7 Common Green Card Application Mistakes You Need To Avoid Making


28 February 2022


Green Card Application

According to a report, more than one million people apply for a green card every year in the USA. However, amongst such a massive number, only 45% of them get accepted on the first try. The others, however, get delayed or canceled within the first month of the application. 


Well, according to a green card lawyer, the most common issue that causes such mishaps is making mistakes during the application procedure.

In this article, we have explained a few of them and offered some insights on them as well. Keep reading to find out more about this aspect. 

Green Card Mistakes That You Must Avoid 

Making a mistake while enlisting a document in your green card is pretty common, especially if you’re doing it alone. Hence, if you are not too savvy regarding the subject, we’ll ask you to consult a green card lawyer prior to the application. Anyways, let’s get back to our topic and learn about the mistakes that you need to avoid. 

Mistake – 1: Missing A Document In Your Application 

Filling up a green card form is pretty tricky. In this aspect, you cannot fill out a single document and submit the same to the USA government. Instead, you have to write around eight to twelve forms at once and include various supportive papers alongside them. If you fail to provide even a single document, your application might get delayed or canceled. 

Potential Loss Of Money: USD 500 

Possible Loss Of Time: 6-24 months 

Mistake – 2: Not Signing The Form 

Creating an ideal documentation form will not be enough for your purpose. Besides, you will need to sign each and every one of them as well. Also, you will have to make sure that the person, who’s applying for the green card, is performing this task. Once you are done with it, be sure to double-check everything again to ensure that the application looks fine. 

Potential Loss Of Money: USD 50-100 

Possible Loss Of Time: 6 months 

Mistake – 3: Missing Out On Deadlines 

While you’re making a green card application, you will have to deal with multiple deadlines altogether. If you end up missing out even on a single one amongst them, the whole formal request for the documentation will get denied entirely. To avoid this, you can try to mark the important dates on your calendar or set up an alarm for them. 

Potential Loss Of Time: 6 months

Potential Repercussion: Denied or canceled application 

Mistake – 4: Giving False Information

Giving False Information

Giving out false information accidentally is yet another mistake that almost everyone submitting a green card application makes. While it may seem not of importance to you, the US government will consider it as a “lie.” As a result, they will either deny your request to get a green card or ban you from the country for a lifetime.

Potential Loss Of Time: 6-12 months

Potential Repercussion: Denied or canceled application/Lifetime ban from the USA 

Mistake – 5: Not Getting The Help Of A Lawyer 

As mentioned before, filling out a green card application properly is a complex procedure. Hence, if you’re considering trying to do it alone, you might end up messing everything. It, in turn, may cost you a lot of money or, in the worst-case scenario, get banned from the country. Due to this reason, we’ll ask you to collaborate with a Green Card Lawyer to ensure that everything’s going in the right place. 

Potential Loss Of Time: 6 months

Mistake – 6: Making An Incorrect Payment 

While handling too many documents at once, many of us tend to forget or make an incorrect payment. For example, while submitting an application for a green card, you’ll have to spend at least USD 1,000 on the US government. Nonetheless, if you attach a cheque of USD 100 to USD 300, then your request will get denied instantly. 

Potential Loss Of Time: 6-12 months

Potential Repercussion: Denied or canceled application

Mistake – 7: Not Sending Document Translation 

While working on a green card application, you’ll have to submit quite a few supporting documents. Amongst them, you should provide your birthdate, driver’s licenses, marriage certificates, bank accounts, passports, etc. However, if you don’t live in an English-speaking country, you have to translate everything from top to bottom. If you don’t send the same, your application will get delayed until you send the right ones. 

Potential Loss Of Time: 6 months

The Bottom Line 

Making mistakes is pretty common while filling up a green card application. Therefore, if you don’t want your application to get delayed or canceled, make sure to be careful while working on this matter. If you’re going to play it safe, you can also hire a Green Card Lawyer. 

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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A career in international business has the potential to shape your entire professional life. It can lead to high salaries and career advancement opportunities that can help you grow your career trajectory. An international business career can allow you to travel the world and interact with high-profile business leaders, which is a dream for many aspiring students who desire to make a career in the global business domain. With international business management, you can gain the competency to enter the business sector with ease and confidence. If you are drawn to other cultures and have an affinity for numbers can consider majoring in international business. Pursuing a well-designed course can be a wise investment of your valuable time and effort. Read ahead to learn about the outcomes of doing an international business. International Business Major: An Overview The international business major is an interdisciplinary degree program that combines the subjects, including business and economics, to equip the students with comprehensive knowledge of other countries’ legal, economic, socio-political, and financial systems. Attending a major in international business can help the graduates in mastering the core concepts of international commerce that enable them to take on challenging positions in the global business sector. Skills When you opt to study a major in international business, it allows you to develop industry-specific skills that employers of the business setting highly seek. You will also develop transferable skills that can be applied in a range of sectors. Here is a sampling of representative skills and abilities of an international business graduate: Efficient communication skills Quantitative skills Cross-cultural communication skills Excellent networking abilities Interpersonal skills Adaptive thinking Emotional intelligence To thrive in the modern business industry, especially in the international business sector, you must have an entirely different industry-relevant skillset. Career Progression Acquiring an international business management degree can open doors for various lucrative career opportunities. However, we have listed the job opportunities for a skilled international business graduate: Distribution and logistics administrator Foreign trade consultant/specialist International marketing and the sales associate Customs broker Import/Export manager International Banker International project manager Finance analyst Business development manager These are only some of the many employment opportunities that an international business graduate can consider. There is a massive demand for skilled and qualified international business graduates who can understand business at the global outset and offer their expertise in business operations. Conclusion The future is bright for international business graduates as more and more companies are looking forward to expanding their business beyond their home countries. Earning a degree in this domain can enable you to work across many sectors, including investment banks, international trading companies, multinational companies, etc. These are some of the sectors known for offering high-end salaries and international exposure that can work wonders for one’s career. An international management degree can be your gateway towards an industry-aligned and futuristic career in the modern business industry. Hone the knowledge and skills offered by international business management programs and become a perfect fit for the contemporary business sector in a national and international platform. Sign in now to know more about the potential of a degree with majors in international business! Read Also: Business Tips For Beginner Entrepreneurs 5 Strategic Ways To Automate Your Internal Business Workflows What To Think About When Making A Name For Your Business Is Small Business Your Big Break?: The Pros and Cons of Staying Local vs. Expanding Globally


Are you cut out to be a supervisor?

In order to be a successful supervisor, you have to be able to display certain character traits. While there are some supervisory skills you can learn, there are other things you’re just born with. You might know the job like the back of your hand, but do you know how to be a good leader or manager? You probably already know if you have what it takes to make the step up to a supervisor, but in case you’re questioning the change, here are some of the most important characteristics of a good supervisor. You’re empathetic : Good supervisors know how to maintain their authoritative figure but can be empathic to their employees. Odds are before you became a supervisor you were in the place that your employees are currently in. If that’s the case, you know how hard it can be to manage work and family. Ways to maintain empathy for your employees is to be flexible, kind, understanding, fair, consistent, and respectful. Even though you’re the boss, your co-workers are your equals outside of work and they should be treated that way. You should set the example : If you want the workers underneath you to perform well and be consistent in their performance, you need to do the same. If you expect your workers to be on time to work, you should be there before they even step foot in the door. The workers are only going to work as hard as their supervisor and so you need to be one of the hardest working men or women in the department. Make sure that you encourage an environment that’s productive, engaging, and worthwhile for co-workers. You’re humble : There’s a difference in the mindset that you’re the boss and everyone has to do exactly as you say, and you’re the boss so people should respect your requests, but the respect goes both ways. Being humble about your position won’t only make people like you, but it will also lead to more cooperative co-workers. Instead of ordering people around, you should make kind requests and expect them to get it done because they enjoy their job and respect you. You communicate well : Communication is key to an organized workplace. Communication isn’t only remembering to tell your employees what their tasks are for the week, but it’s also how you approach it. When communicating with co-workers, you need to be consistent. This could mean having a weekly meeting to cover all of the week's goals and objectives, or sending out an email at the beginning of every day that outlines what needs to get done. You might find that people are more apt to listen to when you’re looking at them face to face. Make sure you give clear and concise instructions to your workers and understand their needs. Be sure to eliminate any confusion before the task begins. You look to help others grow : Just because you’re the boss doesn’t mean that others can’t get to positions of authority too. If workers are willing to go above and beyond, let them. You don’t want to keep people at a standstill so that they feel like they can’t grow their capabilities and learn new things. You should feel comfortable delegating responsibilities to people under you so that they can learn new skills and become more productive workers. A supervisor not willing to lead their workers down a path of success is not a very good supervisor. You can problem-solve : Things are bound to go wrong no matter what industry or department you work in. When that happens, people are going to look to you for a solution. You should be able to analyze a situation and separate yourself from what’s happening in order to be able to make good decisions. This isn’t always going to be easy, but you definitely can’t panic under stress. The ability to find solutions is a key role in being a supervisor.  

What Is Channel Management And How Does It Work

What Is Channel Management And How Does It Work?

When you are a manufacturer or the handler of a company, you have to understand that you can not manage all the work yourself, especially the production and the selling on your own. Manufacturing and looking after the production lines is the essential job of a manufacturer. But out of the product sales, the company will make a good profit. If you want to grow your company, you have to concentrate on selling the goods primarily. Here the names of the channel management process are becoming stronger.  Without a successful, efficient channel management process, your business and the products selling both are turning to be hectic jobs. But when you involve channel management software in the system, your sales and marketing work is becoming more simple and more productive. Let’s see first the answer to ‘ what is channel management?’ What Is Channel Management? The manufacturers are looking after the product’s production. After the production of the product, these products are heading towards the market for sales. Channel management is a process where the channel partners look after the product selling and product marketing with a specific channel. Channel management is working as the connecting bridge between the customer and the manufacturing company. The channel partners followed an individual target to sell the product and make the communications between the customer and the manufacturing company. Most of the channel partners are following the contractual bond between the company and them. And they are communicating on behalf of the manufacturer of the company. The channel partners can individually develop any new channel management strategy to improve the marketing plannings. The relationship between customer service and channel management is quite dependable. Customer service is an essential key integral part of the channel management process.  When the channel management partners represent the company brand, the customer care services should be pretty strong and professional as the customers do not lose their faith in the brand. Now we think the channel management definition is clear to you. Now let’s jump into the next phase of the question of the importance of channel management. The channel management example is giving you a better understanding of the topic. Pros Of The Channel Management Process For Running a business, the necessity of a productive channel management process is to help you to grow. The main working area of the channel management process is to streamline all the business and customer communications. This is the reason in the positive channel management process that customer communication is so important. Here are the pros of the channel management process. Take a look at this and plan your successful channel operation module. The Channel management process is looking after the communications between the customers and the manufacturing company. And make a better relationship with good customer care support. Along with good revenue generations, the customer relationships and the bonds are going to be stronger when you are using the successful channel management process. Each channel partner is responsible for streamlining the communications with the customers in the channel. Every channel follows different types of strategy and different types of customer care services. Along with the goal achievements, you will know which module is the best suitable for your business. Techniques and strategies wise, each and every channel is using different techniques. But business protocol remains in the same position. The channel partners are establishing direct communications with the customers of the specific channels. So every time the customers need any specific help, the channel partners are present to provide the customer support. Along with the good customer support, your brand value is also going to increase, and your products are going to reach a good number of customer connections. These are the attractive features of the channel management process. And if you want to grow your business, the first thing you have to do is develop attractive channel connections and develop a good channel process model. How To Boost Your Channel Partners? Boosting your channel partner means you are taking action to grow your business. Successful channel management is the only way by which you can spread your product sales areas. Successful channel management has multiple benefits for your business. The best of all is the manufacturers do not have that much time for customer communications and looking after marketing and sales. But direct recruiting is very costly here. Here is some strategy that you can follow to boost your channel partner’s energy. Excellent cooperative collaboration with the channel managers and schedule data exchange is a regular job to boost the channel partner’s energy. And the meetings and essential training are the compulsory tasks to grow the channel engagement process and improve the communications. Announce the suitable incentive models for your channel partners. And elaborate the model structure in the open seminars. Always give the achievable target and a different target scope with different incentive structures. The target should be on the basis of the experiences and the channel’s nature. So for every channel partner, the target is distant. Seminar meetings are helping you to develop a stronger bond with your channel partners. Always communicate with the partner, and the channel manager should always maintain the communications between channel partners and the company. The company goal and the channel partner’s cooperation are helping you develop a solid and productive channel management system. More you recruit the new channel partner, their different perspectives, and the additional business terms are helping you to make progress and generate a new productive channel management process. Wrapping It Up The channel partners are a great help to spread your business and develop a more productive sales and marketing team. Hence, you are a manufacturing company and do not have time to look after sales and marketing.  Therefore, creating a good channel management process offers the best facility to your customers. What is your opinion about the channel management process? Do not forget to share your opinion with us. More Resources 5 Tips to Improve Your Internet Privacy Why Your Business Needs Call Center Tracking IT Quick Fixes for Your Business During the Crisis by Paul Belogour