5 Traditional Marketing Techniques That Still Work

Published on: 22 November 2018 Last Updated on: 13 September 2024
Marketing Techniques

It is the age of digital marketing but that doesn’t mean businesses should abandon traditional methods of promoting their products or services. While many people seem permanently attached to their smartphones, some people choose not to be constantly connected. Since these people may still be interested in what you have to offer, you will need to reach them through traditional marketing techniques. Digital and traditional strategies can work well together. Let’s discuss some of the old-school techniques which continue to bring in business.

5 Traditional Marketing Techniques That Still Work:

1. Neon Signs:

Signage is still an excellent form of promotion and neon signs are still impactful. They are vibrant and highly visible even from a distance, yet inexpensive. This is especially helpful for small or new businesses that need lots of exposure but don’t have a huge marketing budget. Neon signs can be made in almost any shape and size so they can be used for logos, words, or anything else you may have in mind. These signs are easy to set up and they last a long time. They are great for bars, gaming lounges, tattoo parlors, and other fun, edgy businesses.

2. Billboards:

Billboards are another convenient way to get your message across using visuals. The 2017 Nielsen Poster Advertising Study provides evidence that customers still respond to this traditional marketing technique. They are perfect for communicating evergreen content to large numbers of potential customers over an extended period of time. People driving along the highway or other busy streets can’t help but notice a large compelling image or carefully crafted word. Since many people take the same route every day, they will see your message frequently. If you have a product with mass appeal, billboards should be used in conjunction with your digital marketing efforts.

3. Direct Mail:

Email marketing is a key part of many digital marketing strategies but you shouldn’t neglect traditional direct mail. In fact, it’s making a comeback, so you may want to prepare hard copies of your catalogs. Emails often end up in the spam folder or get ignored or deleted because people get so many of them. Direct mail is on the decline so recipients are more likely to open an envelope that comes to their home. It also seems more personal than email and is more likely to get a response. Direct Mailing Services may also bring a greater return on investment. If you’re interested in direct mailing, you should take a look at this EDDM guide.

5. Flyers and Brochures:

If you have a brick-and-mortar business like a store or a restaurant, don’t underestimate the power of handing out flyers and brochures. Brochures help you to share lots of information about your products or services in a tangible form. Flyers, on the other hand, are an excellent way to notify people about sales or offer special discounts. These handouts also allow representatives of your business to interact with potential customers and answer their questions.

6. Telemarketing:

Don’t dismiss the idea of cold-calling in the 21st century. Research suggests calls have conversion rates of between 30 to 50%, making them one of the most effective marketing solutions. Calls were found to last almost 16 times longer than a website interaction so this traditional marketing technique should not be dismissed. Telemarketing is especially helpful in the B2B sector where you can properly segment your markets. It’s also great if you’re looking to upsell current customers or clients. Random calls will not have high conversion rates so you need to do your research and have a strategy before you pick up the phone.

It’s easy to think that you should focus solely on digital marketing. However, some of the best promotion strategies involve both modern and traditional marketing efforts. Neon signs, billboards, direct mail, flyers and brochures, and telemarketing can all work well depending on your locale and target market.

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Candlestick Chart

How to Read a Candlestick Chart?

Every online trader knows that reading a candlestick chart is just part of their skillset. Without it, you won’t be able to glean all the information you need about the market in mere seconds. And while other charts offer a lot of data about stocks, trends, and market movement, candlestick charts are quite popular thanks to their ability to condense a lot of information in their structure and the way the body, color, and shape of the candlesticks are represented on the chart. To help you get up to speed with this important concept here’s a breakdown of candlestick charts as well as a guide to doji candlestick pattern. Unique Candlesticks: Shaped like a candle, data on the chart are represented by a candlestick shape called the body. That body could be hollow or filled each denoting a different piece of information. There’s also the long thin line above and below the body. They are called “shadows” and refer to the high and low ranges of the price. The top shadow represents the high end of the price while the bottom one is for the low range. A hollow body represents a stock that closes higher than its opening price. In that case, the top shadow refers to the closing price while the bottom shadow represents the opening price. On the other hand, a stock closing lower than its opening price is represented as a filled body with the bottom shadow depicting the closing price while the opening price is represented by the top shadow. Thus it is easier to interpret the candlestick charts compared to other charts and learn more about the market trading with just one look. Bodies Long and Short: When you look at the chart and see a long body you can tell right away that there’s a lot of trading on that stock. The opposite is true of short bodies where little price movement is involved. Whether the body is black or white also tells you more about the kind of pressure the stock went through. A long white body means the buying pressure was extreme. They refer to a bullish wave and you should take a closer look at the big picture to make a good decision regarding this stock. Along black body is the exact opposite. It means the opening price declined and selling is rather aggressive. It’s not a good sign for that stock and you might see a panic in the market. Shadows Long and Short: Since the shadows represent the highs and lows of the session, there’s a lot you can tell about the session by just observing those top and bottom shadows. Short shadows mean that the majority of the trading was restrained and within the opening and closing prices. Long shadows, on the other hand, mean that prices swung wildly going beyond the open and close. So if you see a long upper shadow and a short bottom one you can conclude that buying was aggressive of this stock with high bid prices but later the highs were tampered leading to a weak close. The same can be read from a short upper shadow and a long bottom one. Selling was dominating the trading of this stock but toward the end of the session buyers forced the prices up giving it a good close. Doji Pattern: Doji is another candlestick that represents neutral patterns. However as part of the big picture they can provide a lot of information. You need to take into account the preceding price and future confirmation in order to decide whether the doji points to a bullish trend or a bearish one. A doji means the open and close of the security were equal. But both the previous trend and following candlesticks can change that neutrality. A long white candlestick followed by a doji can mean the buying pressure is easing off. The same applies to a long black candlestick followed by a doji. It means the selling is not as aggressive as before and there won’t be a panic. In general, doji mean the market is stable and both the supply and demand are even around that security. Candlestick charts are a valuable way to get a lot of information about the trading of a certain stock. It’s a valuable asset in your trading arsenal and will help you become a more successful trader. Read Also: 7 Things You Must Know About Dow Jones Stock Market Chart How To Start Trading On The Stock Market And Profit?


Calling Out – How Telemarketing Allows You to Reach a Wider Audience

If you are looking for a way to reach a larger audience but don't know where to start, you are not alone. Not knowing how to expand your reach is a common problem in the business world, and not everyone knows what they should do to solve the issue. The application of Telemarketing can help you to reach a wider set of audience. Most people use digital marketing to reach their goals in the modern age, but never overlook the power of telemarketing, which is still a useful approach that lets you achieve your business objectives. This guide explains the top benefits you get when using this method so that you have a clear picture of where to go next. When you use a proven process and keep your needs in sight, telemarketing services offer impressive results. Different Ways Telemarketing Can Help You To Reach Wider Audience:-     There are multiple ways telemarketing can help you to reach a wider set of audience in a short time frame. It can help you to achieve your goals in the best possible manner. Inexpensive Marketing: Telemarketing benefits your business by giving you an inexpensive way to speak with your customers. In the past, you had to pay long-distance fees and other expenses when using telemarketing to expand your reach, but those days have come to an end. Modern communication systems use the internet instead of standard phone lines, letting you call anywhere in the world. You can reinvest your savings back in your business to grow your marketing campaign, and the large audience you want will be yours. With telemarketing, you take your bottom line to new heights without breaking your budget. Those who use this approach and see the benefits are glad they did, and you don't want to miss your chance to get on board. Reach Prospects Who Are Not Tech-Savvy: Most modern approaches to marketing focus on digital platforms, such as social media sites and search engines. This concept makes sense because many people use the internet each day, so you can connect with them without much effort. On the other hand, you still find people who don't use computers or smartphones. Learn if those demographics are your target audience, and you will want to reach them if they are. While not everyone can use a computer, almost everyone has a phone line. Telemarketing puts you in touch with people you would not have reached with digital marketing. They might not make up most of the market, but people without technical skills are still profitable if you use the correct approach. Reach a Global Market: People who grow their businesses often learn that untapped markets exist in other parts of the globe. You don't want to pass on an opportunity to expand your reach, but you don't know how to market in other parts of the world. Telemarketing removes that roadblock and lets you connect with interested prospects no matter where they are. A simple phone call allows you to reach your short- and long-term goals in more ways than one. Once you hire people who speak the language of the country you would like to reach, your telemarketing system handles the rest so that you won't have to worry about it. Reach Targeted Prospects: When you market your products or services, each customer you contact costs time, effort and money. When growing your business is your goal, it's important you search for ways to cut spending as much as possible. Connecting with people who don't care about what you offer is a waste of resources, and businesses that don't contain the issue are at risk of failing. Telemarketing makes it easier than ever to connect only with people who are likely to buy from you. You can encourage people to sign up for your calling list, or you can buy lists from market research companies. Either way, you save yourself a lot of trouble by only calling the right people. Use an Efficient Approach: Despite what many people assume, telemarketing is an effective marketing platform that offers great returns. Rather than asking your sales team to dial each number and keep records, telemarketing software can do it for you. Your team sits at their desks with phones in their hands, and the system automatically dials prospects. If that is not enough to grab your attention, consider that the system can also keep track of what customers you have called and the ones you have not. The dialing software works much faster than any human, and it removes a lot of manual paperwork from the equation. Final Thoughts: Growing your business and reaching a wider audience is not always a simple task, so you need as many things on your side as possible. You can use many methods to try reaching your goal, and you get mixed results when you do. If you want to boost your results and increase your efficiency, never overlook the power of telemarketing. When you use it the right way, you stay in touch with interested prospects who are ready to buy from you. Your business grows faster than you once thought possible, and you realize you have done the right thing. If you would like to see what telemarketing can do for your bottom line, try it today. Read Also: Essentials For Digital Marketing 6 Top CRM For Small Businesses In 2019 Doing It Old School: 5 Traditional Marketing Techniques That Still Work Information Technology And Business Success: The Things That Connect Them

Online Marketing

Online Marketing : Selling Your Product And Services

Online marketing is just another way of selling your product and service online through the web and mobile phone systems. The art of selling things online is very difficult, you need to find the right mix of strategies that suit your product and reach your audience which can then convert into real deals. Many people think this is the easiest way to publicize but there are a lot more ways to fail at this than is successful. So we today at AdsBridge will try to explain to you about online marketing. Benefits of Online Marketing: A key advantage of taking the help of the internet for marketing your product is that you can quantify the effect that a strategy has in publicizing plus you know how many clicks you get for each publicizing platform and how they interact with a website. Then we can analyze how many of these visitors are converted into paying customers and which strategy is most profitable to you. Examples of Online Marketing: EA sports pays different search engine such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing to post ads on people desktop which search for keywords such as "Games". Grammarly hoards up email delivers on their site through a free trial and then send emails regarding discount and services. A recent trend is to make memes and then share them on the official handles on Facebook, Twitter, and etc. to engage with their audience and create a favorable image of their product. This technique is mostly used by condoms or tobacco companies. Online marketing seems to be the future as everything is available online. This definitely opens new doors but it is very difficult to build your audience. One of the things, companies should understand is that the internet is a virtual field and so should be your content to lure people, you can’t go old fashion on the internet. Companies should develop their strategy keeping in mind their customer, and the product which we do at Ads Bridge. People use various techniques such as surveys, user testing, and in-person conversations. Online Ads: Google earns the most through internet ads because it works for businesses but there are ways through which you can be looted. There are various other platforms that offer online ads, they won’t be as popular as Google but they are very much effective Marketing through emails: As discussed above, a lot of companies used this strategy. They will find a way to collect your email address. Then they will send you a mail regarding the discount and offers. If you like their trial product/service, receiving those offers can tempt anybody to buy. Marketing through social media: This has taken marketing to a whole different level. You can reach out to your audience even in their most secluded moment as using mobile is stable for all. But on social media, you need a 24/7 presence, it doesn’t work if you than posting ads for your products or services. Blogging: Having a business blog is another way to reach out to your customers. You can use these blogs to keep people informed about the latest development in your product or service. One important use of the blog is you can write luring article which can tempt people to buy your product or service. Or you can simply use it for reviews or feedback from customers. Read Also: How To Market Your App Successfully Mobile App Marketing Agency Marketing – What’s Right For Your Business?