When is it Time to Start Considering CBD Use?

Published on: 01 October 2020 Last Updated on: 31 October 2024

Mental and physical health problems affect millions of people worldwide every year. While modern pharmacology has solutions for many health problems, they often come with significant side effects. To avoid the side effects of mainstream drugs, many people resort to using natural remedies like CBD.

CBD oil is one such natural product that is extracted from cannabis/marijuana plants. Unlike THC, which is one of over a hundred chemicals found in cannabis, CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning that it doesn’t give you the sensation of being ‘high.’ While scientific studies have to corroborate CBD’s efficacy in treating health problems, the apparent benefits are worth recognition.

Here’s when you may start considering CBD use:

1. Pain Relief

The use of marijuana as an analgesic dates back thousands of years. Today, we know that CBD is one of the key components of marijuana that helps with pain relief. Studies suggest that CBD affects the endocannabinoid receptor activity, thus reducing inflammation and the sensation of pain in subjects with chronic pain.

For example, multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. It causes pain, difficulty walking, and muscle spasms. When used on its own or in combination with other drugs, CBD can help alleviate these symptoms. The use of CBD for arthritis pain is also well documented.

Read more: CBD for Pain Relief: Dosage Guidelines and Safety

2. Mental Health

As awareness about mental health problems increases, scientists are trying to find newer and safer treatment methods. Two common and potentially debilitating mental health problems include depression and anxiety. While these can effectively be treated with pharmacological drugs, CBD provides a natural solution to these problems. The substances in CBD interact with the serotonin receptors in the brain that regulate mood and behavior. For this reason, many people use CBD to get relief from the symptoms of depression.

3. Cancer and Chemotherapy Pain

Cancer exists in many forms and affects different areas of the body. It is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Until now, chemotherapy is a mainstream cancer treatment. It is a cocktail of strong drugs that are used to restrict the uncontrolled growth of tumors. While chemotherapy is effective, it causes many unpleasant side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, pain, and hair loss. CBD is thought to be effective in reducing cancer-related pain as well as chemotherapy-induced pain, nausea, and vomiting.

Read more: The Role of CBD Isolate in Eradicating Cancer

4. Other Uses

There are several other conditions where the use of CBD could be helpful. For example, it can be used to control acne in young adults, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to control sebaceous gland secretions. Even though it is not clinically proven, CBD is also commonly used to reduce seizures in epilepsy patients. It may also improve the symptoms and the quality of life of individuals suffering from Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

CBD has stress reduction properties, which is why many people use it to cope with high blood pressure. Its anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties also have a positive effect on heart tissues in people having heart diseases. However, these benefits are not scientifically corroborated. As such, you must not start using CBD without consulting with your doctor. In addition, a professional CBD services provider offers a wide range of CBD products which you can check at https://thejointcannabis.ca which is a perfect destination to explore.


Many people who have used CBD think that it comes with health benefits. And many studies have already looked at the substance’s health effects. However, more researches and clinical trials are required to validate the benefits of CBD.

While CBD is generally safe, it comes with some side effects and can negatively interact with other drugs. For these reasons and more, it is recommended that you must consult with a doctor before you start to use CBD. Even if your doctor allows you to use CBD, be sure to keep an eye on your health and stop using the substance if you experience negative effects.

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Addiction Recovery Support

How 12-Step Works as Addiction Recovery Support?

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA), around 74% of inpatient drug rehab centers in America are based on the 12-Step approach. 12-Step is a philosophy pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) in the 1930s that has strong foundations in Christianity. The objective of 12-Step recovery programs is to enable people to achieve and maintain sobriety through the support of others and their belief in a higher power. In many respects, the 12-Step movement has been shown to be a force for good which is why it remains one of the most popular choices for addiction recovery support in the world. 12-Step treatment centers are not for everyone, particularly if they do not subscribe to any particular religion and their needs can be addressed by a wide range of alternative inpatient drug rehab centers that do not have religious components. However, in this article, we want to take a closer look at traditional 12-Step in terms of what it offers people with addiction illness and how the world's oldest recovery support system works. The History of the 12-Step Program: The principles of 12-Step treatment centers were designed in 1938 by Bill Wilson, who based the concept on his own experiences and understanding of alcoholism. In particular, Wilson had seen how positively people struggling with alcohol responded when sharing their stories and experiences with others. In the early days of 12-Step’s history, Wilson put his program into writing into what is now known as the Big Book. 12-Step rehab centers originate from the Christian view of spirituality and are designed to provide encouragement for participants to seek help from a higher power than themselves. Although the Big Book was originally intended for people who did not want to attend meetings, it has since become a model for all NA and AA meetings around the world. Offshoots of 12-Step treatment centers now include Heroin Anonymous (HA) and Gamblers Anonymous (GA). These days, members are expected to “work through” the steps using the Big Book for reference. How 12-Step Approach Works: 12-Step rehab centers are designed to allow people to support each other in achieving and maintaining sobriety while calling on their higher power for help. This is done through meetings in which members share their experiences, talking through difficult issues and congratulating successes. According to the journal Addiction Research and Theories, the kind of abstinence practice 12-Step is based on often accounts for high levels of positive mental health or "flourishing." A particular benefit of 12-Step is that it provides a structured framework from which people can surrender their addiction, process the experience and move on from it for improved mental health. An article by Psych Central suggests that following the 12-Step model arms members with the following tools for mental and emotional transformation: Being able to recognize and admit that the individual has addiction issues Surrendering to this fact and deciding to seek control with outer guidance Developing self-awareness of addictive behaviors and how they impact others Practicing self-restraint and building self-esteem Achieving self-acceptance and being able to make positive changes Having compassion for those affected by the individual’s addiction and others who are struggling with substance abuse Through providing members with these experiences and tools, 12-Step can promote significant changes, helping individuals seeking to overcome addiction find a path to sobriety. The 12 Steps, as outlined in the original Big Book are as follows: The admission that the individual is powerless over their addiction The belief that a higher power can help overcome addiction Making the decision to surrender control to the higher power Making a personal inventory Admission to the higher power, themselves and another trusted person the wrongs that were done through addiction Being prepared for the higher power to correct shortcomings in character Asking the higher power for help in removing shortcomings Listing the wrongs done to others and preparing to make amends Connecting with all those hurt by addictive behavior to make things right unless it is detrimental to the person to do so Maintaining a personal inventory and admitting when the person is in the wrong Seeking enlightenment from the higher power through prayer and meditation Sharing the 12-Step mess with others in need of support Although there is no “one size fits all” approach to addiction treatment, the efficacy of 12-Step is undeniable. The main reason for the program’s success is that it focuses on providing mutual support as a means of achieving and maintain sobriety. The 12-Step recovery program shifts focus from the individual and their addiction to the group as a whole, with members bound together by a common spirituality and a shared desire to live a substance-free life. Read Also: What Are The Symptoms Of Cocaine Addiction And Can It Be Treated? What’s It Like In A Drug Recovery Center?

Weightlifting Ladies

Six Supplement-Free Gym Performance Enhancers for Weightlifting Ladies

In the current times full of hyped marketing claims of what works and brings the results that you so badly desire, you may not be sure of what really works and what does not. Many products promise to help you achieve toned muscles, lose weight and excel in games and competitions, but most of the time those are just marketing gimmicks. A properly balanced diet, regular exercise, and enough sleep are the most important things in achieving fitness goals. In addition, some doses of great steroids, like Clenbuterol, can work to hasten the achievement of these goals. So what are some supplement-free gym performance boosters that ladies who lift can put to use? Read on for a look at the boosters. Sleep Sleep is a great performance booster for ladies who lift, and for other people who work out. In fact, sleep is a crucial part of the training regimen. Sleep performs a crucial role in the recovery of damaged tissues and brings about a healthy immune system, which is very important for people who exercise regularly since working out temporarily weakens immune functions. An adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night to sufficiently recover and to boost their performance. Also, the production of growth hormones happens while one is sleeping, so good sleep boosts muscle development. Hydration Water consumption is vital for people who are training, as they lose lots of water through sweating. It is ideal to drink water throughout the day and not to wait until one feels thirsty. Women who weightlift get a performance boost by drinking enough water. Drinking sufficient amounts of water is vital in increasing blood volume, cooling the body, thinning the blood, and reducing the heart rate. Being properly hydrated will enable ladies who lift to feel that the workout is easier, hence allowing them to work more intensely and for a longer duration. After-workout snacks, meals, and drinks In the same way as water, post-workout snacks, meals, and drinks are crucial in cases where the participants are working out for more than an hour and at moderate to high intensity. Post-workout meals perform two major functions: They replenish the exhausted glycogen in readiness for the next session or game, and they provide some proteins to aid with muscle repair. Weightlifting women need post-workout meals to boost their performance. Foam rolling This is like another form of stretching. It reduces muscle soreness, thus the participant is able to attend the next session and deliver at other events, such as sports. Group motivation Performing tasks as groups help to raise motivation and thus may boost performance for women weightlifters. They should have their friends and relatives working with them so they can all motivate each other. Setting realistic goals Working toward a goal that has been well defined can help you to continue doing the workouts, even when tired. Lady weightlifters intend to gain throughout the whole season. Read Also :  8 Home Gym Systems You’ll Want To Try Out How To Avoid Getting Bored At The Gym Resistance Bands: The Best Tool For Your Home Gym 5 Common Weightlifting Mistakes Women Should Avoid

Role of Nutrition Therapy in Eating Disorder Treatment

The Role Of Nutrition Therapy In Eating Disorder Treatment

Eating disorders are severe medical disorders with high mortality rates. In fact, anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. People with eating disorders are at risk for serious health consequences such as heart, kidney and brain damage. Individuals with eating disorders, including anorexia, also see a high incidence of suicide. Finding the right eating disorders counseling and treatment is essential to prevent these serious health consequences. Eating treatment centers should always include nutritional counseling as a treatment component for eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Nutrition Therapy in Eating Disorder Treatment. Eating disorders are complex diseases, and similar to other chronic illnesses, require a multi-faceted treatment approach. There may be a variety of professionals on the eating disorder recovery treatment team, including a psychotherapist, medical doctor, psychiatrist, and dietitian. Different Ways You Can Use Nutrition Therapy In Eating Disorder Treatment     There are multiple ways you can use nutrition therapy in eating disorder treatment. Work out the best diet disorder plan that can work well in your favor in all possible manners. Do not make your choices in the wrong way while you develop your business. 1.Nutritional Strategy and a Better Relationship with Food The role of nutritional therapy is important when it comes to eating disorder recovery. The dietitian works with the client to help them adopt a more flexible relationship with food and movement. Most clients with eating disorders have excellent nutritional knowledge. Many patients are more knowledgeable than the general public about how many grams of carbohydrates or calories a portion of food may have. They have the education needed to make good eating choices. However, a person who has an eating disorder generally has imposed strict and rigid guidelines on themselves about what they can or cannot eat. They learn to disregard their bodies’ internal hunger cues and avoid the feelings of hunger or satiety. Preoccupation with food stands in the way of mindful eating. 2. Nutritional Therapy Nourishes The Body  Nutritional therapy helps the person learn how to nourish their bodies, with a focus on increasing awareness of and responding to internal hunger cues using mindful eating practices. Nutritional therapy is about taking a flexible approach to food intake and developing a sustainable relationship with food. Nutritional therapy can also help clients learn about various medical complications that may be associated with eating disorders, such as electrolyte imbalances. It can also help them recognize the symptoms of these serious health issues and gain greater awareness of how to get help for these issues. 3. Applying These Lessons in Real Life Many people with eating disorders find it overwhelming to eat in social situations. Eating disorder therapy helps clients address the social anxiety that may accompany eating disorders, by learning how to manage emotions in difficult or triggering situations. Nutritional therapy teaches clients to acknowledge the emotional aspects of eating while respecting their physical hunger cues. They learn to pay attention to what is happening at the moment without emotionally reacting to it.  Nutrition therapy in eating disorder treatment can make things easier for you to digest. 4. Develop Mindful Eating Patterns  When someone is in recovery from an eating disorder, developing mindful eating patterns takes time and practice. Eating disorder therapy uses individualized meal plans to help the person achieve the goals set by the client and his or her treatment team. Specialized treatment provides support to clients during mealtimes as they overcome personal challenges and work toward the goal of becoming fully recovered. Clients are gradually exposed to more challenging exposures as they progress through treatment. 5. Make Eating Dis-order Counselling  With the help of eating disorder counseling and nutritional therapy, clients are taught the coping skills necessary to sustain their health by eating nourishing foods. They will learn to participate in social situations that involve food and overcome the anxiety and fear that can occur with mealtimes. Eating treatment centers help clients develop the skills needed to prepare simple balanced meals and mindfully respond to physical hunger cues. Final Take Away    Hence, these are some of the effective means to develop your eating habits. Nutrition therapy in eating disorder treatment can make things more complicated for you. Do not make your choices in the wrong order while you want to develop your eating habits in the correct order. Do not make your choices in the wrong manner while you want to improve your daily diet system in the correct order. Read Also: 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness Stay Away From These Foods To Remain Healthy