Kennedy’s Pharmacy In Botany Masks Assortment: Surgical, P2 And Multiple Use Washable Masks

Published on: 04 November 2020 Last Updated on: 23 November 2020
Kennedy’s Pharmacy

A mask is a means of personal protection that defends against the spread of airborne infections, prevents small particles and liquids from the air from entering the respiratory tract. Pharmacy Sydney and other cities propose various types of medical face masks in Australia.

Surgical masks in Botany pharmacy

Surgical means of personal defense prevent big drops of liquid which can contain bacteria or viruses from hitting the respiratory tract. They consist of four layers: filter and moisture-proof ones, two outer strata. The maximum effective time of a mask is two hours.

Proper wearing of medical masks includes:

  • treatment of hands with antiseptic or washing them with soap before dressing a mask;
  • changing a means of personal protection if it becomes wet or damaged;
  • absence of gaps between the tissue and a nose and a mouth;
  • no touching the mask while wearing and removing only by touching the straps, not its front part.
  • dispose of the used thing in a closed dumpster.

Multiple face masks have the same features but people have to wash them after each wearing.

P2 medical face masks in Australia

P2 face masks filter at least 90 percent of big and small particles from the air. People can use them repeatedly with correct disinfection. The rules of effective wearing of P2 masks are fast the same as surgical ones except for a few points:

  • men should keep respirators on a shaved face because it affects the fitting density;
  • The upper elastic band must be placed on the back of the head and the lower on the ears. They do not intersect;
  • After each putting on, a person must take a palm test holding his hands in front of a respirator and taking deep breaths or exhales.

Where can I buy medical masks?

Any pharmacy in Australia offers medical masks and we sell them too. Kennedy’s Pharmacy has surgical, P2, and multiple-use masks in a range. You can buy them at a profitable price. The drugstore is open from 9 am till 5.30 pm on weekdays and from 9 till 1 pm on weekends.

Exertion of masks

People wear disguises in different places and occasions. First of all, these are hospitals, dentists, and beauty salons. Medical workers wear masks during procedures that require sterility.

It is necessary not to infect patients who mostly have weakened vulnerable immunity with microbes which are in the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. Cases use masks to avoid the expansion of respiratory diseases. Masks are also useful for Botanypharmacystaff.

The need in conditions of COVID

Disguises have become even more relevant in the context of the virus. It is important to buy medical masks for reducing the risk of infection and maintaining health.

A person sometimes does not know he is a career or already ill. Therefore, masks are necessary to decrease the radius of the distribution of liquids from mucous membranes. This is especially true for people who sneeze or cough.

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tackle tinnitus

Treatments and home remedies to tackle tinnitus

What is tinnitus? The tinnitus is based on perceiving a sound that does not exist in the environment; it is often described as 'a buzzing, a beep, a noise' ... etc. It can be perceived in one ear, both ears and inside your head. The perception of tinnitus is more intense and constant in the silence of the night, in the absence of activities and other sounds or environmental noises that can mask it. The majority of tinnitus conditions are subjective and they are perceived exclusively by the patient, although around 5-10% are objective tones generated by parts of the body that can also be perceived by other people, especially by the specialist when exploring the patient (example: murmurs, pulse, etc., generated by the cardio-circulatory system).   This is a common problem in the general population. It is estimated that around 30% of the adult population has perceived tinnitus at some point in their lives, and between 10-15% approximately experience them continuously. In general, the presence of tinnitus increases with age; it is more common in people over 40. This may continue in the future if the harmful effects of exposure to loud sounds and noises in young people are not controlled. How is it diagnosed? Although the diagnostic protocol may vary, it includes the following test: a specific clinical history of patients with tinnitus, questionnaires of subjective self-assessment, clinical examination, audiological tests, imaging studies and complementary tests depending on each case. The first step of the diagnostic protocol is to obtain information about the characteristics of tinnitus, its possible causes (for example: acoustic trauma, ototoxic, otitis, family history, hearing loss, vertigo, Meniêre's syndrome), its emotional consequences, (that is to say, emotional tension, anxiety, etc.), through a systematized clinical history. For patients to whom tinnitus affects them severely, the most commonly used treatments are: Home tinnitus remedies Pharmacological treatment Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) Hearing aids Noise generators Mixed hearing aids Psychological and/or psychiatric help Home tinnitus remedies Use warm towels This is a very old trick for those who are used to having all kinds of ringing in their ears. In addition to this, it is an effective formula that helps alleviate all tension, and it is very cheap to set a pot of water to boil or use the water from your own heater in the bathtub. Zinc Zinc or Iron are an important supplement in your diet; they help tinnitus disappear. Fresh pineapple Those who love home remedies will be pleased with the benefits of fresh pineapple because it is very efficient to help you solve any problems with ringing in the ears. It seems to be related to reducing the inflammatory processes in general. Pharmacological treatment There are numerous drugs used in the treatment of tinnitus: vasodilators, anxiolytics, antidepressants, corticosteroids, antiepileptic, diuretics, etc. Sometimes tinnitus is associated with other symptoms and alterations that can be treated pharmacologically. This is the case, for example, of patients with blood flow deficit affecting the inner ear, anxious-depressive problems, Menière's disease, autoimmune inner ear disease, acoustic trauma, sudden deafness, migraine, brain problems, etc. Retraining therapy (TRT) Tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) is one of the most widely used treatments today and aims to reduce your sound perception and its consequences, including the reactions of emotional tension, anguish, fear, etc., thus favoring the patient's habituation to it. Headphones When tinnitus is associated with a hearing loss, the use of properly adapted hearing aids can be the most appropriate treatment. Hearing aids, in addition to correcting hearing loss, increase the perception of environmentally sound, avoiding strong silence. Noise generators One of the options to treat tinnitus is the use of sounds, which can be: environmental or natural sounds amplified by headphones and also sounds produced by white noise generators. White noise generators have the same shape as hearing aids and produce a broadband noise that is easy to get used to. Psychological treatment Some patients present psychological and emotional consequences that may be related to the onset and development of tinnitus and/or interfere with the habituation to it (e.g., stress, anxiety, depression, etc.) and their treatment is essential to reduce or minimize the perception of tinnitus. Read More: Smooth Discharge Before Period How To Remove Acne Scars Naturally How To Pick The Right Hair Brush For Different Hair Types Are Oncology Clinical Studies Facing Challenges?


Finding A Leading Melbourne Dentist For The Perfect Smile

Visits to the dentist can seem daunting, especially if since childhood you have had your friends tell horror stories from their appointments (most of which are undoubtedly either untrue or severely exaggerated) and so you have been putting off visiting for years. The problem with this though is that it is only to your detriment and regular visits to the dentist for hygiene check-ups and treatments are necessary for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Many people feel that they haven’t had any serious teeth issues up until now so why try to fix something that isn’t broken, and you can see here it for others who feel this way or have an opinion on the topic, but does that make them right? We will be looking at the importance of oral health and how to go about finding the right fit in a dental clinic to get you that perfect smile you see in magazines. You may have landed a new job or been given that promotion you have been working so hard towards and with this comes more meetings and face-to-face appointments, hence the concern of looking into your dental condition. The last thing you need is for your employees or clients to be focused on stained, unsightly teeth rather than the services being offered, and then still trying to get them to sign up for your services. The time to act is now, you have a bump in salary, more people will begin to recognize you as a top-level manager, let’s give them a smile to match that personality, am I right? Dental check-up The first things you need to consider are your goals, what are you looking to achieve at the dentist. Is it more about the upkeep of general oral health and hygiene, or are you taking your smile to the next stage with a more uniform and aesthetically appealing appearance? Do you want your teeth whitened, or perhaps you have minor gaps that need filling, irrespective of your choice the main objective is having work done by a professional and reputable dental clinic that makes you feel comfortable and at ease? The last thing we need is to have an experience that plays out your childhood fears. Reputation goes a long way and clinics such as The Dental Room understand that patients may be nervous and will do their utmost to help you feel calm and relaxed. You want a dentist who explains the processes you are considering, answers questions happily and without hesitation giving you the confidence that you are in safe and capable hands. What to look for in a dentist Meeting new people can make some of us feel anxious, and when that person has to look into your mouth it is even more overwhelming. Unfortunately, it has to be done so finding the right fit is essential for a good experience. What makes for a good dentist? Is it whether they themselves have a good set of teeth, or their staff, their manner in the room, or how they make you feel? Let’s see some of the more common features patients consider essential in a good dentist, the dental atmosphere, and overall experience. This is important because treatments can get expensive, even more so if you are looking at cosmetic and specialized dental services and procedures. Ask the various clinics you have narrowed down your choice to for visiting if they accept your insurer before making any appointments. It isn’t a priority point but it has been mentioned a lot, and that is the appointment times. Ask the receptionists when you phone how long the average appointment is, not only do you not want to be sitting in a waiting room for hours (life is busy enough as it is) but why are the consultations taking so long if they seem abnormally long. Of course, there is a long list of features and traits people consider necessary or more important than others, some of which you can read about in this link to look further into it, but a general idea is a good starting point and you can build from there to suit your lifestyle or family. Do they offer the treatment you want, is the dentist on-site if it is more of a specific procedure, or do they cover general services and have had some experience in the field of treatment you want. Before signing up check if they treat all ages, or are they more tailored to just adults or just children. You ideally want a dentist that can see and treat everyone in one visit to save time and trips back and forth. Hygiene importance We may brush our teeth twice a day and think that it’s enough, but there is so much more to keep up with our teeth and mouth hygiene. The mouth is essentially the gateway to the body, everything passes through the mouth cavity and into the internal workings of the body, so we need to ensure it is a clean passage. Early signs of illness and disease are easily detected from symptoms in the mouth and can be discovered early on and treated if you maintain regular visits to the dentist. Your physician will advise and guide you on how to prevent or treat any tooth issues, this keeps them strong and in most cases prevents tooth loss. Related Reads: Effective Brushing Procedure And if you are a regular dentist enthusiast and looking simply to create a more aesthetically appealing smile then you can chat to your dentist about it, he may be able to perform the procedure himself or will certainly be able to recommend where to go or what your best options are. The days of being afraid of the dentist are long gone, teach your children from early on to visit the dentist and keep up with the dental routine and those myths and stories will soon be a thing of the past. Read Also: Everything You Need To Know About Calcium In Water: By Experts What Is A Good Alternative To Wearing Dentures? At Home or At the Dental Clinic: What Canadians Should Know About Teeth Whitening

Connect with nature

3 Ways to Connect With Nature and Quiet Your Mind

Living near nature can help women live longer, with women in the greenest areas living as much as 12 percent longer than women who live in more built-up areas. You need to connect with nature to stay fit and healthy. Although male mortality rates do not show as much of a clear link, making time to connect with nature has many positive health benefits for both men and women. In fact, a range of studies have shown that regular contact with nature can improve everything from pain control to eyesight, as well as reduced stress levels and less anxiety. But, that's not to say that we all have to move to the countryside to take advantage of these health benefits. Simply making time to connect with whatever natural surroundings you live close to is enough to refresh your mind and improve your health and well-being. Here are three ways to connect with nature and quieten your mind. 1. Create Time Alone in Nature : It's great to experience the beauty of nature in the company of friends or family. But, when we're with other people, we tend to talk. This may be because we worry about what the people we're with think of us. Or we might just feel the need to fill the silence with chatter. However, the best way to connect with nature is by experiencing it alone. Being alone in nature allows us to focus on what we can hear, see and feel in these natural surroundings. Whether it's blades of grass between our fingers or the rush of water from a nearby river, you'll become much more aware of what's around you. So, if you go for a hike with friends, ask for an hour by yourself. Or head to the park or even out into your garden and emerge yourself in the sensory experience that nature offers. Other than hiking, traveling different beautiful locations is always a great way to behold the true beauty of nature and fall in love with it all over again and again. If you have the love for travel, you should consider traveling as much as you can and plan to visit some of the most naturally beautiful countries in the world. Some naturally beautiful places include the fjords of Norway, the Greek Islands, Islands of Maldives,  Switzerland, Kashmir in India, Nepal and so on. 2. Find Your Special Spot : You'll find that as you spend more time in nature, especially alone, you'll start finding special places that you're drawn to. It could be a tree you like to lean against when you visit your local park, or the rocks you often sit on to watch the ocean waves crashing on the shore. Wherever you feel most connected to nature, take the time to really get to know it. Go there in the heat of summer and the midst of winter, know it by day and by night. Noticing the small changes in nature as well as the contrasts between seasons helps you put things in perspective as you become more aware of how you are a part of something bigger than yourself. 3. Sleep Outdoors : Since Americans spend around 93 percent of their time indoors, it's important to actively seek out ways to experience longer periods immersed in nature. There's no better way to get in touch with nature than by waking up to a stunning sunrise, the sounds of birdsong and the smell of fresh morning dew. It certainly beats your alarm clock! Make Time to Connect with Nature : Whether you live in an urban area or in the middle of the countryside, it's important for your mental and physical health to take time out to connect with nature. Do you feel that you spend enough time in nature? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below, or contact us for more information. Read Also : 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness Top 10 Muscle And Strength Building Exercise At Home Choosing A Diet Based On Your Personality Type