How To Cope Up With Debt For New Residents In Canada

Published on: 17 April 2021 Last Updated on: 19 April 2021

For new residents in Canada, it is not unusual to incur debt. Moving and settling in a new country often involves a lot of money, after all. If you are not careful, you will find yourself coping with unmanageable dues, dealing with bouncing checks, and avoiding calls from collection agencies. There is no absolute way to get rid of debts altogether, but with proper planning and execution, you will be able to get your finances back on track.

Freeing Up Money To Reduce Debt

Freeing Up Money To Reduce Debt

The first thing to do to take control of your debts is to free up some money. This will involve creating a spending plan, paying your debts consistently, and tracking your progress. With a spending plan, you will be able to determine how much money you can work with. Start by summing your monthly expenses and removing them from your income. The money left over is the money you will use to pay down your debt.

If you are spending more than you earn and have no spare money, you need to review your spending habits and determine which ones you have to cut down. Sitting down with a budgeting expert may be advantageous. One way to reduce spending is by not using credit, at least until you have paid off your debt. This includes your overdraft. If you have to use it, you must treat it like a bill that you need to settle.

Another way to free up money is by spending less than you plan to spend. Many people get into debt because they buy things they cannot afford. Follow a simple rule – if you do not have money, do not purchase it. If you can be gratified with less than what you usually want, you can use the cash you saved and pay down your debt. Eventually, you will have adjusted to your new setup and learn to put away money for other financial priorities.

Tracking your spending and identifying which areas to cut back from also helps. You need to exercise honesty in doing this, otherwise, it will not work. Many people end up being surprised by how much they actually spend daily. Once you have mapped out your spending habits, it will be easy to pinpoint areas where you can cut back. The next step will be to allocate the money you found and settle your debts.

Using Funds Strategically To Eliminate Debt

Once you have freed up money, you can use it to pay down your debts. There are different ways to do it strategically. New residents in Canada typically apply for a mortgage to be able to afford a home. Banks and lending institutions require a minimum of 35% down payment, paid in cash, with a maximum of 65% of the value of the home provided as a mortgage. Monthly payments will be based on the mortgage option they will choose.

In paying a mortgage, a bi-weekly payment may be better than a monthly option to accelerate the process. It may seem like you are paying the same amount of mortgage, but you are actually settling your debt faster by including an equivalent of one extra payment annually. This way, you will be able to pay everything off several years earlier. For more information about the mortgage, visit this page:

Another smart way to settle your debt is by paying as much extra as you can afford. With a minimum credit card payment per month, it will take a long time to pay off the balance. Meanwhile, some borrowers choose to settle their most expensive debts first, then work their way to the least. In this snowball method, you will be focusing all your extra payments on the debt with the biggest rate, while making minimum payments on all the others.

First, arrange your debts in the order of their interest rates. Then, pick the one that is charging you the most and prioritize it. Once your most expensive debt is settled, use all the money you were reserving and allocate it to the next highest loan. Continue this scheme until you are left with the least expensive debt to pay down. Many attest to this strategy as very effective in getting out of debt quickly.

If your debts are becoming too unmanageable and you are really struggling with your financial obligations, it may be time to start speaking with a credit counselor. Credit counselors are experts in helping people assess their situation and eventually put together a working plan to set their finances back on track. They will also negotiate with your creditors to explore your options. Credit counseling is a legal process that is usually for free or at a very low cost.

Other Ways To Cope-Up With Debt

Having your own vehicle when living in Canada is useful as there are places where public transport is limited. When buying, it is better to choose a quality used car rather than a new one. You can go to a local library or read reviews online to see your options. Meanwhile, if you do choose to buy a new car, pick one with good fuel economy. By keeping it for 15 years, you can stretch your dollars and have plenty of time to save for another vehicle.

Reducing your grocery bills also helps. Watch out for sales then stockpile your cupboard with non-perishable items like canned goods, rice, and cereals. Freeze bread and meat properly. Live off your stocks and skip doing groceries every month. This way, you can save up to 25% of your annual bill. If this is not manageable, try skipping once every other month. You can still save a good amount of money.

Finally, if you want, you can get a second job or pick up additional shifts to earn extra money. For this to work, you have to consistently allot all your extra income to pay your debts. This does not always suite everyone, but if you can do it, you will find yourself free of debt faster. You also do not need to work extra shifts forever, just until all your debts are paid off. After that, you can consider scaling back again.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Credit Score

Does Bankruptcy Ruin Your Credit?

Most people understand that bankruptcy can help you discharge the debt if you're in a bad financial situation. They also understand that bankruptcy can hurt your credit score. But can bankruptcy ruin your credit entirely? The Importance of Talking With an Expert First, if you’re considering filing for bankruptcy protection, make sure you talk to a bankruptcy lawyer. A bankruptcy lawyer will have the knowledge and expertise necessary to help you determine whether filing is appropriate for you and which type of bankruptcy you should pursue.  They'll also help you understand the core process of filing for bankruptcy and setting your expectations for timelines, costs, and consequences. Lawyers are an indispensable resource here, so don't neglect to hire one. Different Types of Bankruptcy You should also understand that there are different types of bankruptcy. Different types of bankruptcy manage debts in different fashions and have a different impact on your credit score. For example, Chapter 7 bankruptcies tend to stay on your credit report longer than Chapter 13 bankruptcies, due to the fact that Chapter 13 bankruptcies frequently allow consumers to pay back a portion of their debts. A chapter 13 case could benefit a person for numerous reasons. Typically, a person would file a chapter 13 case to save a house from a mortgage foreclosure action and a car from repossession, due to payment arrears. A person may also file for chapter 13 protection to pay back only a portion of unsecured debt because they do not meet the chapter 7 criteria.  Chapter 13 requires a person to make monthly trustee payments for 36 to 60 months. A chapter 13 case is completed after all monthly plan payments have been paid in full.  Chapter 7 bankruptcies allow an individual to eliminate all unsecured debt, such as credit card debt and personal loans. Therefore, a person who is only interested in eliminating unsecured debt would file a chapter 7 case, if one meets the criteria. The chapter 7 case takes about four months to complete after the filing. No payments are required in a chapter 7 case. The Impact of Bankruptcy on Your Credit A chapter 13 bankruptcy filing stays on a credit report for 7 years from the date of the filing. A chapter 7 bankruptcy case, stays on a credit report for 10 years from the bankruptcy case filing date. Typically, filing for bankruptcy has a negative impact on a credit score, although the filing may increase a person’s credit score, based on their financial circumstances. The most important criteria impacting the credit score are as follows: The shorter the credit history the less advantageous it; Missing payments reflect a derogatory mark; The amount of one’s revolving credit limit compared to the amount of the debt incurred. The optimum debt to credit limit ratio is a debt balance of 30% of someone’s credit limit. The additional debt incurred over 30%, the more the credit score is negatively affected. For example, a person that used $3k of their total $10k credit limit has used 30% of their total credit limit. However, if the same person charges a total of $6k of the $10k credit limit, the ratio is increased to 60%, which reduces the credit score. A person’s credit report lists their creditors and other facts regarding each creditor. This includes the status of payments; type of loan; length of the loan, and the loan balance. Typically, a credit report also reflects a bankruptcy filing, foreclosure action, repossessions, charge-offs, and debt settlements. The credit report also reflects a total score, indicating the general state of a person’s credit. A prospective lender must analyze a person’s financial circumstances to determine: if they will issue the loan; what type of loan will be issued; the loan amount; the loan interest rate; and, the length of the loan. Based on each creditor’s internal lending requirements, the determination of extending credit is based on a balancing act between the loan applicant’s credit report, income, expenses, the debt amount, debt payments, assets, and other information. Typically, a person considering filing for bankruptcy protection is experiencing difficulty paying their monthly credit card payments and/or mortgage or auto finance payments. Consequently, such a person usually has a low credit score. The lower the credit score at the time of the bankruptcy filing, the less the impact the bankruptcy filing has on a credit score. Conversely, a bankruptcy filing will have a substantial impact on a person with a high credit score. In general, a high credit score does not always guarantee that a person will obtain the loan they want with the best terms. A prospective debtor with an excellent credit score and substantial monthly credit card payments may experience difficulties, without filing for bankruptcy. What if a person with an excellent credit score has a very low income? Let’s assume that a person with a high credit score, with substantial monthly debt payments, eliminates all credit card debt, in addition to other types of debt in a chapter 7 case. Initially, the person’s credit score will sustain a substantial hit, resulting in difficulty obtaining any loan. However, within a reasonable time period, together with the proper credit repair, the person’s credit score will substantially increase. In the future, the person will apply for credit without their enormous monthly debt payment load. Now, let’s assume that a person with a low credit score and substantial monthly debt payments eliminates all credit card debt, in addition to other types of debt in a chapter 7 case. Initially, the person’s credit score may sustain a minimal hit. However, most likely this same person was experiencing great difficulty obtaining credit prior to the filing. If this person implements the proper credit restoration process, the person’s credit score will substantially increase, as well. Ultimately, within a short period, the bankruptcy filing will likely increase this person’s ability to obtain credit Typically a bankruptcy mark on a credit report has a negative impact on prospective creditors to review. Generally, within one year after the completion of a chapter 7 case, the debtor (the person that filed) will experience great difficulty obtaining a loan. Although obtaining a loan depends on the totality of the person’s financial circumstances, the rule of thumb for receiving automobile financing with a reasonable to low-interest rate is about one year after the completion of a chapter 7 case. The rule of thumb regarding the receipt of a reasonable to low mortgage rate is about two years after the completion of chapter 7.  Based on a debtor’s financial circumstances, she may be able to obtain automobile financing and/or a mortgage during the chapter 13 case. Otherwise, the same rule of thumb applies to a chapter 13 debtor as a chapter 7 debtor regarding obtaining a reasonable and low-interest rate after the case is complete. Read Also: 5 Smart Ways to Boost your Credit Score A Guide to Getting Out of Credit Card Debt Why Would I Need A Business Credit Report? No Credit Rating Check Lendings Online split Second Authorization

Term Life Insurance

Some Kinds of Death are Not Covered by Term Life Insurance

When you think about life insurance, you think about the financial security it will provide your family when you die. What most people don’t think about is the fact that there are certain types of death that are not covered by term life insurance. Term life insurance is the most common and affordable type of life insurance policy. With term life insurance, you are covered for a specific number of years before the policy expires. You then have the option of renewing it. If you die during the term, however, your insurance will provide death benefits to your beneficiary. You should know that term life insurance policies have some coverage exceptions – particularly when it comes to the type of death. This is an important consideration as you purchase a life insurance policy, or if you are continuing to manage one. Deaths Not Covered by Term Life Insurance There are certain reasons why your term life insurance won’t payout upon your death. These coverage exceptions can be a hassle for beneficiaries and loved ones who rely on your life insurance to cover medical, funeral, or burial expenses. Deaths that may not be covered by your term life insurance policy include: Fraudulent Deaths If you commit life insurance fraud or someone lies about the cause of death, your life insurance company may refuse to pay death benefits. It is important, to be honest, and forthcoming when applying for life insurance about any medical conditions or dangerous conditions you are in. Dangerous Hobby-Related Deaths If your lifestyle is dangerous or you have dangerous hobbies, these activities may affect your life insurance. For example, certain pilots are required to opt-in for special aviation coverage in order to get life insurance. If they are killed in a flying accident, beneficiaries will not get death benefits. If you regularly engage in dangerous hobbies – bungee jumping, scuba diving, or free-climbing – you need to inform your insurance agent or carrier upfront. You may be required to list these hobbies or opt into additional coverage. You may also have a higher premium. Be honest, even if it does mean a higher premium. As noted previously, if you lie on your application or about the cause of death, your beneficiaries are the ones who will suffer. Murder If one of your beneficiaries murders you with the intent of collecting your insurance money, they won’t prevail. The Slayer statute prohibits death benefits from being paid out to anyone who murders or is tied to the murder of the insured. If this happens, death benefits will be distributed to your contingent beneficiaries or your estate. Suicide Most life insurance policies have a “suicide clause”. This clause states that if you commit suicide during the first two years the policy is active, then the policy will not cover the death or pay death benefits. This is designed to prevent individuals from obtaining a policy and then immediately committing suicide. If the death is possibly suicide, such as a drug overdose, then the insurance company may deny coverage. They will have to prove that the insured committed suicide (the death was deliberate) and not the result of an accident. Make Sure You Understand Your Life Insurance Policy As you can see, there are a variety of situations that could result in your life insurance refusing to pay death benefits to your loved ones. You should talk to your insurance agent to find out specifically what is and is not covered by your term life insurance policy. Make sure your insurance agent is up-to-date on any medical conditions you have or any changes in your hobbies or occupation. Doing so can help prevent your loved ones from experiencing the unfortunate scenario that is a life insurance coverage denial. Read Also: A Detailed Guide to Cashless Car Insurance Policy Insurance- Need of the time How Private Hire Insurance Takes You Out from Problems? Self-employed Health Insurance: Best Types for Every Freelancer

Bitcoin Trading

The Profit Revolution: The Best Bitcoin Trading And Investing Platform

Ever since Bitcoin first emerged on the scene, it has been able to polarize opinions, make millionaires overnight, and create secure Blockchain technology. It has also managed to make the world leaders stand up and take notice, obstruct and demonize a democratic and open call for mass equality. The earliest investors in Bitcoin became billionaires in no time. They went from being your average kids to billionaires and millionaires driving supercars and buying villas in downtown LA. However, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies came under severe criticisms. From funding terrorists and notorious arms deals to sex trafficking and other evils, world leaders left no stone unturned in opposing the biggest challenge to the global economic and financial order ever. In this article, we will not be looking at the philosophical aspects of Bitcoin or its impacts. We will be looking at how investing in Bitcoins can help you earn handsomely and make the practice a sustainable professional practice. Bitcoin Trading and Investing: Which Platforms to work on? If you are confused about why you will need a Bitcoin Trading Platform, let me clear the air on that one. A bitcoin trading and investing platform work in exactly the same fashion as a share or stock platform. The platform helps you with real-time calculations, suggestions, data and financial expert services at all times. All of the above factors help you make the right informed decision at all times. This minimizes the risk of losses that are the frequent complaints of many a Bitcoin investor. We need to acknowledge the fact that Bitcoin trading has seen its fair share of difficulties. To help you tide over such uncertainties, you need a financial expert that can guide you with the right kind of information. Imagine a situation where you had bought some Bitcoins in early 2018. I am sure all of you remember the depths to which the valuation fell in late 2018. 90% of people who owned Bitcoins sold them and exited their investments. However, the people who bought them at those crashed prices held on to them and saw their value increase to nearly $10000 USD in October 2019. Why should I use the Profit Revolution? There is no doubt that the Profit Revolution is one of the most attractive trading platforms in the digital currency world today. Let us look at some of the factors that make them an immediate choice- 1. The Human Factor (24x7 Financial Expert Consultation): One of the best features of the Profit Revolution platform is the Expert Financial Help on offer 24x7. You can talk to an expert at a time of your convenience from anywhere in the world. Automation is good, but if you have a human element guiding you at all steps of your journey, you definitely feel more reassured. 2. Data and Automation to drive Decision Making: The biggest financial institutions and stockbroking firms use sophisticated AI and Machine Learning to compute data and inform decision-making. Profit Revolution uses the same tech and helps you see how the markets at behaving at all times. They also show projections, trends and offer suggestions on which stocks you should be moving on. 3. Instant Monetization Benefits: Yes, there are other platforms as well. However, the worst criticism of them is that they have several hindrances when it comes to withdrawing funds. On Profit Revolution, you can withdraw the funds instantly from your linked Bank Account. It is as simple as that. No time stipulations, no minimum balance maintenance, and no extra paperwork. Conclusion: If you are looking to invest in Bitcoins, you should check out the Profit Revolution platform. It is easy, convenient and offers complete security at all times. 2019 is perhaps the right time to invest in Bitcoins. Several experts are of the view that the valuation is likely to hit $15000 in early 2020. What are you waiting for? Read Also: Bitcoin Profit Review 2019 What To Expect When You Become A Forex Trader Exciting Facts About Cryptocurrency And Crypto Wallets