Do Porcelain Veneers Stain

porcelain veneers

Everyone desires to have sparkling white teeth. They do help make great first impressions. But as you age, your teeth will lose their natural brightness and start turning yellow. This could either be due to plaque buildup or staining from drinking certain food items such as caffeine, red wine, or even chewing tobacco. The dental porcelain veneers treatments are the easiest solutions for you to relieve the smile embarrassments.

When Are You Going To Need Porcelain Veneers Treatments?

If your natural teeth have been discolored,  an easy way to cover them up is to get porcelain veneers. Veneers are quite popular with celebrities who want to flaunt a perfect smile on red carpets.

But if you are paying money to cover up discolored teeth, you don’t want them to stain again. So do porcelain veneers get stained? Dr. Lavoyger E. Gies, who provides porcelain veneers in San Antonio joined us to share his expertise in the situation.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Veneers are thin wafer-like shells that are attached to the front of your teeth. They are custom-made in your natural color to help blend them with the rest of your teeth.

These porcelain veneers are great for hiding chipped, broken, gapped, or stained teeth. And it is a non-invasive procedure too. The dentist will first shave down some of your enamel to prepare your teeth for the veneers.

 And then, he will stick the veneers with the help of a special glue. Once attached firmly, the dentist will do some polishing so that their shapes and sizes are exactly! What you are looking for.

The whole procedure is convenient, and results can last a really long time too. And you can get them for either just one tooth or your entire front teeth.

Will My Porcelain Veneers Stain?

If you are getting veneers to alter your natural tooth color, you definitely want to know if they will stain too, right? Having to replace them regularly would be inconvenient and expensive.

But fret not! As porcelain veneers don’t stain as your natural teeth do.

The enamel of your tooth absorbs some of the colors from the food you eat. So eventually, they start turning yellow or black(if you eat tobacco).

Even your dental fillings made from the composite resin can get discolored over time. But your veneers won’t get stained anytime soon. The best part is the porcelain veneers do not stain like your natural teeth and have no chances of the cavity and other black stains.

On average, porcelain veneers last a good 15-20 years. And the material is not just physically stronger than your teeth but even resistant to stains. The natural tooth enamel is far more robust than your porcelain veneers. As a result, you have been more conscious while biting up pungent foods.

However, you may have to keep certain drinking habits in moderation. Over time, the veneers may start losing their natural color after continuous exposure to certain strong-colored food items such as black coffee and red wine.

How To Make Your Veneers Last Long?

Restricting intake of certain colored drinks and regular dental checkups will help preserve your veneers. There are also certain oral care habits that will help retain your veneer’s natural color for longer. 

Regular brushing and flossing will help remove any food particles or plaque stuck to your teeth. They will even help prevent any gum disease that may affect your veneers. With the right care, some patients have been able to maintain their veneers for more than 20 years too.

So if you are looking for good quality porcelain veneers that will last you really long, visit Dr. Lavoyger Gies at Gies Dental Clinic. It is a family and cosmetic dentistry in San Antonio that provides excellent cosmetic procedures to improve your smile. So go book an appointment if you are looking for a perfect aesthetic smile.


The porcelain veneers are a revolutionary treatment. As you are growing older, your teeth can turn yellow and brittle. After the treatments, you can relive the embarrassing yellow smile. The white pair of teeth are the best features on every person’s smile. Are you currently facing these types of problems? Book the appointment for the treatments and enjoy the stain-free white smile.

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Why City Living is the Healthiest it’s Ever Been

City living hasn’t always been dubbed as a healthy choice. However, it appears things have changed dramatically in recent years. These days, city living is healthier than it’s ever been. Thanks to a dedication to getting people happier and healthier, steps have been taken to improve city life. Here, we’ll look at why it’s become a healthier option to live in the city. Companies have started to encourage healthier living : In the past few years, businesses have started to see the benefits of encouraging their employees to lead a healthier life. These days, over 90% of business leaders know just how important wellness is to the productivity of their employees. After all, the healthier an employee is, the less likely they’ll be to take time off sick. They will also have bundles more energy, making them far more productive than if they were to lead an unhealthy lifestyle. So, how exactly are companies encouraging healthier living? Well, some provide exercise classes during lunch. Others offer meditation and counseling to protect an employee’s mental health. There are a lot of ways companies are striving for a healthier workplace and it’s really starting to pay off. Cities have begun adopting green spaces and cycle lanes : The cities themselves have also become healthier. Authorities are investing in greener areas, as well as adding more cycle lanes. While the reason behind this is largely down to protecting the environment, it has ultimately led more people to become healthier. At one time, traveling by car was the way to get to and from work. However, as more awareness has been raised about the impact cars are having on the environment, more people than ever before are choosing to ditch their cars and invest in bicycles instead. The introduction of more cycle lanes has encouraged more bicycle stores such as Brompton, to open up in new city locations. If you take a look at some of the happiest and healthiest places in the world, you’ll see the majority of them use bicycles as their main form of transportation. Is it a coincidence? Absolutely not! Staying active and cycling around rather than driving, really helps to keep you, fitter, while also doing wonders for the environment. Fitness is now actively encouraged : Fitness has become extremely popular in recent years. Within cities, you’ll find a huge range of exercise classes, healthy dine-out options, and healthy activities to partake in. People, as a whole, want to get fitter. Social media has played a large role in the fitness industry boom. Fitness gurus have become extremely popular, encouraging people to get healthier and sign up for local gyms and fitness classes. So, those looking to stay fit and active have plenty of options in the city. Cities generate more social interaction : Another more indirect reason people are healthier in cities is that they experience much more social interaction than those living in the country. This is especially true for those living within an inner-city environment. Social interaction has a strong connection to mental health. Those who do not interact regularly with people, tend to be more depressed, lonely, and anxious than those who do. Of course, the more people there are to interact with, the more active you’re going to be. So, city living helps to improve both physical and mental health. The above is some of the main reasons cities have become healthier. It’s come hand in hand with environmental protection as people strive to reduce their impact on the environment. Millennials, in particular, are becoming healthier, largely down to the recent campaigns over getting fitter and leading a healthier lifestyle.


Are You Wondering About The Risk Factors For Depression?

Many people tend to think of depression as a temporary phase where someone is sad, and this makes many think that you need to get out of that emotional state. However, the illness is much more than that, as it is the result of changes in the chemistry of the brain. Like all other conditions that can develop in your body, there are risk factors that raise the chances of you getting the illness, although it is possible you can develop it without the risk factors being present. However, it should be kept in mind that your risk of developing the illness is higher when there are more risk factors, so you need to ask your doctor about reducing these factors. The risk can be related to a combination of various circumstances such as environmental, psychological, and genetic ones.  The NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) estimates that almost 16 million Americans have experienced a major episode of depression. Different Reasons Of Sleep Dis-orders & Depression Are As Follows:-  In this article, you will get the complete information of the depression and sleep disorder reasons that can bother you later on. Risk factors: Biochemical risks: The beginning of depression occurs when certain neurotransmitters in the brain are off balance. Neurotransmitters are certain chemicals that the brain produces, and they assist the brain to communicate with other organs in your body. They also assist the brain to carry out certain physiological functions such as breathing. When these neurotransmitters are at low levels, the person is more vulnerable to depression, particularly certain neurotransmitters – dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Genetic factors: When you have someone in your family who is suffering from the illness, there is a higher chance you will develop it as well. However, it can also develop when there is no family history of the illness, and this is why it is termed as a combination of life events and genetic reasons. Sleep disorders: There is a reason why your body needs sleep, as it is able to reduce the buildup of cortisol in the body, a stress hormone that is good for short periods but causes stress to the body when it stays for long periods. Because of this, it is not surprising to find that people who struggle with sleep disorders will also tend to develop depression, especially those who suffer from insomnia – leading to bouts of low moods. Suffering from chronic illnesses: Because these conditions will cause you stress and pain, they can also take a heavy toll on your mental health. These include chronic pain, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, heart diseases, stroke, thyroid disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. Social risks: Abuse: When a person goes through any form of abuse, whether as a child, teen or adult, they have a major risk of developing the condition, and also developing other mental illnesses as well. This abuse can range from emotional, physical, verbal or sexual abuse. Gender factors: Men are generally less at risk of developing depression compared to women, but this might be because there are more women who are open to seeking treatment for their symptoms compared to men. Some people also believe that the illness is due to changes in hormone levels throughout the person’s life. In fact, women are vulnerable to developing the illness when they are pregnant and also after childbirth (postpartum depression), in addition to developing it during menopause. The lack of a strong support system: When a person spends a lot of time in isolation, and they have very few support systems or friends, it can be a common source of depression. It is important to note that this is not the same as introversion, and is more described as a feeling of loneliness or extreme changes in a person relating to their moods and emotions. The occurrence of major events: This is among the most common reasons for developing depression, mainly relating to stressful or sad events. These include losing a job, divorce or breaking off a relationship, retirement from a job, moving to a new place, and death of a close loved one. If a major event has occurred in your life and you have experienced sadness for more than two months without getting better, then it is best to see your doctor so that you can go through tests for depression. Substance abuse risk factors: Abuse of drugs and alcohol: For many people who are struggling with substance abuse, it is mainly tied to mental health disorders, including depression. This is also known as dual diagnosis, and there are various rehab facilities that can help a person struggling with it, such as Colorado substance abuse treatment centers. It is also important to note that drug abuse leads to significant changes in the brain, which in turn increase your risk of developing depression. Many people who have developed depression symptoms also tend to self-medicate as well, which increases their symptoms and overall risk. The use of certain medication: There are some medicines that raise the risk of developing depressive symptoms as a side effect, and they include blood pressure medication, steroids, prescription painkillers, sleeping pills, and sedatives. Other factors: Psychological reasons: There are some psychological factors that will increase the risk of developing depressive symptoms. For instance, if you have low self-esteem, this makes you view your world through a pessimistic outlook, and raises your risk of depression. It will also leave you with an overwhelming feeling of stress and sadness. There is also the case of perfectionism increasing your risk, as you do not see things going the way you want them. It also makes you very sensitive to errors, rejection, and losses, which increases your risk of developing the condition. In addition, if you are suffering from another mental illness, such as chronic anxiety disorder, as well as avoidant and borderline personality disorders, your risk of getting depression is significantly higher. Low socioeconomic status: You may not think much about it, but it is a major risk factor for the development of the disease. It may be due to cultural reasons, social status, stressful environments, and so on. Final thoughts: If you know someone struggling with the illness or you are struggling with it, it is very important to seek medical help. The illness is not well understood, as it is a complex medical condition. The good news is that is easy to treat and manage. 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Back Pain

Tips for Treating Back Pain

Many of us have been there before: you try doing something simple like bending over to tie your shoes, or even brushing your hair, and suddenly you feel a crippling sensation of pain in your back. Back pain can be one of the worst kinds of pains that you can experience because you rely so much on your back for pretty much every single movement. Back pain can also be frustrating because it can be hard to know its source, as well as how to treat it. For instance, if you’re experiencing lower back pain, the source of the pain can be hard to pinpoint. You could be experiencing lower back pain because of Disc damage, A warped lumbar curve, Irritated joints and muscles, Among other things. In order to get help with your back issues, you will first need to determine which of these problems may be afflicting you. From there, you can make changes to your lifestyle that can help prevent further damage and pain. A chiropractor can help you determine the source of your pain, make necessary adjustments to relieve pain, and also help you come up with a plan to help you feel better for the long-term. Different Tips You Can Apply For Treating Your Back Pain Are As follows:- A Simple Treatment Option: Compression Socks: Your doctor or chiropractor might recommend the use of compression socks to help relieve your back pain. You might be wondering how socks can help you with your back. Well, here’s how. Compression socks work by applying pressure to your legs to improve blood flow in your body. The pressure in your legs pushes your blood upwards back into your heart and into circulation. There are different levels of pressure that you can get from the type of compression socks you choose, as well as different lengths. Improved blood flow in your body is essential for relieving back pain and for reducing swelling. Many people who have lower back pain also tend to feel pain in their legs, and compression socks are great to alleviate swelling and pain. Consequently, once your leg pains are gone you are able to move more, which is important to recovering from lower back pain – it’s never good to keep your body still for too long. The Big Picture: Lifestyle Changes: While compression socks are an easy way to relieve pain and help you get moving again, you’ll have to do the rest yourself if you want to get better. Exercising is key to a healthy body and also to relieving any pain, you may be experiencing. Here are some tips to help you relieve back pain: Avoid twisting your body while you sleep – be sure to sleep on your back when you can, but if you are a side sleeper, then use a small pillow in between your knees to avoid putting pressure on your back. Never sleep on your stomach. Do daily exercises, though if you’re in a lot of pain you should start slow and take it easy. Yoga poses are a great way to help with your alignment issues. Exercises you can do include the piriformis stretch, bridge pose, plank pose, side-plank pose, and knees to chest stretch. Avoid slouching, and try to maintain a good posture. Lifestyle changes can be difficult to make, but they will be essential on your path to a life without pain. No matter what you do, make sure that you are constantly moving, and never in the same position for too long. Remember: something as simple as a five-minute stretch can make all the difference. Read Also: Durable Running Shoes For Women Easy Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle How To Lace Running Shoes For Plantar Fasciitis? How To Remove Pain From Neck – 4 Tips Not To Miss Atlanta Law Experts: Know About Back Injuries Compensation