Pros And Cons Of Recreational Marijuana

Published on: 09 October 2019 Last Updated on: 29 October 2024

Marijuana has always been present in society. People’s reaction and attitude towards it has been ranging from total approval to severe punishments for possession. Different countries have different regulations, but in general, marijuana is a harmless recreational drug with some, yet not completely explored, benefits to health. Regular users are maybe even apter than science to talk about its pros and cons, and how everyday life is affected. I spoke to the experts at and we compiled a list of advantages and disadvantages of recreational consumption of cannabis.

The Many Benefits Of Recreational Marijuana

Recreational use of marijuana is still considered as something bad or negative, or people who use it are regarded as stoners who waste their life away. That attitude is not justified, as any person under the influence of any kind of psychoactive substance might leave that impression, like alcohol, nicotine, etc.

Smoking marijuana is a great social lubricant as it helps people loosen up and share a range of different conversations without any mental blockade. It helps relax and allow for some healthy dialogue which can only produce a more thorough bonding between people. It is also an ‘’individual drug’’ meaning that it is great for relaxation and some quality me-time.

It is great for people who want to strengthen their appetite.

Since all senses are heightened, everything around you leaves a greater impression and unlocks some new levels of experiencing things you already know, like music, food, sports, or just about any activity you can think of.

Creativity also reaches new heights. Sativa strains, such as Royal Queen, are specifically made to affect your brain and introduce some new ways of thinking you never knew existed before.

It is a great stress reliever (in normal doses), as it helps you cope with problems by inspiring you to think about solutions rather than simply worrying. You focus more on life and the beauty of living instead of grownup problems and worries that eat your happiness away.

Shy people can benefit as well since marijuana helps overcome a lack of confidence while improving social skills they never knew they had before. It helps the good side of your personality come out and shine.

When taken in normal amounts, and every person has a different dose of normal, it is a recreational drug that really sparks a dose of optimism which is a great weapon to combat depression and anxiety. It is a state where both body and mind feel good and the perspective to life changes in a way that it makes you realize that some problems were not as big as you feared, and the solutions are also much more accessible.

Are There Any Negative Sides?

Not all users can report a great experience, and just like any other substance you intake, there are certain risks and negative side-effects.

Short term memory loss is probably the most common disadvantage. It is also not recommended for teenagers to use it as it can negatively affect the development of their brain and the ability to learn new things might get impaired.

As much as it produces joy, happiness, confidence and good mood, the other side of the coin is reserved for anxiety, depression, fear, and even paranoia. These can get extra potent if marijuana is used frequently and in large doses, then the recreation becomes a torment basically, and the best way to handle it is to take a break from it all.

You become less reactive to your surroundings which can be problematic for people who are still not used to that feeling. Your balance, coordination, and reactions can worsen which some people don’t like at all.

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Spirulina: The Complete Plant Based Protein Source | Health Benefits

Spirulina is one of the oldest life forms on earth known for the longest as an endurance booster. It is in fact among the most popular health supplements in today’s time considering it is one of the first plant-based foods in the human diet. Surprising right? But what actually makes this ingredient a star among the ‘complete protein’ plant-based food sources? And does it even stand up to the fame it receives? Well, here’s our effort to give you evidence around spirulina’s health benefits and the status it holds. Spirulina: The Nutrient-Dense Food Spirulina happens to be a superfood high in many nutrients. Let’s have a look at its origin? A type of cyanobacteria, originally from the family of single-celled microbes known as the blue-green algae. This is an organism that grows both in fresh and saltwater What makes it plant-based is its ability to produce energy from sunlight through photosynthesis. Lesser-Known Fact: Spirulina gained massive popularity when NASA used it as a dietary supplement for astronauts on space missions. Really cool right? It has to be its ability to regulate immune functions and its anti-inflammatory properties which take place by the release of histamine by mast cells. What about the ideal dosage? One can opt for a standard dose of 1-3g of this green superfood but this can go up to 10g per day. Here’s a look at the nutrient profile of 10g of dried spirulina powder: Protein: 5.7 g Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 22% of the RDA Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 33% of the RDA Vitamin B3 (niacin): 9% of the RDA Copper: 68% of the RDA Iron: 15-16% of the RDA Calories: 29 Carbs: 2.0g Moreover, this superfood actually includes almost some amount of every other nutrient that you need along with an optimal amount of magnesium, potassium, and manganese. Here’s a suggestion! If you are looking to skip eggs, spirulina could be a great replacement for a comparable amount of protein considering it also has all essential amino acids required by the body. Spirulina: The Powerful Antioxidant With Anti-Inflammatory Properties As we mentioned earlier, it is because of the anti-inflammatory properties that even NASA considered it as a superfood for astronauts. Here’s what you need to know! Chronic inflammation happens as oxidative damage harms our DNA and cells, resulting in diseases sometimes as lethal as cancer. The presence of antioxidants in spirulina help protect against this oxidative damage. Interesting fact: The antioxidant substance ‘phycocyanin’ happens to be the main component and gives spirulina the unique blue-green color. Health Impact Of Spirulina: A lot of people are using this superfood that can improve heart health further reducing risks of heart diseases. For those of you who aren’t aware of its powerful health benefits, studies on spirulina have shown that it lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels. It also increases “good” HDL cholesterol impacting heart health in a positive way. Let us provide scientific evidence to build your trust- Although most studies have shown favorable results mainly with a dosage of 4.5-8g per day yet, A study was conducted on 25 people who were suffering from type 2 diabetes. It was later discovered that only 2g of spirulina per day, significantly showed a reduction in the blood sugar levels. There was another study on people with high cholesterol which determined that 1 g of spirulina per day resulted in lowered triglycerides by 16.3%. Furthermore, there was a reduction in the “bad” LDL by 10.1%. In addition, research has shown that spirulina may have anti-cancer properties and is especially effective against a type of precancerous lesion of the mouth called OSMF. Spirulina May Improve Muscle Strength & Endurance: Often experience muscle fatigue when exercising? The reason is exercise-induced oxidative damage. People into fitness and athletics consume plant-based foods with antioxidants to minimize this damage. Few studies emerged showing spirulina as food for significantly reducing the fatigue time and improving muscle strength and endurance. Can Spirulina Reduce Blood Pressure? Heart attack, strokes, and chronic kidney disease are some of the serious diseases driven by high blood pressure. An optimal amount of spirulina for e.g. 4.5g-8g per day has shown to reduce blood pressure in individuals with normal levels. What might be the possible reason behind this reduction in blood pressure? Spirulina leads to an increase in the production of nitric oxide (that is otherwise massively produced by plant-based sources like beetroot which are rich in nitrates that convert to nitric oxide) leading to a lowered blood pressure. Nitric oxide is a signaling molecule that aids blood vessels to relax and dilate, positively affecting blood levels. The Final Verdict: Spirulina’s title as a superfood that is ‘nutrient-dense stands true along with the crazy health benefits it has to offer. As mentioned above, spirulina suppresses oxidation while reducing blood pressure and lowering blood sugar. It also improves blood lipids and may have anti-cancer properties. One can simply consume spirulina in tablets and powder form. There are supplements widely available and used for their amazing health benefits. If you want the goodness of spirulina along with other green vitamins then you can check out bGreen's super greens and fruits that help you bridge the daily gap in your nutrition. Read Also: Living With Diabetes – What are the Possible Complications? Why is a random blood sugar test prescribed? Top Health Benefits Of Drinking Beer According To Experts Are CBD Lotions Good For Your Skin?

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation: Does It Cause Cancer In Patients?

Many women worry about developing breast cancer, especially when it comes to invasive procedures. In fact, according to, one out of every eight women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. Here, you will learn whether breast augmentation leads to cancer or not. Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. More than 300,000 surgeries happen in the United States every year. Their number is growing. Basically, breast augmentation is a full-scale surgery that tampers with the tissues. Hence, many patients fear the possibility of developing such dangerous conditions as cancer. Can breast augmentation cause cancer? Let’s find out. Understanding Breast Augmentation Breast Augmentation is a surgical procedure with the help of which cosmetologists and doctors change the shape and size of a woman’s breasts. It is also called augmentation mammoplasty. Generally, there are two reasons why you need to perform breast augmentation: Cosmetic Reasons:This helps in making breasts larger, correcting asymmetrical breasts, or changing their shape. Reconstructive Reasons: Some women want to restore the volume of their breasts after pregnancy, weight loss, or even breast removal. Moreover, reconstruction also works when you want to increase the size of your breasts that are of different sizes. Basically, during the breast augmentation procedure, the surgeon inserts breast implants under the chest muscle or breast tissue. Generally, these implants consist of sacs that are full of silicone or saline water. Moreover, the surgery mostly happens at an outpatient clinic or a hospital. On the other hand, there is also a natural alternative to breast augmentation. This happens through fat transfer. Here, the surgeon brings out fat from the woman’s body through liposuction. Then, they inject the fat into the breasts of the woman. In some cases, this procedure surgeons call this process fat grafting. Risk Factors To Breast Augmentation The following are some of the major risk factors for breast augmentation: Improper incision placement Excessive tissue manipulation Incorrect implant placement Poor surgical technique Inadequate hemostasis (control of bleeding) Does Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? Different research came up to show whether implants can lead to cancer. According to Seattle breast augmentation surgeons at LaBelleVie and other board-certified doctors and qualified medical professionals, there is currently no evidence linking breast implants to breast cancer. There are reasons why some women may find out about cancer after or even before getting implants. This depends on the fact that there are many tests before the actual surgery happens. So, patients discover tumors during the preparation procedures rather than after the insertion of the implant. Generally, breast implants haven’t been linked to the appearance of breast cancer. However, they may increase the risk of developing a certain type of cancer. Actually, it is the Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma or BI-AALCL. What Is BI-AALCL? BI-AALCL is an uncommon type of lymphoma that occurs around the implants after breast augmentation. It’s more common in women who opt for breast implants having surface textures. BI-AALCL is an immune system cancer, NOT breast cancer. The risk of developing such cancer is rather low. One in about 30,000 women develops BI-AALCL after opting for breast augmentation with textured implants. However, if doctors discover the problem early enough, it is easy to cure. The symptoms of this type of cancer include: Unexpected breast enlargement Breast asymmetry Lump in the breast or armpit Hardening of the breast Fluid collection If a patient experiences such symptoms, she must contact a doctor immediately in order to prevent cancer from spreading. BIA ALCL can occur in patients who have chosen silicone or saline implants. Also, one can find it regardless of the type of surgery, be it breast reconstruction or breast enlargement. As of today, no cases of women developing BI-AALCL after installing a smooth implant have been reported. If a patient opts for textured implants, the doctor must monitor her for several years after the surgery. Today, it’s not possible to run tests in order to understand which patients are prone to this disease. Should You Remove My Breast Augmentation And Implants? If you have textured implants, it doesn’t mean you will develop BI-AALCL. All the findings show that the risk of getting such cancer is quite low. Removing the implants is a drastic measure that should be discussed with the surgeon and the physician. In the majority of cases, women with textured implants should be monitoring the condition of their breasts carefully in order not to miss the first signs of the disease. For the majority of patients with stage 1 BI-AALCL, the cancer is confined in a capsule. Early treatment involves surgical removal. The survival rate of patients with such cancer is 89% over 5 years. The rate is much higher for women who are diagnosed early and who have the implant and the capsule removed timely. Breast Augmentation And Cancer: The Way Forward Does breast augmentation cause breast cancer? No. However, it can lead to an uncommon form of immune system cancer, which is well-treatable if caught early enough. Do you have more information to add about breast augmentation? Please share them in the comments section below. 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is medical specialities a good career path

Is Medical Specialities A Good Career Path? – 12 Best Jobs

Many people ask, “is medical specialities a good career path?” Medical careers may be satisfying since you strive to provide top-notch patient care. In the healthcare sector, there are many different positions, some of which have minor qualifications and others requiring several years of school and training. Job routes in the medical industry may best meet your goals and capabilities. In this post, I have outlined 12 potential careers and job positions you can work towards in medicine. Why Is Medical Specialities A Good Career Path? If you ask me, “is medical specialities a good career path?” I would definitely say yes. This is because there are various job benefits like: 1. Work Variety You can supervise others, deal directly with patients, or do administrative work in this sector. There are several medical specialties, so you may pick one that most appeals to you. A medical career path can also be continued by selecting a position that requires little training and education, then progressing through promotions for various tasks. 2. Lots Of Opportunities You may choose from various career routes in this industry, and most of them provide several prospects for advancement and managerial positions. If you decide to pursue a job in healthcare, you could be able to do so for the duration of your career. 3. Flexible Schedules Several healthcare institutions are open around-the-clock, allowing for various shifts to provide the most excellent patient care. You can work different shifts to fit your schedule if you intend to deal directly with patients. 4. Job Security The fastest-growing professions today include several roles in the healthcare industry. Those in the medical sector should anticipate job stability long into the future because some medical positions are expected to rise by 33% between 2018 and 2028. Best Medical Specialities Jobs In 2023 The reason why people ask, “is medical specialities a good career path? It’s because of various high-paying jobs like the ones I have stated below: 1. Veterinarian Average Annual Salary: $95,000 A veterinarian performs physical examinations on animals, makes a medical diagnosis, and treats and medicates them. They operate on animals and administer vaccinations. They also conduct health examinations and educate pet owners with knowledge about preventive care. Veterinarians might choose to focus on one particular kind of animal or treat a wide range of them. 2. Veterinary Assistant Average Hourly Salary: $13 The pet is sent to an examination room by a veterinary assistant, who also takes the animal's weight and vital signs. They support radiological operations and aid in calming the animal during the veterinarian's examination. Moreover, they prepare drugs, sanitize surgical equipment, and prepare the operating room. Also, they provide comfort for troubled animals and provide nighttime care. 3. Dietary Aide Average Hourly Salary: $11 Planning, preparing, and providing hygienic meals and beverages are the duties of a dietary assistant. Also, they need to inventory food supplies, monitor food temperature, and store goods properly. The eating areas and utensils must also be cleaned. 4. Patient Care Technician Average Hourly Salary: $14 A patient care technician makes rounds of the patients, assesses their status, and informs the medical personnel of any requirements. They also carry out non-essential medical and therapeutic treatments, as well as laboratory analyses of material that have been gathered. 5. Nursing Assistant Average Hourly Salary: $14 A nursing assistant supervises patients' meals, assists with primary care and treatments, and may even clean the facility. In the case of an emergency, they also notify the medical staff. A CNA helps patients with regular meals, exercise, and personal cleanliness. They tend to them, record their vital signs, and fill their charts. They assist the physicians, nurses, and other medical personnel as needed. If you are looking for experienced and licensed physicians to book your next medical appointment, take a look at WellcomeMD to get the best services. 6. Medical Assistant Average Hourly Salary: $15 A medical assistant keeps patient records up to date, handles office work, helps manage the medical inventory, and helps place orders for fresh supplies. Moreover, they guarantee that the exam rooms are pristine and ready to accept patients. 7. Athletic Trainer  Average Hourly Salary: $22 Collaborating with doctors and occupational therapists, an athletic trainer analyzes and assesses patient sports-related injuries and develops a treatment and training regimen. They handle patient documentation and keep track of patients' progress. They could attend to the patient at a hospital or a rehabilitation facility, or in their home. 8. Nutritionist Average Annual Salary: $52,000 A nutritionist assists customers in creating a balanced food plan to suit their nutritional needs, shed pounds, and build muscle. To help people make better food decisions, they can also maintain a webpage regarding dietary practices. 9. Licensed And Registered Nurses Average Hourly Salary: $30 A nurse provides medical care to individuals of all ages and with various health requirements in nursing homes, clinics, community centers, and hospitals. They administer drugs, run medical equipment, perform diagnostic procedures, and keep track of patients' vital signs. They collaborate with physicians, nurses, and other healthcare workers to track patients' medical records. On the other hand, a licensed practical nurse performs average patient care in clinics, hospitals, and private employment settings. They aid medical professionals, including physicians and registered nurses, during examinations and treatments. They keep tabs on the patient's development and alert the doctor if anything goes wrong. 10. Health Administrator Average Annual Salary: $72,000 A health administrator manages a healthcare organization's workforce and operations. To enhance patient care, they put healthcare policies into place and monitor healthcare systems. They oversee the organization's finances, follow the law, and interact with the healthcare industry, the government, and investors. They are also actively hiring employees. 11. Physical Therapist Average Annual Salary: $82,000 In collaboration with the patient's doctors, a physical specialist is in charge of creating and carrying out efficient treatment and care programs. Every two years, they must update their training regimen with a minimum of 10+ hours of continued education. They must also help administrative employees with billing and reporting questions and aid with state physical therapy laws. 12. Occupational Therapist Average Annual Salary: $40,000 An occupational therapist analyzes, assesses, and develops treatment programs for patients who are ill, wounded, or incapacitated to assist them in performing daily activities. They help them with physical activity, keep tabs on their development, and suggest making their surroundings more bearable. They might speak with medical professionals and caretakers and work together. Conclusion So, is medical specialities a good career path? The answer is yes. Individuals who are passionate about medicine and want to make a big difference in people's lives can consider a career in one of the medical specialties. Although the industry may have its share of difficulties, the potential benefits and the chance to work in a continuously changing industry make it a popular and alluring career choice. 7 Health Tips For Medical Students Is Health Care A Good Career Path? Is Medical/Dental Instruments A Good Career Path