KF Documentary: Tips For Small Business To Learn From KFC’s Brand Turnaround

Published on: 31 December 2020 Last Updated on: 03 June 2021
KFC documentary

It wasn’t that long ago that reports about KFC’s sales falling were drawing a rather dismal picture for the brand. And yet today, it’s standing strong as ever, proudly taking the title of the second most popular fast-food chain on the planet. Today in this KFC documentary, we will look into the strategies KFC used to regain its position.

The turnaround this brand managed to accomplish in a handful of years is rather miraculous in the world of business, and many can learn from its example. Some of the techniques used by KFC in its road back to the top can be adapted for small businesses that are working their way up their own niches.

KFC Documentary: Brand Revival

After KFC fall to the ground and fail to satisfy their customers with their product in 2013, they decided to connect with the customers on the emotional levels and started marketing business once again. This time they took the help of the digital platform to reach out wider bandwidth of audiences.

1. Make Advertisements Branded And Fun

Ads are annoying, and people skip them, right? Well, KFC managed to create a series of ads that people were really looking forward to watching. Each was an entertaining clip featuring ‘Colonel Sanders’ in some new interesting role. Colonel, the founder and greatest asset of KFC, is the embodiment of the brand today. On the contrary, the company is immortalizing him by turning him from a real-life showman and marketing genius into a fictional hero who has his own fan club. There are even books about his rise to the brand icon role now.


A small business will not be able to launch a multimillion campaign with fancy ads, but you can create a character that will give a personality to your brand. Choose something or someone that your target audience will be able to relate to. Your goal is to make your marketing seem less like self-promotion and more like a friend or idol offering advice.

2. Make Your Customer Feedback Count

One thing that KFC has always been focused on was delivering a top-quality customer experience. One of the main methods the brand uses to achieve that is directly asking for feedback and actually using it. All you need to do in order to share your opinion and be heard is to fill up the KFC survey. Have you ever done this yourself? Did it help improve the service or address any issue you had? Did you feel like you can contribute to the betterment of your favorite fast-food restaurant by taking that survey?

KFC customer feedback

Considering how smoothly the KFC customer service runs, the answers to those questions are most likely ‘yes’. And that is what a small business owner should learn from KFC. You need to establish a way for your customers to provide feedback (a customer satisfaction survey is a good start). Then, you need to pay attention to that feedback and follow up on it immediately. Today you can find or develop specialized solutions that will process this information to make this easier. That’s why the survey format is optimal for small companies that cannot hire a full-time call center service.

KFC Documentary: Final Thoughts

Of course, there was more to KFC’s triumph, like leveraging humor as well as extensive work in local market research and launching dozens of localized projects, like traditional menu changes. However, as a small business owner, you need to start with things that can bring tangible results right away.

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Business Loans

Benefits of NBFC Business Loans

Being a small-business owner, you have been putting your whole-hearted efforts to make your business venture a success. You have been working long hours, traveling for client meetings to different cities, staying away from home for days on stretch and also investing all your personal savings and assets to take your business to new heights. Now that you have put your business on the path to growth, it suddenly dawns on you that you have not been able to pay adequate attention to your financials. Now when there is a significant opportunity in front of you in the form of a brilliant idea, which will change the future course of your business, you find that you do not have necessary funds to put that into practice. You feel anguished and frustrated, but that is not going to serve any purpose. So rather than ruing your ill-luck, its better you start looking at other options that you must explore, to meet your financial requirements. One of the most obvious options is availing an Unsecured Small Business Loan. What is an Unsecured Small Business Loan? Business Loans that are available to small business owners for their desired purpose without any requirement of collateral are called Unsecured Small Business Loans. These loans are extended by all financial institutions in India, private sector as well as public sector. You are free to utilize the loan amount for any purpose you may deem suitable including the purchase of machinery, upgradation of infrastructure, renovation of office premises etc. There are two types of unsecured business loans in the market NBFC business loans and Bank business loans. The repayment of these loans is to be made in monthly EMIs. Advantages of Small Business Loans Small business loans offer a flexible source of funding for you to meet your urgent financial requirements. There are various advantages provided by small business loans such as: - No dilution in ownership : When you take a small business loan from a financial institution, you need not provide any collateral and are free to utilize the money in any way you want for your business purpose. The lender does not have anything to do with the way you have spent the money, as long as you repay your EMIs on time. This ensures that the ownership of business stays with you and is not diluted. This is a better option compared to other sources as venture capital or personal borrowing, where you must give up a part of your ownership of your business in lieu of money. Taxation Benefits : Small business loans are to be repaid in monthly installments, which comprise principal component and interest component. The interest that you pay on loan is allowed as an expense, and you can claim tax benefits against the same. This, in turn, reduces your tax burden, and the loan in effect costs less in practicality. No other source of funding offers this option. No Collateral required : If you do not have any collateral to be hypothecated with the financial institution, then unsecured business loans are your only option. This is an ideal situation for new businesses or start-ups who have a great idea but do not have any collateral to be mortgaged. If required by the lender, you can get a guarantor on board. Lower Interest Rates : Unsecured small business loans have a more moderate rate of interest as compared to various other sources of finance such as credit cards or private money lenders. Lower interest rates mean lower EMIs which translate into a lesser burden on your finances. In some cases, the government also offers subsidies on unsecured business loans to help small business owners have easy access to credit at lower interest rates. No stress on working capital : When you are able to avail an unsecured business loan, you get spare money at your disposal, which can help you in getting better deals from your suppliers and vendors. Moreover, this ensures that you need not withdraw money from your working capital and thus you can meet your daily expenses conveniently. Also, as the EMIs are to be paid on a monthly basis only, you do not have to put pressure on your cash cycle by withdrawing huge sums together. Flexibility in Repayment : some NBFC business loans come with the option for EMI holiday or flexible repayment options, where you only need to pay interest on the loan as your EMI for a specified period, in the beginning, this way your EMI payments, in the beginning, is reduced and you get time to manage your financial position. The principal amount for this mortarium period is adjusted over the remaining period of the loan. Unsecured small business loans offer a lot of benefits for you. But you must conduct proper research and analysis before you take a final decision regarding the loan. Read Also :  Top 5 Types Of Startup Business Loans Major Financial Problems That Can Affect A New Business  

Help Your Business

6 Tips to Help Your Business Stay Ahead of the Competition

With the ever-growing technological advancements, the business landscape has been changing rapidly. Without a competitive advantage, it’s difficult to make meaningful profits that can fuel your business. It is therefore important to concentrate on your competitors and come up with easy to offer better products and services to the customers. If you intend to outperform the competition, you must be willing to create a competitive advantage for your business. It’s one of the reasons why some ideas that seem average achieve outstanding success. Here, you’ll learn a few tips to give your business a boost and become better than the competition. Balance your strengths and weaknesses : Just because your competitors have developed a superior product that is offered at a lower market price doesn’t imply that you’ve lost the fight. The truth is that every company has a few weak points that you can exploit. Your main goal is to find the weaknesses and ensure that your brand is performing better.  For instance, you can focus on offering extended guarantees or a better customer service to your clients. During your marketing campaigns and presentations, you should make sure that all your target audience understands the unique selling points and how they can benefit them. Look for bigger clients : When you win a bigger client, you can be sure that you’ll have better revenues as a result of increased business. This implies that you’ll have enough resources to run your marketing campaigns as well as recruiting top talent. At times, it can be easier to deal with a big client since they have established systems. On the contrary, small clients tend to have more service problems and you need to dedicate more attention to them. Most importantly, working with a huge client will give you some leverage in terms of social proof when you intend to look for even bigger customers. Focus on the fundamentals : When your competitor introduces a brand new product in the market or develops an extravagant marketing strategy, it’s easy to panic. But when you take a closer look at the fundamental principles behind the offering, you’ll realize that most of the add-ons are just for showoff. Unless your competitors are focusing on creating a customer base built on their burn rates, they aren’t doing anything that should scare you. Therefore, the hype they may have generated doesn’t reflect the true picture on the ground. As such, the most important aspect is to consider what is adding value to the business as well as grow the bottom line. Plan less and conduct lots of tests : When you are running a small business, your main advantage is the mobility and flexibility. Instead of attempting to be perfect, focus on accomplishing more tasks that allow you to innovate. On the other hand, a bigger organization has a tendency to be sluggish when completing tasks. This can be attributed to the lengthy planning process that requires several authorizations. Basically, numerous plans and forecasts are not always useful. At the end of the day, you end up testing few ideas since you’ll have invested lots of time in pre-action tasks. Successful business people understand that competitive markets are not easy to predict especially when you want to introduce a new service or product. As such, your best option is to take action and test the idea in the market. When you invest in tests, you are bound to gain insight and improve your products. Most importantly, you’ll be able to focus on satisfying the market needs and compete more efficiently. Outside advice is critical : While it’s important to listen to the people working in your business, the truth is that they have dedicated most of their attention to executing the ideas. This means that it’s easy to be oblivious to market changes happening outside the organization. More often than not, prompt execution of planned tasks seems to be the most appropriate thing to do when you want to make progress. Nevertheless, getting some insight from an outsider can be quite instrumental in getting an idea of what the clients expect. This input can guide you in adjusting your services and products as well as gain a unique competitive advantage. Seek innovative ways to disrupt the market : When you stick to the status quo, it’s likely that you won’t be able to come up with new things. Instead, be on the lookout for different methods of doing things by testing various approaches. In the long run, this makes your business prepared to take advantage of new and lucrative opportunities. However, being innovative also means that you will need more funds to keep your business going. Unfortunately, cash flow problems are one of the issues plaguing the small business sector. But this doesn’t have to stop you. The truth is that you can take advantage of small business loans from justrightloans.com and keep your finances in order. With financial products like business lines of credit, you can have access to funds whenever the need arises. In the end, you will be more prepared to compete with your rivals. Conclusion : In business, even the smallest competitive advantage can have a huge impact on the outcome. Therefore, your main responsibility is to find ways of becoming better than your competition. At least, this is a sure way of ensuring you stay in business for a long time. Read Also : Why Your Business Needs Call Center Tracking Protecting Your Business From Retail Theft Cloud Hosting: Top Five Reasons To Take Your Business To The Cloud


Proper Management Of Tech Debt Is Necessary For Successful Business

The word debt in the term technical debt may compel you to think that it is just like any other debt which has to be cleared at the earliest. Well, it is true that tech debts are just like any other debts and it is also true that a little bit of tech debt is also useful just like any other debts. Moreover, it is also true that just like any other debts you must manage it properly to enjoy the benefits and keep your business running. Therefore, you can cut the corners while designing software provided you do not let the debt accumulate and pay it off timely. Various Debt Issues You and your technical team may have various reasons to cut the corners while designing your projects like lacking proper skills, laziness or due to the time pressure and willingness to release code within a specific time frame. These reasons can lead to various debt issues as these debts can accumulate over time creating a huge backlog and cause technical inefficiency. The issues can also arise due to the faulty code base, environment of the development of the project, the operating platform, test coverage and automation programs, program designs and libraries and much more. Addressing The Debt As the issues of debt can result in defects which can reduce the velocity of the codes it must be maintained properly and regularly to increase the productivity of the codes. You must have a specific and positive attitude while you address the tech debt always. Be vigilant always towards your codes so that you can manage it whenever necessary. You must also use easy and simple designs in your codes so that anyone of your team can understand, identify and make the necessary changes in it. Avoid using shortcuts to achieve a design in time. Track the velocity of it regularly and ask your team to refactor it as soon as detected to increase the velocity. Service Your Debt Proper debt management means proper and regular servicing of it. You must also refactor your debt relentlessly and regularly to keep it in check. Once you give up it will start to pile up and the cost of paying off would increase as compared to the reimplementation. No matter what others think about code servicing, you must do it regularly to have a good return. Use various tracking tools and techniques for reworking on your defective codes as you will also come to know how much debt you have currently with the help of it. Identification and registering is the first step of proper management of debt. Evaluate And Prioritize Once identification is done you must start working on it by evaluating and prioritizing your debt so as to decide on which you want to work first. During this prioritization process, the factors which you must consider apart from the cost of the debt are the frequency, justification for rework and the economics behind. Check online to know more about prioritization. Consider paying those debts first which are about to expire and then those which have a higher rate of accumulation and keep your debt within manageable limits.  Do not forget to check out for bill consolidation loans which are much popular these days and can be of great help. Read More: Top 5 Types Of Startup Business Loans