Planning To Hold Your Wedding: Here Is How You Can Make It Special

Published on: 08 December 2020 Last Updated on: 24 July 2024
Planning To Hold Your Wedding

A wedding can be one of the most important days in the life of an individual. From trying to ensure that the food and catering are perfect, to selecting the best locations and venue, a wedding can truly become a well-planned and highly choreographed event.

For the last few years, we have seen couples take that extra step in terms of truly converting their wedding into a once-in-a-lifetime experience. From highly decorated selfie-stands to exotic destination weddings, we have seen our fair share of wonders.

On top of everything, you also need to ensure that your wedding stands out and is a whole lot of fun. If you throw in some budget constraints into the equation, the task becomes infinitely bigger and more worrisome.

Fret not. In this article, we speak to some of the leading wedding planners of our era and ask them simple and creative ways to make your wedding a special occasion, not only for you but for everyone who attends it.

How to Plan a Wedding and make it Special?

As someone who is looking to plan their upcoming wedding, you might get overwhelmed given the amount of planning you would be required to do. In this section, let us list down some of the most creative ways to make your wedding special-

1. Creating a Wedding Hashtag-

Creating a wedding hashtag can be some serious bit of fun. Not only can you use it to create some sense of identity at your wedding on cutlery, napkins, flower arrangements, and so on, but also use the hashtags on social media.

Not many people are still aware of how to use wedding hashtags. This can be something novel, which you can start among your family and friend circles. However, rather than trying to land on a hashtag by yourself, it is best to allow experts to do the same for you.

2. Add some zing by having a Food truck-

I have frankly never met anyone who does not love food trucks. The food is great, the vibe is even better. What’s more, your guests do not have to pay for the things they get from the food truck. Beautifully curated food trucks can become a thought to remember from your wedding.

Think tacos, spicy fried chicken or some Italian and you have a success story on your hands. Trust us, people will be talking about the food truck and the food even after many years of your wedding. This would be something, which would be unexpected and cool at the same time.

3. Everyone loves a Good Gift Hamper/Basket-

Good Gift Hamper

If you are planning to have a small ceremony with a hundred or fewer people, gift hampers and baskets can be a great way to make it special. People love gifts, even if they are attending someone else’s wedding. At the end of the day, it’s simply human nature.

You can use some good quality hand-made chocolates, face mists, cookies, soft-toys, and some other goodies in the gift hamper. There is nothing more that people appreciate other than a thoughtful and decorated gift basket. Trust us, this is going to make you an absolute favorite.

4. Go for a Non-Traditional Wedding Cake

Non-Traditional Wedding Cake

Guest have a certain set of expectations for every wedding they attend. The white frosting on a three-tiered wedding cake is one of them. However, you can use so many cues from your dating days and stage them as props on the cake.

Everyone who does not know you and your dating life will be automatically curious about the prop. You can then go on to explain the significance of each item on the cake and create your own beautiful story-telling session.

5. Hire someone to Paint your Wedding-

One of the most creative things you can do to make your wedding special is to hire a professional painter to paint and etch your wedding as a portrait. You can select a section of the proceedings and allow the painter to start sketching.

If you really want to make it special, hold an auction at the end of the wedding and donate the winnings of whoever buys the painting to a charitable organization of your choice. This is sure to make your wedding an event to remember.

6. Invite the President and the First Lady to your Wedding-

While the President of the United States might be too busy to attend your wedding, you can always send the first couple an invitation. According to official rules, if you fill out the White House Greetings Request Form, you will receive a printed note from the first couple.

If you are lucky, you might also get some gifts sent your way from the White House. While it is a long shot, there is no harm in trying for the same. Who knows, you might just have the Bidens show up on the dancefloor!

What are some Important areas to Focus on when Planning your Wedding?

some Important areas

A wedding requires a lot of planning in order to be successful. Every wedding is composed of some important elements, which should be paid attention to at every step of the way. In the following section, we have tried to point out some focus areas, that couples and their families need to pay attention to during the planning phase.

We have tried to list down some of them for your convenience-

  • The Weather Conditions
  • Guest Seating Positions
  • Catering Company
  • Flower and other Décor items
  • The Bakery for the Cake
  • Musical Band
  • Transport to the Venue
  • Budgets for the Wedding
  • Timing and Date
  • Backup Plans

You can use the above-stated items and create a checklist of how you need to individually plan for each one of them. This will allow you to be better prepared in case something goes wrong. As someone who is getting married, paying attention to the finer details is all that is required to make your wedding a grand success.

The Final Word

It is not important to spend a million bucks just to plan and hold a successful and memorable wedding. All you need to do is a bit of research and go that extra yard in order to make your wedding stand apart. By following all the tips in the article, we are certain that you have all that it takes to make it a rousing success.

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purse essentials

Is Your Purse a Bottomless Pit? 8 Purse Essentials You Should Always Keep in Your Bag

On average, each woman owns around seven handbags. That's seven opportunities for seven bottomless pits. If you have trouble locating what's in your purse simply because you have too much stuff, this article is for you. Read on, and we'll divulge some of the purse essentials you'll need to keep in your bag. If all else fails, you'll be able to get around with these few essentials. And if you're really against clutter, make a pact to only pack the things you need, and throw out everything else. Purse Essentials You Should Always Keep in Your Bag 1. Your Phone: This one is a no-brainer, but every woman needs their phone in their purse. How else would you text your husband annoying quips throughout the day or find out what people are up to on Facebook on your lunch break? Keep your phone in your purse, and don't leave home without it. 2. Charging Dock and Charger: This might sound extreme, but you can get small charging docks that will help you keep the power on your phone for most of the day. You don't want to waste your time on social media to find that you don't have a charge when you need it. If you carry around a charger, that will most likely come in handy at work or meetings when you can get some extra "juice" to help get you through the day. 3. Makeup: This one is highly personal, as some women don't wear any makeup. But if you do, you should pack your essentials. Some women pack an entire makeup bag, and if that's your thing, then go for it. But if you wear minimal makeup, just pack the items that you'll likely need to touch up through the day. This might include some blush, concealer, lipstick, or lip gloss. Throughout the day, you can sneak to the bathroom to ensure your makeup looks fresh. 4. Feminine Products: Even if you're not expecting your period, this is a good thing to have. In all your years of being a female, you probably already know that accidents happen and periods can come unexpectedly. You also already know that sometimes your friends need a hand, and you'll be the savior of the office or your friend group if you have a pad or tampon. Make sure you've got a few in case of emergencies. 5. Breathmints, Gum, or One-Use Toothbrushes: This one is especially essential if you're going out on a date or trying to impress someone. Breath mints, gum, and one-use toothbrushes are great things to have with you, especially if you go out for dinner with a date. You don't want to have the dreaded garlic breath after a nice romantic Italian meal if he leans in to kiss you. With these essentials, you can pop one in your mouth on the sly, or slip to the bathroom to brush your teeth with a single use toothbrush. Then, you'll be fresh and ready for your closeup with your date! 6. A Snack: You might think we're going overboard here, but you never know when you'll be stuck at a meeting or out on a business venture and not have access to food. Or, you might just get the afternoon nibbles at your office. Packing a snack ensures that you stay healthy, especially if you're trying to stick to a diet or eating well. By packing a healthy snack, you can avoid temptations at work or school in the form of a vending machine or breakroom snacks. Often times, they're sweets that offer no nutritional value, so make sure that you pack something to help you get through your afternoon slump. 7. For Bigger Purses: Your Laptop: You may not want to take your laptop everywhere, and that totally makes sense. But if you're going somewhere for work, you work for yourself or you have a while to wait in between appointments, you might want to bring your laptop. You can get some things done in the downtime so that you won't have to bother with them when you get home. This company offers stylish bags that are roomy enough to pack your laptop but aren't so over-the-top that you can't use them every day. They also offer bags for men so that they can stay in fashion as well. 8. Pack of Tissues: You never know when you'll get a runny nose, bloody nose or need a spontaneous napkin. And you might find yourself having a good cry and needing something to sop it up. Having a pack of tissues is a great way to ensure you're always prepared. Like the feminine products, you can always pass them to friends any time they need them, and you'll be the hero. They're perfect for trips to the movies or the theater, as you never know when someone is going to bust out into tears. Purse Essentials for Your Everyday Life: Purse essentials are different for everyone, but we feel this list builds a solid foundation. There may be items you might not find fit the bill, and other items you think are absolutely essential. Either way, try and stick to the bare bones of what you'll need during the day to avoid your purse turning into a black hole of random stuff. For more tips and tricks, check out the fashion section of our website. We've got everything from fashion tips for men and women, as well as hair and jewelry tips. Read Also: DIY: How To Clean A Leather Handbag 5 Incredible Benefits Of Reading On A Kindle


Serving in style with aprons that accentuate your brand

Very often, functionality and practicality are put first when deciding on how to equip your serving staff - they need to be able to move quickly, carry around lighters for candles, ordering pads, pens and many other things. And their surroundings will change quickly, from the heat of the kitchen to outside seating, to bar counters and back rooms. Server aprons come in an assortment of exciting colors, including intense orange, bright yellow. This requires clothing that accommodates both the heat and the cold, the light and the heavy - a tricky task for most normal clothes. Adding that the serving staff usually are on their feet for long working hours, comfort and practicality must come first. Server aprons that combine comfort and style But at the same time as comfort should be prioritized, you will want the server staff to look presentable - and classically stylish - in their clothing. The classic, stainless white shirt will ooze of exclusivity and give your guests a feeling of being in a truly top-notch place. Of course, the aprons should do the same. You can choose to go with the classic, long, black waiter’s apron, that will go with anything and will complement most establishments, modern and classic. But if you are looking to establish your business as a special place, perhaps with a theme or in other ways unique, there are many other ways to go with the server aprons. All of the server’s aprons, no matter the color or the cut, should combine comfort and style, for the pleasure of your server staff and your guests. Accentuate your brand with unique server aprons If you want to go with something other than the classic, black apron, there are many possibilities. For a fresher, younger style, you can go with short aprons that are not unlike skirts, or you can go with a fresh and delightful color for the aprons, really making your staff - and your brand by extension - stand out. Server aprons come in an assortment of exciting colors, including intense orange, bright yellow, elegant plum or even in a black and white variation with vertical stripes. All these variations are available online - find them here. Excellent quality for frequent use A workday for a server consists of being exposed to a lot of food, drinks and possibly a lot of stains. For that reason, it is crucial that the aprons and clothing used can take it, without leaving stains for good. The apron must be sturdy enough to be washed frequently and at high temperatures to make sure that they look clean and presentable during service. Make sure to choose aprons that look good - even after being washed 50 times. Read Also: The Whos Whats And Hows Of Espadrilles How To Save Money When Shopping Online

Indoor Running

Don’t Miss These Exciting Adventures in Indoor Running

Running on your own treadmill at home is way better than having to run in a gym. For those who have a tight schedule throughout the week, treadmills are a great solution to keep up with their workout schedule. But, let’s admit, treadmills do get boring sometimes. But you can make your indoor running as exciting as outdoor running. Having to see the same wall every day while you’re running could drop down our spirits. What we need is a mentally stimulating way to boost ourselves while we’re in the mill. If you want to find an indoor running track, then it will Welcome To The Interesting World Of Vingo Introducing Vingo, the new app for indoor running. Vingo app is making your fitness training fun and also provides tons of mental stimulus by taking you into a virtual world, a world where you can explore, learn and make new connections.  Here’s how this indoor running app works. Step1: On Vingo, you can select from a range of locations that you can enter virtually and explore. These locations are designed based on natural spots from across the world.  You can install the app on your phone or smart TV, or even your tablet and place the screen in front of you as you begin your indoor running on your treadmill. Your treadmill running is no more a very dull time. You feel like running around the forest or beach. Step2: You won’t have to stare at a blank wall or get lost in thoughts anymore while you work out. You are getting into the world of online running, where hundreds of people from around the globe will be joining you during indoor running sessions. The online running of Vingo has gorgeous animation. So along with indoor running sessions, you can enjoy a nice view of the surroundings. Step3: Once you install this indoor running app, it is very easy to connect it with your treadmill. By connecting them, the app can automatically monitor your speed and pace on the machine and adjust the scenery for you.  Now, imagine this, you’ve always wanted to explore Iceland, but your busy schedule keeps you from going on a trip. With Vingo, however, you can select the Iceland map anytime you want and run into it. Step4: The avatars feature on the Vingo indoor running application helps you create your own self inside the app. You just need to upload a selfie, and the app will take care of the rest.  You can also add cool outfits, workout gear, and even your pets to your avatar. Of course, you need to win certain levels to be able to upgrade your avatar. Why Select The Vingo Indoor Running? These indoor running applications give you a positive motivation to stay consistent with your exercise sessions. This avatar is what will be visible to all the people who see you inside the app, so make sure you dress nice. The avatars are not just for show but also to make new friends. You can interact with other people who share your location using the voice chat feature, which allows real-time connectivity with people. You can also invite your friends and family to join you and have a great chat while working out. Indoor running, especially treadmill running, is becoming very monotonous sometimes. Even when you are hearing the music and songs over the phone, when you are using this running application, you can get your desired enjoyable atmosphere. On the other hand, you also get an excellent companion from worldwide. A Whole New World Besides your own circle of friends, you can also create and join communities in Vingo. These communities will help you find valuable tips and insights about fitness training, work-outs, etc. Vingo is more than an online running app. It is a completely new world. Using Vingo indoor running application, you will get all the urgent care that is required to work on your physical fitness. Now make your life & workout sessions enjoyable. Download the app today. Read Also: Boxing Workouts That Go Beyond Fitness 5 Tips to Kick Start Your Fitness Routine 10 Winter Fitness Hacks to Help You Stick to Your Fitness Goals 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness