Is Instagram Algorithm Easy To Beat?


11 March 2022


Instagram Algorithm

Is it possible for your brand to beat the brand new algorithm changes of Instagram?

Well, if you asked this question during the reverse-chronological period of the platform, we could’ve answered it pretty easily. However, now, in the era of curated content feed, it’s not possible to find an apt reply to this question.


Unlike the previous updates, the new updates are all about skyrocketing the organic reach of a brand or an Instagram user.

So, how to get more followers on IG quick?

By beating the Instagram algorithm, of course. Here, in our guide, we have broken down how the Instagram algorithm works and the way to take care of it.

Let’s get started!

The Working Procedure Of Instagram

The Working Procedure Of Instagram

Before we begin talking about the current stature of the Instagram algorithm, let’s turn back the clock to 2016. During this year, Instagram proclaimed that it will focus on “the moment you care the most about.”

Hence, Facebook began prioritizing the “friends and family” while Instagram cared the most about fresh, timely posts relevant to your area of interest.

Currently, the Instagram algorithm focuses on six aspects. These are –

  • Timeliness: The recent posts will appear at the higher sections of the news feed rather than the older ones.
  • Interest: The type of content you generally look for after opening the homepage of the application.
  • Frequency: How often do you open Instagram? The higher your activity level is on the app, the better it will be for your posts.
  • Usage: The amount of time you spend on the application will also matter in the case of ranking your posts on the news feed.
  • Relationship: Content from the accounts you have talked or commented on will be prioritized over everything else.
  • Following: If you follow a massive number of people, it’ll be easier for you to see more posts on your newsfeed than anything else.

Related Resource: Instagram Advertising For Beginners

Beating The Instagram Algorithm – An Informative Guide

Beating the Instagram algorithm will not be easy at all. However, if you keep following the below-mentioned tips, you’ll fare much better than you were doing before. Here’s what you need to know about it.

  • Upload high-quality, unique content that’s relevant to your niche. Make sure to add as much information as possible while uploading a video. Add in-video captions to help people who’re watching the same without sound.
  • Focus on trending topics only. This way, it’ll be easier for you to attract people who are looking for these posts and prompt them to follow you. Make sure to follow your peers in your industry to find out the topics you want to talk about.
  • Use hashtags. Tags are important to beat the Instagram algorithm, and we cannot stress this enough. With them, you can appear at the top of the search results and ensure that the right people find you out.
  • Opt for infographics. The practice of adding normal images has become pretty bland in today’s Instagram. Hence, if you are considering delivering any information to your audience while maintaining the engagement status, make sure to opt for infographics.
  • Select a theme and stick to it. For example, if you are using the “red” color, make sure to include the same evenly to create a sense of uniformity. It’ll also look much more aesthetic than using different colors altogether.
  • Find the right time to post. Check when most of your target audience is coming online and upload your images during that period to increase the chance of interacting with others. In most cases, the time would be somewhere between 10 PM to 3 AM.
  • Include a call to action on each of your posts. It can be something a little supportive like “follow us to get more posts like this!” or, a more docile approach, “please DM us to learn more!”

Related Resource: 6 Ways To Increase Real Instagram Followers Without Spending Money!

Final Thoughts

As mentioned before, beating the Instagram algorithm will not be an easy job. However, if you follow the rules we have explained, you will be able to perform much better than your rivals in the market.

In any case, if you still have any queries, make sure to tell us all about it in the comment section. We’ll help you out in any way we can.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Instagram Engagement

Growing Your Gram: 10 Tips for Boosting Your Instagram Engagement

Last year, Instagram announced that they have more than 1 billion monthly active users. The growth of the social media network has seen many brands and influencers in competition to take advantage of its marketing potential. You may already be posting great content, but you're just not getting the shares, likes, and comments you'd like. That's why you need our top 10 tips for Instagram engagement. Let's check it out together! 1. Make the Most of Hashtags: Twitter made the hashtag famous. But, now Instagram is widely associated with the power of the hashtag. If you know how to use hashtags, you can reach out to an ever greater number of followers. Your hashtags need to stay relevant to your brand and message. Too many Instagrammers carelessly throw hashtags into posts. It's important to do your research before you use a hashtag. You can take advantage of tools, such as Websta to optimize your hashtag strategy. You don’t need to pay for more followers through dubious websites, you can grow Instagram followers organically. LikiGram is an app to buy IG likes and followers. However, should you trust LikiGram? you can read and get the answer here. 2. Post Engaging Content: It may sound obvious to say that you need to post engaging content for Instagram engagement. This means different things depending on your audience. Do you need to consider what kind of content is meaningful for your users? This doesn't only mean your pictures and captions. You need to concentrate on producing content that attracts and inspires your audience. If you're in the food and drinks industry, then lots of snaps of your delicious meals and brightly colored ingredients will do the trick. 3. Instagram Stories: Does your audience want to know what happens behind the scenes? You can give them insights into your brand with Instagram Stories. Why is the Instagram Stories feature so important for improving engagement? Because Instagram stories have around 300 million users each day. Can you believe it? And yet, this isn't a feature that is occasionally used by people. In fact, the average user spends nearly 30 minutes per day enjoying Instagram Stories. 4. The Power of Geotags: Geotagging is when you add location information to your social media posts. This is especially popular among Instagrammers -- so take note! Geotagging is another means by which your audience can discover your brand alongside hashtags. This is a really important tool if you want to connect with people in a specific location. If you're opening a new store or organizing an event in a particular location, then you can effectively reach out to your audience with this. 5. Include a Call to Action: How to end each Instagram post? If you're not already doing it, then you need to be including a call to action on every post. This leads to greater engagement. So, encourage your audience to comment or share your posts. You can also request your audience to visit your company website or click on the link to your online store. Alternatively, you could ask a question which gets people to further engage with your activity on the social media network. 6. The Best Time to Post on Instagram: Many people ask the question: what is the best time to post on Instagram to optimize engagement? The simple answer is that you should post when your audience is most engaged on Instagram. How do you discover this? Well, Instagram's analytical tool provides you with some insights about your audience. There is lot of debate about the overall best time to post on Instagram. After all, each audience behaves differently. According to Sprout Social, the best day to post on Instagram is Thursday while the worse is Sunday. However, if you want to play it safe, stick to Tuesday to Friday between 9 am and 6 pm. If you have a global audience, then choosing the best times is quite complicated. You need to experiment with different posting times to determine which works best for engagement for you. 7. Engagement for Prizes: People love free stuff. This is a great rule to live by if you want to improve your Instagram engagement. So, why don't you start running competitions for free prizes among your audience? You could host a contest in which everyone who shares your post with their followers is put into a draw for some prizes. 8. Focus on Quality over Quantity: Twitter and Facebook may be about near-constant engagement with your audience. However, Instagram is more about quality than quantity. You don't want to put off your audience simply because you've overloaded them with content. That's why it's important to stick to a maximum of two to three posts per day. Otherwise, you risk being on the end of "follower fatigue" and spamming your followers. 9. Instagram Filters are Key: Instagram is the most visually appealing social media network on the market. It's all about aesthetics. One of the most effective ways to appealing to your audience is to make use of Instagram filters for your pictures. You should know that each filter has a different association for Instagramers. Make sure you make the right choice for each post. You can learn more about Instagram filters here. 10. Engage Your Competition's Audience: If you want to broaden your audience even further, then you could check out your competition's audience. This isn't just spying on your rivals. You need to actually engage the followers. You can start by searching for Instagramers who produce content similar to your own. If they find similar accounts interesting to follow, they'll probably feel the same way about your content. Instagram Engagement: Now you know how to build your Instagram engagement strategy – what are you waiting for? If you need more help in building your brand on Instagram with a real audience and real engagement, you can always take help from some of the best tools and software on the market like urinsta. Follow our strategies for building your Instagram audience and you’ll immediately experience results. If you want to find out more about how you can use Instagram effectively, check out our blog for the latest news and topics. Now you know how to build your Instagram engagement strategy - what are you waiting for? Follow our strategies for building your Instagram audience and you'll immediately experience results. If you want to find out more about how you can use Instagram effectively, check out our blog for the latest news and topics. Read Also: Is Instagram Turning Into A Way Of Life Now? Instagram Marketing Statistics You Should Be Aware Of In 2019


Steps For Improving Your Instagram Strategy

Successful execution of a plan sometimes requires updates and improvements in Instagram Strategy. If you are unable to gain the expected outcome from your Instagram account, you must consider changing your strategies. You might have some brilliant ideas, but you may fail to achieve your targeted goal. In this case, reassess your basic strategies and implement new ones to get the desired benefits. Keep in mind that steps that help you get new likes and followers will always have an impact on your overall Instagram marketing strategy. For this, you can buy cheap Instagram likes from many online companies. Just be sure to practice some care when you go down this alley because not all sites are going to offer valuable and credible followers and likes. If after buying likes you still find yourself in trouble, it is time to check your strategy. Here are five basic steps that will help you in evaluating and improving your strategies. Evaluate Your KPIs: Instagram has a lot to offer, and you can easily lose track of your basic objectives while focusing on engagement, followers, reach, and content. You must reevaluate that either your strategies are by your basic objectives of the account or they are deviating from its core purpose. Evaluating your KPIs after short intervals lets you know how slowly or rapidly you are progressing towards your milestones. It’s always better to focus on one or two goals at a time so that you can concentrate well and drive all your energy on one side. It will also help you to stay on track without losing your attention. Your clear goals, actionable tactics, and measurable performance metrics are core elements of a good Instagram strategy. If your targeted goal for the month is to drive traffic on your Instagram account then your main focus should be on maximizing your reach. You must implement strategies for your posts to be viewed by a maximum number of Instagram users. Closely observe metrics such as likes, follows, and profile visits. By having such clear goals and focused strategies, you can easily attain your short-term goals and long-term objectives. Develop a distinct Visual Style: Your Instagram posts are the virtual presentation of your personality and business. The quality of the content of your posts depicts your abilities and strengths so if you want to make your Instagram account stand out from the rest of the Instagram profiles then you must develop a unique visual style. People will recognize you on Instagram with your distinct style of posting and can easily differentiate your content from your unique style. For effective visual presentation, you must be well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your brand, and you must have sound knowledge of the latest trends of your industry. This will help you in designing strategies that will make your brand distinctive. Here are some other important things to keep in mind when evaluating your Instagram strategy: You must develop a clear understanding of the preferences of your targeted audience so that you can strategize your posting frequency and upload content accordingly. If you are clueless about what will appeal to your audience, you can always go for trial and error to the device the most successful strategies. The preferences of your audience may change after some time as the industry is growing at a rapid pace so you must keep on updating your strategies with the passage of time. For making your posts visually attractive you can take help from various editing and designing tools available online. Designing tools like Unfold, Easily, and Canva provides you with multiple features to boost the outlook of your images or photographs. Preset templates are also available that will assist you in making your every post different from the other. You can add a personalized element in these templates to make your posts unique and distinctive from other Instagram posts. The content of your Instagram stories is quite important as it stays there for only 24 hours. To make your stories extraordinary, you can take assistance from apps like Factory and Quik. They will help you in inspiring your audience. Read Also: Is Public Utilities A Good Career Path? – Top Utility Jobs Is Energy A Good Career Path? – A Detailed Guide


Will Instagram remove likes from posts in 2020?

On the 14th of November last year Instagram announced a worldwide test in which it is set to hide likes for a post that appear on users’ feeds. A move that has been received with a lot of controversies. This was not the first time the Facebook-owned social media giant was running these tests. Since July the same year, Instagram has been running similar tests that have affected users’ posts in Japan, Australia, Italy, New Zealand, Brazil, Ireland and a small portion of users in Canada. The move has been received with mixed reactions; nobody understands why while several people aren’t happy about the move. Many people ask will it be worth gaining more likes on Instagram via brand promotion and ads in the future? So, Will Instagram remove likes from posts in 2020? Recent announcements from Adam Mosseri, Instagram chief executive officer indicates that the company is not stopping any soon. They are rolling out tests of what they are calling ‘private like counts’ to cover other countries including the united states where a small portion of users have been affected by the recent tests. Unless you aren’t using Instagram for marketing purposes the news should not surprise you. But for marketers, this is quite shocking. Likes have played a key role in their marketing strategy cutting them out isn’t something small. But why is Instagram shutting its doors to likes?  Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook have been the center for heated debates like inline addiction, smartphone addiction, online insensitivity, and other online related issues for a while now. As a result, many social media platforms including those mentioned above have made it their priority to combat the vices in an attempt to hit a balance between user engagement and growth over the perception that they are leading causes of online related problems. Combating online related problems seems to be the motivating force behind this move. As CEO Adam Mosseri explains, the whole idea behind limiting likes to the owner of a post is to try to depressurize Instagram. They are trying to make the platform less competitive, and try to give users a chance to focus more on connecting with people as opposed to concentrating on how many likes they get. Another reason for this move affects the users, Instagram explains that by cutting out likes, users will be inclined to focus more on the content being posted as opposed to how many likes the content has gained. What is the implication of the same? The move has impacted both the viewer and the content creators. Certainly, it takes power from fake users who buy likes and gives it to content creators. Content creators will now have an upper hand on the platform since you will only get followers if you have something to offer to the audience. Will this move have an impact on my business?  The move will affect influencer who are starting out but as I said earlier if you are on Insta as an influencer or marketer you will need to be extra creative to get attention. For marketers, the movie will have a great impact on your business if you have been depending on bought likes. Otherwise, you will be able to see the number of likes you garner but your followers won’t see them which has no huge impact on business. Read Also: Best Instagram Bots for Safe Automation in 2020 - Influencive 6 Instagram Marketing Tips for Business Top 10 Computer Security Mistakes