Why It’s Okay To Take Your ACT Twice

Published on: 01 April 2019 Last Updated on: 30 November 2021

Taking the ACT can be a challenging and nail-biting experience. There’s always the pressure to ace the test on your first try, but oftentimes, when you’re taking the ACT, you’re not your best self.

When taking your ACT for the first time, it’s probably an early Saturday at a school you’ve never visited before. Everything is foreign and new. So, it’s no wonder some people don’t get the best results for their first ACT.

There’s good news though. You can still take the ACT for the second time. It may not be a  popular choice, but in the end, it can help you get into your dream university.

There’s no shame in taking your ACT more than once, and it can help you out in a ton of ways such as:

Reasons To Use ACT  Twice 

There are several reasons why you must use the ACT twice. You cannot make things happen in a day unless you make your choices in the right direction.

Help You Become Mentally Prepared:

As a high school senior, taking the ACT isn’t going to feel like taking a walk in the park.

Students who previously took the ACT may get you all excited. You’ll enter the testing room feeling all jittery and fearing the unknown.

However, once you’ve taken the test, you’ll already know what to expect next time. You’ll know how long it actually takes for a student to finish answering the ACT. You’ll know what type of test questions appear on an ACT.

With that, no matter what results in you get for your test, if you take it for the second time, you’ll be a lot more prepared. Thus, taking the ACT will take less effort and time.

You’ll Have More Time To Practice:

If you haven’t thought of getting an ACT tutoring in Lafayette before, it’s not too late to do so right now.

Once you get the score results, you’ll be able to pinpoint which areas you need to work on. Beyond that, if you get an ACT tutoring service, someone can guide you on how to effectively formulate review and test answering strategies that can help you get a much better score on your second ACT.

You’ll Get Better At Taking The Test:

Being a good test taker isn’t just about knowing all the correct answers to the questions imprinted on the test sheet.

It’s also about knowing how to pace yourself, as well as being familiar with the time constraints necessary to complete the test.

Raise Your Opportunities For A Scholarship:

You only need to ace the ACT to get to the university you’ve always wanted, but if you were to get a much higher score, this could open the doors to a lot of scholarship.

Depending on your status and long-term goals in college, this could be a massive opportunity. If you passed the test on your first try, there’s no doubt that you can get a better score on your second try.

Most seniors probably would want to ace their ACT on their first try, but if you end up having to give a second or third try, there’s no shame in giving it a go. Besides, doing so will also give you more choices. With two or three ACT results, you’ll have the freedom to choose which test results you want to send to the school you’re eyeing to enroll in.

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Online Colleges

Why are More People Heading to Online Colleges?

Over the last ten years, online courses have become incredibly popular. With over 6.3 million students taking an online course each year in the US, it has the potential to become the most popular education method in the world. Why is that though? What does online education offer over a more traditional method of education? Online colleges can make things easier for you in a short time span. Different Ways You Can Make More People Heading To Online Colleges       There are multiple ways you can more people heading towards online colleges in this article you will get the complete details of it. Earn while you learn: One of the biggest barriers for people wanting to go to college is the cost. A full-time college course makes it almost impossible to earn a livable wage while also being able to dedicate the time required to pass the course. Online education changes this. Because it offers a greater deal of flexibility, you can choose to complete lessons and work around your work schedule. It means that while it would be very hard work, you can hold down a full-time job while completing your online education. This ensures that your bills will be paid on time while you advance yourself. Another bonus of carrying out an online education while working is that if the course is related to the job you do, then there may be the possibility that they will contribute some or all of the costs towards it. This will also mean that they will be more lenient if you need time off for study-related reasons. This is not guaranteed, of course, but if you are adding value to the company, then there is always a chance that they will be accommodating to your needs. Learning at home: Some people find social situations difficult. Being in large groups of people or having to interact with people face to face can bring out moments of anxiety. By being able to learn at home, this issue is instantly removed. You are able to follow everything that is going on at the college online – you can even get live updates from certain institutions, such as Bryant and Stratton College (see live updates from Bryant and Stratton College) – which makes it far easier to keep up to date with everything you need in relation to your course, without having to put yourself in a stressful social situation. It is not just being removed from stressful situations that learning at home helps with though. By being at home, you are instantly able to make yourself as comfortable as possible. If you want to work in sweatpants, then you can. This is not an option at many brick-and-mortar colleges. If you want to pause a lecture to make a coffee, then you can. You can cater to how a lesson is delivered to your own requirements. This means that you will be able to learn in an environment where you feel most ready to learn. This is not an option with any other form of education. Online Colleges can make things easier for you. By offering a different experience from more traditional education, online education has opened the door to millions of people who would not have had access to it in the past. Select the best online colleges that can work well for you. This has created an almost completely new market for education that huge swathes of people are taking advantage of. Read Also: Effective Contribution Of Educational Apps 3 Reasons Why Online Degrees Are Better Tips On Writing A Winning Reflection Paper In College How India Is Transformed After The Success Of Ed-Tech Startups? Best MBA Colleges In India Attracting The Best Of Best Among Students

Modern Education

Ten Ways Technology is Impacting Modern Education

No one can deny the fact that the use of technology in education is having a tremendous impact on the learning process. How technology is changing education, though, is a topic that is being hotly debated right now by educators. Some believe that it has a positive impact on education while others believe that its impact is highly negative. That is why we have come up with a list of ten ways the latest technology in education is affecting the learning process. Five Positive Impacts of Technology on Education 1. Education is more accessible : In recent decades, one had to go to a university in order to learn new information, but with the advent of the internet, information is becoming so accessible and widespread, that you can now learn for free what would normally cost $50,000 to learn at a university. In addition to free information, many educational institutions, from Harvard to the Naval War College, offer distance learning for busy professionals who would otherwise be unable to further their education. This type of learning certainly is not free, but it does make learning easier for a large number of people who want to better themselves. 2. Getting access to information is faster and more efficient : Accessing educational resources is no longer a slow, painstaking process thanks to search engines and online databases and libraries. Technology has even made going to the library to find an actual book easier. Google has an application that allows you to find out which libraries have the books you are looking for almost instantly. 3. Multiple Ways to Disseminate Information to Students : Thanks to Blackboard and smartboards, teachers are now able to present and disseminate information to students in a number of ways. Blackboard enables teachers to keep students apprised of their grades and upcoming due dates, while smartboards allow them to enhance the learning experience by giving them the opportunity to use everything from videos to interactive presentations in the classroom. 4. Technology makes it easier to stay organized : Before hard drives and Blackboard, students and teachers used multiple paper folders, binders, and filing cabinets to stay on top of homework and grading. Now students can save their homework on a hard drive and turn it via Blackboard when they are finished, while teachers can use this same technology to organize their time, make lesson plans, and keep parents apprised of their children’s grades. 5. Technology is preparing students for the future : Many of the devices and programs being utilized in the classroom, such as laptops and Microsoft Office, are used in the workplace, as well. While not all students will learn how to write code, many will be able to gain valuable user-level knowledge of these programs so that they can use them effectively in the future. The Five Negative Impacts of Technology in The Classroom 1. Technology is making students lazy : This is one of the major complaints teachers have about students these days. Rather than spending the time needed to do good research on a topic, many students will simply google the answer, and when they can’t find what they are looking for in the first few search results, they give up and invariably say: “I can’t do it. I don’t know.” Full report and statistic that you can find on the internet. Thanks to search engines, these students think that the answer should be available to them instantly, and when it isn’t, they give up. 2. Technology is making students stupid : Since many students now expect to find answers instantly, they have forgotten how to engage in critical thinking that would ordinarily allow them to find answers on their own. Another impact technology is having is that it is shortening the attention spans of students. According to Pew, 90 percent of teachers believe this to be true. Many more students cannot differentiate between valid and non-valid sources of information; as a result, many students believe Instagram posts are valuable sources of information when doing academic writing. 3. Technology is Distracting : “Turn that off” is now a common phrase in the classroom because students are constantly on their cell phones or laptops playing games and texting when they should be listening to the instruction of the teacher. Students are losing a valuable opportunity to learn, while teachers are losing their patience with the students. 4. Technology is seen as a solution to every problem : There are many problems in classrooms across the country, and technology is expected to solve every one of them. Technology can’t solve them all, and in some cases, it only exacerbates the problems. But, technocrats in Silicon Valley are insistent that they can bring about a utopia devoid of problems, and they lobby Congress frequently to force unwanted technologies and curriculums on schools across the country. 5. Technology isn’t preparing every student for the future : “Technology prepares students for the future” is popular slogan politicians love to throw around, but it is not completely true. Not all students can grasp how to properly use technology other than to play games and listen to the music due to variables ranging from parenting to IQ. As a result, much of the money spent on tech in the classroom is wasted. As you can see, there are many benefits and drawbacks to using technology in the classroom. Like most things in life, we have to take the good with the bad. Read Also : 5 Questions To Ask Yourself While Finalizing An E-Learning Platform For Quality Education Upcoming Educational Trends In 2017    

Online Education

Online Services to Help Student

If students have modern gadgets and stable Internet connection they can't complain about the lack of assistance because the number of online services exclusively designated for this purpose is enormous. Some of them haven't realized that yet because they haven't spent time discovering and exploring all the advantages of the Web learning sources and management services. Review the types of online remedies with actual examples to organize the studying process and improve your academic performance. Study planners : When you're not aware of what you have to do how can you complete it? The system and order are essential for any undertaking. These attributes save time and contribute to performance quality. Online services like MyStudyLife will help you to set and achieve your learning goals. Improve your time-management by creating classes and individual learning session’s schedules, keep track of your progress to stick to existing and come up with new studying strategies. Besides the website and browser extension, you can access your account on any portable device with the network connection since it has multi-platform compatibility and online synchronization. Specialty dedicated websites : There are many online services that provide information repositories, special task execution instruments and tutorials for the majority of the fields of study. Consider also sites for the professionals to learn by their experience and extend your overall knowledge range. For instance, if you study statistics the site like Stat Trek will come in handy. It provides various task manuals, definitions dictionary, formulas with their application examples, statistical tables and tools, etc. Other like Wiley’s Statistics for Dummies will supply you with straightforward written materials that will be useful especially for undergraduates. Writing checkers : Academic papers require a multi-stage reviewing and revising process. After hours of the tedious research and the content completion to perform a quality checkup of grammar, punctuation, semantics, authenticity, etc. is hard without assistance. Tools like Grammarly provide more developed writing improving mechanisms in comparison to classical text editors and suggest words, marks, and formulations corrections. This online service available as a browser extension, add-ons for Microsoft Word or Outlook and a desktop application. It can also be applied as a plagiarism checker to increase the percentage of your work uniqueness. Online libraries : Paper books aren't as convenient now for studying as their digital versions. The last ones are always available, more portable and easily quotable. You can access even copies of rare editions that are preserved in museums or private collections. Online repositories like Gutenberg.org provide thousands of free eBooks in different languages and categories. The books at all or already aren't protected by copyright law. Other services like Openlibrary.org adhere to the conventional borrow-return library system and contain textbooks and MIT press publications. Homework assistance : Every now and then students struggle with their assignments. The reasons can vary from the lack of organization or exploration skills, limited spare time due to the employment to unclear material and regulations representation at classes. There are online services that provide help from tutors that will assist them to overcome difficulties with tasks completion and clarify puzzling concepts. For instance, Homework Lab - student collaboration platform that also supplies students with study tips and learning-management instruments to adhere to well-known or develop individual efficient homework accomplishment methods. Routine helpers : It's hard to concentrate on studying when your other life is chaotic. Constant money problems, accommodation changes or health issues significantly affect the educational process and can cause its premature ending. The Internet is filled with websites and applications that can help organize and refine all life aspects thanks to helpful advice and tools. Manage your finances, save money with discounts, find a permanent home, learn how to cook, switch to healthy meals, explore various lifehacks, etc. Other services like Evernote can bring order to your daily routine and other undertakings. Create notes, reminders, lists, team projects with multiple instruments and various attachments types. Keep a finger on your day's pulse with it's mobile or desktop app. Exploit to the utmost your devices to find assistance during your studying you are looking for. Don't forget about moral support. Receive it via social networks and various chat and video calls applications from your relatives and friends. Read Also : Ten Ways Technology Is Impacting Modern Education Google And Digital Promise Team Up To Make Teachers More Tech-Savvy Than Ever Perfect Day: How To Manage Everything You Have Planned?