How to Use Personalization Tags in Klaviyo Email Templates for Higher Click Rates

Published on: 28 May 2024 Last Updated on: 12 June 2024
klaviyo email

Email marketing is a field, truely competitive in nature. It seizes the interest of subscribers along with encouraging them to get up close and personal with your content. Let me tell you an effective way of achieving this- personalization.

Klaviyo has recently gained momentum for being the leading email marketing platform. Not only does it provide robust tools that give life to your boring email templates, but it also uses tags.

Some of these tags use the dynamic insertion of individual subscriber data. In this comprehensive guide, we are going to dive into multiple ways of using personalization tags in Klaviyo email templates.

Stick to us till the end if you want to comprehend the basics of personalization tags. Get a detailed idea about how to implement advanced techniques and various other useful strategies. Let’s get started, then!

Understand the Basics of Personalization Tags

Basics of Personalization Tags

In general terms, personalization tags refer to placeholders in an email template that get replaced with some specific information related to your subscriber list. These tags usually include the subscriber’s name, recent purchase, and even the location.

For instance, rather than beginning the email with a typical “Dear Customer” statement, use tags like “Dear [First Name],” which makes the email look more personal.

Klaviyo uses personalization tags that are super easy to use. You can either insert them directly into your templates or in other email drafts.

For example, typing “{{ first_name }}” in your template will automatically replace it with the subscriber’s first name when the email is sent.

The change might look small, but it makes an enormous difference in the emails you receive, giving the impression of a more customized email.

The correct use of these tags assists in building a positive connection with your audience. If subscribers see their personal name or details, they are more likely to open the email and even click on links. 

Now, this is exactly why personalized emails are much more popular than custom emails.

All in all, understanding and using personalization tags is the initial step in making your Klaviyo emails more engaging and effective. 

With basic tags like the subscriber’s name or location, you can start to see an improvement in your email open and click rates. This sets the foundation for more advanced personalization strategies.

Personalize Subject Lines for Better Open Rates

Subject lines are initial elements a subscribers see, so making them personal can greatly increase your open rates. In Klaviyo, you can use personalization tags to include the subscriber’s name or other relevant information in the subject line.

For instance, you can use “Hey {{ first_name }}, See What’s New Just for You” instead of a common subject like “Check Out Our New Products.”

Such an approach gives your email a more personal touch, and people are likely to open it. When people see their name in the subject line, they are more likely to open the email because it feels like it was written specifically for them.

And that’s not all! There is a plethora of data that makes your subject line more engaging. All it takes it to look for all those data. For example, you can take subscriber’s location into account and pitch them with a more personalized email.

Another example could be using recent activity data. In case the subscriber recently viewed some product on your website, you can create a subject line like “Still Interested in {{ product_name }}? Get It Before It’s Gone, {{ first_name }}!”

Amazing, right?

This not only personalizes the email but also reminds them of something they are interested in, increasing the chances they will click through.

By using personalization tags in your subject lines, you make your emails more appealing and increase the likelihood that subscribers will open them, setting the stage for higher engagement and click rates.

Tailor Email Content to Individual Preferences

Tailor Email Content

After you grab the attention of your subscribers, it’s time to give it a much custom touch. Now, the next big thing is to make the content list of your email more engaging.

Klaviyo lets you use personalization tags within the email body to create a more customized experience for each recipient.

The third instance is to begin your email with a friendly greeting like, “Hi {{ first_name }}, we noticed you enjoyed browsing our selection of {{ category }} products!” This approach makes the reader feel acknowledged and valued.

Using personalization tags effectively is important as it helps subscribers make an informed decision about further purchases. 

For instance, “Since you loved {{ previous_product }}, we think you’ll also like these new arrivals.” This not only personalizes the email but also showcases products that the subscriber is more likely to be interested in, increasing the chances they will click on the links.

Make extra effort to customize special offers and discounts. For example, “As a thank you for being a loyal customer, {{ first_name }}, here’s a special 10% off on your next purchase of {{ favorite_category }} items!” 

This type of customization makes the offer feel exclusive and tailored to the subscriber’s preferences, encouraging them to take advantage of the deal.

Customizing your email content to align with the preferences and actions of individual subscribers can cultivate a more captivating and pertinent experience, resulting in elevated click rates and enhanced overall email efficacy.

Use Behavioral Data for Triggered Emails

Employing behavioral data to deploy triggered emails represents a potent strategy for amplifying click rates. Klaviyo simplifies the process of setting up these emails; all you have to do is use its user-friendly interface and other features. 

With Klaviyo’s email templates tailored for such triggers, businesses can effortlessly configure automated emails triggered by specific subscriber actions, like browsing a product page, adding items to their cart, or completing a purchase. 

Such automation ensures timely and personalized communication, thus leading to greater engagement and driving higher click rates.

For example, if a subscriber explores a product page without completing a purchase, you can send a follow-up email containing a personalized message such as: “Hi {{ first_name }}, we noticed you were checking out our {{ product_name }}. Here’s a special discount just for you!” Including a discount code or highlighting product features can entice them to return and complete the purchase.

Another scenario involves leveraging cart abandonment emails. In case a subscriber adds items to their cart but doesn’t finalize the purchase, you can send a customized email prompting them to complete their order.

Take, for example, a message that can send a reminder email: “Hi {{ first_name }}, you left something in your cart! 

Don’t miss out on {{ product_name }}.” Including images of the abandoned products and a direct link to the cart makes it easy for them to pick up where they left off.

Post-purchase emails are also effective. After a purchase, you can send a thank you email with product recommendations: “Thanks for your order, {{ first_name }}! Based on your recent purchase, you might also like these items.” This keeps your brand top-of-mind and encourages further shopping.

Utilizing behavioral data to deliver these precise and well-timed emails contributes to a heightened level of personalization, thereby increasing the likelihood of subscriber engagement with your content.

Conclusion: Enhance Your Email Campaigns with Personalization Tags

In conclusion, personalization tags in Klaviyo email templates are a game-changer for boosting click rates and overall engagement with your audience. By harnessing the potential of personalization, you can establish deeper connections with your subscribers and boost the probability of them engaging with your emails.

Just envision receiving an email that greets you by your first name, suggests products aligned with your past browsing, and presents exclusive discounts tailored to your preferences. This exemplifies the impact of personalization tags in practice.

With Klaviyo, you have the tools to implement personalization tags seamlessly into your email campaigns. Whether it’s using demographic data, past purchase behavior, or engagement history, there are countless ways to tailor your messages to each individual subscriber.

Leveraging the goodness of personalization tags in your email template helps you send targeted and relevant content. It resonates with your audience on a deeper level. 

This not only leads to higher click rates but also fosters stronger customer relationships and ultimately drives more conversions.

So, don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your email marketing to the next level with personalization tags in Klaviyo. Explore various strategies, analyze outcomes, and consistently refine your campaigns to enhance their impact. 

By adopting the appropriate methods, you’ll witness a significant increase in click rates and witness your business flourish.

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With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing profound thoughts and opinions on lifestyle, beauty, fashion, pets, and parenting.

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Digital Marketing

Exploring The Different Types Of Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital marketing is the process of marketing services and produces using digital technology with the primary aim of reaching out to the target audience. Although you might know this already, digital marketing isn’t restricted to the internet, hence can be done on any other digital medium including display advertising and mobile phones. Some of the most popularly used digital marketing methods include search engine marketing, search engine optimization, pay per click, social media marketing, and SMS marketing among others. This article explores the various types of digital marketing methods in use today. 1. Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing is the process of marketing/promoting services and products through social media. With billions of people logging into various social networking platforms in a day, social media has become a marketing haven for marketers.  Popular networking platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have made it possible for marketers to target specific audiences. This has led to increased output and conversion of target audiences into potential and even loyal customers.  LinkedIn, for example, is specially designed for B2B marketing while Instagram plays perfectly for the 'visual' business. There are different approaches in which one can use to target audiences on social media.  Facebook, for example, provides users with both free and paid advertising options, all of which can be profitable when appropriately implemented.  Some understanding of social media marketing is however needed to make the most out of this strategy. 2. Email Marketing: Email marketing is one of the most efficient and oldest types of digital marketing strategies in use to date. The best thing with email marketing is the fact that marketers get to communicate directly with their target audiences and customers, which again increases conversion rates. Email marketing is also known to build trust and customer loyalty, one of the reasons it has remained relevant to this date.  There is however more to email marketing than merely sending a couple of promotional emails and newsletters to an emailing list. A successful Email Marketing campaign begins by finding ids that are active and operational. One of the best ways to connect with your target audiences is on the professional social media handle. LinkedIn. Most brands and agencies understand that working with a credible Linkedin email finder can help them reach out to potential or prospective sales leads. This is something that software development agencies usually do a lot of. They can browse through designations on LinkedIn and ensure that their pitch is directly addressed to professionals that have decision-making abilities. While you need to be really good at creating eye-catching and captivating emails, you still need to build a credible emailing list. This is among the toughest things an email marketer has to do to make the marketing campaign a success. Nonetheless, collecting email addresses through user subscriptions and having audiences sign up for newsletters, coupon codes, etc. are some of the credible ways to collect email addresses. 3. Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing: Commonly known as SEO, search engine optimization is one of the popular digital marketing strategies today.  SEO involves optimizing websites and pages for both search engines and organic visitors. Some of the key areas that marketers and website owners have to focus on when optimizing their sites include keyword research and analysis, link building, and the creation of unique and relevant content. Done correctly, an SEO campaign can see a page gaining higher ranks on Google, Bing, and other search engines, with the reward being increased exposure to the target audience.  A properly executed SEO plan can see your page/business show up on the top pages of a search result. Search engine marketing, SEM, involves taking on campaigns and strategies to increase traffic to a web page or site. It covers both SEO and PPC (pay-per-click) like this, whereby the web page received increased traffic through both unpaid and paid means. 4. Content Marketing: Content marketing works very differently from other marketing strategies. It employs a strategic approach that mainly focuses on creating relevant, valuable, consistent, and informative content that is distributed to help attract, inform, and retain target audiences. Thanks to content marketing, the target audience can make an informative decision on a product/service, hence one of the best ways to drive profitable customer action.  The content can be either in the form of text and articles published both on the site and blogs, video, and image content. It is also an ongoing process that involves creating fresh and unique content each time. Although a marketing strategy, experts recommend creating content to promote the brand or product without necessarily asking the target audience to make a purchase. The content simply needs to be engaging and enriching to help viewers make the right decision on the product. 5. Influencer Marketing: This is slowly becoming a popular marketing strategy today. As the name suggests, influencer marketing involves using industry experts or social media influencers to help market a product or brand. This could be a celebrity or another well-known person with thousands of followers on their social sites. All the individual needs to do is vouch for your brand, or simply promote your product on their social media pages. Most companies use these influencers to help give away discount codes, coupons, and prize draws. Influencer marketers mostly prefer using their Facebook profiles, YouTube Channels, and Instagram to promote the said product. Although a short-term marketing strategy, influencer marketing can help drive more traffic to your site, a factor that can help increase conversions and sales. 6. Mobile Advertising: With almost everyone owning a phone or at least a smartphone, mobile marketing is slowly taking shape. SMS marketing with SMS broadcast services and in-app advertising have become popular ways to promote products. Although you do not need a mailing list for in-app advertising, you certainly need one for SMS marketing. Many companies today use SMS marketing to send coupon codes, special offers, and even newsletters to their target audiences. These are just but some of the popular digital marketing strategies in use today.  Done correctly, some of these strategies can help your business grow while building a huge following. While you might be able to implement all these by yourself, it would be advisable to have an experienced professional handle all optimizations and marketing strategies. This way, you will be guaranteed better results and even have enough time on your hands to handle more serious business matters. Finding an expert in all these can however be an intimidating task. Thanks to the internet, you should be able to find a reputable and results-oriented company to help take care of all these.  You can even invest in paid digital advertising strategies such as influencer marketing and pay-per-click to get a head start with increased traffic and visibility online. Read Also: How To Integrate Email Marketing With SEO 4 Points To Consider When Creating A Great Content Marketing Strategy Today

Online Store Sales

Getting Help from an E-Commerce Expert to Boost Your Online Store Sales

Every new online store comes with subpar sales, at least in the beginning. While this may make you want to give up, remember that there's still a chance for you to generate more sales and earn more money. All you need to do is seek the help of an e-commerce expert like Matthew Lepre. With his years of industry experience as seen in tons of Matthew Lepre reviews, he can help you perform the following tips that can help boost your sales: Be Visual A picture paints a thousand words. This is especially true when it comes to online selling. Since the client cannot see or touch the product for himself, he needs to have a good visual reference. You can provide this through captivating photos. While you may not be a photography expert, you can still come up with pro-grade images. First, use a good backdrop – a plain white one would do. Next, mind the lighting when you take a picture. For this, you can use softbox lighting. There are several more things to consider, so make sure to refer to these photography tips for beginners. Enhance Communication E-commerce experts believe in good communication, something you can promote with a live chat feature. This can be a chat screen that automatically pops up on your site. You also have the option for a more subtle clickable button. So, what makes live chat good for the business? For one, it addresses the issue of urgency. Some of your clients may have concerns regarding specific products. With live chat, you can answer them right away, and this swiftness might be the push they need for the purchase. With 77% of customers refusing to buy from a store with no live chat features, it's essential to have this feature installed right away. Ease the Checkout Process Clients go online shopping because of the fuss-free experience. As such, you stand to lose several customers when you complicate the buying process. A lot depends on the UI, UX, and hosting when it comes to easing and accelerating the speed of checking out. Using a Magento Hosting helps in improving the speed of the experience and allows the final payments to be made in a fraction of seconds. This helps in improving the overall user experience. Because of this, e-commerce experts recommend easing the checkout process. This can be done by offering a guest checkout option. That way, eager buyers don't have to fill out several forms to complete their purchase. Simplifying the process should not be limited to guests, though, as you need to deliver the same service to your existing subscribers. One way to hasten the checkout process is to reduce unnecessary form fields. You can do this by having a tick box that allows the program to use the shipping address for the billing address. Adding a progress bar is a worthwhile consideration as well. With this, the clients are informed of all the steps they have to take to finish the purchase. Improve Client Trust Trust is the foundation of relationships – whether personal or business. This is why gaining your clients' trust is vital if you want to continue transacting with them. Fortunately for you, an e-commerce expert can help you promote trust through every part of the funnel. The best way to do so is through social proof, that is, adding customer reviews to your product pages. Apart from the product description, the review is another aspect where clients base their decisions. If the product comes with many rave reviews, the buyer will be more convinced to click the checkout button. It's also important to show your badge of honor for payment security. Remember, identity theft is not an issue to be taken lightly. It affects approximately 14 million individuals or 1 out of 15 people. With the many payment badges available, it's best to use those that generate the most trust. So far, the most popular seals include: PayPal Verisign McAfee Truste Better Business Bureau Apart from showing these badges, putting in client testimonials will help boost sales, too. Like reviews, this can help assure your clients that they're making a safe purchase decision. If many others have bought from you securely, why shouldn't they? Utilize Email Marketing Many people believe that email marketing is dead, but e-commerce experts are quick to point out how mistaken they are. You get to earn as much as $42 in ROI for every $1 you spend on email marketing. You can capitalize on email marketing in several ways. If you don't have a list yet, you need to do a promotional bit to collect email addresses. For example, you can give discounts or a free shipping coupon in exchange for newsletter signup. Now that you have a couple of emails under your belt, you can use them to boost your sales. One technique that e-commerce experts recommend is cross-selling. This is where you promote products that are related to or complementary to the client's purchased items. Another way to boost sales is to send promotional deals during hot dates, like Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Make sure to appeal to the client's fear of missing out by offering limited-time offers such as one-day sales or flash sales. Launch Paid Ads The term 'paid' may make you queasy, mostly if you have already spent a great deal establishing your online store. That said, this should make you consider paid ads even more. Despite its name, paid ads are cost-effective ways of generating sales. And you don't have to necessarily spend a lot to get started. You can test the waters for as low as $50. An e-commerce expert can also help you gain a clear understanding of your target audience. This will help you hone in on the group that's more likely to buy your products. That way, you gain the best value for your money. An e-commerce expert can also help you run multiple campaigns with different ad variations. According to Matthew Lepre reviews, this is important because social media channels help generate the most leads. More importantly, an expert can also help you monitor and interpret the metrics that come with the ads. That way, you get to focus on the campaigns that bring the most revenue. Optimize Your Website To grow your sales, it’s essential to optimize your website’s loading speed and uptime. If your website doesn’t load quickly there’s a high chance that the visitors may bounce away without even checking your products or services.  Your expert may recommend using reliable Magento hosting solutions that can help boost the loading speed of your e-commerce website. Additionally, the web hosting provider also determines the uptime of your website. The expert will help you find a host who has minimal downtime to ensure that your website remains online all the time. E-commerce experts can help you boost your sales. With the many benefits they can bring to your business, it's high time that you contacted one today. Read Also: CRM and ERP Combination for Business Solutions 5 affordable e-commerce shopping carts for small business The Right B2B E-Commerce Platforms to Sell Your Used Machinery

Cloth Diaper Brand

5 Steps On How To Have A Strong Online Presence For Your Cloth Diaper Brand

Parents who care about the environment are using cloth diapers more and more often as a way to reduce their environmental effects. Due to the expansion of social media, cloth diaper companies now have more opportunities than ever to engage with their target audience and build brand loyalty. However, given the range of social media platforms and strategies, it can be challenging for cloth diaper producers to know where to start. This article will provide you with a step-by-step strategy for developing a fruitful social media campaign for your cloth diaper business. It's important to remember that social media is just one part of a larger marketing strategy for your cloth diaper brand. Even though social media can be a potent tool for increasing brand recognition and connecting with your audience, it's also critical to take other marketing channels into account. This covers events, influencer marketing, and email marketing. You may be able to reach a larger audience and strengthen your brand's presence as a result. As you develop your approach, consider how social media fits into your overall marketing plan. Consider how you can build your cloth diaper company by using other channels to promote it. 1. Establishing Your Brand Voice And Visuals Establishing your brand voice and images is the first step in developing a thorough social media plan for your cloth diaper business. The brand voice of your company is the persona and voice that it conveys through messaging. It should be consistent across all media and reflect the messaging and values of your firm. Your brand's visuals are the images and graphics you use to represent your company. Here are some examples of how you can establish your brand voice and visuals for this specific brand: Determine Your Brand’s Personality And Tone The finest nappy for babies in the Philippines may aim to reflect the affectionate and protective traits of new parents in personality and tone. You may say it in a kind, compassionate way with messaging that prioritizes the health and welfare of infants and their families. Use Consistent Visual Elements A strong brand identity must be created through aesthetic consistency. This involves utilising uniform fonts, images, and color schemes across all platforms. For the cloth diaper company, it would be great to employ a soft color palette and sweet images that reflect the company's core principles. Use Graphics That Align With Your Brand The social media images should convey your company's values and messaging. The newborn diaper may have pictures of families and babies together with wording that emphasizes the brand's commitment to local traditions and customs. Personalize Your Messaging Use your brand voice to create a personal connection with your audience. By inviting them to share their personal experiences with your products, you may captivate your audience with compelling anecdotes and insights. This may emphasize how important it is to maintain an infant's happiness, health, and comfort. 2. Choosing The Right Platforms The next step is choosing the social media platforms best suited for your brand. Choosing the right social media platforms for your diaper brand is critical to developing a successful strategy. Your social media campaign's success may be impacted by each platform's unique qualities and user demographics. When choosing social media platforms for your cloth diaper business, keep the following in mind: Audience Demographics: To choose the best social media sites, you must first understand your target audience. Different platforms draw users from different age groups. For instance, Facebook often attracts an older demographic but Instagram attracts a younger one. Instagram might be the best medium for you if your target demographic is young parents. Content-Type: There are several platforms built for different types of content. For instance, Twitter excels at providing brief updates, whereas Instagram excels at providing visual information like photos and videos. If your diaper business creates a lot of visually appealing material, TikTok or Instagram may be the perfect platforms for you. Brand Personality: Every social media network has a distinct culture and tone all its own. It's crucial to select platforms that reflect the character and principles of your brand. TikTok might be a wonderful fit for your nappy brand, for instance, if it has a playful and entertaining nature. Competitors: Finally, it's critical to investigate the social media presence of your rivals. You must examine the platforms they employ and the methods of audience engagement. You can learn from this which platforms are most effective for your sector. You can use it to choose the platforms you want to use. 3. Creating A Content Calendar: Once your brand voice and imagery have been defined and the right platforms have been chosen, creating a content calendar takes work. A schedule for the types of content you'll produce and when is called a content calendar. User-generated content, informational materials, and product advertising are all permissible. It's critical to establish a consistent publishing schedule that matches the vocabulary and style of your brand. Here are some guidelines to assist you. Define your social media goals Research your audience Brainstorm content ideas Organize content by themes Create a content calendar 4. Engaging With Your Audience Engaging with your audience on social media is essential to developing a solid online presence for your cloth diaper brand. It can promote a sense of community and boost brand loyalty. These suggestions will help you interact with your audience: React to messages and comments. Pose inquiries that resemble feedback. Hold giveaways and contests. Share testimonials and pictures. Work together with influencers. Offer informative content, such as advice on caring for babies and cloth diapers. 5. Analyzing And Adjusting Your Strategy Monitoring metrics is essential to developing a successful social media strategy. Metric tracking makes it possible for you to determine what is working and what isn't so you can make the required adjustments. Monitoring engagement metrics like website traffic, likes, shares, comments, and follower growth is essential. Review Your Goals Are you succeeding in your brand's goals that you set forth? If not, it's time to review your objectives and modify your plan. Review Your Metrics Track your performance measures, like reach, engagement, and conversions, using social media analytics tools. Determine which sorts of materials are effective and which require your audience to connect with them. This information can be used to modify your content strategy. Review Your Audience Your audience may change as your brand develops. To make sure you're still focusing on the proper demographics and interests, review your target audience profile. Review Your Competition Keep an eye on your rivals and consider what they are doing right and where they need improvement. Utilize this data to find chances to distinguish your business and enhance your social media strategy. Adjust Your Content Strategy Adjust your content strategy in light of your analysis to suit your objectives, KPIs, target audience, and rivals. This can entail coming up with fresh content concepts. You can also change your content focus or alter the frequency and timing of your posts. Test And Iterate Once your plan has been modified, test your new strategy and keep an eye on your performance indicators. Repeat this process as necessary, testing and fine-tuning your plan of action until you get the desired outcomes. Conclusion Initially, creating a thorough social media plan for your cloth diaper company might be difficult and challenging. You may still develop a strategy that is suited to your brand's distinct voice and values by adhering to these essential stages. Establish your brand's voice and images, pick the appropriate platforms, plan your content, interact with your audience, then assess the results and modify your strategy as necessary. You'll be able to effectively engage with your target audience and establish a strong online presence for your cloth diaper brand by doing this. Read Also: How To Make Your Online Business More Humble By Managing Your Reputation The Online Reputation Management Mystery Revealed Online Marketing : Selling Your Product And Services