Nerves vs. Excitement: How To Manage Nerves And Perform At Your Best

Published on: 30 April 2021 Last Updated on: 10 September 2024
Nerves vs. Excitement

Anyone who has ever been called to come and speak or perform in front of a public gathering knows the importance of holding nerves.

From the time we are in school, some of us have dreaded raising our hands and speaking out the right answer even though we know what we are.

We have looked at astonishment at so-called confident individuals and wondered what makes them do things that we cannot.

Common terms like ‘performance anxiety, ‘stage fright’, ‘nervousness’, etc. are all common emotions and feelings that we harbor. The key is- how do we overcome the same?

In this resource article, we are going to help a lot of people come to grips with their nerves. If you are someone who dreads talking in front of a crowd, we recommend that you stick around till the end of the article.

Being ‘Nervous’ Versus Being ‘Excited’- How a Change in Terms Can Help:

‘I am too nervous; I can’t go out there and speak’!

According to leading psychologists, a simple interchanging of the terms nervous and excited can go a long way in dispelling the fear.

Rather than say or think that you are getting the nervous try and say to yourself that you are feeling excited. What you need to understand is that nervousness is associated with being a negative feeling. On the other hand, excitement is something that is deemed to be positive.

This simple exercise wires your brain in a specific way, which then lets the body flow from the same feeling. For example, as soon as your brain starts comprehending that you are nervous, it sends a signal to your body, which then results in stomach pains and churnings.

This is why you need to start feeling excited and look forward to the opportunity. There is a lot of energy that builds up in the body in such situations. The key is to effectively manage the same productively and positively.

The ‘Fight’ and ‘Flight’ Instinct that Defines a Nervous State of Being:

The ‘Fight’ and ‘Flight’ Instinct that Defines a Nervous State of Being:

To understand these better leading scientists have spoken about the ‘Fight and Flight Syndrome’. They point out that whenever the brain is faced with a complex and problematic situation, it does one of two things-

  • It either wants to escape and run away from the scenario. Or,
  • It starts to swing madly to bring the situation under control.

However, in some instances, and I am sure, you are going to relate to this, the brain goes into a hung position. Meaning, it neither fights nor flights. In this situation, the resultant action is a freeze! You get frozen and cannot do anything.

According to experts, the fight or flight instinct needs to be properly managed by telling your brain some important things. What are those things?

In very simple words, not every such scenario is going to be a life and death one. Meaning it is not at all serious and does not amount to anything. Once your brain can understand this, it starts processing emotions and feelings differently. Following this, it then sends these signals to the rest of your body.

List of 5 Important Ways to Help Overcome Nervousness-

In this section, we compile the top recommendations from the leading mental health experts to combat nervousness-

1. Undertake Adequate Preparation-

According to scientists, 50% of all nervousness results from inadequate preparedness. This means that the more you are prepared, the lower will be your levels of nervousness.

Reflect on your school days. Remember when did not know the answers to the question the teacher was asking, how you would try to avoid making eye contact? However, if you were prepared, you would not do the same. Practice makes perfect when it comes to combating nervousness.

2. Focus on ‘You’ providing Value to the Audiences-

Whenever we are nervous, we keep thinking about ourselves. However, the key in this regard is to shift focus to the audiences that are sitting right in front of you. Start thinking of all the value, information, education, and enjoyment that you are going to give to the audiences.

This will put you in comfortable headspace. Let me in you on a little secret. Audiences want everything should be about them. So, you can simply shift the spotlight on them.

3. Take Help from your Friends and Family Members-

Leading comedians and artists have pointed out how having their near and dear ones in the audience helps them overcome stage fright.

This is a simple, yet effective solution to combating nervousness on stage. Many also point out how they keep looking for their near ones in the audience and use them to make eye contact with different sections of the audience. This boosts their confidence and makes their brain understand the support there is on offer.

4. Breathe, Relax and Take it Easy-

Remember, this is not a life-and-death situation. No one is perfect and even the best ones make mistakes. Once you can tune your brain accordingly, you will be able to get a hold of your nerves.

Try breathing and being patient at all times. You can do mistakes, it is alright. Realize that you’ve done the work. The more relaxed you are, the better will you be able to convey. There will always be errors, and you should not worry about making them.

5. Engage with Positive Relaxation Techniques-

In the last few years, relaxation strategies like Yoga, Massages, Aromatherapy, etc. have become very popular. They help channel positive energy within the body and calms down the senses.

Regular meditation is great for your body mentally, as well as physically. By making such healthy practices a part of your daily life, you will be able to control your emotions in a much better way. Try meditating for 15 minutes every morning and see the difference.

The Final Word:

At the end of the day, you need to realize that we are all humans. We have a range of emotions, feelings, and characteristics that make us special in our way.

No two individuals are the same and we must acknowledge the same. By paying attention to all the pointers in the article, you too can expect to combat nervousness and be better prepared for the next time you face the audience.

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breast cancer

Early Symptoms and Signs of Breast Cancer

October is the breast cancer awareness month. This tradition has been established in the 1980s and has been commemorated every year since. It is meant to raise awareness of this vicious disease affecting predominantly women. And a vicious disease it is. In fact, it is one of the biggest killers of women in the US, as well as the rest of the developed world. It is also one of the most diagnosed cancers. We asked professionals from Odonate Pharmaceuticals to share some insight into the early signs and symptoms of breast cancer, as well as possible treatment options available today. Early Symptoms Are Easy to Dismiss Breast cancer is not only a dangerous and widespread illness, but it can also be very subversive, particularly in the early stages. The symptoms and potential signs that something is wrong are easy to dismiss and can even go unnoticed. However, if you are diligent and check regularly, you should be able to notice any difference and seek advice from your doctor. Some people adopt the mindset that it is perhaps nothing and not important, but you really shouldn’t gamble with your health and seek help if you notice anything. Changes in the Feel of the Breast The earliest symptoms won’t be visible, but you will be able to feel them with your hand. Giving yourself regular breast exams is the simplest and safest way to ensure that you are able to spot any changes or problems early on. Some of these symptoms include the tenderness of the breast or a lump on the breast or the armpit region, enlargement of the pores in the region, or even a change in the texture of the skin (often described as orange peel sensation). Remember that even if you do spot these changes (particularly lumps), that doesn’t mean that it is cancerous. There are different types of lumps; however, just to be safe, any changes should be seen by a professional. Changes in the Appearance of the Breast The second level of potential early symptoms of breast cancer can be inspected visually as well. One of the most common of these is the unexplained change in size or the shape of the breast. This kind of problem is particularly noticeable if it is asymmetrical, i.e. affecting only one breast and not the other one. A more noticeable issue can be if the nipple is inverted or at least slightly turned inwards. This might be a stronger indication that something is wrong. If the skin of the breast is red, swollen, scaly, or with orange skin pattern, you really should consult a medical professional. Even if it is not a symptom of cancer, it is a concern which you should see as soon as possible. Nipple Discharge Finally, if you detect any kind of discharge from your breasts which you do not expect, it is a cause for concern. If the discharge is milky, most experts agree that this is not an indication of cancer, but should be investigated by a medical professional, nonetheless. On the other hand, if the discharge is clear, you ought to be responsible and see a doctor. The same thing applies in the case of bloody nipple discharge. Once again, even if it is not related to cancer, it is a cause for concern. Keeping yourself healthy may seem like a chore at first, but if you persist, you will find that this short and simple ritual is quite useful and that the benefits it provides far outweigh the trouble you put yourself through. Read Also: Can Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? Breast Augmentation: Procedure, Benefits, And Risks 5 Types Of Cancer Prominent In Women

E Juice in NZ

Benefits of Buying Your E Juice in NZ Online

You might think out of everything, that your E juice in NZ is one thing you wouldn’t be able to buy online. After all, don’t you have to be able to taste it, try it out, and meet the staff in-store? While that might have been the case when E juices for your vape products first hit the market, it’s not so necessary now. Of course, many people still prefer to try before they buy, but the sheer detail in online descriptions can often be all it takes for you to know a certain E juice in NZ would be right for you. Over 2.14 billion people are expected to become digital shoppers by 2021, and we’ve included many reasons why you may become one of them when buying E juices below. Benefits Of Buying E Juice In NZ Is Illustrated Below   There are several benefits of using the E-juice In NZ to make your life easier under critical circumstances. It can help you to achieve your goals in the best possible ways. It can help you to achieve your goals in a better way. The Cost: You may think it’s strange to think that buying your E juice online has the benefit of being more cost-effective, but it does. Shipping costs are more convenient and affordable than ever before, and you often get email deals that offer digital discounts when you enter them into the checkout process. Often, those same discounts are not available in physical stores. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t visit a physical location to get a bargain, but you often have more of an opportunity to save money when you browse through the various options on the E juice supplier’s website. You’re Anonymous: Do you remember how you used to hide your cigarette smoking from your parents when you were young? They may still not know you used to smoke cigarettes, or that you now transitioned to vaping. For whatever reason you want to remain anonymous, buying your E juice in NZ online can offer that much-desired anonymity. While it gets delivered with your name and address, your friends and family don’t have to see you walk into a store. You get to browse the website in the comfort of your own home, without the prospect of being caught out. You Get Premium Service: Did you know that non-perishable goods make up one of the largest percentages of online shopping sales? E juice sales could now be in that mix. People find it far more convenient to shop online, which is why businesses are improving their service in that area. When you head into an E liquids store in NZ, you are still going to get excellent service. The team are knowledgeable, the selection vast, and the products are quality as well. That doesn’t change. However, when you shop online, that service is enhanced. All products are separated by what they are, with a description so you can learn more about them. With E liquids, you then get to choose the nicotine dosage, find out more about the flavour, then pair those liquids with new vaping accessories, coils, or something else. The entire process is effortless, all before you check out and opt for delivery to your door. What’s more, if you thought were sacrificing that personable approach, then think again. As soon as you need help, a real human is on-hand to offer it. The only difference to the online service is that you don’t see the person providing you with assistance in person. Convenience: Even from the three points above, it’s clear to see that one of the most significant benefits of buying your E juice in NZ online is the convenience. Think about this scenario. You’re low on E juice, and wouldn’t mind getting a few packets of coils while you’re at it. You jump in your car, but then realize it’s low on fuel. You have to do a detour to the service station, fighting peak hour traffic and inconsiderate drivers along the way. Because the journey has taken so long, you now need to stop for a bite to eat to get back all that lost energy. By the time you finally get to the vape supplies store, you’re stressed, have already spent a fortune, and now have to find a park. But guess what? You see a park, have no change for the parking meter and get a parking ticket. You’ve now spent a fortune, all because you chose to shop in-store. When you buy your supplies online, you are cutting out that whole inconvenient battle. We do encourage you to stop by vape supply stores when it’s convenient for you, but we’re also proud to offer an alternative method that may be more convenient for some of our customers. Conclusion: More and more people are choosing vaping products to help them quit smoking, but don’t have enough knowledge or information to start them on the right track. That’s why the internet is such a valuable tool. You can head to an E juice supplier website, learn everything you need to know, then buy the products you require for delivery to your door. It has never been easier than today to not only quit smoking but buy your products online that can help speed up the process. The benefits of buying your E juice online in NZ will surprise you. Read Also: Can Vaping Really Help You Kick Your Smoking Habit? Vaping In The Workplace: Legal Considerations Essential Logistics Terminology Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Surgical Treatment the Best Option to Treat Essential Tremor

Is Surgical Treatment the Best Option to Treat Essential Tremor?

Going through life with a problematic condition such as essential tremor can be vastly different depending on the individual. For example, essential tremor is more commonly seen in individuals forty and older, but there are situations of those who suffer from the condition at a young age. That said, the symptoms of essential tremor tend to get more severe with age, which means that the method of treating a young individual might be different from the treatment of an elderly sufferer. There is also an issue in the fact that essential tremor often is not taken as seriously as conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. It can often result in those who suffer from the condition to feel embarrassed, opting to hide and ignore it instead of seeking treatment. Is Surgical Treatment the Best Option to Treat Essential Tremor? When the symptoms get worse It can be extremely disheartening when the symptoms start to get worse, as it can be as debilitating as any other severe tremor. It can make basic tasks challenging, and it can prevent people from performing their work or their hobbies. It might be so severe that certain individuals can no longer dress or eat by themselves. It is no wonder why some people would prefer searching for treatment - especially if the prescribed medications do not deal with their symptoms. How relaxation may help It is common knowledge that anxiety and agitation can make the symptoms of essential tremor much worse. Unfortunately, it results in a cycle where the individual is stressed about by their tremors, which results in the symptoms getting worse. That said, understanding that anxiety is a common means that you can work toward keeping yourself calm and relaxed to help your symptoms. Treatment options For those who are having trouble with medications prescribed for essential tremor, surgical treatment might be an option for relieving tremor. There are new treatment options such as focused ultrasound, for those who have not responded well to medication. Consulting with a physician is important for understanding the options for treating essential tremor. The final verdict: While it might be somewhat vague, the final verdict will depend on the individual. Each individual, together with their physician, should evaluate the treatment for their individual situation. For those who have tried medications and relaxation but have found little relief, perhaps surgery could be considered. Read Also: Use These Tips To Save Money When You Move Your Business To The Cloud Best Hair Loss Treatment: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting One