From Nervous To Confident: Mastering Interview Questions


23 September 2024

Job & Career

Interview Questions

Job interviews can be intimidating, even to the most seasoned professional, who has been through many interviews!

However, preparation is indeed the key. Especially when you can pick and choose impressive answers to some of the most asked interview questions.

Knowing what to expect and how to answer common questions can make a big difference.  

We’ll explore the most common interview questions with expert tips to help you craft thoughtful, compelling answers.  Something that can guarantee a great interview!

Whether you’re a professional at giving interviews or new to the job market, these insights can boost your confidence altogether!

1. Tell Me About Yourself

Tell Me about Yourself

This is a common question, and there is a 99% that your interviewer will ask you the same.

Sounds easy, right?

I’m not trying to scare you of something, but the answer cannot stick to a chronology of your name, hobbies, and experiences.

This question is often your first opportunity to sell the interviewer on yourself and your background.    

Did they ask the question because they want to get a sense of how your work experience and background will add value to their open position?

Expert Tip: Tailor your answer to reflect your relevant work and educational history for that specific role. Begin with your most recent experiences or studies and work backward from there. Be brief but thorough.   

“Hi, my name is XYZ, and I’ve been working on my digital marketing skills, specifically in SEO and content strategy, over the last three years. I’ve increased organic traffic by 35% at my current company and would like to do it at a larger, more dynamic company.”   

2. Why Do You Want To Work Here?

Why do you Want to Work Here

Employers would like to know whether you have researched their company and if you see a long-term association.

They would like to see whether you want to get this job or if it is just another run-on-the-mill interview.

Even if you must subtly fake it, it is better to show genuine interest.   

Expert Tip: The last thing I think about when making decisions about my career is the pay or benefits. It just isn’t as fulfilling as everything that can make you grow professionally.  So, when you answer this question, try not to talk about the CTC. You wouldn’t want to give the impression that you are hearing just for the money.

Example Answer:

“What excites me about working at Company X is the open culture and focus on constant learning and growth. This would allow me to thrive in a fast-paced environment where everyone willingly helps each other out to achieve our shared goal of building world-class software.  

After all, who doesn’t like a little challenge and team bonding? Plus, I like that feedback flows freely between employees. Irrespective of seniority, department, or location. Suppose there is a better way of doing something.”

This could also be your answer as you stress more about your personality.

“I’m really impressed with your company’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and innovation. I’ve always had a personal interest in environmentally conscious initiatives.

So, I was particularly excited to learn about your recent updates in cutting down on workplace waste. It would be a great privilege for me to work for a company that’s working towards something I care so deeply about.”   

3. What Are Your Strengths?

What are your Strengths

This is your opportunity to explain why you are the best candidate for the job. However, this is not your space to brag beyond calculation. Especially if you do not have the achievement or experience to back it up.

After all, how can you understand your strengths and weaknesses if you haven’t worked in a challenging setting?

So, take some time to think about your strengths and what you can bring to the role.

Expert Tip: Try to stay away from general answers such as “I’m hardworking.” Instead, opt for relevant skills and discuss how they helped you in previous positions. In fact, highlight how some of your strengths have helped you achieve something.

Example Answer:   

“I think that my level of adaptability and willingness to learn is one of my greatest strengths. At my last job, we implemented XYZ, and within a month, I was the “go-to” person for troubleshooting as well as training other employees.”   

4. What Are Your Weaknesses?

What are your Weaknesses

These interview questions are often ones that people dread.  

Because they do not know whether, to be honest, they should show their vulnerability or strength disguised as weakness!

Something like, “I am a perfectionist and cannot submit something unless it is top-tier work.”

First, that sounds like a brag (which you shouldn’t brag about, and second, it is a weakness if you keep messing with deadlines).

So, try to be as honest as you can! Plus, give your interviewers ideas on how you are working towards turning that weakness into a strength.

In fact, it is a method for the interviewer to see how self-aware you are and how much you are willing to improve.

Expert Tip: Choose a weakness but discuss how you’re overcoming it. Avoid cliché answers!

Example Answer:   

If you have to say “perfectionist”!

“I have always been a bit of a perfectionist, which can sometimes be a weakness. When I first started my current role, I found it difficult to delegate tasks or ask for help. Or finish anything within the deadline because submitting any work I am not satisfied with made me anxious.

Therefore, I am trying peer review as a form of coping where I let a peer review my work, and I do not think about it for the time being. It is easier for someone else to pinpoint simple errors rather than me obsessing over it.”

Here is another approach to this question!

“I would often get overwhelmed because I had taken on too much when there were others around me who could help. To overcome this, I tried to understand what others were good at and how they could support me.”   

5. Can You Describe A Time When You Faced A Challenge And How You Dealt With It?

Can You Describe A Time When You Faced A Challenge And How You Dealt With It

Do not worry; they do not challenge your problem-solving capacity in the workplace. So, yes, if you are a fresh graduate, you can give any academic-related anecdote.

They ask this question to learn how you handle setbacks, your problem-solving approach, and whether you get frustrated easily.   

Expert Tip: I would recommend using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to tell them a story that answers these questions while highlighting a positive result.  

Example Answer:   

“At my last position, we were up against a deadline for a client project that seemed unattainable. I stepped up to the plate and re-prioritized the work on our team.    

Then, I broke down the project into doable pieces and assigned them out properly. We met the deadline but delivered above what the client expected.”   

6. Why Did You Leave Your Last Job (Or Why Are You Leaving)?

Why did you Leave your Last Job (or Why are you Leaving)

Again, feel free to feel overwhelmed because there is a reason behind your interviewer!

What is the interviewer really asking?

They want to know what’s motivating you and if you’re in good standing with your previous employer.   

Expert Tip: Keep it positive! Don’t speak negatively about your previous employer. That is the biggest red flag when it comes to interviewees.

Example Answer:   

“I’ve learned a great deal in my current position, but I’m ready to take on new challenges and be part of a team that’s pushing the envelope. I’m really excited about the prospect of managing a larger project and leading a team.”   

7. Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years?

Where do you See Yourself in 5 years

These are common job interview questions that you are likely to face.

Employers want to feel that you have a plan in that you are thinking ahead and how they fit into your future.

Expert Tip: Be honest, but make sure that your answer reflects how it will help the company with your personal and professional development.   

Example Answer:   

“In five years, I want to be in a leadership position.  I would like to continue to grow with the company, maybe lead a team, and have input strategy at a more senior level.”   

8. How Do You Handle Stress And Pressure?

How do you Handle Stress and Pressure

Stress is part of every job, but employers want to know if you can handle it.

It is also a good way to test your overall critical thinking capacity!

Expert Tip: Describe your strategies to remain calm and productive under stress. If applicable, give an example of how your resilience has been beneficial for you and your team.

Example Answer:   

“It’s not easy, but we all need to know how to keep calm and carry on.   

I actually work very well in teams! Because versatile with my approach. I am confident in my ability to get along with many people and still feel comfortable being a hard worker in a team-based environment.    

Plus, a healthy competition is always good to achieve one’s full potential.”  

9. Tell Me About A Time You Worked In A Team

Tell me About a Time you Worked in a Team

Collaboration is important in many positions. You will likely be working on a team with others, especially if they are hiring you for a team lead position.

Expert Tip: Think of a specific time when you worked well as part of a team and what happened.   

Example Answer:   

“In my previous role, I did a project that involved cross-communication between marketing/sales/product teams. As the coordinator, I had to have everyone aligned and meet weekly.

I also saw a 20% improvement in product launch efficiency. The key is always to hear the other person out before going into judging mode. Even if their ideas do not align with yours, it is better to get some of the best is better.”

10. Why Should We Hire You?

Why Should we Hire you

Yes, it is one of the hard interview questions that many fail to answer.

However, this is your chance to tell them why you’re the best candidate for the job. Or at least explain why you would stand out among all the others who have come for an interview.

Expert Tip: Try to be subtle. Do not brag. Keep reiterating the most relevant skills and experiences. Show how you can add value to the company and solve its specific challenges.   

Example Answer:   

“With a background in content marketing and SEO, I think I could really help to grow your online presence and drive website traffic. I’ve managed campaigns and data before, so I would jump in right away and start adding value to the team.”

Additional Tip: Why Having A Good Resume Matters

Using the interview is important, but first, you must get the interview. You can instantly boost your chances of getting an interview by designing a strong resume.

Use these resume tips when writing yours:   

  • Tailor your resume for each job application by using keywords in the job posting.   
  • Results Not Responsibilities. Metrics and Achievements! They do not want to know your skills and experiences but what you did with them.
  • Keep it clean and professional; you don’t need any gimmicks or graphics.
  • Make sure there are no errors in your resume and that it is well-organized so recruiters can easily check the information they need.   

Mastering The Interview Process!

Preparing for common interview questions is essential for making a strong impression. But remember, each interview is unique.

Do not forget to ask the right interview questions to your employer. Staying mute won’t help you ace that job!

Stay flexible and authentic in your responses, and don’t be afraid to show your personality.

Combine these expert tips with a well-crafted resume, and you’ll be well on your way to landing your dream job.


Please Do not forget your interview clothes. Check the best interview attire for men which will make you stand out!

Happy job hunting!

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Deepanwita is a seasoned practitioner of ‘jumping the ship’. She started out her journey with literature and now holds a double graduation degree, one of which is in psychology. As a result, she is now using this skill to help confused job seekers to pick a direction. Given her academic background, her writing is laden with analytical analogies and deep research. As one of Content Rally’s most regular contributors, readers can find a sense of confidence in her writing.

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employee productivity

7 Ways to Boost Employee Productivity and Create a Positive Culture

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Career Switch

Five Things to Do Before You Finally Make a Career Switch

Making the decision to switch careers is a big one! It’s not a decision you should take lightly, which means you have probably spent a lot of time thinking it through and deciding where you want to work. But, once you have decided you want to make the switch, what comes next? Here are some tips that will ensure your switch is as successful as possible once you’ve committed to a new career. Work on Your Leadership Skills No matter what career you have decided to take on, it’s a good idea to improve your business and leadership skills. It’s a great way to build more confidence before you take on a brand-new role, and it shows prospective employers that you’re serious about making the switch and sticking with it. A few ways you can work on your business and leadership skills include: Sign up to see an expert speak on a topic you’re passionate about Take a class online or in-person Get a new certification or endorsement Take on a new project at your existing job Work on your communication skills Practice your leadership skills outside of work Volunteer Just because you think you know what new field you want to get into doesn’t mean you’ll actually like it when you get there. As you’re working on your leadership skills, you should also look for ways to put your new skills into practice in your chosen field. The best way to do that is to volunteer. Volunteering may not pay you any money, but it’s a great way for you to experience a new field. Not only can you learn more about the specific position you’re interested in, but you may also discover other positions within the same field that you never considered. Not to mention, it’s a great way to meet people who work in the field you’re interested in. They make great references, and you never know—one of them may be able to refer you to your dream job! Create a Timeline Just because you have decided you want to make a career change and you know what career you want doesn’t mean you know how to make it happen. It’s especially important to get realistic about exactly how much time it’s going to take to meet your goals. It can take a long time to find a job, and it can take even longer if you’re switching careers. Create a timeline so you can break down the switch into manageable steps. You’ll want to include any classes, degrees, or endorsements you need to get first, set aside time to create a new resume, consider how many job applications you want to fill out every week, and more. Although you may want to make the switch sooner rather than later, it is much better to create a timeline and go slowly. Make sure you save plenty of money throughout the process so you have funds to fall back on if things don’t go according to plan. Focus on Your Boundaries Making the switch to a new career isn’t something you can do overnight. While you wait it out at your existing job, it’s a good idea to focus on your professional boundaries. Just because you think you will like your new career better doesn’t mean it’s better for your overall quality of life. Think about the kinds of boundaries you want to set to ensure the transition is successful, and give them a try at your existing job. Don’t reply to emails after a certain time every night, insist on taking all of your vacations, and work on communicating your needs more clearly, just to name a few. Manage Professional Relationships Just because you have one foot out the door at your current job doesn’t mean you should burn bridges there before you leave. You should work on maintaining your existing professional relationships while you build new relationships with people in your new field. For example, you’ll want to tell your boss in person when you resign rather than doing it over email. Give your job 100 percent through your very last day, and make sure those you worked with know you’re thankful for the opportunity you had to learn and grow. You never know when those old connections could come in handy! There’s a lot more work to be done when you decide you’re ready for a new career. Follow these tips and the switch will be as painless as possible. Read Also: 8 Useful Tips for Personal Career Development B.Sc. Agriculture- An emerging career option in India Seeking a Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers to Check Out  

low stress jobs without a degree

Top 15 Low-Stress Jobs Without a Degree that Pay You Well!

Considering today’s fast-paced world, it is only natural that more and more people are searching for low-stress jobs that might even come without a degree. You see, not everyone will have the means to pursue a college degree, spend loads of money, and then choose a career in which they will have to hustle until the end. Not everyone is okay with living a life in which they cannot even breathe. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), more and more people are now applying for jobs that come with the least amount of stress but several benefits. If you are also tired of your day-to-day life, or have been laid of from a high tech company, and want to take up a job that provides you with enough monetary security and low stress, then I have you covered!  So, keep on reading this blog till the end to learn more… Why are People Searching for Low-Stress Jobs? As I already told you, there has been a surge in the search for low-stress jobs worldwide. And you might be thinking, why so? Does it have a lot of benefits? The answer to that is YES. People are always on the run to improve the quality of their lives, so they do not want to add excessive stress. One of the best things low stress can offer is a healthy work-life balance. This balance can allow individuals to spend more time with their families and pursue their hobbies. Additionally, having a low-stress job comes with several health benefits. For instance, chronic stress can lead to health problems. Having a job that ensures you have the time to relax can also contribute to better mental as well as physical health. There is yet another reason why more and more people are looking for low-stress jobs. These jobs come with a degree of autonomy, ensuring you have creative freedom and control over the tasks you are supposed to do! Lastly, these jobs also offer many financial benefits. People automatically flock toward them because they offer stability and security without high-pressure job roles. Best Low-Stress Jobs Without a Degree in 2024! Now that you know about the reasons why people are shifting towards low-stress jobs, it is time for you to get to what you have been searching for the list of the best low-stress jobs without a degree! So, without further ado, let us get straight into it! 1. Courier Firstly, on the list of low-stress jobs that do not need a degree is that of someone who is in courier services. They are responsible for transporting packages and paperwork from one location to another. If you plan to become one, you can ride a bike or drive a car to pick up and drop off the stuff.  You may also need to occasionally get the signatures of the people who are at the receiving end of their parcel. This job does not require a degree, offers a flexible schedule, and is definitely not mentally and physically taxing. 2. Floral Designer Secondly, The next one on this list is the job of a floral designer. These are the people who are in charge of flower arrangements for events like birthday parties and weddings. The job of a floral designer does not need a degree. It also offers a flexible work schedule, mainly picking flowers and arranging them to make them look nice. They are also in charge of helping customers choose the flowers. This is a job that lets you use your creativity at work every single day. Additionally, if you are a woman looking for blue collar jobs but want something easier, this is something you are looking for, you might look at this job! 3. Makeup Artist Thirdly, being a makeup artist is something that most people are trying to become. Most of us look at it as a low-stress job because of the fact that it comes with a flexible working schedule. Additionally, you get to be creative and try something new on your clients! You might have seen that several influencers on the internet showcase their creativity. This goes on to prove that you do not even need to have a degree to do this job. All you need to know is how to do make-up and work with cosmetics, and how to experiment! 4. Travel Agent Fourthly, being a travel agent is something that you can try if you want to have a low-stress job that pays you well. They are primarily responsible for making the travel arrangements for their clients. They need to search the greatest deals and book the tickets for traveling, staying, and offer travel guidance. It's a career that involves assisting others and is frequently done online, which contributes to its low-stress factor. 5. Roofer In case you did not know, a roofer is someone who is in charge of the professional construction and installation of the roof. They are also responsible for maintaining and repairing the roofs of their clients. Additionally, they inspect the roofs (in case there are any damages), repair the holes and the broken shingles in the roof, and make it weather resistant. Considering the fact that the tasks of the roofers are seasonal, it ensures that they have the flexibility to work and choose their projects depending on their  6. Hairstylist The next one on this list is the job of being a hairstylist. Similar to makeup artists, these people work with individual clients on specific occasions. They interact with the people while working for themselves or at a salon. While these people do need a license to practice, they do not need an educational degree. All you need to do is enroll in a state-approved program in cosmetology. So, if this is something that you are interested in, it is best that you get to work, as these are some of the growing industries that have literally zero pressure! 7. Painter Are you someone who likes to work with colors? If your answer is yes, then it is best that you become a painter. As a professional service provider, you might have to paint the building, the interior, or the surface. 8. Massage Therapist You probaby did not think that this would be on the list, right? Becoming a massage therapist is frequently regarded as a low-stress job that does not require a degree.  Massage therapists operate in peaceful environments, such as spas, and provide treatments to assist clients relax or ease pain.  While certification may be required, the employment itself is generally tranquil and provides an opportunity to improve the well-being of others, which may be both rewarding and stress-free. 9. Maintenance Technician If you know how to become an electrician, becoming a maintenance technician will automatically come to you. These people are in charge of keeping a building safe. For this, they evaluate and repair whatever issues a building might face regarding electrical systems, HVAC appliances, and more. You may have seen them work at hospitals and other residential facilities. These people work on a client-to-client basis, which ensures that they have the flexibility to choose their work. 10. Security The next one on this list is the job of a security guard. In most cases, it is considered a low-stress job that doesn't require a degree.  Security guards ensure the safety of people and property. They monitor entrances, check visitors, and sometimes work with law enforcement.  It's a job with a routine and doesn't typically involve high-pressure situations, making it relatively stress-free. 11. Shipping Clerk Just as the name suggests, the task of a shipping clerk is to manage the shipments that come in and go out of a company. These jobs are considered to be of low stress that you can have without a degree. They primarily handle paperwork, organize packages, and sometimes track inventory. It's usually a routine job with regular hours and not much pressure, making it a good option for those seeking a calmer work environment. 12. Cook As we all know, a cook is a culinary professional that makes meals for customers and guests at various locations.  They frequently prepare for shifts by cutting, slicing, chopping, and peeling items and organizing work areas. They then cook and plate meals based on menus and customer choices. Cooks are most commonly found in restaurants, but they are also employed by schools, hotels, medical facilities, nursing homes, and other organizations. 13. Upholsterer An upholsterer uses upholstery, or soft covers, to create and fix furniture. They regularly assist customers in updating outdated furnishings.  In order to alter their appearance and enhance comfort, upholstery professionals can also add springs, padding, and fabric to newly purchased couches, chairs, and stools. Upholsterers typically obtain their trade through apprenticeships with seasoned industry professionals or through on-the-job training. 14. Welder Next one on this list is a welder. These are the experts who are responsible for working with metals and fusing them together. For this, they use a welding torch, a specialized instrument that produces extreme heat.  They ensure the integrity of the safety equipment they use to safeguard both themselves and other people, inspect materials before welding, and keep the right amount of heat throughout the process.  One can witness welders at work on a wide range of machinery and structures, including automobiles, ships, buildings, bridges, and pipelines. 15. Housekeeper Lastly, housekeeping is commonly regarded as a low-stress career that does not require a degree.  Housekeepers clean and maintain areas, keeping them tidy and sanitary. They could work at hotels, hospitals, or private residences.  The job entails basic duties that may be completed at a regular pace, which many people find manageable and stress-free. Wrapping It Up! If you are searching for the best low-stress jobs without a degree, I hope that this blog has helped you. If you have any questions related to this, please feel free to let me know. All you need to do is scroll down until you reach the bottom of the page. Then, leave your comments and suggestions in the box below. I will be there to answer them all for you! Learn More Also: Best Paying Jobs In Electric Utilities Central Top 11 Most Dangerous Jobs in the World In 2024 Step-By-Step Guide On Becoming An Esthetician In 2024 How Many Jobs Are Available In Industrial Machinery/Components?