to suffer from depressive episodes thanks to having a pet companion.

4. Lowers Blood Pressure:

Some studies have shown that having a pet might lower blood pressure. Marty Becker, DVM, the author of Your Dog: The Owner’s Manual, says that if you have a dog around, your blood pressure is lower.

Petting your pet helps your body release a relaxation hormone and reduces stress hormone levels.

5. Stay More Active:

People are more likely to walk up to 30 minutes in order to make sure their dog gets walked. Having a dog will help you get fit and make some new friends at the park or in your neighborhood. If you stay more active, it will help against rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, and osteoporosis.

Other pets also keep their owners active, but dogs tend to require consistent walking and playing to avoid accidents in the home.

6. Lowers Cholesterol:

People that own pets have lower cholesterol levels than those that don’t have pets. It’s not clear if the lower cholesterol is because of the pet’s presence or the more active lifestyle from owning a pet. All they know is that those that have fur babies have lower cholesterol levels than those without fur babies.

7. Overcome Limitations:

If you have a child at home with ADHD or one on the autism spectrum, they can benefit from having a pet in the house. If your child has ADHD, having a pet to care for helps them focus as they fulfill specific responsibilities to help care for their pets.

The child will develop a bond with their pet that helps their self-esteem and also introduces the feeling of security.

If your child has autism, a pet will help hold their attention. They can also help with sensory activities.

Children with autism have certain sensory issues, and a pet will help alleviate these by getting them used to the way something feels against their skin.

8. Prevent Strokes:

The same Dr. Becker mentioned above says that if you have a cat, you’re 30% less likely to have a heart attack and 40% less likely to have a stroke. He also shares in his book that if someone has a heart attack and owns a dog, they’re more likely to be alive a year later because of their dog alerts.

9. Help Children Develop:

Children Develop

Kids that grow up with pets benefit in their emotional development. Children learn how to express themselves better, and they also learn to relate better when they’re attached to a pet.

10. Change the Life of a Chronically Ill Person:

Dogs have been known to detect cancer, warn about low blood sugar, and predict a seizure. This is because of their strong sense of smell. If you have diabetes, it’s important to know that some dogs are able to alert a dangerous drop in blood glucose before it happens.

Dogs have also been trained to help people who suffer from epilepsy. There are some dogs that lie next to a person that’s having a seizure to help prevent them from getting injured. Others bark if someone is having a seizure or before a seizure occurs.

There are dogs that are trained to be service dogs for people with fibromyalgia. People suffering can place their hurt limbs against the dog’s body and get relief because the dog generates intense body heat.

There are dogs trained to help people that suffer from Parkinson’s disease. They can perform tasks such as open and close doors or turn lights on and off. They train them to touch a person’s foot to let them keep walking when they sense they are freezing.

So Much Good with Having a Fur Baby:

With so many benefits and reasons why everyone should have a pet, how can you resist that cute little fur baby? The benefits that come with owning a pet are much higher than the major responsibility you have for your furry friend.

Are you an animal lover? Check out our pets & animal section for a wealth of information and tips on different animal breeds.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Cat-Proof Fencing

How To Train Your Cat To Stay Within Cat-Proof Fencing

Training a cat to stay within cat proof fencing requires patience, understanding, and a strategic approach. While cats are independent by nature, with the right techniques, you can teach them to enjoy the safety of their designated outdoor space. In this article, we'll explore effective training methods that help your feline friend embrace the boundaries of cat-proof fencing while still enjoying the outdoors. 1. Understanding Your Cat's Behaviour Before embarking on any training endeavor, it's essential to understand your cat's behavior. Cats are curious creatures, and their desire to explore their surroundings is hardwired. Respect their natural instincts while guiding them to respect the boundaries you've set within the cat-proof fencing. 2. Creating A Positive Association Start by introducing your cat to the cat-proofed area. Keep the experience positive by associating it with things your cat loves. Place their favorite toys, a cozy bed, and even some treats within the enclosure. Spend time with your cat in the enclosed space to show that it's a safe and enjoyable environment. 3. Gradual Exposure Don't rush the process. Gradually expose your cat to the enclosed area. Start by leaving the door open and letting them explore at their own pace. Use positive reinforcement, like treats or praise, whenever they venture into the space. Over time, extend their time within the enclosure, rewarding them for their willingness to stay within the boundaries. 4. Harness And Leash Training Consider harness and leash training as an additional layer of safety. Introduce your cat to a comfortable harness and attach a leash. Allow them to explore under your supervision while within the cat-proofed area. This helps them associate the enclosed space with freedom and exploration. 5. Positive Reinforcement Positive reinforcement is a key element in training cats to stay within cat-proof fencing. When your cat voluntarily remains within the boundaries, reward them with treats, affection, or playtime. Conversely, avoid punishing your cat for attempting to leave the designated area, as this can create anxiety and reluctance to explore further. 6. Consistency And Routine Cats thrive on routine, so establish a consistent schedule for outdoor time within the cat-proof fencing. Regularity helps your cat feel secure and reduces their inclination to test the boundaries. Over time, they'll come to associate specific times with outdoor exploration, making the training process smoother. 7. Sensory Enrichment Enhance the appeal of the cat-proofed area by incorporating sensory enrichment. Add plants, cat-safe grass, and toys that stimulate your cat's senses. A stimulating environment reduces the desire to wander outside the boundaries in search of sensory experiences. Conclusion Training your cat to stay within cat-proof fencing is an investment in their safety and well-being. By respecting their natural instincts while gently guiding them to respect boundaries, you can create a harmonious balance between their desire to explore and your need for their protection. Remember that "cat-proof fencing" isn't just about the physical barrier; it's about fostering a positive association with the enclosed space. With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can help your feline friend enjoy the outdoors within the safe confines of their designated area.  Read Also: Cattle Feed: Fueling The Health And Productivity Of Your Herd Where Are You Able To Search For A Pet-Friendly Apartment In Boston? Gift For Dog Lovers Asobubottle.Com: Best Pet Water Bottles In 2023!

beautiful cats

Top 7 World’s Most Beautiful Cats in 2020

Cats are mysterious and beautiful creatures on this earth. Who does not wants to have beautiful cats in there home?  They add extra elements to your home. Cats are not only loved by children but also by adults. They have beautiful eyes with amazing furs and mesmerizing figures to capture all your attention towards them. They are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose. Top cat breeds are like music, it is unwise to teach their deserving to those who don’t appreciate them. So not making you wait any further, Here are the top 10 world’s most beautiful cats: 1. Smoothie Cat (Photogenic Cat of the World): Smoothie is also known as "British longhair cat". She is a beautiful cat who knows how to pose for a camera. She lives in the Netherland with her owner. Her color is golden and silver shaded. Smoothie is not like any other ordinary cats. She also has an Instagram profile with more than 2 million followers. She is five years older and has beautiful eyes with longhairs. 2. Coby The Cat: Coby The Cat has the most beautiful eyes in the world.  This cat is born on 23rd March 2015 in the UN (United States) but currently is in California. Coby has a silver shaded British shorthair. Coby has cobalt eyes(blue eyes) and that is the reason this cat got the name 'Coby'. This cat has almost half a million followers and is a beautiful cat. 3. Iriss and Abyss - Twin Cats: Iriss and Abyss are the two most beautiful and wonderful twin cats in the world. These sisters stay in Saint-Petersburg and both are 9 months old. Their eyes are of different colors that means they have heterochromatic eyes. Many people say that those who have eyes of different colors(even the animals) then it means that they have the ability to see both world i.e., of the living and the dead. These twins are gorgeous cats. 4. Venus (Two-Faced Cat): Venus is an American tortoiseshell cat who is born in 2008 or 2009. This cat has a face half red tabby and half black. This Chimera cat is a canonical internet cat celebrity. She has gained much popularity because of her two-colored face. She has heterochromatic eyes that mean both eyes are of different colors. Venus was adopted by a couple in North Carolina. She has gained many followers and views on different social sites.  5. Thor, The Bengal Cat: Thor is the most beautiful Bengal cat in the world. He has electric green eyes and leopard-colored fur that is really incredible. This cat is a mix of a domestic cat and a leopard and it is one of the reasons that he became an internet sensation. He has a short hair breed with lean and long bodies. He is cuddling and loving most of the time and wants to be treated as a dominant king in the house. This cat is one of the most beautiful cats in the world. 6. Siberian Cats: Siberian cats are a glamorous native cat with a thick and protective coat since the 1980s. This cat usually weighs up to 8 to 18 pounds(size may also vary) and is regarded as an ancient cat. Siberian cats should be cared for properly by combing and brushing twice a week to avoid any types of mats or tangles. Their nails must be trimmed properly and wiping the corners of the eye should be a must. 7. Scottish Fold Boy Muta: The Scottish Fold is a kind of domestic cat that has a naturally dominant gene variation that attacks cartilage all over the body. This cat is the most beautiful cat. Originally called lops or lop-eared after the lop-eared bunny. Scottish Fold is varyingly known as Scottish Fold Longhair, Coupari, Highland Fold, and Longhair Fold. Take Away Above mentioned cats are the world's most beautiful cats in 2020. These cats have beautiful features with mesmerizing figures and very rare. Cats are like a blessing to us, they add an extra adventure to our home. Just think to spend most of our time with the most beautiful cat in the world. Therefore, Buy a beautiful cat for your home and make others jealous of you! Feel free to ask any queries if you have in the comment section below. Image source Read Also: Pets of Instagram Fame Is CBD Oil & Edible Treats Safe for Pets – Dogs & Cats Medical Marijuana Can Take New Dimensions in the Treatment of Pets

Dog Superfoods

Ten Superfoods for Your Dog

There are many superfoods that you can give your dog, and the list below will make it very easy for you to feed your dogs and keep them healthy.  There are many ways for you to get superfoods into your dog's diet, and all these things are listed below.  They span a very large range from the broccoli that you would be interested in eating yourself to the apricots that you might be cutting for a little midday snack. 1. Broccoli Can dogs eat broccoli? Yes.  Dogs can eat broccoli, but you should cut it up and take out the big and heavy stalks.  There are many people who will give their dogs little broccoli florets because that makes it easier on the dog's stomach. 2. Apricots You can give your dogs apricots, but you need to be sure that you have removed the pits. 3. Mango You need to peel the skin off the mango so that you can give this to your dogs without choking them.  This is a fun fruit, and they get excited about it because it is sweet. 4. Cranberries Dried cranberries are a very good place for you to start, and they can be given to your dogs in small doses because this is a fun treat for them to have in the middle of the day. 5. Apples Apples are perfect dogs, but you need to have cubed them and make sure that you found a variety that they like.  You must also remove apple seeds because they are not safe for anyone to eat at any time. 6. Pumpkin Pumpkin pulp can be given to dogs at any time, and you will find that the pumpkin could be given from a can if you want your dogs to have a little treat that might be mixed into their food.  This is also a very good thing to give dogs when you want them to eat what you are eating. 7. Cheese Dogs all like a little bit of cheese, but you should not give them too much cheese.  This could upset their stomach because they should not have too much milk. 8. Cauliflower Cauliflower is a fun alternative to broccoli, and it helps your dogs eat very well while also having something that you can eat on your own. 9. Carrots Carrots are very easy treats for your dogs because you can buy the small carrots to give to your dogs.  This is a good snack for you, and your dog will be excited that they can eat the same things you are eating at snack time. 10. Quinoa You need to cook up the quinoa, but this is a very good choice for you because it can help you make sure that you have something in their diet that is like a grain.  This could also be the thing you use to mix up their other foods. The foods that you give your dogs can come from your fridge for mealtime or snack time. Read Also: How Does The Training Of Defence Dogs Look Like? 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Can Breathe Fast? Can Dogs Make The Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better?