Niclosamide – An All-In-One Medication

Published on: 23 July 2022 Last Updated on: 19 February 2025

Most of the medications available in your cabinet offer multiple benefits and there is every possibility that you have a few of them. Even though these medications are designed specifically for one ailment, they can also be used for other medical issues. 

A typical example of this type of medication is Niclosamide. Before it was discovered to be effective in fighting Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and bacterial and viral infections, it was primarily an anthelmintic medication. Some research also indicated that niclosamide can also help fight against numerous cancers. 

Niclosamide and the benefit it offers have been described below.

What Is Niclosamide?

Niclosamide is an antiparasitic medication that is used to fight parasites in many individuals globally. Antiparasitic medications like niclosamide can be used to expel worm infections from broad tapeworm, fish tapeworm, dwarf tapeworm, and beef tapeworm. However, it is powerless against other worm infections like pinworms and roundworms.

Worms are parasitic in nature. They stick to the wall of tee intestines, grow and produce eggs. Even though they can be less severe, they can cause severe health complications particularly when they become more invasive which has been a serious health issue worldwide.

In the world today, infections from soil-transmitted helminths (STH) have affected more than two billion individuals. Although this infection can be easily prevented, many individuals still end up enduring severe discomfort, pain and suffering from its infection. This is the primary use of an anthelmintic medication.

The growth of niclosam for about five years now has been quite significant as a result of its antitumor properties and has since been approved by the FDA. Apart from its primary use, it is potent against other viral or bacterial infections, Parkinson’s disease, and diabetes.

Studies also indicated that the medication is more effective than mebendazole and flubendazole which has made it the top choice for handling tapeworm infections. It is also the only option used for mass chemotherapy.

The Effectiveness of Niclosamide

Niclosamide is a medication that helps to fight infection from tapeworm. Dead tapeworms get expelled from the body whenever one goes to the toilet. While these can be visible to the eyes sometimes,  they might not be visible all the time as many of them are killed in the intestine.

You can easily cure these infections by consuming the medication on an empty stomach 2 hours before or after every meal. Furthermore, it is recommended by doctors that the medication should be consumed after taking breakfast.

The specific procedure used by the medication remains to be completely understood even though it is primarily used as an anthelmintic drug. However, for more than a decade, several studies have discovered the therapeutic ability of the medication in different signaling cascades.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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signs of addiction

Spot It Early: 9 Common Signs of Addiction You Need to Look out For

Almost ten percent of Americans have used some sort of illicit drug in the past month. Many of those people won't develop any signs of addiction. Typically, people start to use drugs on a recreational basis and over time move from only using in a social setting to using on their own. As time goes on and the disease of addiction progresses, they will begin to exhibit more signs and engage in riskier behavior. Fortunately, there are ways to catch addictions while they are forming. You can approach a loved one before their habit becomes a real problem, but only if you know what to look for. Learn more here. 1. An Increase of Stress and Feelings of Paranoia: Most people turn to drugs and alcohol at stressful times in their life. If you know someone who has a history of turning to substances when they are upset and you find out they are going through a stressful period, you may want to reach out to lend them support. If you reach out and you notice your friend responds with feelings of paranoia, they may be already headed towards developing an addiction. Talk to them about their recent drug and alcohol use. 2. Changes in Behavior: Depending on how often you are able to see your loved one, you will be able to notice changes in their behavior developing. They may start to miss work more, have problems in school, and not care about showing up at social engagements. They may also start to isolate themselves more so that they are able to make more time for using. Their conversations will become dominated by talk of drug and alcohol use. And, they will most likely fall on hard financial times and constantly need more money. 3. Cold or Flu-Like Symptoms: Cold or flu-like symptoms can develop due to long term use of many drugs including meth and opioids. For those who inject the drugs, they will often develop a cough and a runny nose as well as puffy eyes. If you notice that your loved one has some of these symptoms but they don't want to go to the doctor, it could be because they have something to hide. 4. Manipulative Behavior: Drug and alcohol addictions are expensive. Depending on how much access a drug user has to cash, they may frequently be in need of more money to feed their habit. When combined with the threat of withdrawal symptoms, many addicts will choose to steal or manipulate their loved ones in order to get the money they need. They will come up with lies and tell stories in order to borrow more cash. They may also steal valuables from their loved ones that they can sell later for cash. 5. Unexplained Disappearances: Unexplained disappearances are a common indicator of addiction. In order to become an addict, you have to dedicate a lot of time to it. The more time an addict spends high, the less comfortable they tend to feel around friends and family members that don't use. Over time, they may start disappearing for a few hours. After a while, it could become more frequent with disappearances that last for days or even weeks. 6. Dishonesty: If you are using drugs and alcohol frequently, there are very few people in the world who will allow you to openly continue to your behavior. Many addicts feel they have to lie in order to support their habit. If you notice that you keep catching your loved one in lies but aren't sure what's at the root of it all, you should consider whether they might be using drugs or alcohol. 7. The frequency of Use: As mentioned earlier, many people who abuse substances start off by having more control over their use. Over time, they begin to develop a tolerance that causes their body to feel like it needs more just to get high. The more you ingest, the higher your chance of getting addicted. Many addicts feel like they can quit any time they want. This should be a red flag about someone's use since if the problem is being talked about, they probably should have already stopped. 8. Discovery of Drug Paraphernalia: If someone is using drugs, you may not always find their stash. But, you can usually find some evidence of their use, such as drug paraphernalia. Make sure if you confront a loved one about what you have found, that you have all your facts straight before you make the accusation. Most addicts will deny any evidence they are confronted with. 9. Development of a Tolerance: If you have been using drugs and alcohol yourself and you're concerned that you may be pushing it too far, you should consider whether or not you have developed a tolerance to the substances. Tolerance is your body's way of telling you that it has made a permanent adjustment to craving that substance. It's a dangerous indicator of addiction. Other Signs of Addiction: If you have any of the signs of addiction on this list, then it may be time for you to consider a recovery facility. But there is one more major sign left to mention - continuing despite negative consequences. If using substances has been leading to problems in your relationships or finances, then you need to take the problem seriously and get help today. Learn more about rehab here. More Helpful Advice: Now that you know the signs of addiction, you can keep an eye on your loved ones to make sure they stay safe and healthy. For more health and fitness advice, check out our other posts today. Read Also: Famous Alcoholics And The Symptoms Of Their Addiction How To Know If You Have An Addiction: 7 Common Signs Not On The Straight And Narrow: 4 Telltale Signs Of Drug Use In Teens


How To Achieve Mastery Of Biochemistry Concepts?

Biochemistry reflects on the chemical compositions of living organisms. If in a science class one has encountered statements like the chemical composition of blood glucose is C6H12O6, then this lesson is part of biochemistry research that has found its way to textbooks. Biochemistry also deals with chemical interactions between living cells. For instance, once we eat, the process of digestion that releases energy in the form of ATP and the chemical reaction involved in these metabolic activities are part of biochemistry. The signals released by the brain in response to pain, how oxygen is used by blood cells, and the entire chemical process involved at the molecular level is studied as part of the biochemistry discipline. A biochemistry course can be taken both as a specialization or an interdisciplinary course along with a related major or minor for challenging career prospects in life sciences. Interested students can check out this biochemistry course. Scope And Uses Of Biochemistry Biochemists hold numerous positions not just in the direct or ancillary healthcare sector but also in any field that involves food and nutrition. Here are a few areas where biochemistry is used: A. Nutritional science The molecules like amino acids, lipids, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber constitute the macros of a balanced healthy diet. Biochemistry in food and nutrition deals with the process of generation and maintenance of the essential macros and glucose levels in a body. Any tipping in the readings will be the result of the body's chemical response to any underlying disease condition.    B. Genetic engineering Genetic engineering is technically a branch of biotechnology. However, to understand DNA sequencing, chemical composition is necessary information. And hence biochemistry becomes an interrelated discipline for genetic engineering. Biotech is widely used in understanding pathological specimens of microbes, and human, veterinary, and plant genes to help in combating diseases, creating resistant varieties of bloodlines in animal husbandry, and disease-resistant variants of plants. C. Medicine Pharmacological advances in new drug formulations, the development of vaccines, immunology, and pathology are some areas where biochemistry is widely used. Only through biochemistry, the rollout of Covid vaccine was possible. Tips For Preparing For Biochemistry Biochemistry is a vast subject that deals with humans, animals, and plants. It has other sub-categories like structural biochemistry, enzymology, xenobiotics, and organic and molecular biochemistry. Considering the numerous topics, although the subject is interesting, studying for coursework can be daunting. But with a little bit of planning and learning hacks, preparing for biochemistry lessons can seem like a breeze for students. Here are tips to prepare for biochemistry coursework: 1. Memorize The chemical sequence Biochemistry is one of the least-liked subjects by many because of the many chain reactions and pathways that one needs to remember. The only way one can remember these chemical reactions is by logically grasping them, and then writing them down 2-3 times to memorize them. Once you have understood and memorized it correctly, write it backward. This step seals the content in your memory for a long time. 2. Revise important topics Biochemistry is easy to forget a subject if you have not grasped the concept and memorized it. Topics related to organic biochemistry, lipid metabolism, amino acids secretion, enzymes secretion by glands like the pituitary and liver, the pentose phosphate pathway, and nucleotides need to be revised through notes revision, flashcards, and practice quizzes. 3. Study groups Divide the biochemistry topics among members of study groups to make notes. In this manner, all the important topics can be revised easily by dividing the work related to notes and crucial points that form the framework of the lesson 4. Illustrate Biochemistry is easy to remember when you use imagination and draw the reactions in a fun and easy-to-understand manner. You can always give character names to any of the molecules that are both easy to remember and relatable. 5. Focus on an essential topic Divide the topics into the most repetitive and course-wise imperative ones. Divide your attention in an 80:20 ratio and give more importance to the core topics. In this manner, the regularly difficult topics are covered and repeated. Twenty percent dedicated to other least important topics can be revised once. This way is ideal when trying to fit in a lot of work within a short timeframe. For instance, you can give more time to topics on metabolic and organic chemistry, enzymes, and pathways. 6. Comprehend Biochemistry is a science subject and rote memorization alone can never work. The only way to retain it for a longer time comes from grasping the concepts and even memorizing them. If you can practice explaining the concepts to a five-year-old by following the Feynman technique, then the chances of you understanding the concepts are more. 7. Biochemistry terminology All the terms used in this subject are different and some concepts will be completely new to you. Enzymes have suffixes like lyases, hydrogenases, oxidases, etc. A grasp on these terms by memorizing through mapping can help a student fare better 8. Structural biochemistry Learning the chemical structure of molecules of chlorophyll, glucose, enzymes, amino acids, triglycerides and all other compounds within a living being will help biochemistry enthusiasts in their research as well 9. Organize study time As the syllabus of biochemistry is an expanse, allotting a specific time and sticking to the schedule will help individuals gain confidence and have enough time to revise important topics before tests. 10. Take short breaks When reading long topics and sequentially memorizing them, it is essential to take short breaks that can help a person rejuvenate and remember the lesson. Conclusion: Biochemistry is an important subject in medical school and some of the stem sciences. It is an essential subject in life science. There are a wide array of jobs that can be obtained with an education in biochemistry. It is an important part of the med school program as well. Anyone interested in studying biochemistry can explore online Medtech platforms that will aid in improving the grasp through multiple immersive topics with animated illustrations. Read Also: Creating Health Advice Resources? Foreign Language Versions Are Essential How Can Healthcare Staffing Benefit You? 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Baltic Amber

Common Questions About Baltic Amber

Baltic amber has been around since ancient times. It’s a European staple for men and women for centuries, not only as a matter of culture but also because of the healing powers it possesses. Over the years, amber necklaces and anklets have become a popular choice for soothing teething children, relieving pain and anxiety in adults and helping pregnant women de-stress. Whether you simply want to feel closer to nature, make use of the healing properties, or want to give a unique, thoughtful, and practical gift, Baltic amber is the perfect solution. Let's explore some common questions pertaining to amber and help you understand more. What Is Amber? Amber is not, contrary to popular belief, made from stone but rather from a tree resin that was excreted millions of years ago and has become fossilized. The type of amber used for healing comes from areas surrounding the Baltic Sea in Europe and is different because it contains higher levels of succinite, which is the element associated with healing. Succinite is found both in nature and in our bodies. It is what's known as an analgesic, which is any medicine that relieves pain without inducing unconsciousness. Nowadays, succinite is actually manufactured chemically by the pharmaceutical industry for an array of uses but is found in naturally high quantities in the amber teething anklet. How To Use It? Amber should be worn against the skin to utilize healing properties because heat from the body allows succinite to be absorbed. For best results, the jewelry should be worn permanently and fitted closest to any area of the body in pain or with an ailment. A person suffering from neck pain may choose to wear an anklet, while those with arthritis should try and wear a bracelet. It's often advised that babies wear amber teething anklet so that they are out of reach and can't be chewed or played with. Healing Properties: As mentioned, Baltic amber is known for its soothing qualities and stress relief, but also works as an anti-inflammatory and sleep aid. It is particularly beneficial for the pain of bone and joints, and many people suffering from chronic skin conditions, migraines and rheumatoid arthritis have reported significant relief. How Long Will It Take And Last: As with food supplements or medication, results vary from person to person, but many wearers notice changes within 24hours, while others see it a few days later. It's advised that a new wearer commits to wearing Baltic amber for three to four weeks. As with most things in life, age and lifestyle (like being exposed to toiletries, chlorine, and excessive heat) can lead to brittleness and fading, but careful care and maintenance prolongs the lifespan of Baltic amber to roughly two years. It's best to remove it when bathing or swimming and is simple to clean, by dipping in plain, warm water and wiping with a soft cloth. Being a natural product with so many potential benefits,  it seems like an obvious choice for anyone to try Baltic amber. Just remember, we're not medical professionals and the opinions mentioned are not intended as medical advice. Read Also: Health Benefits Of The Amber Teething Necklace Ways To Emotionally Deal With Chronic Illness