8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

Published on: 21 September 2022 Last Updated on: 22 September 2022
Dark Chocolate

Chocolate is the world’s favorite sweet indulgence. In fact, the average person will consume about 12 pounds of chocolate each year. Chocolate is often considered a treat or a dessert, but did you know that chocolate actually provides great health benefits too?

Some of this has to do with the amount of lecithin in chocolate. Chocolate truly brings together the best of both worlds: a yummy treat that is also good for you in moderation.

Checkout 8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate:

Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

Let’s take a look at some of the ways chocolate can actually help you stay healthy.

Not All Chocolate Is Created Equal

It is important to remember that not all chocolate is created equal. Dark chocolate is actually the only form of chocolate that can really benefit your health.

The reason for this is that dark chocolate does not have tons of added sugar. In fact, the darker the chocolate the less sugar is added. So, if you want to really reap the health benefits, always choose dark chocolate.

1. Antioxidant

Within our bodies are chemicals and compounds referred to as free radicals. These chemicals and compounds are created by cellular processes. You can think of them as waste products that are created as our body processes toxins and other invaders. These free radicals can have a negative impact on our health over time.

To fight free radicals, you need antioxidants present in your body. Antioxidants are compounds that kill off the free radicals and keep your body clean. Dark chocolate is a wonderful source of antioxidants. A regular dose of dark chocolate will help keep free radicals down in your body.

2. Cancer Prevention

Cancer research scientists have a growing body of research that supports the existence of cancer-fighting properties in dark chocolate. This is due to the presence of antioxidants and flavonoids found in the chocolate. Tests have shown that these compounds successfully reduce the number of colon cancer cells in rats.

3. Heart Health

The flavonoids found in dark chocolate are primarily of the type called flavonols. These compounds have a powerful effect on heart health, including blood pressure reduction and improving blood flow to the heart. Some tests also show that flavanols can also improve blood flow to the brain as well, which could improve cognitive function.

4. Improves Cholesterol

Cholesterol levels can have a significant impact on heart health and overall well-being. The cocoa butter that is found in chocolate contains healthy fats and polyphenols. These both work together to improve the lipid profile of the body. This means that it can help to decrease bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

Cholesterol profiles can affect how well the heart can pump blood throughout the body. High cholesterol levels can greatly increase the risk of heart disease and heart attack.

5. Improved Cognitive Function

Dark chocolate has a powerful impact on how blood can move through the body. This includes increasing blood flow to the brain. When the brain does not have sufficient blood flow, it will start to impact cognitive function. This can include memory, task management, time management, mood, and more.

Improving blood flow to the brain is one of the best ways to improve cognitive function. Doctors have tested Alzheimer’s patients who were given flavonoid-rich foods to see if the increase in these compounds in the diet could improve cognitive function factors.

Positive results have been recorded in these tests. Because dark chocolate is considered a flavonoid-rich food, it can be added to a flavonoid-rich diet to help with cognitive function.

6. Blood Pressure

Blood pressure issues can be a huge contributor to the risk of heart disease. There are medications that can be used to control blood pressure problems, but there are also natural ways to help blood pressure as well. Adding dark chocolate to your diet has been shown to reduce blood pressure levels.

However, you should note that if you are being treated for blood pressure issues under a doctor’s care, you should follow all instructions from your doctor. Talk with your doctor about natural ways to improve blood pressure.

7. Improves Vision

Vitamins and nutrients found in dark chocolate have also been shown to help improve vision. Although natural methods of vision improvement, such as diet modifications, cannot cure all vision problems, it is good to know which food products you can add to your diet to boost vision.

8. Improves Skin

The rich flavanol content of dark chocolate may also be able to improve your skin. When flavanols are rich in the body, they can help to protect your skin from sun damage. Sun damage is a leading cause of skin cancer. Flavanol can also help to improve skin smoothness as well.

Some Final Considerations

If you decide to start adding more dark chocolate to your diet, be sure to remember that dark chocolate should be added in moderation. You should choose chocolate that has very little added sugar. The darker the better.

The many health benefits of dark chocolate can be primarily attributed to a large amount of flavonoid content. If you are interested in more health benefits, you can research other flavonoid rich foods. Adding these foods into your diet can increase these health benefits.

It is important to note that you should always consult your doctor concerning current treatments and not make sudden changes to your treatments without consulting your doctor.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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The Best Way In Relaxing Your Feet

The Best Way In Relaxing Your Feet

If you are always on your feet moving from one place to another, you might have experienced fatigue that especially affects your feet. This is something many people experience and one of the solutions recommended is to embrace some massage that could help to give a calming effect to the affected feet. There are many things you could do to prevent foot pain and also keep your feet in perfect health. Here are some of the best solutions for relaxing your feet that you may want to try out. Foot Massage : Foot massage is the first and most applicable solution you will go for when you want to relax your feet. This includes rubbing peppermint extract into the palms and fingertips. You need to press them firmly towards the sole of the foot using your thumbs, and while doing this you must slowly stroke your footpad from the toes to the base. Also, consider winging your foot using both hands while moving the grip back and forth. Lastly gently pop your toes while tugging on them. You can get some reviews about cushions you need for massage on https://massagers.pro/best-cushion. Soaking : Soaking has been recommended as a solution to relax your feet after a long tedious day. This includes warm water therapy, which has been practiced for many years. When you choose this remedy, you should not soak your feet for more than 30 minutes as this could lead to scalding. Also, ensure that you have your towel near you to dry the feet afterward, and this helps to prevent slipping and falling. After soaking you may consider taking a cold foot bath for another 10 minutes, and this gives maximum effect and best results. Elevation : Some people suffer from sore feet and this can prove a nuisance. One of the solutions you could try is elevation, which includes elevating your feet to at least 12 inches above your heart’s level. The effect of the exercise is that it helps to improve blood circulation while decreasing swelling. It is the best solution to allow blood to flow naturally from the feet instead of it pooling around the same area. You can also do this with a stool if you don’t prefer to practice it while standing. The elevation is a simple fix that works perfectly without the need for complex equipment. Rolling : The bottom of your feet is a surface that needs massaging and this could contribute to healing when you have pains in your feet. You can do rolling with any round object the size of a tennis ball. You simply need to place the arch of your foot on the ball and move your foot in all directions. This, when performed on both feet daily, could help to keep your feet healthy. You can learn more about this exercise from massagers.pro website. Many people put more effort into workouts that are good for other parts of their bodies, but they forget their feet also need some care. If you have been wondering how you can take care of your feet to keep them relaxed, the suggestions shared above are a good place to start. Read More : 6 Ways To Promote Healthy Brain 5 Mental Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy That You Must Know How To Stay Healthy And Fit Despite A Hectic Schedule


Why Cannabis Is Good For Health?

Cannabis, popularly known as marijuana is mainly used for recreational purposes.  It's a herb whose consumption is totally illegal in most countries.  Most people use cannabis just for pleasure, they do not know that marijuana or cannabis is not just only a drug which people use for recreational pleasure but it's a herb that contains a lot of health beneficiary substances. Yes, you heard right,   cannabis is good for health. Cannabis is used for medical purposes full over 3000 years. With recreational marijuana being legalized all over the country and in different states, you can walk into any dispensary and buy weed. Or, you can always go online and Buy Weed Packs from credible product manufacturers. You can select from various strains and go with something that suits your pockets. Make sure that you check out the delivery options and payment modes. Whether you are looking to enjoy some ‘me time’ by unwinding after a long and hard day of work, or, want to chill with friends, you can opt for online orders. A little amount of cannabis will treat your various body diseases and will also prevent you from being a drug addict. You can consume cannabis for a good cause. You can extract the essential ingredients of cannabis through grinders, can inhale directly through bongs, vaporizers, etc. This equipment is available in the market as well as in online stores. Check this online store Headshop Headquarters to buy this equipment. Here you will get all head equipment in the best quality for the best price. Here are some points which will prove that how cannabis is good for your health. 1. It stimulating appetite Cannabinoids, a substance found in Cannabis have shown positive results in various research studies. As per the studies, people who take cannabinoids such as THC have a better appetite and sense of taste.  Cannabis relaxes the mind and provides better sleep. Another study shows that Cannabis stops weight loss and increases hunger. 2. Stops nausea and vomiting Cannabis helps in reducing nausea and vomiting which are associated with chemotherapy.  If taken in a limited amount, cannabis can be an effective medicine for controlling nausea and vomiting. 3. It treats inflammatory bowel diseases Cannabis is effective in treating inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. It releases Chemicals such as THC and CBD that interact with the body's cells and plays an important role in immune function. 4. It prevents cancer Ingredients of Cannabis oil helps in reducing tumor and reduces the effect of cancer. It also helps people to fight cancer. 5. It reduces glaucoma Cannabis treats eye diseases much more effectively.  It reduces glaucoma and stops macular degeneration. The cannabis oil works effectively on eyesight problems. 6. It helps in weight losing Cannabis regulates insulin production in our body and manages the intake of calories effectively and efficiently. Research studies show that Cannabis uses are much slimmer than those who do not consume it. 7. It protects the brain after a stroke As per the research studies, Cannabis is effective in protecting our brain from the damage that is caused due to a stroke. Cannabis provides neuroprotective effects that protect the brain from traumatic events. 8. It reduces anxiety and stress Cannabis is well-known anxiety and stress-reducing herb. It relaxes the mind and releases pleasure hormones and provides a sense of calmness to the people who consume it. 9. It provides better sleep The substances present in Cannabis are very much effective in reducing anxiety issues sleeping disorders and insomnia. It generates a low energy level by relaxing your body and mind and this low energy level slows down the heart rate and sends a message to your mind to get a peaceful long sleep. 10. It improves symptoms of lupus Cannabis is used in the treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematous.  In this disorder, people start harming their bodies for various unspecified reasons.  The substances present in Cannabis calm the immune system which deals with lupus symptoms. 11. It reduces the pain of multiple sclerosis Cannabis prevents muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis.  The Canadian Medical Association has proved that Cannabis is effective in reducing the pain of multiple sclerosis. 12. It reduces acne problems More than 9 % of the total population is suffering from acne problems. Acne is caused due to various factors such as microbes, overproduction of sebum, hereditary factors, et cetera. In Cannabis, an anti-inflammatory substance is present which treats acne.  There is no side effect of this substance and is a fully safe method for acne treatment. Conclusion These points clearly show the beneficial effect of cannabis. Now it is proved that cannabis or marijuana is not only for recreational purposes, it contains health benefits too. Use cannabis for medical purposes and cure all your dangerous diseases. Read Also :  Best Grow Tents For Growing Cannabis Lose Weight: What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight?

porcelain veneers

Do Porcelain Veneers Stain

Everyone desires to have sparkling white teeth. They do help make great first impressions. But as you age, your teeth will lose their natural brightness and start turning yellow. This could either be due to plaque buildup or staining from drinking certain food items such as caffeine, red wine, or even chewing tobacco. The dental porcelain veneers treatments are the easiest solutions for you to relieve the smile embarrassments. When Are You Going To Need Porcelain Veneers Treatments? If your natural teeth have been discolored,  an easy way to cover them up is to get porcelain veneers. Veneers are quite popular with celebrities who want to flaunt a perfect smile on red carpets. But if you are paying money to cover up discolored teeth, you don't want them to stain again. So do porcelain veneers get stained? Dr. Lavoyger E. Gies, who provides porcelain veneers in San Antonio joined us to share his expertise in the situation. What Are Porcelain Veneers? Veneers are thin wafer-like shells that are attached to the front of your teeth. They are custom-made in your natural color to help blend them with the rest of your teeth. These porcelain veneers are great for hiding chipped, broken, gapped, or stained teeth. And it is a non-invasive procedure too. The dentist will first shave down some of your enamel to prepare your teeth for the veneers.  And then, he will stick the veneers with the help of a special glue. Once attached firmly, the dentist will do some polishing so that their shapes and sizes are exactly! What you are looking for. The whole procedure is convenient, and results can last a really long time too. And you can get them for either just one tooth or your entire front teeth. Will My Porcelain Veneers Stain? If you are getting veneers to alter your natural tooth color, you definitely want to know if they will stain too, right? Having to replace them regularly would be inconvenient and expensive. But fret not! As porcelain veneers don’t stain as your natural teeth do. The enamel of your tooth absorbs some of the colors from the food you eat. So eventually, they start turning yellow or black(if you eat tobacco). Even your dental fillings made from the composite resin can get discolored over time. But your veneers won’t get stained anytime soon. The best part is the porcelain veneers do not stain like your natural teeth and have no chances of the cavity and other black stains. On average, porcelain veneers last a good 15-20 years. And the material is not just physically stronger than your teeth but even resistant to stains. The natural tooth enamel is far more robust than your porcelain veneers. As a result, you have been more conscious while biting up pungent foods. However, you may have to keep certain drinking habits in moderation. Over time, the veneers may start losing their natural color after continuous exposure to certain strong-colored food items such as black coffee and red wine. How To Make Your Veneers Last Long? Restricting intake of certain colored drinks and regular dental checkups will help preserve your veneers. There are also certain oral care habits that will help retain your veneer’s natural color for longer.  Regular brushing and flossing will help remove any food particles or plaque stuck to your teeth. They will even help prevent any gum disease that may affect your veneers. With the right care, some patients have been able to maintain their veneers for more than 20 years too. So if you are looking for good quality porcelain veneers that will last you really long, visit Dr. Lavoyger Gies at Gies Dental Clinic. It is a family and cosmetic dentistry in San Antonio that provides excellent cosmetic procedures to improve your smile. So go book an appointment if you are looking for a perfect aesthetic smile. Conclusion: The porcelain veneers are a revolutionary treatment. As you are growing older, your teeth can turn yellow and brittle. After the treatments, you can relive the embarrassing yellow smile. The white pair of teeth are the best features on every person’s smile. Are you currently facing these types of problems? Book the appointment for the treatments and enjoy the stain-free white smile. Read Also: Treating Open Wounds – Types, Treatments, and Complications Is Surgical Treatment the Best Option to Treat Essential Tremor? Do You Suffer from Varicose Veins? How to Know if You Need Treatment