Maintenance of home devices is one way to keep them for a long period of time and make them energy-efficient devices to decrease electrical bills. There are various ways to maintain the air condition unit and this, we are going to discuss today.
Things you should do to maintain properly the AC condition unit:
The evaporator
- The foil insulation in front of air duct junction should be removed first. If it is worn, replace it immediately. Then, the access plate should be cleaned as well. It is located behind the insulation and anchored with a few screws. Remove the screws and plates
- Professional contractors who offer AC repair will recommend you to use a utility brush when cleaning the underside of the evaporator. Now, if the back area is unreachable, you just slide the evaporator a little bit.
- Clean the tray now from the growth of fungus by pouring a tablespoon of chlorine bleach inside the tray. You can determine if there’s a clog on your tray, there’s water in it. Use the heavy wire in removing the clog.
- Now, attach again the plate and tape the insulation back to the original place.
- Switch on the AC unit and check for any air leakage. If there’s any, tape them with duct tape.
Maintain the Condenser
According to the professional technicians of HVAC companies, the condenser is always collecting dirt, dust and other debris from the outside environment. The fan inside the unit helps to circulate the air over the coil.
- Any dirt, dust, debris like grass or vines should be removed from the condenser. This debris can affect the airflow.
- Use a coil cleaner when cleaning the condenser. There is an instruction on the manual on how are you going to clean it. Flush some water on coil cleaner and let it dry.
- Clean the fins using a brush. Remove the outer grill so you can reach the fins. Some of the professional contractors said that using the water hose to clean the fins may cause the dirt to clump then turning into mud. A fin comb can be used to get into the spaces of fins to clean it.
- Inspecting the concrete pad is essential too. Make sure that the concrete pad is settled properly.
- Use condenser cover for your unit to prevent ice damage or leaf blockage during winter months. A heavy plastic sheet with the sturdy cord can also secure your unit.
The maintenance of thermostat unit
- Remove the grill and the control panel. Then, you must remove the thermostat carefully.
- Test the thermostat using the VOM set into RX1 scale. You should attach the probes to the terminals then switch on the temperature controls to the coolest setting. Licensed HVAC technicians said that if the result is zero, it is functional then. But if the result is above zero, replace it right away.
- The air conditioning filter must be changed once a month according to professional air condition technicians. But if the weather is extreme, change the filter twice a month.
Now, you don’t need to worry about your AC unit, these steps and tips shared by Wincrest will totally help you to do-it-yourself the AC cleaning and maintenance.
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