Home Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Home In Good Condition


28 February 2023

Home & Garden

Home Maintenance

Owning a home includes a good deal of responsibility.

Homeowners have dozens of minor tasks they need to keep up with if they want to avoid paying for costly repairs. With adequate preparation, though, the many maintenance tasks required of homeowners can be performed easily without taking up too much time.

Read on to find brief checklists for monthly and seasonal tasks that will make it easier to stay on top of everything.

Spring Maintenance Checklist

Spring Maintenance

Winter can wreak havoc on a home, and everyone looks forward to using spring as a time to get outside and away from the house, but homeowners should take care of a few things first.

For example, spring is the best time to handle major projects like scheduling roofing services and repairs to address any damage done during the winter. Most homeowners also find that a small amount of work early in the season can help them prevent some extra hassles when summer approaches. Be sure to tackle the following.

Spring cleaning, both inside the home and in the yard.

Tree inspections to find signs of damage from winter storms.

Reseeding and fertilizing the lawn.

Properly servicing and storing seasonal equipment from winter, such as snow blowers.

Conducting a full inspection of the home’s exterior, including its roof, gutters, and paint.

Giving the house a quick scrub.

Cleaning the deck or patio.

Opening the pool for summer.

Summer Maintenance Checklist

Getting the bulk of the major landscaping and exterior maintenance or repairs done in the spring gives homeowners more time to enjoy the summer. That said, they’ll still need to take care of a few things regularly, including the following items. 

Turning on the sprinklers for the season once the rain ends.

Mowing the lawn and weeding the garden every week.

Keeping the pool clean by scrubbing it twice a month and checking chemical levels weekly.

Completing weekend home improvement projects while the weather is nice.

Fall Maintenance Checklist

Just like spring brings a lot of work with it because it represents the changing of the seasons, fall home maintenance requires a lot of advanced planning for the winter months ahead. Important tasks to remember include the following.

Planting perennial flowers, trees, and shrubs.

Harvesting annual plants.

Raking leaves.

Cleaning gutters.

Turning off the sprinkler system.

Stacking firewood for winter.

Cleaning, closing, and covering the pool.

Winter Maintenance Checklist

Winter Maintenance

Most modern families hunker down for the winter and don’t worry too much about home improvement projects. However, there are some maintenance issues that must be handled in the early winter. They include these items.

Preparing the snowblower for the season.

Stocking up on ice melt and other supplies.

Coming up with a plan for dealing with ice dams.

Checking the emergency generator to make sure it’s in good working order.

Monthly Maintenance Checklist

Not all home maintenance tasks are seasonal. Some must be performed every month of the year. They include the following elements.

Changing HVAC filters.

Inspecting major home systems.

Checking the plumbing system for damage.

Restocking cleaning supplies.

Checking and cleaning gutters.

Performing a full walk-through of the property.

Know When to Hire a Pro

Basic home maintenance tasks are easy enough to perform for someone with a DIY mindset. However, major repairs and renovations are best left to professionals. This is particularly true of projects like roof maintenance, plumbing repairs, and major landscape changes.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Deadheading Petunias

Interesting Facts about Celery and Deadheading Petunias

How long does celery last? Do you know about Deadheading Petunias? Celery lasts for as long as any other quick expiring ingredient in the recipe. Many individuals consume celery stalks, but the leaves are also beneficial and edible. They make an excellent addition to soups and stir-fries. You can find celery seeds either in extract form, whole seed form, or ground up, with its impressive health benefits. In many parts of the universe, people grow this plant because of its beneficial seeds. When you crash them, you can use the seeds as a spice because it contains a unique oily compound called apiol. The spice is good for providing flavor and also has medicinal benefits. Celery facts: Celery has a cholesterol-lowering power that makes it useful for maintaining heart health. The seeds contain a unique compound called BuPh that has lipid-lowering properties. However, researchers believe that this plant contains many other beneficial compounds that are still under research. In a recent study, rats feeding on celery continuously for eight weeks recorded lower lipid levels in their blood compared to those that did not feed on celery. This group of rats also experienced reduced serum cholesterol, triglyceride concentrations, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Celery also contains polysaccharides and antioxidants that act as anti-inflammatories, especially polyphenol and flavonoid antioxidants. They support the overall health of individuals as they age by fighting free radical damage that causes inflammation. Inflammation causes chronic diseases like heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and much more. Researchers have come up with several antioxidant types from celery which is beneficial like ferulic acid, caffeic acid, and phenolic acid, as well as flavors like quercetin. These acids make celery the right solution for treating inflammatory conditions like joint pain, liver and kidney infection, gout, irritable bowel syndrome, skin disorders, and urinary tract infection. When you consume celery, and you have high blood pressure, the risk of high blood pressure reduces. These seeds help in controlling the chronic levels of blood pressure. The seeds contain aqueous ethanolic, methanolic, and hexane extracts that lower inflammation improves blood circulation, and help in controlling blood pressure. These seeds also help in reducing bloating and boosting digestion with the aid of the NBP oily compound that contributes to detoxifying the body. The digestive benefits result from its diuretic effect. If you want to lose weight, consuming celery is vital because it has vital nutrients that help in regulating lipid metabolism. How do you prune Deadheading petunias blooms? Many garden tips will guide you on how to deadhead petunia. You need to allow your flowers to start blooming. You need to wait until the plant spends about six hours in the sun and are full of blooms. Once the flower starts dying, it is the right time to deadhead. You will also have to get a sharp pair of scissors and pruning shears. Give the plant a sharp cut when you use scissors. You will then have to pick the petunia stem gently with many blooms. You need to aim at the area that contains the most spent blooms and cut with your shears. Even though you need to cut back healthy sections of the plant to encourage new growth of Deadheading Petunias, pruning your plant extends your season of growth and helps produce more blooms. It is recommended that you prune one stem per week on a small plant and eight stems for the large hanging basket. Regular pruning will help you avoid pruning the whole plant at once. On some occasions, you will have to prune a healthy-looking bloom so that the plant looks healthy for an extended period. If you cannot do it on a weekly basis, it is advisable to wait for the mid-summer season to make it bloom for long. You need to keep fertilizing Deadheading Petunias every two weeks. Read also: Smart Fun Gardening: How To Take Care Of A Money Tree 5 Good Luck Plants That Deserves A Place In Your Home

how to harvest dill

How to Harvest and Preserve Dill for Year-Round Use?

The tender, fern-like leaves of dill almost beg to be touched. If you want to cook them, trim the fresh dill foliage and gather the seeds for pickling. Or you can chop the feathery leaves and yellow umbels for attractive bouquets of homegrown flowers. In addition, black swallowtail caterpillars love to feed on it. Its tiny yellow blooms are great at drawing in a wide range of pollinators. Dill grows as an annual for summer harvests in USDA Hardiness Zones 2–8. In other parts, it may self-seed and is hardy in the winter in Zones 9–11. Here is everything you need to know about how to harvest dill. Keep reading for a comprehensive guide. How to Harvest Dill? Fresh dill clips easily, but it soon starts to droop. Sounds familiar to Cilantro, right? Its flower umbels may look lovely in a mixed bouquet, but after a few hours, don't be shocked if they start to wilt. When harvesting dill for recipes, use it as soon as possible because its flavor starts to fade after a few days. Cut off the flower stalks of dill after the yellow blooms have faded but before the seeds start to ripen and come away from the umbel. Cover the entire flower head with a small paper bag that has a few tiny holes for ventilation. Hang the plant upside down in a cool, dry place. Watch for the seeds to fall and collect them in the bag's bottom. The seeds should be kept in a cool, dry, and dark area in an airtight glass container. When and How to Plant Dill? Dill grows best outside and is simple to start from seed. Plant the seeds directly into the ground, 1/4 inch deep and spaced 1 to 2 inches apart, in the springtime following the last frost. If you want the dill plants to be able to self-sow, plant the seeds in tufts so the seeds can fall and sprout the following year. Or you can plant them in rows spaced about 6 inches apart. You might want to think about succession planting if you want a reliable supply of dill. During the growing season, start by planting a small number of seeds from the packet at a time and then a few more every week. Typically, seeds take 7 to 14 days to germinate. Also, dill can be grown from transplants grown in nurseries planted in the ground or in containers in spring. You can plant dill outside a few weeks before the last predicted spring frost because it can withstand light frost. To achieve lush growth and stop crowded seedlings from producing seed heads, which stops the production of foliage, thinning is essential. Every 12 to 24 inches, reduce the number of seedlings to just the strongest one once they reach 3 or 4 inches in height. As they get bigger, some start to flop. Plants can be kept upright by placing a stake or a sturdy twig in the ground close to the plant's base. To loosely secure the plant to the stake, use garden twine. You can start the dill seeds indoors four to six weeks prior to the last frost. And you can move the seedlings to the ground once the risk of frost has passed. Transplanting mature dill does not work well, so plant your seedlings where they will be able to grow and thrive. Where To Plant Dill? Dill should be planted in a spot with well-drained soil and at least 6 to 8 hours of daily full, direct sunlight. Particularly for cottage gardens, the delicate foliage gives garden beds and borders textural interest. Choose a location for your dill that will shield it from the wind if possible. Just like spinach, high winds can easily damage its stalks if you do not stake the dill. You can plant dill's fragrant foliage in perennial garden container plantings. Or you can plant them alongside other herbs or vegetables in a traditional kitchen garden. In an edible garden, cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, collard greens, broccoli, and cabbage are good companion plants for dill. Dill draws beneficial insects like ladybugs and bees and drives away common brassica pests like loopers and cabbage worms. But avoid planting dill close to carrots. Carrots can be stunted by dill, and because they are closely related, dill can cross-pollinate with carrots to produce inferior hybrid plants. Planting dill close to tomatoes is also not recommended. Mature dill will probably stunt your tomatoes' growth, even though some studies have indicated that tomatoes and dill can be beneficial companions when they are young. How to Propagate Dill? Seed is the most effective method of dill propagation. Cuttings can also propagate Dill, though this isn't as dependable. Seed: Direct sow the dill seeds in early spring at a depth of 1/4 inch in a prepared garden bed. Dill does not tolerate transplanting well. Thin the seedlings so they are 12–24 inches apart when they are 3–4 inches tall. Cuttings: Using shears or scissors, cut off the stem with at least 3 to 4 inches of new growth to take a dill cutting. Place the cutting in a water-filled container, making sure to remove any leaves below the water's surface, and allow the roots to grow for two to three weeks. Fertilizer and rooting hormones are not required. Plant the dill in a container or on the ground once the roots are 2 to 3 inches long. Is Dill a Type of Weed? No, I am not talking about WEED weed (read: marijuana). Although dill isn't technically a weed, some individuals and spice companies call the plant dill weed, possibly due to its feathery leaves. Dill weed is a dried or fresh foliage plant. Flower umbels are yellow and used to make dill seeds. How Should Dill Be Stored for Optimal Quality? You can keep fresh dill in the fridge by wrapping its leaves in a moist paper towel. Or you can tuck its stems into a container of water. Fresh dill can be frozen by submerging it in water in ice cube trays. Place the cubes in cooked dishes that have enough moisture to withstand them. Dill seeds and leaves can also be easily dried for later use, though the flavor is a lot more muted. Water and Soil Sow dill in soil that is moist but well-drained. If there is a lot of clay in your soil, add organic matter to the top few inches to aid in drainage. If you have trouble with poor soil drainage, plant this herb in raised beds or containers. Growing dill requires proper irrigation. As the seeds germinate, keep the soil evenly moist. Dill plants require one to two inches of rain or extra water each week once they begin to grow. Humidity and Temperature Dill tolerates temperatures as low as 25ºF, but 70ºF is the ideal temperature for it. Dill often bolts, sending up flower stalks to set seeds when temperatures rise. This annual herb dies after it flowers and produces seeds. Get rid of the flowers to prolong the plant's growing season. Apply Fertilizer While most herbs, including dill, don't require extra fertilizer, you can give them once or twice during the growing season by applying a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer. When planting, either mix a liquid fertilizer with water or etch a time-release fertilizer into the soil. Refer to the product label for instructions on how much to use. Trimming Dill should be pruned early in the growing season to prevent limb bending. Cut off the top leaves of the plant to promote more growth of the lower leaves. Food preparation and cooking can be done with anything that has been pruned. Repotting and Potting You can grow dill in pots on a sunny balcony or deck, even if you don't have an outdoor garden. Due to the deep taproot that dill plants have, choose a container that is at least 12 inches deep. Because clay and terracotta pots don't retain as much moisture as plastic or glazed ceramic pots. They are ideal for growing dill. Make sure the container you select has good drainage and is big enough to allow you to space your plants 12 to 24 inches apart. It is best to start over in a new, larger container. Especially if your dill plant outgrows its current one because it does not take well to transplant. If the temperature where you are planting is not too high, you can keep planting seeds into the summer. Types of Dill Dills can be of many types with each of their distinct looks and flavors. Here are the three different types of dill you can grow in your kitchen or backyard. Long Island Mammoth Also known as Long Island Mammoth this one is an old-time favorite. Its fern-like leaves can be dried and stored for a long time, or they can be harvested fresh. It produces big clusters of yellow flowers with flat tops. They turn into brown seed heads, and they can reach a height of five feet. Fernleaf Grown to a height of only 18 inches, Anethum graveolens, or Fernleaf, is a highly productive dwarf variety. It works well in container gardens or small in-ground beds. Its feathery, delicate foliage has a great flavor of dill. From midsummer into fall, it blossoms. Bouquet The 'Bouquet' cultivar produces plants up to thirty inches tall with fine bluish-green foliage. The enormous, six-inch-diameter yellow flower heads are ideal for drying, creating an enduring arrangement. Or you could chop them for fresh floral arrangements. How to Keep New Dill Fresh? Dill weed quickly wilts after harvesting and gradually loses its distinctive flavor and aroma. If you know how to store your freshly harvested dill, this shouldn't be a problem. Here are two straightforward techniques that you can use: Put It in the Crisper Drawer of the Refrigerator Loosely wrap the recently cut and cleaned leaves in damp kitchen towels before putting them in a container or sealed bag. Put the container in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator, which has a lower humidity than the other sections of the appliance. Utilize the herbs before they begin to wilt and dry out, which should happen in a few days. Put It in Water To make this method function, when harvesting the herb, you must cut off the entire stem. After gathering the stems, put them in a glass of water and seal the opening with a plastic bag. Every day, change the water. Unlike potatoes, dill leaves can remain fresh for up to a week when stored in this manner. How to Freeze Fresh Dill? Freezing is the best way to preserve extra dill for later use if you've harvested more than you can use at once or in a few days. Dill freezes most effectively when chopped into smaller pieces and added to ice cube trays with just enough water to cover the freshly minced dill. This allows the herbs to be kept for four months or longer. This will ensure you always have dill on hand for when a recipe calls for it. How to Dry Fresh Dill? Dried fresh dill is a popular method if you're searching for another way to store dill for a long time. The herb has many uses, even though it won't have as much flavor as when it's fresh or frozen. All year long, you can use it as a herb in cooked dishes or to make tea. Stick to hang-drying if you don't want much of the flavor to be lost. This is a very easy method to use. All you must do is gather a few dill leaves and then bind them with a string. Later, place them in an area with adequate ventilation upside down.  Place them in an airtight container once they're crumbling and dry. Even though fresh dill is always preferable, make sure to save some for later use. Particularly if you don't have a year-round indoor herb and spice garden. Wrapping Up Growing dill is a great way to add flavor to fish and seafood dishes. A little goes a long way because fresh dill leaves have a strong licorice flavor. It is best that you add dill toward the end of cooking, in salads, or as a garnish for soups. Because once cooked, it tends to lose its flavor. If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask about how to harvest dill, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Read Also: Asparagus 101: When, How, And How Often To Harvest? How To Harvest Sunflower Seeds: A Fun And Easy Activity For The Whole Family How TO Harvest Lemongrass: Tips AND Tricks FOR Growing AND Using This Versatile Herb

Garden Railings

How to Maintain Your Garden Railings?

When it comes to property maintenance, it’s not uncommon to overlook garden railings, whether they are made of wood, iron or steel. They are outdoor fixtures that are often regarded as unessential and not necessitating care. To many, nothing significant changes if they are damaged or if they become structurally weakened. This way of thinking shouldn’t be the case, though. Railings in the garden are not only installed as decorative outdoor fixtures. Treat them as fences: Just like fences, you have to make sure that their structural integrity is maintained. They may not be there to provide security, but it’s important to make sure that they are as sturdy as they should be. Railings are installed for different reasons. For one, they could be used as protection for plants from pets or people who may unwittingly step on small plants. They will not be able to serve this purpose if they are weakened. On the other hand, railings also serve as occasional support structures for those who walk around the garden. If you lose your balance while strolling around, you will likely hold on to the railing if you see one. If the rail breaks with the slightest of pressure, it will aggravate accidents. Aside from not being able to support your weight when you lean on them, they may expose some sharp parts as they break or bend. These sharp pieces can result in wounds. Maintaining wooden railings: For garden railings made of wood, remove the vines that climb on them. These vines can hasten the disintegration of wood as it keeps moisture and prevents the sun from drying the wood. They can also serve as a hiding place for vermin. If the paint has already faded or peeled off, be sure to do a new paint job. Paint does not only improve the appearance of wooden rails. It also helps protect them from the elements. Maintaining steel or iron railings: One of the most important steps for garden railing maintenance is cleaning. Make sure nothing unwanted is stuck to the rails not only to keep them looking good but also to prevent damage. You’ll be surprised how the fecal matter of birds or the nesting of insects can speed up the wear and tear of your railings. Don’t let weeds cover the rails. Locate their origin, so they don’t quickly crawl back up again. Be on the lookout for rust. If corrosion develops, it means your coat of paint protection has been scratched. Scrape the rust off and repaint the affected portion. Examine the rest of your railings to see if there are other parts that could use a new layer of protective coating. If you use lawn trimmers or grass cutters, realise that the repeated strikes against your railing’s lower sections can become a starting point for severe damage. Strive to make your railings last long. They may not be an essential part of your property, but you spent good money on them. You may not feel like you lose anything if they are taken away, but those railings in your garden are there for a reason. Read Also: 5 Tips To Keeping Animals Away From Your Garden 5 Summer Garden Maintenance Tips And Tactics You Have To Know