How to Harvest Lettuce: A Step-by-Step Guide for Fresh and Crispy Salads

how to harvest lettuce

Since lettuce plants grow best in cool growing seasons, most lettuce varieties are classified as spring or fall greens. However, if the longer days are keeping your lettuce plant producing leaves well into the summer and it hasn’t bolted yet, here are some excellent tips to follow to maximize your harvest.

Taking individual leaves off the plant is one way to increase its yield. Alternatively, you could sow in succession every two weeks in the early spring or fall to continue the harvest. To offer lettuces shade and protection from the hot summer sun and high temperatures, a third method is to interplant with a taller crop. Lastly, cultivators should seek out cultivars known for their slow bolting, like the looseleaf varieties “Slobolt” and “Sierra.”

Here is how to harvest lettuce so you can eat some leaves right away and encourage the plant to continue growing more.

How To Harvest Lettuce?

Harvesting Lettuce

If you want to harvest lettuce and do not know how to go about it, here are all the details. Follow the steps closely to get the healthiest and crispiest lettuce for your salads and sandwiches.

Plant Looseleaf Varieties

Your lettuce variety should be ready to harvest in 35 days, according to the seed packet, which means you should have large enough leaves to pick a little more than a month after planting. By regularly picking the outer leaves, you may be able to extend the harvest until late June if you sow seeds in March or April.

Begin Harvesting Early in The Season

Young lettuce plants will be harmed by light frost, but mature plants can withstand it. If you live in an area where there is no winter frost, you can plant early and begin harvesting the outer leaves when they get to be 4 or 6 inches long. Your harvest can last up to 30 days longer if you plant and harvest early.

Pick Lettuce in The Morning

It is ideal to harvest lettuce early in the day to avoid the leaves wilting due to the intense heat. The leaves are crispest and flavorful in the morning because they contain the most water.

Look For Plants with Large Outer Leaves

The center of the crown is where the new growth starts on the lettuce. You must remove the largest, oldest leaves that are about 4-6 inches long. You will find these leaves on the outside of the plant.

Cut or Pinch The Outer Leaves

At 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the base, pinch off each outer leaf. To break the leaf off the crown, apply just enough pressure with your thumb and forefinger. Another option is to use a sterile, sharp scissor or snipping tool, though there is disagreement about whether doing so accelerates the browning of cut edges.

Harvest Until it Flowers

When older, mature leaves are consistently removed, the lettuce plant is encouraged to grow new leaves in their place. Harvesting individual leaves is possible until the plant produces a flower stalk, which indicates that it is ready to bolt and set seed. Lettuce turns bitter once it bolts.

When to Harvest Lettuce?

When to Harvest Lettuce

As soon as the lettuce is large enough to pick, it can be harvested. A seed packet will typically tell you how many days it will take to harvest. For the “cut and come again” method of harvesting loose leaves, standard-size varieties are the most effective. When outer leaves are 4 to 6 inches tall, that’s the best time to begin harvesting.

There are many varieties of lettuce seeds available, including blends and mesclun mixes. The best varieties to plant for a continuous harvest are called bi-colored, spotted, or loose-leaf lettuces in green and red or burgundy tones. The following are some varieties you might want to try:

  • Black Seeded Simpson
  • Green Salad Bowl
  • Freckles
  • Lolla Rossa
  • Gourmet Mesclun Blend
  • Deer Tongue
  • Garden Leaf Blend

Loose leaf lettuce varieties yield the best results from the cut-and-come-again method. Red, green, and oak leaf lettuce are a few examples. Additionally, you can wait to pick until a full head has matured or harvest early leaves from loose-heading varieties like butterhead and romaine.

When and How to Gather Lettuce Heads

When and How to Gather Lettuce Heads

The growth habit of head lettuce is akin to that of cabbage. In order to form a dense, rounded, or clumped shape, younger leaves emerge from the center, and older leaves form layers. There are two types of head lettuce: loosehead (similar to romaine) and crisphead (like iceberg).

  • Let the crisphead varieties mature for a single harvest and keep an eye on them in accordance with the days to harvest specified on the seed packet. When the heads are dense and the appropriate size, they are ready to be picked.
  • If you remove the outer leaves once or twice, loosehead lettuces will still head. However, the size of the fully mature head may decrease as a result. These lettuces can produce a head of looser layering or wrapping leaves (butterhead) or a clump of tall, straight leaves (romaine).

Remove crispheads by chopping off the stem just below the center. Loose heads can be trimmed similarly or removed, with roots and subterranean stems cut back to the leaf base, depending on size.

What Happens If a Flower Stalk Bolts

A lettuce plant will eventually shoot up a flower stalk in the center, a sign that it has reached the end of its life and is ready to bolt, or bloom, and set seed. Though they might still be edible, the lettuce leaves are starting to get tough and bitter. There is no stopping flowering once this process has begun. Throw away the plant and plant again if the weather permits.

Types of Lettuce

Types of Lettuce

There are four types of lettuce you can choose from when choosing which to grow: leaf, butterhead (loosehead), romaine, and head lettuce.

When it comes to cultivation and harvesting, the main distinction is that leaf lettuce crops yield several harvests, whereas head lettuce varieties, such as iceberg, romaine, and butterhead, only yield one harvest. Leaf lettuces are, therefore, a favorite among home gardeners since you can grow them in raised beds, on the ground, or in patio containers.

Keep in mind that lettuce is a cool-season crop, so you should schedule your harvest for the spring when the temperature is still cool. Such temperatures are usually around 70 degrees. Find out when the first frost occurs in your area each fall and plant appropriately. Starting fall crops from seed indoors and moving them outside as the weather cools down may be the best option.

Seek out head lettuce cultivars such as Crisphead and Iceberg that you can grow from seed. In roughly six weeks, the lettuce will reach maturity and be ready for harvest after the seeds have germinated in 10 to 21 days.

One loose butterhead variety that you can grow from seed or seed tape is called Buttercrunch. It takes 65 days to be ready for harvest.

Vivian is one of the romaine varieties that yields soft, flavorful leaves. Directly sow seeds in the garden in the spring. Start seeds indoors in the fall and transplant them to your garden.

Varieties of loose-leaf lettuce grow quickly and are enjoyable to experiment with in salads, sandwiches, and other culinary creations. Look for mesclun mixes and heirloom cultivars such as “Black Seeded Simpson.” Many come in simple-to-grow seed tapes that can be harvested in roughly seven weeks.

How to Harvest Leaf Lettuce?

How to Harvest Leaf Lettuce

When the weather gets chilly, you can harvest salad from a leaf lettuce crop in your home garden whenever you’re ready to eat. You can harvest an entire crop of lettuce at once by waiting for it to mature. However, cutting fresh lettuce leaves off as they grow is the easiest way to prepare them for consumption at any time.

Depending on the variety, lettuce leaves should be harvested when they reach a length of 3 to 6 inches. Gather leaves continuously until the lettuce plant “bolts.” This indicates that the plant has focused its energy on developing seeds and flowers, and as a result, the leaves typically develop tough stems and a bitter taste.

How to Harvest a Full Head of Lettuce?

How to Harvest a Full Head of Lettuce

A lettuce plant can continue to grow until it produces a full head of leaves. Use the “one and done” approach when harvesting head lettuce. Just make a clean, above-soil knife cut across the entire head of lettuce at the base of the plant. For this, a harvest knife comes in handy.

Remember the seed packet and note the maturity or harvesting days. As your plants get bigger, keep an eye out for indicators of maturity, which are typically firm, full heads. Harvest in the spring before it gets too hot, usually when the daytime highs hit 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The bitter taste of the leaves and the mushy head of lettuce can result from warm weather.

How to Store Lettuce?

How to store lettuce

When the lettuce is inside, you can use a colander to wash the leaves and thick cotton towels to dry them so you can use them in salads and sandwiches. In case you cultivate a lot of lettuce, investing in a salad spinner would be wise. It helps dry and wash Lettuce quickly.

Lettuce leaves without water should be refrigerated. For most greens, store the leaves in a loose plastic bag for approximately a week. When the salad greens are ready to be eaten, give them a good rinse in several runs of cold water and then pat dry.

How to Harvest Lettuce Microgreens?

How to Harvest Lettuce Microgreens

Microgreens are incredibly simple to harvest! When the first true leaves appear, after ten to fifteen days of planting the seeds, they will be ready. When the microgreens are two to three inches long, harvest them if you are measuring them by height.

Investigating the flavor profiles of the microgreens at various heights is enjoyable. Cut the entire plant ½ inch above the soil line with a pair of scissors or grass shears. If you need more inspiration, check out our many other interesting gardening tips for growing microgreens, like growing lettuce microgreens!

How to Harvest Romaine Lettuce?

How to Harvest Romaine Lettuce

The leaves of romaine lettuce (also known as cos) have the perfect amount of crunch or crispness. The lettuce plant’s outer leaves can be harvested as it grows. The leaves can be chopped off one to two inches above the ground. Gathering these tender green leaves now will give the lettuce more time to ripen before full plants can be harvested.

Before Romaine lettuce reaches maturity, it can take 55–70 days to grow from seed. To determine when the lettuce is ripe, examine it directly. When the romaine lettuce leaves are 6 to 8 inches tall, the ribs are firm and juicy, and the leaves have formed a tightly compacted head, the lettuce is ready for harvesting. To test if the lettuce head is firm, squeeze it.

Overripe head lettuce will be tough, while young head lettuce will be soft. Harvest by making a cut an inch above the ground, saving the crown for a subsequent harvest. You can harvest the lettuce head by digging up the entire plant if it is nearing the end of its garden lifespan.

Read More: Everything You Need To Know About Harvesting Basil!

Loose Leaf lettuce

Loose Leaf lettuce

The harvest window for leaf lettuce varieties is quite broad. After planting, the young, baby lettuce leaves can be harvested 25 days later, and the plant will mature fully in 50–60 days. Make sure your crop is harvested prior to it bolting.

Since you can harvest loose-leaf lettuce more than once during the growing season, it’s ideal for repeated harvesting. You can chop the entire lettuce plant 1-2″ above the soil line once the leaves reach 4″.  In 10 to 15 days, fresh leaves that have sprouted from the base will be ready for harvesting again if the crown is left intact.  Try spreading out your seed sowings and doing multiple sowings to ensure a consistent harvest all season long.

If you want to preserve the crisp flavor of the young baby greens, you should sow them again. Another method of harvesting involves leaving the inner leaves to grow while pruning the young leaves on the outside of the head for greens. When the plants are 4 inches tall, you can begin harvesting lettuce by cutting them just above the soil line.

Crisphead Lettuce

Crisphead Lettuce

When grown locally, crisphead or iceberg lettuce makes for incredibly tasty salad greens.  You might not get a whole head of lettuce, but this can be a cut-and-come-again harvest.  A single harvest is more appropriate for this green lettuce. After planting, there is a 50 to 75-day window for harvest.

Iceberg lettuce can be harvested as soon as the head appears before the outer leaves turn brown and as soon as the center feels firm, and the leaves are compacted tightly. Before the crisp lettuce starts to open and the seed stalk starts to form, harvest it. More importantly, if you see the lettuce beginning to bolt—a common issue in hot weather—or the seed stalk, harvest it right away.

Harvesting iceberg lettuce is best done by digging up the entire plant and then cutting off the stalk. Because of its thick stem, this lettuce plant can be challenging to harvest while it is still in the ground.  If you decide to harvest the lettuce while it’s still in the ground, please take care not to harm it.  You can cut the stem just below the leaves by lifting the lettuce upwards.

Wrapping Up

Nothing compares to the sheer satisfaction of harvesting and regrowing fresh, new lettuce from the same plant. You are far superior to other lettuce owners if you can figure out how to harvest lettuce correctly so that it keeps growing.

Thus, if you want to become a rich lettuce farmer, make sure you constantly and meticulously follow all the above steps! If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask about how to harvest lettuce, then please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you.

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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big leaf plants

10 Best Aesthetic Big Leaf Plants To Buy In 2022

Big leaf plants can add an aesthetic touch to your home. If you are an admirer of home decoration, you cannot miss indoor plants as a part of your decoration.  Indoor plants require very minimum sunlight, and they are pretty easy to take care of. But, most important of all– they keep your indoor environment refreshed and fill it with fresh oxygen.  So, if you want to decorate your sweet home with beautiful big leaf aesthetic plants, you need to check out the few recommendations I have here in this article. 10 Best Big Leaf Plants For Indoors If you are looking for recommendations for indoor plants with big leaves, please check out the ten recommendations I have here.  1. Swiss Cheese Plant The botanical name of the Swiss Cheese Plant is Monstera deliciosa. This tropical beauty is enough to add a green touch to your indoors. It has big heart-shaped leaves to adorn your indoors. They do well if you keep them in indirect sunlight.  The heart-shaped leaves can grow up to 36 inches in length, and they are healthy for your indoor environment. ☀ Sun: They need bright but indirect sunlight. 🌡️Temperature: They are tropical plants, so you need to keep them in warm places. A temperature between 20°C - 30°C is ideal 💦Watering: You need to keep the soil wet most of the time. Watering them ⅔ times every week is enough.  🌷Type Of Soil: The soil needs to be moist and adequate fertilizers. A pH level of 5.5 to 7.5 works the best. 2. Dwarf Banana Plant You can keep a large banana plant indoors. They are also big leaf plants. This is a tropical foliage plant that you can plant in a large plant. The leaves have quick growth, and the leaves are harmless to children and animals. ☀Sun: You can keep your Dwarf Banana Plant in full sunlight or in light shade. 🌡️ Temperature: They are big leaf tropical plants, so they enjoy a warm atmosphere. You can keep them at a temperature between 10°C to 33°C. 💦Watering: They need regular Watering– twice/ thrice every week in the warm season water them. Once every week is enough for the cold weather. 🌷Type Of Soil: The soil needs moisture. They need regular fertilizers. 3. Bird Of Paradise If you want some flowers to highlight the big leaf plants you have indoors, then Bird Of Paradise is just the right plant to choose. These plants have long-lasting flowers and waxy leaves that add extra beauty to your indoors. ☀ Sun: Keep them in semi-shade or in full Sun. 🌡️ Temperature: Medium Temperature between 18°C to 22°C is just fine. 💦Watering: Keep the soil moist. The soil should not get completely dry. 🌷Type Of Soil: They need fertilizers in spring. Well-drained soil is better. 4. Elephant Ear Plant These are the cheapest big leaf house plants. You can pull them from anywhere and plant them indoors. You can find these plants growing outdoors. These plants are toxic for small children and animals, so if you want to keep them, you need to be very careful. ☀Sun: They don't need full sunlight. Indirect bright sunlight is the best. 🌡️ Temperature: A temperature between 20°C to 30°C is best.  💦 Watering: The soil needs consistent moisture. 🌷Type Of Soil: Acidic, moist soil is the best. 5. Pinstripe Houseplant Not many tabletop plants look as pretty as the Pinstripe Houseplant. These big leaf plants have gorgeous jungle green color with pink stripes to compliment the big leaves. They aren't too fond of direct bright sunlight. These plants are not harmful to animals and children.  ☀ Sun: Keep them in indirect sunlight. 🌡️Temperature: 18°C to 30°C temperature is good enough. 💦Watering: You need to maintain the soil moisture. 🌷Type Of Soil: You peat and pebbles to balance the moisture. You May Like To Read This: 10 Best Trailing Indoor Plants To Buy In 2022 6. African Mask Plant These big leaf plants are native plants of the Philippines. They get their name from their resemblance to an African mask. The large dark leaves can grow up to 18 inches. The silvery-white veins of the leaves make them even more attractive. ☀ Sun: Avoid direct sunlight. They love diffused sunlight. 🌡️Temperature: 15°C to 30°C is ideal for them. 💦Watering: They need regular watering during growth. Keep the pot moist and well-drained.  🌷Type Of Soil: Keep the soil well-drained using pebbles. Fertilize frequently after ⅔ months. 7. Majesty Palm If you are looking for long leaf plants or big leaf indoor plants, the Majesty Palm is the one. They grow ten feet tall indoors. The leaves are toxic for animals and children, so you need to be careful if you are planting them indoors. ☀ Sun: Bright indirect sunlight is best. 🌡️Temperature: 18°C to 30°C is best. 💦 Watering: Water once after 1 or 2 weeks. Let the soil get dry before watering again. 🌷Type Of Soil: The soil is best if it is acidic. 8. Calathea Orbifolia Are you looking for low-maintenance plants that keep the indoor air purified? Then there is no better option than Calathea Orbifolia. They can remove toxins from the air while also looking pretty with big textured leaves. There are silvery-white forks in the leaves that make them appear outwardly beautiful. ☀ Sun: They love bright sunlight but not direct sunlight. 🌡️Temperature: 18°C to 30°C is enough. 💦Watering: You can water them once or twice every two weeks.  🌷Type Of Soil: Well-drained soils rich in fertilizers are the best.  9. Philodendron Gloriosum A native plant of Colombia, the Philodendron Gloriosum is a big leaf foliage plant. These plants love to crawl and climb. In humid weather, you can keep them indoors. These big leaf plants have gorgeous pink, light green, and white running across the leaves. The leaves, stems, and roots are toxic for humans and animals.  ☀ Sun: Indirect and right sunlight is best. 🌡️Temperature: 7°C to 35°C is good enough. 💦Watering: The soil needs to be damp. You can water two to three times every week.  🌷Type Of Soil: Organic soil rich in fertilizers works the best.  10. Fiddle Leaf Fig The fiddle-shaped leaves of the Fiddle Leaf Fig are large and waxy. They inhabit their pots quite well. These big leaf plants are poisonous to humans and animals. But they are aesthetic-looking bedroom plants, and they are gorgeous. ☀ Sun: These plants need bright sunlight. Do not keep them in the shade. 🌡️Temperature: 15°C to 30°C is good enough for them. 💦 Watering: Regular Watering is necessary.  🌷Type Of Soil: You need well-fertilized moist soil.  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Here are some frequently asked questions that you may find interesting. Q1. How To Care For Big Leaf Plants? Taking care of big leaf  aesthetic plants is easy. You need to keep them in medium indirect sunlight and keep the potting soil moist. They don't need frequent fertilizing; once or twice every year is enough.  Q2. How Do You Encourage A Big Leaf To Grow? The water, light, fertilizer, soil, and care are all crucial to growing your big leaf plants. Q3. Why Is My Big Leaf Plant Dying? There can be several reasons for this; excessive Watering or little Watering can cause your plant to die. Varying sunlight and bad incompatible soil can also be the reason behind your indoor plant's death. Q4. What Affects Leaf Size? The amount of Sun, water, air, and fertilizer your plant gets has an effect on the leaf size. Bottom Line If you want to grow big leaf plants indoors, then you can choose from these ten plants I have recommended here. All of these plants are low maintenance, and they are pretty in look. Aside from that, some of these plants purify your indoor environment. Did you like this list? Please let us know in the comment; also, if you purchased any of them, let us know which once was your favorite. Read Also: 10 Best Tall House Plants To Buy In 202210 Best Spiky Plants To Decorate Outside Your HouseWhat Are Trailing Plants? – What Are The Types Of Trailing Plants?

Pests Control

How Pests Control Maintains The Aesthetic Appeal Of Your Home

Ensuring the visual allure of your residence is vital in crafting an inviting and cozy atmosphere. From immaculate landscaping to elegant interior design, each element shapes the overall atmosphere. However, one often overlooked aspect of preserving your home's beauty is hiring pest control services from sources like Forterra Pest Control. This article delves into how pests control measures help protect your home's aesthetic charm. Preventing Structural Damage Termites, carpenter ants, and rodents present substantial risks to the structural stability of your residence. These invaders can cause extensive damage to wooden structures, including support beams, door frames, and furniture. Left unchecked, this damage not only compromises the safety of your home but also detracts from its aesthetic appeal. Implementing regular pests control measures helps prevent infestations and minimize the risk of structural damage. By addressing potential entry points and eliminating nesting sites, pests control professionals safeguard your home against the destructive effects of pests, preserving its architectural beauty for years to come. Maintaining Cleanliness Pests are not only a nuisance but also carriers of disease and filth. Cockroaches, rodents, and flies can contaminate food, surfaces, and air quality, posing health risks to you and your family. The presence of pests not only compromises the cleanliness of your home but also detracts from its visual appeal. Effective pest control practices focus on eliminating existing infestations and implementing preventive measures to maintain cleanliness. By targeting pest breeding grounds, sealing entry points, and employing safe eradication methods, pests control professionals help keep your home free from unwanted visitors, ensuring a clean and aesthetically pleasing environment. Preserving Outdoor Spaces Your residence's exterior plays an integral part in shaping its overall visual allure. Beautifully landscaped gardens, well-maintained lawns, and inviting outdoor living areas enhance the curb appeal of your property. However, pests such as mosquitoes, ants, and spiders can disrupt outdoor activities and mar the beauty of your outdoor spaces. Integrated pest management techniques help protect your outdoor areas from pest infestations while minimizing environmental impact. By utilizing targeted treatments and natural deterrents, pests control specialists create a pest-free environment, allowing you to enjoy outdoor spaces without compromising their beauty. Safeguarding Decor And Furnishings Interior decor and furnishings are essential elements that contribute to your home's aesthetic charm. However, these items are susceptible to damage from pests such as moths, beetles, and rodents. If not adequately protected, fabric upholstery, wooden furniture, and delicate decor items are particularly vulnerable to infestation and deterioration. Regular pests control inspections and treatments help safeguard your decor and furnishings against potential damage. Pest control professionals ensure that your home's interior remains pristine and visually appealing by implementing preventive measures such as barrier treatments, fumigation, and targeted eradication. Promoting Peace of Mind Beyond the tangible benefits, pest control provides homeowners with peace of mind. Knowing that your home is protected against pest infestations allows you to relax and enjoy its beauty and comfort. Whether hosting gatherings with friends or simply spending quiet moments with family, a pest-free environment enhances your overall quality of life. Tips For Selecting The Right Pests Control Services Pest control is one of the most important things about maintaining a certain aesthetic of your home. However, this would only happen if you get a hold of the right control company. Hence, this section will help you do just that. We have curated a small bonus section discussing the important factors that you need to know in order to select the right Pest Control Services.  Quality Pests come in varied shapes and sizes. As a result, you need to deal with them with specific care. Therefore, quality assistance should be your first priority. Go for companies that offer 24*7 support crews for your every query.  Make sure the professionals you hire have enough experience and training to handle your pest problems. Finally, only go for a firm that has a 24*7 customer support team and warranty for their services. All of these metrics ensure that you get quality assistance from the firm.  License Licensing is an important thing to consider while selecting the right pests control services. Make sure that you are partnering up with the right firm that is qualified and authorized in order to deal with the kind of pests control services that you want to avail. Use Google to do your research. Make sure you know all the angles before you make any sort of decision. Narrow down your search according to your requirements and look for the licensing you might need in order to deal with the problem. Then, use this information to approach the right firms.  Chemicals If you are already on the internet, you should also start inquiring about the required chemicals. Chemicals are an integral part of a pests control operation. Therefore, you need to understand these chemicals very closely. Google whatever you can about these chemicals. See how these chemicals morph your instant atmosphere. Understand the repercussions of these chemicals and how they affect your family’s health. If you have a pet, you need to google if these chemicals are pet-friendly or not. Otherwise, you might end up with a disaster on your hands.  User Review Taking recommendations is a very important thing. We suggest that you start inquiring about the local pests control firm that usually works in your neighborhood. Start by asking the neighbors. Ask about their personal experience and assess it. If the reviews are mostly okay, then start looking up the firm on the internet. Yelp could be a good place to start your research. Never go for unverified firms that have less than 4 stars. Otherwise, you might end up doing more damage than fixing.  Cost The final aspect of this whole journey is the cost. Cost is a very important thing to keep in mind. However, lower costs are not always good. Always compare the cost with the aforementioned parameters. A firm that offers several levels of quality and assurance at $20 is definitely doing something fishy compared to a firm that is offering the same thing at $1000. Cost needs to be looked at from a logical perspective.  Conclusion Effective pests control measures are crucial for preserving your home's aesthetic appeal. By hiring services from a reputable source like Forterra Pest Control to prevent structural damage, maintain cleanliness, safeguard outdoor spaces, protect decor and furnishings, and promote peace of mind, pests control measures ensure that your home remains a beautiful and welcoming sanctuary for years to come. Prioritizing pests control is not just about protecting your property; it's about preserving its inherent beauty and creating a harmonious living environment for you and your loved ones. ADDITIONAL READING: 10 Hidden Dangers Of DIY Pest Control The ROI Of Proactive Pest Control For Property Management 9 Signs You Have a Pest Infestation in Your House (And What to Do About It)


8 Steps to Move in Your New House

Moving, according to many, is a stressful process. They do not even know where to begin, which makes them more anxious. Apart from direct costs, there are some hidden costs of buying a home too that you need to plan for. Read to get an insight into such costs and make your plans accordingly. If you are also planning to move, and do not know how to start, don’t worry. This article will guide you in the right direction. Following are 8 steps to move in your new house: 1. Opt for a Place to Live Look for a place that is near your workplace or your children’s school. This will reduce the hassle of traveling long distances every day. 2. Notify Your Family about Your Move Moving is a nerve-racking task, especially when it is long distances. It can be difficult for both – the adults and the children of the family. Telling the kids that they need to goodbye to their classmates and school is difficult. Therefore, you should find a way to break the news positively. 3. Hire a Mover Many people plan to move on their own. However, this takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is better to hire a mover, especially the one who does not have a hidden-fee. One such company is Atlant Movers: Moving Services in Sacramento, CA.  The company provides a wide range of services to move locally, long-distance, and even for piano and office moving. They securely store the stuff by packing it themselves for their customers. If you are planning to move under a budget, this company is just right for you. 4. Set up a Budget Set up a budget to keep track financially and to know how much moving can eventually cost you. 5. Start Packing up If you do your own packing, make sure you have at least 6 weeks before your moving date. A careful plan will save you a lot of money, time, and hair-tearing. 6. Pack Room by Room Start from one room. Pack the stuff completely and then go for the other room. This way, you will know how much is packed and how much is left. This will help you pack all your stuff in no time. 7. Save Money If you are like other people, you cannot resist a garage sale. No matter what the reason is, a garage sale is something that people won’t see. This way, you will make money by getting rid of the bunch you have been willing to throw for a long time. 8. Finally, You have moved in! Once the moving truck is gone and you are at your home, start unpacking the boxes. Get your mail, newspaper, magazines, and milk, all delivered to your home. Connect your telephone and broadband. Be ready to live a new life. Moving can sometimes be a difficult process. However, once you have moved into your new place, you will feel different and will enjoy the new home. So, bid a goodbye to all the hassle and just think about the wonderful experience that you will have after you have shifted. Read Also: Moving House? Here’s The Ultimate Checklist Signs That It Is Time To Sell Your House Finally Motivational Tips To Kick Start Your Packing Process For The House Move