Internet Defamation Lawsuits: 7 Things You Need To Know


24 September 2021


Defamation Lawyer NYC

Let’s start with getting the idea about what a defamation lawsuit actually is. It is a type of civil lawsuit where the victim sues a defendant for making a false comment or statement on a person to a third party.

When it comes to online or internet defamation, the statement is published on an online platform or is posted on any of the social media platforms. In this case, the person can file a defamation lawsuit against the party who had made the defamatory statement with the help of a Defamation Lawyer NYC. 

Types Of Defamation

Now, as we know what internet defamation is, it is time to check out the different types of defamation. Here is the list of different types of defamation.

  • Defamation Per Se.
  • Defamation Per Quod.
  • Criminal Defamation.
  • Workplace Defamation.

Elements To Prove In Defamation Lawsuit

Only filing a lawsuit against the party who has posted a defamatory statement about someone specific is not enough to get your claims for the damages the statement has made. Your Defamation Lawyer NYC has to prove it.

So, here are the elements of a defamation lawsuit, which need to be taken care of while fighting the lawsuit.

  • False Statement of Fact.
  • Of and Concerning the Plaintiff.
  • Communicated to a Third Party.
  • Fault Amounting to at Least Negligence.
  • The Statement Was Not Privileged.
  • Causing Damage to the Plaintiff’s Reputation.

Filing A Defamation Lawsuit

Now, as you have developed a basic idea about the internet and usual defamation lawsuits, it is the main part where we will talk about filing a defamation lawsuit. Throughout the entire process, a Defamation Lawyer NYC will guide you.

1. Determine That You Have A Valid Defamation Claim

The first and foremost thing you have to consider is determining your claim. Here, that is a defamatory statement made on an online platform about you, which is not true at all.

In addition to that, due to that very statement, you have experienced several damages along with immense damage to your public reputation. You also have to ensure that all the elements of a defamation lawsuit are in place.

2. Ensure Where To File

It might seem too easy to think of, but in reality, it is more complex. Yes, you will file the lawsuit at a court with proper jurisdiction, but the question is where.

For example, you live in New York, but the party who has made the statement lives in Ohio, so where will you file the lawsuit? Here is the list of several things that you should consider during this crucial time to make your decision.

  • Where you reside or operate.
  • Where the defendant resides or operates.
  • If applicable, where your customers reside.
  • Due to the defamation, where you experienced the damages.
  • The amount of money you are claiming to recover the damages.

3. Gather Evidence

Gathering evidence is an obvious thing for any type of lawsuit. But in case of internet or online defamation, the post can be removed at any time. So, here is some evidence that will work for you.

  • A screenshot.
  • Printout documents.
  • Backup emails to any other email accounts.
  • Save the entire webpage.

4. Comply With All Defamation Requirements

Apart from making sure that all the defamation elements are in the proper place, in some cases, you might also need to take care of some particular pre-suit requirements.

In some states, the plaintiff has to give notice to the organization or to the individual who is responsible for this. Your Defamation Lawyer NYC will be able to offer you the right information regarding this.

5. Consider Alternative Dispute Resolution Options

Considering an alternative dispute resolution is not at all a bad option. Thankfully for removing the defamatory statement filing a lawsuit is not the only option you have.

Simply contacting the responsible authority might often solve the issue. So, ensure that you have tried all the alternative options before using the entity.

6. File Your Legal Complaint

Now, as you are done with taking care of all the necessary actions and gathering the pieces of evidence as per the elements of defamation, it is time to file the legal complaint.

Always remember that it is not only about winning the case and getting the money. It is also crucial to make your defendant understand why you are suing.

7. Serve The Complaint

Now is the time to serve your complaint in court. Here the actual job of your Defamation Lawyer NYC begins.

In most cases, the plaintiff pleads to the court to eliminate the claiming amount as they have the right to free speech, and the case ends with a conviction of only removing the defamatory statement. So, you have to play smartly here.

Final Talks

An Internet defamation lawsuit is not only about someone making a false statement on the internet but also is more about the damages that statement has caused to you. Along with damaging your public reputation, it can affect both your personal and professional life as well. 

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Motorcycle Accident

How to Properly Handle a Motorcycle Accident

If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, you need to take sensible actions to protect your health and your personal injury claim. Read the guide below to prepare yourself for the worst-case scenario on the road: 1. Ensure Your Safety First and foremost, you need to carefully handle yourself at the accident scene. You have to get yourself to safety. Distance yourself from anything harmful and immediately get out of traffic. If safe, try to take pictures that show the positions of vehicles before moving them. 2. Check Yourself for Injuries Second, you need to check if you are physically injured. You should also check on the other people involved in the accident. If anyone is seriously hurt, call 911 for emergency help. You should seek medical attention even if you are not severely harmed so your injuries can be documented. 3. Stay Composed Up next, you need to remain calm. Don’t panic as you could end up making the situation worse. Don’t say admit fault or aggressively assign blame to another party. Stick to the basic facts if questioned by the police. 4. Call the Police It is best that you immediately call the police and may be required if the accident caused injury or serious property damage, depending on your state. Police officers can control the traffic, make a report on the accident scene, and make arrests if warranted. 5. Collect Evidence of the Scene If you are physically able to do so, gather evidence of the scene. You can take photos from your phone and record videos to document damage to your motorcycle and your injuries. 6. Gather Information from Witnesses You can also talk to witnesses and obtain the necessary information. Try to collect their names, phone numbers, and addresses. This way, your lawyer can follow up and determine if their deposition might contribute to your case should it proceed to discovery. 7. Contact a Motorcycle Accident Attorney Next, you should call a qualified attorney to help with your motorcycle accident case. If you don’t know any lawyers, you can contact the Oxnard motorcycle accident attorneys at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. in California to inquire about legal assistance. A dedicated motorcycle accident attorney can compile evidence, file the necessary paperwork, help you avoid mistakes, and pursue the highest settlement on your behalf. 8. Avoid Mistakes Do not provide a statement to the insurance company without your lawyer’s approval. Do not discuss the accident online or post pictures of your injuries. In fact, you should deactivate your social media accounts. Do not discard evidence or documents pertaining to the accident, your injuries, or the associated costs. Follow your doctor’s orders exactly. Above all, ride carefully next time to prevent motorcycle accidents and injuries. Always wear protective gear. Never ride a motorcycle if you are drunk. Obey traffic laws, follow road signs, adhere to speed limits, and avoid risky behaviors. Read Also: Motorcycle Accident Attorney: Ask When You’re In An Accident What Are the 6 Steps to Take to Become a Proud Motorcyclist?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

What You Can Expect from a Criminal Defense Lawyer

When you are charged with a crime, it’s really a struggling situation to deal with the case. It is a serious concern, and you shouldn’t take it casually. If you don’t take the right steps on time, you may have to stay behind bars or pay hefty penalties. Even if you have some understanding of the legal system and have the intellectual ability, but it does not act in your favor when you are accused of a crime. In such situations, you should find the best possible criminal defense lawyer in your locality, hence make sure to do proper research and then communicate with the lawyer clearly. If you are looking for a criminal defense law firm in San Francisco, CA, you should know what you can expect from them. What They Can Do for You: Apart from collecting information from you and the witnesses, the criminal defense lawyer can help you in many ways that you may not do yourself. They try to contact clients with emails, phones, meetings, reading evidence, etc. Here is what you can expect from a criminal defense lawyer. Make You Understand About the Legal System Explain You About Possible Consequences Plea Bargaining Communicating With Witnesses Dealing With Investigators and Experts Negotiate Case Outcomes Sentencing Do you understand each of the above terms and are able to deal with them? Well, you may have knowledge about these terms, but an experienced and qualified defense lawyer can help you to deal with it in a better way. Now take a look at each of these terms and understand them properly, Read more:  What Do Criminal Defense Attorneys Do? 1. Make You Understand About the Legal System The criminal legal system is really complicated, and many people are not aware of it. But a criminal defense lawyer in Miami can make you understand the law system. If you don’t know anything about the rules and regulations and deal with the case yourself, you may have to face serious consequences. You can ask about different theories and rules to the criminal defense lawyer and he/she will help you understand them. 2. Explain You About Possible Consequences You can also know about the possible consequence of the case. This informations will help you get prepared for the situations in advance and you can become confident to deal with the case. 3. Communicating With Witnesses Most of the time, witnesses may not feel safe ad comfortable sharing the information with you. Again, you might not able to collect the true information from the witness. But the defense lawyers are trained and experienced to collect the evidence or useful information from them. 4. Dealing With Investigators and Experts Dealing with the investigators and expert witnesses is not easy. An experienced defense lawyer can deal with them on your behalf. 5. Plea Bargaining The criminal defense lawyer may help you to negotiate a “plea bargain” with the prosecutor. It can reduce the sentences or some charges against you. Most of the time prosecutors don’t want to bargain with a defendant directly, but they can deal with a defense lawyer. 6. Negotiate Case Outcomes The defense lawyers can also help you to negotiate case outcomes with the jury. As the lawyers are qualified and experienced, they know what are the possible outcomes during a proceeding. So the lawyer remains objective to deal with the outcomes and make a favorable decision about the plea bargain. 7. Sentencing Last but not least, if you are proven guilty, the criminal defense lawyer may be negotiating your sentence and reduce or change it. Conclusion Now you can see that a criminal defense lawyer can help you and fight for you to deal with the case easily. They work towards improving your chances of winning the case and provide you favorable decisions from the court. Read Also: The Basics of Criminal Appeals Law Why You Should Never Try to Defend Yourself in Court 7 Characteristics of a Great Lawyer that can Help Win your Legal Battle


Is DUI A Serious Crime?

DUI is considered a crime in every US state. The drivers of any kind of vehicle must operate their vehicle sober. When a person takes drugs, alcohol, or any prescriptive medicines then the ability to drive gets impaired and causes road accidents. Sometimes, these accidents can lead to death. To answer the question “Is DUI a serious crime” one can say that it is a serious crime. The details of DUI shown here can show the intensity of this crime and thus, it is really important to focus on DUI cases. However, all is not well when it comes to involving the traffic police. Sometimes, police officers tend to exaggerate the details and put someone in a difficult position. This type of DUI charge can put people in a tough situation because professional people have their reputations to maintain. In those situations, hiring a DUI defense in Oakland could be beneficial as lawyers know how to beat such charges. What Happens When A Person Is Convicted Of DUI? Once a person is convicted of a DUI, that person is subjected to receive some sort of criminal sentence. The most common sentence for DUI is the suspension of a driving license for some time. This time limit could be determined based on the severity of the DUI charge. Sometimes the suspension of a driving license could be accompanied by a fine, community service, or jail time. But if you had hired a good attorney, things wouldn’t go that far. DUI lawyers have the skills to find loopholes in the legal system and by finding them they can ask for lenient terms even for a driving license. Things like an ignition interlock device (IID) could be used in the personal car of that person who was charged with the DUI. Sometimes, the person could be able to go to work and restrict his driving in a particular neighborhood when lawyers know how to do their jobs. What Happens When DUI Charges Are Federal? Normally, the DUIs are processed by the state but when drivers mess with federal property, the charges could be from the federal court. This happens when a driver drives harshly through a national park and collides into a national monument, a military vehicle, or a federal building. Such crimes could have different sentences based on the civilian or military status of the person who had been charged with DUI.  What To Do When Charged With DUI? If you have been in a similar position where bogus DUI charges have been filed against you, it is time to get a lawyer. Mass Tsang legal professionals can help you in this regard. Mass Tsang is a legal firm where the firm offers different legal services to those who require legal guidance. In the cases of Drunk under the Influence (DUI) or Drunk while intoxicated (DWI), skilled legal professionals can have your case dismissed or negotiate for a lesser sentence through community service and diversion programs. If the District Attorney doesn’t budge, there could be other ways to reduce charges. For instance, if the charged person wants to get his or her driver’s license back, then he or she needs to agree with the chemical testing to ensure that there is no alcohol in his or her blood. Read Also: Top 10 Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys The Personal Effects Of A DUI Case On Individuals: By Counsellors Accident By Unlicensed Driver: How To File For A Compensation Claim?