7 Modern Day Beer Drinking Etiquettes You Should Know


06 September 2019


beer drinking

Imagine a pub setting in the earlier days. Beer served in a pint glass with packets of greasy peanuts and a jukebox playing music in the background.

In recent years, the scene has changed. Now, you have hipster, craft ale, and gastropubs that are dominating the arena.

The common misconception of beer is that it’s fairly straightforward. There’s nothing sophisticated about the taste since the main goal is to get drunk. However, beer brewing is an art in itself.

Artisan brewers made it their life’s mission to change the way beer is viewed and consumed. From simple, large beer pints, beer is now better served in unique beer glassware.

Sampling beer is a big part of beer culture now. One reason for this is the myriad of flavors that are available in the market today. Your grandfather simply didn’t have the luxury of options when it came to beer or glassware!

With the pub culture constantly changing, what should you know when it comes to beer drinking etiquette?

Here are seven beer-drinking rules for most modern-day pubs:

Make Sure Everyone Has Their Beer

Before proposing a toast, make sure that everyone has their beer ready. Whether they are holding a can, small unique beer glassware, or bottle, make sure that everybody has a drink in their hand.

Say No to Warm Beer

“Thou shalt not offer warm beer.” The drinker can’t appreciate the aroma and taste if the beer is not served at the right temperature, which is between 3 to 5 degrees Celsius. Make sure to keep the beer chilled before serving.

Be Choosy with The Glass

It’s also discouraged to pour the beer in any glass. Each type of alcohol requires the right glass to enhance the flavor. While some of these glasses may look great, a beer would look out of place in a champagne glass.

Most beer drinkers know what kind of beer glass is appropriate to enjoy the aroma and taste of the beer. Be a gracious host and choose the right glass for the beer.

Keep the Foam

Never scrape the beer foam away. The foam keeps the taste of the beer. And as you chug it down, let the beer head touch your tongue. You can enjoy the flavor better when you do that.

Don’t Order Beer for Someone Else

Beers have different flavors and characteristics. In the same vein, beer drinkers have different tastes. So let others order their beer out of respect for their preferences. Let them decide the flavor they want.

Never Pour Beer in A Frozen Glass

In the same manner, don’t accept beer in a frozen glass. While beers taste best when chilled, it’s the beer that needs chilling not the beer glass. Freezing the glass kills flavor so you or your guest will not enjoy the taste.

Don’t Blindly Follow the Crowd

You drink beer for the aroma, taste, and experience. Don’t succumb to peer pressure by blindly ordering what everybody else is drinking. If you want your beer sweet, light, or soft, go for it! Unless, of course, somebody else is picking up the tab.

Keep these rules in mind the next time you drink with your friends or the next time you host a party at your home. Also, if you have been using beer pints, get rid of them and order your beer glasses today at Cheers All. Enjoy shopping with their extensive beer glass collection that will leave you in awe.

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Grilling Guide: Choosing the Right One

A grill is the centerpiece of any outdoor kitchen, so choosing the right one is not a decision to be taken lightly. Grill buying is more complicated than some people might assume, with multiple fuel sources, sizes, and features to choose from. This article will simplify the process to make it a little easier. Portable or Stationary? The first thing to consider when choosing the best outdoor grill is whether it should be stationary or portable. As a general rule, portable grills are better for yards that have no other outdoor kitchen infrastructure, while stationary grills are preferred by most outdoor kitchen designers. However, there is no hard and fast rule here, and homeowners need to consider the intended uses of the equipment. Fuel Source Arguably the most important factor to consider is the fuel source. It used to be the case that just about all grills burned charcoal, and many homeowners still prefer this traditional grilling method. However, there are now gas and electric models to consider. Here's what to know about each option. Charcoal Grills Charcoal grills are inexpensive, easy to fuel up, and perfect for those who love that classic grilling taste. It's easy to find charcoal briquettes, and they burn for a long time. It can be difficult to light charcoal grills, though, and they tend to take a while to build the necessary heat. They also need to be monitored carefully and cleaned after each use. Gas Grills Gas grills are quick to heat up and offer greater control over the grilling temperatures. They can also be used to cook different foods at once, which makes gas grills a versatile option. The primary downside is that gas grills are more expensive both in terms of initial investment price and repairs. Some people also miss that char-grilled, classic BBQ flavor, but there are ways to compensate. Electric Grills Electric grills feature maximum versatility. They're usually portable, and unlike gas or charcoal grills, they can be used indoors. Homeowners sometimes find that electric grills are more difficult to cook on outside, which can be a big drawback for those who are looking for the perfect grill for an outdoor kitchen. Grill Sizes Most portable grills come in standard sizes, although there are exceptions to the rule. Built-in grills found in outdoor kitchens tend to come in a greater range of sizes because there's no need to worry about ease of maneuverability. For those who prefer to work with more precise recommendations, look for grills that are at least:  216 sq in for up to three people 288 sq in for four people 360 sq in for five people 432 sq in for six people It's usually better to err on the side of caution and buy a grill that's a little too big than it is to risk getting one that's too small. Crowding too much food onto a grill can have a pretty dramatic negative impact, no matter what kind of fuel it features. The Importance of Quality When it comes time to look at individual grill models, the most important thing to remember is that homeowners will get what they pay for, at least in broad terms. Going for the cheapest grill available is usually unwise. Prioritize quality and look for grills made by known brands that have reputations for quality. Additionals: Small Kitchen Storage Ideas Different Styles of Kitchen Cabinets Know About The Type Of Kitchens According To Different Size How To Choose the Right Brass Range Hood for Your Kitchen

Electric Brew System

How to Brew the Best Beer with an Electric Brew System

So you’ve decided on joining the ranks of America’s finest craft brewers and create your very own handcrafted, completely original product from the ground up. Good for you! It’s a big first step to take for any small business or venture, especially when it comes to the intricate and detail-intensive process of brewing alcohol for consumption. Obviously a lot goes into making beer, but even more goes into making a good one. Think about the last six or seven glasses or cans you’ve drank and really decide if any of them actually hit the spot, quenched your thirst, or tickled your pallet. Probably not. That’s because most commercial alcohol is absolutely garbage compared to even the smallest craft brewery’s offering, these days. Alcohol has been fermented and drunk for recreational, medicinal, and religious purposes since the literal beginning of recorded time. The early cavemen gathered grain, fruit, vegetables, and other food in large clay jars and let them ferment under the hot sun for days or weeks until delectable nectar was produced from the slurry. Click here if you want to know more about the history of beer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_beer However, in modern times, the process has gotten a bit more complicated; and for good reason. Health and safety standards take precedence in food and alcohol-making facilities as these areas are prime for bacteria outbreaks like e-coli, swine flu, etc. Because of our advances in science, we’ve never before had facilities as safe and compliant in history as the ones that exist in most large-scale and craft brew houses alike. But enough about the grandiose stage stuff. We’re here to focus on the approachable, beginner’s stages, and “I’m interested but kind of nervous and scared” level of commitment in the process. Don’t worry, though. This is where absolutely everyone starts, so there’s no shame in being nervous. You want to impress your friends and clients, not gross them out! Brewing in 5 Steps The DreamThe EquipmentThe IngredientsThe StaffThe Process 1. The Dream If you’re not starting here then you’re not doing it right. You should be passionate about brewing and you should have the dream always in your heart and at the front of your mind. It’s an intense, life-consuming process and should be respected. Outside of that, creating alcohol is in essence creating drugs. Not only is alcohol a drug, it’s one of the most dangerous drugs in the world. Follow this link for strategies on how to avoid impaired driving. You can both enjoy your business and also ensure the safety of your clientele, especially if you have a tasting room or area. Most people give up after this stage once they get to the next step. If that’s true for you then maybe creating your own alcohol was never truly in the cards for you. Everyone has their own destiny and you’ll find yours eventually. 2. The Equipment Now here’s where things get tricky. Here is where you’ll need to decide on the style and scale of your establishment. Is this a small, homey-style craft brewery with a few barrels at a time? Or is this the kind of place you see expanding into a factory setting with metal tanks, electrical monitoring equipment, and automated machinery? Depending on what state you live in there are different permitting requirements for creating your own food and alcohol from your home or small business for the purposes of human consumption. Call your local county clerk’s office for more information and make sure to check the federal regulations on the sale of alcohol. For larger, more industrial projects, you’re going to need a lot more than permits. You’re going to need large scale infrastructure or machinery like what ABS Commercial deals with. Brew masters all over the country have their preferred methods, but everyone needs to be using certified, food-grade surfaces, machinery, and materials for their production. 3. The Ingredients Here’s where the game gets fun and interesting. This stage should be the whole reason you’re doing this to begin with. Perhaps you’ve had one-too-many glasses of beer that tastes like old dishwater rung out of a used rag into a cold glass, or maybe you’re just craving a profile that doesn’t exist to your knowledge in the general market. For some easy, small batch stuff, check out these home brew recipes and see if there’s something you’d like to try out. They’re perfect for beginners. Otherwise, all you need to do to start is simply Google a base-profile beer you want to create. Is it a lager, an ale, an IPA, etc.? Once you’ve got the base figured out, you can start playing with things like your own ingredients. Ideas and recommendations: try cinnamon and apple in a batch for a nice, Christmas-style beer that’s sure to appease the masses. You could also try pumpkin and nutmeg for another holiday-inspired alcoholic beverage that’s sure to delight. 4. The Staff Once you’ve gotten to this stage, it’s time to decide the scale of the help you’ll need. Is this the sort of process you think you’ll be able to take care of yourself or is it something you’ll need to outsource some help from. Most breweries and alcohol businesses have teams of people working round the clock as most of the machinery is sensitive and dangerous, and thus shouldn't be left unattended. If you’re planning on hiring and training a small staff, legally you will be required to pay them and establish your business as a corporation. This opens up a whole different can of worms that can only be figured out depending on what the state’s laws that you are in are. Unfortunately the United States differs greatly from state-to-state on these issues, further confusing the matter. 5. The Process The process can be long and difficult, even for professionals in the industry. Every new type of beverage will be a different and new process for the team, or you, to learn. Remember, yeast is a living thing and can be temperamental. You and your team need to respect it for the life that it creates. The Brewers Association of America has an up-to-date list of safety tips and guidelines to follow in your taproom or brewpub. These things need to be followed in order to ensure the safety of not only you and your team, but your clients and the public as well. Craft breweries are springing up everywhere and the market is opening up for new entrepreneurs every day, so don’t miss out on the achievable opportunity of making a name for yourself in the beer world and start today! 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Confectionery Shop

History and How to Increase Sales in Your Confectionery Shop

The skill of molding confections is known as Confectionery. What are confections? These are food products that are made of carbohydrates and sugar abundantly. A store that engages in producing and selling these delicacies is called a Confectionery shop. The main target market of these goods is children. Young ones have a big love for candy as they consume them in a substantial number. A confectionery store has different names depending on the geographical area. In Australia, it is known as a lolly shop, a sweet shop in the United Kingdom, and North Americans call it a candy shop. Despite the different names, all of them produce and sell the same goods. Well, there are a lot of ways to increase your sales, but you could try these out and find out just how effective they are. History Initially, confections were made out of honey as sugar was not readily available in the foregone western world. The Romans, Chinese, Egyptians, Indians, and the Greeks used honey to cover flowers and fruits to conserve them and produce sweetmeats in ancient times. Between the 4th and 6th centuries BC, Persians and the Greeks engaged Indians to produce "reeds that produce honey without bees," which is sugarcane. The cane is primeval in Southeast Asia and the tropical Indian subcontinent. Sugarcane agriculture was advanced and spread afterward. With the introduction of sugar, confectioners gradually started renouncing honey in the production of confections. The Indians came up with a mechanism to create sugar crystals. In the local dialect, the crystals were known as khanda, where the name candy originated. Kransekake is one of the ancient confections from Scandinavia. According to Guinness World Records, the most ancient candy shop in the world that is still functioning to date is located in Pateley Bridge village. Pateley Bridge is now a small market town in England. Read more here https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zm2q4xs. What is in a Confectionery Shop As explained above, a confectionery store engages in producing and selling confections mostly to the kids. The produced confections in a Confectionery store can be fractionated into two, bakers and sugar confections. Baker's Confectionery It is one of the confectioneries and is also known as flour confections. These are sugary foodstuffs that use flour as their major component. After they are made, these confections are baked hence the name baker's Confectionery. They include sweet pastries, scones, cookies, doughnuts, and cakes. However, baker's confections are baked, bread is not considered as a baker's confectionery. You may go through:  The Need for Speed-to-Lead in Sales Sugar Confectionery Unlike baker's, sugar confectionery is mainly made of sugar. The most crucial substances used in this category are glucose syrups, sucrose, and invert sugars. A concoction of fructose and glucose, which is turned out by hydrolysis of sucrose, is called invert sugar. Confectioner's glucose is also known as glucose syrups which are intensive, cleansed, aqueous solutions of nutritious saccharides from starch. This confectionery can be divided into two, fondant and boiled sweets. Click here to see how you can start this business. a) Fodant Fondant is tiny sugar crystals in concentrated sugar syrup. It is used in embellishing cakes and as a creamy filling in biscuits and chocolates. Fondant is manufactured in two ways. It is an inverting agent and refrigerating speedily while riveting or mixing sugar solution with glucose syrup then boiling them. The sugar in fondants is in a crystalline state. These foodstuffs include coconut paste, chocolate centers, marzipan, fudge, and chews. The articulation of fondant is made up of 22% w/w water, 16% w/w confectioner's glucose, and 62% w/w sucrose. Sucrose is the primary component in this formulation. b) Boiled Sweets Boiled sweets are made by boiling water and sugar at extremely high temperatures ranging between 150 and 166 degrees Celsius. When boiling, the water evaporates, and a translucent mass is formed on cooling. In boiled sweets, their sugar is in a glassy state as it is hard-boiled. This confectionery includes barley sugars, caramel, fruit drops, toffee, butterscotch, and hard gums. The articulation of boiled sweets comprises 20% w/w water, 32% w/w glucose syrup, and 48% w/w sucrose. Three Essential Tips on How to Increase the Volume Sales in Your Confectionery Shop The core obligation of any business enterprise is making profits. A huge amount of gain is obtained through more sales for your confection. So how do you increase the volume of your sales? 1. Location The most fundamental factor in this business is where you set up your shop. Children are primary consumers of confections as they take them in huge numbers. To escalate the number of your sales, your shop should be set up in a location where there are more children than adults. An outlet erected in an area where kids are innumerable will make more sales than the other in a setting with scarce younger ones. A store that is put up in an area where there are more adults than the kids will hardly make sales as the main market target of confections is youngsters. 2. Delivery Services The world is evolving so are the buying behaviors from customers. Many people do not like making long queues to be served. Instead, they prefer home delivery services. With the pandemic, many people refrained from going to stores physically to contract the virus in your maneuvers. Many people are adopting online shopping where you order goods online, and the buyer delivers at your doorstep. If you can incorporate delivery services, you will attract the attention of potential customers who do not like going out to the stores. This increases the volume of sales, which means more profit. 3. Social Media The most convenient way to market your products in the 21st century is through social media. There are a million users of social media all over the world. Advertisements of your shop can be run on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, LinkedIn, to mention a few. Through social media, you can reach many potential customers for your product in the comfort of your store. See this link to learn how you can market your business using social media https://www.marketingdonut.co.uk/social-media/social-media-strategy/use-social-media-to-market-your-business. Conclusion Confectionery shops produce and sell confection. Before purchasing from any store, research to establish if they produce the best products in town. The duration a store has operated means they have experience in production that keeps them moving. Online product reviews can help you on settling the perfect store for your needs. 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