What if Multiple People are to be Blamed for your Injury?

Published on: 28 February 2019 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020

Car accidents are by definition complicated, and when more than one person is to blame for one, they can get even more so. That is why it is so important to fully understand what just happened and where to place the blame. It is necessary to determine the group of people or an individual, whatever the case may be and figure out where responsibility is to be assigned for the crash and the resulting trauma.

When We Talk About Fault, What Do We Mean?

Legally, fault refers to the person accountable for affecting harm. This harm might have happened through careless actions that may be defined as negligence. Once the fault has been determined, the individual at fault is bound to pay-up compensation entirely for causing damage and other material or physical losses that result as a consequence of that injury. In case a lawsuit pertaining to a personal injury ends up at court, a civil jury can decide the result of the verdict in favor, which in turn could be a very substantial amount.

Yet, in some cases, more than one person may be at fault. That means that both people involved in the accident may have contributed to it happening to a greater or lesser degree. This may result in both of them being considered at fault. To determine the amount of blame that falls on each individual in an injury case of a personal nature, all states follow some version legalities which involve one of two rules:

  • Contributory negligence
  • Comparative negligence

Contributory Negligence:

Negligence of a contributory nature considers that if you are in any way guilty of causing your own injury, you do not have the right to make anyone else accountable for it. In an ideal Contributory Negligence structure, if you are even 1% at fault, the law withholds you from collecting any compensation from a person who is potentially 99% at fault, even if you’re out hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages. If it is determined that you have been marginally negligent, you receive nothing. Although an extremely harsh rule, it is still commonly used in some states.

Comparative Negligence:

The first thing that must be figured out if one needs to understand the comparative negligence legality, is the extent of fault that falls on each person that was involved in the accident. In most instances, both individuals turn out to be negligent to a certain degree. The sitting judge or the as the case may be, would determine the percentage or quantum of fault assigned to each that contributed to the accident. It may be determined that one of them is 60% responsible while the other one is only 40% to blame. In these cases, each party can collect damages that are commensurate to the percentage of fault that would be assigned to the other party.

Some states adhere to a strict comparative negligence rule, while others hold a structured point to determining the quantum of fault assigned to an injured plaintiff.

What Legal Rule Does Florida Follow?

Florida is a pure comparative negligence state.

If you have been involved in a car accident and need someone to be by your side, there are several reputable personal injury lawyers, like the attorneys at Friedland& Associates, who are knowledgeable about the ins and outs of the Fort Lauderdale civil courts and car accident litigation. Call them today to receive a free consultation.

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Landlord-Tenant Laws

How Did COVID Change Landlord-Tenant Laws

The COVID-19 pandemic did a number on every industry across the globe. Even the real estate sector, well known for its relative stability, was not immune to its effects. In some instances, the battle was between lives and livelihood as many tenants lost their jobs. And with it, the ability to pay their bills, including their rent. These unfortunate circumstances necessitated changes to the usual landlord-tenant laws practically overnight. Due to these changes, landlords have had to suspend their home renovation plans to fully grasp these new laws and avoid legal suits. Read on for an overview of how exactly COVID changed landlord-tenant rules. Rent suspension One of the most impactful changes to the landlord-tenant laws is rent suspensions. In the heat of the pandemic, the government was forced to suspend rent collection in specific locations and for particular demographics, as the lockdown dealt many citizens a heavy financial blow. Of course, this decision pushed most of the weight onto the landlords who could not rely on getting their regular passive income. But in August 2020, the external control of rent was partially lifted, allowing landlords to charge full rent and increase it. However, this comes with the condition that COVID-19 has not heavily impacted your tenants. So, for the most part, limits on rent increases are still in place. Rent arrears Rent arrears refers to the unpaid rent a tenant owes their landlord. Under normal circumstances, property owners reserve the right to evict an occupant who doesn't comply with their payments, but such laws were suspended amid the pandemic. Policies such as the COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act of 2020 were set up to protect tenants from losing their homes. Following the signing of that Act in February 2021, it became illegal for landlords in California to evict renters with longer than 12 months' tenancy. So rather than issue eviction requests, landlords owed rent, or the tenants themselves need to seek relocation assistance payments from relief bodies. Dispute resolutions The sudden changes to landlord-tenant laws in the wake of the coronavirus make disputes inevitable. Despite the effort of government policies to protect both parties, there are still a lot of grey areas that leave room for conflict and require mediation. However, to curb the spread of COVID-19, the suspension of the routine procedure has left people confused about where to bear their grievances. If you're a landlord having trouble with your tenant, you may appeal at court where an adjudicator will deliberate over your case and try to help you reach an amicable decision. If the mediator cannot help you get a consensus, you may take up the case to a hearing by a 3-person Tenancy Tribunal. Many of these adjudications and hearings take place over the phone or virtually, so you may not have to leave the safety of your house. Protection for landlords It's clear to anyone that real estate policies often defer to the side of the tenant. But that doesn't mean the law has left all landlords in the cold. After all, COVID-19 marked everyone, so there are laws to protect landlords from going bankrupt. Despite the policies pushing rent suspensions and eviction bans, the landlord can take steps to refute their tenant's protection under these laws based on certain conditions. You'll have to go through the trouble of filing an eviction notice, which will receive approval if: The tenant still owes rent as of August 2021 The tenant violated their landlord-tenant agreement. The tenant did not seek relief assistance after you issued a rent arrears warning notice. The withholding of rent would cause the landlord undue financial hardship How do Landlords protect themselves? Familiarize yourself with the current laws As a landlord, the best way to protect yourself from a lawsuit or other legal pitfalls is to familiarize yourself with the current landlord-tenant laws. Of course, keeping up with both national and state laws can be a challenging task. The effort could save you more trouble in the future. Alternatively, to err on the side of caution, you should contact an expert before taking any legal steps. Seek external aid for your tenants Most investors are in real estate for the money. Still, it's essential to remember to be kind. Everyone is having a tough time because of COVID, and it's more likely your tenant genuinely can't meet up with the rent because of financial constraints rather than harboring their money out of malice. Extend a fig leaf by offering a more flexible payment scheme or helping them look for rent relief programs that can assist. Seek external aid for yourself Alternatively, you can also look out for your interests by seeking external aid for homeowners. Banks and other lending institutions are also offering handouts during this trying period in the way of waiving late fees or offering refinancing options for your mortgage. There are also a few tax breaks and deductions applicable to landlords to make up for the rent freezes and eviction moratoriums. Keep your records Since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issue to stop evictions expired in August 2021, there have been evictions in large numbers in many states. Despite this trend, policies and legal aids to protect tenants are still in place. So if you're bent on removing an occupant from your property, ensure you have all written records of your correspondence with the tenant. These documents serve as proof you did your due diligence and may absolve you from a potential suit. Conclusion If you're a landlord finding it hard to keep up with the recent changes to landlord-tenant laws, you're not alone. Still, rather than remaining aloof, you could contact a professional who understands the rental market more than you do. Hiring an experienced property manager could be an excellent investment, as they can steer you away from hefty fines and lawsuits. They can also help maximize your rental property's income as you weather through the effects of COVID. Read Also: 10 Rights You Have as a Tenant That Your Landlord Won’t Tell You About How to Protect Your Property as a First Time Landlord? 5 Unexpected Expenses of First-Time Renters

Fatigued Driver Car Accident Lawyers

How Fatigued Driver Car Accident Lawyers Can Help You

Accidents involving fatigued drivers can be particularly distressing and complicated. If you find yourself in such a situation, seeking the help of a car accident lawyer is crucial. With their extensive knowledge and expertise, these legal professionals play multiple roles in helping you deal with the aftermath. Fatigued driver, car accident lawyers, gather and preserve evidence, simplify complex legal processes, negotiate with insurance companies, accurately calculate your damages, and advocate on your behalf. This article provides an in-depth look at how car accident lawyers can guide and support you through this challenging time, ensuring you receive the justice and compensation you deserve. Gathering Evidence and Investigating The first step post-accident is to gather and preserve evidence demonstrating the other driver's fatigue and culpability. This process is often complex and requires significant expertise in obtaining crucial documents like police reports, witness statements, and medical records. Fatigued driver car accident lawyers are skilled in this area, with some even utilizing accident reconstruction experts to provide a detailed account of the incident. They ensure all relevant evidence is secured promptly, preventing any essential details from being lost or overlooked. Simplifying Legal Processes The period following a car accident often entails a multifaceted legal journey that can be daunting, particularly for those not well-versed in it. Completing the required documentation correctly, sticking to certain timeframes, and deciphering legal terminology are some of the numerous hurdles individuals might encounter. Navigating these intricacies can compound the strain of an already distressing scenario. In these instances, having an experienced car accident lawyer by your side can be immensely beneficial. They can guide you through this intricate legal maze, ensuring all essential documents are filed correctly and in a timely manner. If your case ends up in court, they will represent you, making sure your interests are safeguarded. With their guidance, the daunting legal process becomes more manageable, allowing you to focus on your recovery. Negotiation with Insurance Companies Insurance companies are popular for trying to pay out as little as possible on claims or even denying them altogether. Their teams of lawyers and adjusters work hard to save the company money. This can make it difficult for those in an accident to get the compensation they deserve. However, if you've been in a car accident involving a fatigued driver, a specialized lawyer can help level the playing field. These legal professionals negotiate directly with the insurance companies on your behalf. They aim to ensure that you receive fair and appropriate compensation for any injuries and losses you've suffered. By doing this, they take on the stress of dealing with insurance companies, allowing you to focus on your recovery. Related: Car Accident Liability Accurate Calculation of Damages After a car accident, figuring out the extent of your losses can be overwhelming. There are obvious damages, such as medical bills and property damage. However, the aftermath of an accident also involves less visible factors. These might include lost wages due to time off from work and more intangible aspects like experiencing pain and suffering. This is when the expertise of a car accident lawyer becomes crucial. They have the knowledge and experience to accurately assess all these damages. They consider every factor, even those you may not know, to ensure that you leave any important details. Their goal is to advocate for you, ensuring you receive the compensation you rightfully deserve for all the losses you've endured due to the accident. Advocating for Their Clients Perhaps the most critical role fatigued driver car accident lawyers play is that of an advocate. They stand up for your rights, represent your best interests, and tirelessly work to ensure you receive the justice you deserve. Car accident lawyers are your voice in situations where you may feel unheard or overwhelmed. They fight on your behalf, ensuring the at-fault party's fatigue and negligence do not go unpunished. Conclusion: Contact a Lawyer Immediately If You've Suffered an Accident Due to a Fatigued Driver A car accident can turn your life upside down, particularly when a fatigued driver causes it. In such situations, a car accident lawyer becomes your ally, navigating the legal maze, dealing with insurance companies, ensuring accurate damage calculations, and advocating for your rights. They stand beside you every step of the way, providing the expertise and support you need during a challenging time. Read Also: Why It’s So Important To Hire A Lawyer After A Fatal Car Accident Car Accidents From Hitting Florida’s Wildlife Car Accidents in California- What Does the Law Say?

Immigration Lawyer

Preparing for Your Initial Consultation with an Immigration Lawyer

You realise that you cannot go through the visa application process alone, and you need an immigration lawyer to help you. It is a smart move. These lawyers know the smallest of details concerning immigration laws in the UK. You can't take the risk of applying alone since you know that it could have an unfortunate ending. After going through the referrals and reviews, you already have an immigration lawyer to help you. Before you proceed with the next step, it is essential to have an initial consultation. You will prepare what to do moving forward at this stage. Prepare the fees: You will pay for the services provided by immigration lawyers. Ask about the required fees in advance so you can prepare the amount before your first meeting. However, some lawyers understand the plight of underprivileged immigrants and are willing to assist. Bring all your documents: Even if you don’t yet know what documents you need to have, it is essential to have all of them with you, including your passport, medical certificate, birth certificate, marriage certificate, employment records, police clearance, educational certificates, and many others. If you can bring the originals or authenticated copies, it would be better. Your lawyer will then tell you what other documents you need to proceed with the application. State your case: You also need to be honest about your situation. Why are you leaving your country? Why did you choose the UK as the place where you intend to reside? Do you have a potential employer? Let your lawyer know everything about your decision to move to the UK. Don't worry since any information that you share will be protected through the lawyer-client confidentiality rule. Prepare all your questions: Your initial consultation is the time to ask the right questions. If you are not sure about the process or the timeline, you can ask your lawyer. You might have other plans moving forward, and it helps if you can ask your lawyer how long this process will take. You also need to ask about your chances of getting approval. If the chances are slim, you can find a backup plan. You are now ready: After your initial appointment with your lawyer, you are now prepared to move ahead with the visa application process. You will also be more confident now since you have top immigration solicitors London offers helping you. Even if it is a daunting process, the presence of a quality lawyer will make you think that everything will end well. In the end, the Home Office will decide whether or not you meet the requirements of the rules to process your application. You can do your best to prepare to meet the requirements, but in the end, you need to understand the strength of your case. Things might not go your way. You can try making another application after some time or seek further advice about your eligibility to submit a fresh application. Read Also: 9 Money Tips For Millennial Injury Lawyers In Los Angeles Benefits Of Using Divorce Lawyers