Top 10 Reasons Why Everybody Over 18 Should Have a Will

Published on: 18 January 2019 Last Updated on: 14 October 2024
Over 18 Should Have a Will

Time does not stop for anyone, and life can often bring about unexpected circumstances that no one can ever be fully ready for. No one wants to think about the end of the line, but a little extra work now can help you care for your family even after you’re gone. It can be easy to assume that someone as young as 18 does not need a will. The spontaneity of life can prove this invalid, and also young people have many things that are worth money and could be lost in the shuffle.

Every person over the age of 18 should go about the process of getting a will just in case. When the time comes you will want everything to be in order to take the stress off of those already grieving. Look through this list of reasons and see if any apply to you or a young person you know, one is sure to.

1. Young People Have Valuable Possessions

Just because a person is barely considered an adult does not mean that they do not have any valuable possessions. 

You wouldn’t want someone laying claim to something of yours just to sell it. Therefore, it should go to the right person. 

The amount of money people spend on teenagers or children over the years is increasing. 

Especially with the growing number of toys and technology that are accessible. Some young adults manage to accumulate a great amount of worth in video games, movies, or even dividends on the internet. 

2. Children

When a young person passes away, children become orphans. Even if they do not have children now, one needs to predetermine a guardian. 

This can happen if one creates a will with a correct and legal approach. Choose someone who you know will take the best care of your children. Someone who would be happy to, not someone who would just be stuck with them. 

There may also be something you would want to leave to them in particular. Something that is special between the two of you, or even an heirloom that was given to you. 

3. Leave Less Stress

A loved one experiencing a loss may not be able to think clearly enough to deal with all of your affairs. It is never easy to go through a loved one’s things. Others may not know your exact feelings on certain things or people and something important to you could be left out.

When someone passes without requests it is common for rifts to form within a family over what should be done. With your direction in hand, there is no argument to be had.

Creating a will in many ways transfers the responsibility to a legal entity. This can be helpful for the family member, as they will not be required to go over every detail of the same. You do not know what is going to happen the next moment. If you wish to more on summary probate, please click on the link.

4. People Receive Exactly What You Decided

There are certain things that some may argue over who they belong to, even those who take things because they are unrightfully in possession of them. 

When writing a will, if the worst occurs, all of the important valuables in your life should go to a specific person. It has to be someone you absolutely trust because then that person can divide it among others. 

Sentimental items can be of huge importance to some. So, it is vital to designate the right things to those you feel would honor them properly. 

5. Digital Assets

Technology is an integral part of life, especially those of young adults. The option of having digital assets is less thought of when developing a will, but it is now becoming necessary,

This includes video games or online money wallets. Without your will these things can be lost forever, locked behind a password only you knew.

6. Separate Beliefs Than Parents

If you want a specific arrangement dealing with your funeral or burial, it can be vital to state it; otherwise, those responsible may not know. 

For instance, if donating your body to science is what you prefer, it is not likely to happen unless you specifically state it. Religious beliefs can also come into play for certain burial procedures, such as cremation or donating organs. 

7. Sentimental Value

Leaving possessions to the proper people can be helpful for sentimental belongings that would be monumental.  

Sometimes a dear gift to a close friend can mean a lot and help them bear the situation as well. 

Much of dealing with loss is carrying pieces of the person with you. This can actually be done. You would want sentimental items like photographs and such to be thrown away. 

It may look like trash to whoever is cleaning the space, but it might be special to someone dealing with the loss of you. 

8. Protect Inheritances

If you have been left an inheritance, even if you are as young as 18 if you unexpectedly perish there is no clear answer of who will receive the inheritance if you are unmarried. The same goes for deciding the beneficiary of life insurance. It may fall to someone who has never even been involved in their life like an absent father, or estranged family when it should go to a child or other significant person.

9. You Can Always Change Your Mind

Wills are official documents that can be altered at any point in a person’s life. With authorized assistance, you can always update it for others who may come into or leave your life. 

Updating will be important when it comes to new assets as well. You can do it easily with professional assistance. Plus, company like Verhaeghe Law Office can provide all the elaborate explanations of a will and its uses. 

10. Always Be Prepared

Long life is promised to no one. Writing a will can be challenging and bringing yourself to do it can be depressing.  

However, preparing your estate is an important responsibility that can help those close to you through the mourning process. 

Everyone Needs A Will

There are many methods of writing a will, and only knowing them will make you successfully convey your final wants. 

You can include letters with important aspects of your will. This will explain what makes the inheritance and the person special to you. 

Research examples of wills so you can find the correct format. It may also help you consider the exact types of possessions you need for the layout. Consider all these things and be satisfied knowing, no matter your age, that a will is necessary. 

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Personal Injury Attorneys For Your Case

Choosing The Right Personal Injury Attorneys For Your Case

Injuries from accidents can impose an enormous burden on injured parties. These include medical expenses, property damage, and pain and suffering. These damages may be recoverable even if the victim is partially at fault. Compensation for other losses may be sought, including loss of consortium in a wrongful death case. A Vero Beach personal injury attorney can help victims understand their legal rights and options. Experience If you have sustained an injury, attorneys in Vero Beach can help you file a claim with the responsible party's insurance company and negotiate a fair settlement offer. An attorney with an excellent track record can make all the difference in getting you the due compensation. They will take the time to analyze your case, discuss all available options with you, and fight insurance companies on your behalf. Car accidents may be the most prevalent form of a personal injury claim; however, other incidents resulting in serious injuries - such as bike or pedestrian collisions, motorcycle incidents, slip and fall incidents, medical malpractice lawsuits, cruise ship injuries, or wrongful deaths can all qualify as claims for personal injuries as well. Injury from accidents can have long-term repercussions and significantly diminish the quality of life; in such instances, consulting a personal injury attorney can be extremely helpful in seeking compensation for expenses such as pain and suffering, lost wages, and property damage. They may even assist you in filing a claim against your employer to obtain more damages than just by filing an ordinary claim against them. Costs If you have been injured in a car accident, compensation could be available for expenses associated with medical treatment, lost income, and vehicle repair. Furthermore, if your injuries require ongoing care or permanent disability treatment, compensation for future medical expenses could also be available; furthermore, if it has caused harm to relationships such as marriage, then loss of consortium compensation could also apply. Filing a personal injury suit can help recover losses if another's negligence led to your injuries. A qualified Vero Beach personal injury attorney can guide you through this legal process and negotiate with insurers on your behalf. Compassion Many people need to know they have a personal injury case, but an attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve. The attorneys can explain complicated legalese in simple terms and determine the best strategy for your case. They can also negotiate with the insurance company so you can focus on healing and getting your life back to normal. What Are The Benefits Of The Personal Injury Attorney? Personal injury attorneys are experts and know the twists and turns of the court to extract the right compensation from the jaws of the defendants and the insurance providers. However, we discuss some of the benefits of the personal injury attorney in this section. So, let us get started with the discussion here. Negotiation Skills  The personal injury attorneys have the right negotiation skills. When it comes to getting the right compensation. The defendant's lawyers and the insurance company play all the tricks to ensure they provide minimal monetary compensation. However, personal injury employs countermeasures so that the client receives the maximum possible compensation. Prevention Of Critical Errors  The insurance companies contact the victims of the accident and collect the information regarding the accident. The adjuster might seem like a caring individual, but they have all the tricks in their quiver to negate the maximum sum as compensation. They consider it a loss for their business. The adjuster is considered not loyal to the interests of the employees. If you agree with the statement, then it will enable the insurance providers to play smart on their periphery. There, you must not make a statement to the defendant's vehicle insurance provider. Let your hired attorney handle the charges. It can cause critical errors that could harm your potential claim. The Playing Field  The parties who are at fault (here, the defendant) will try all their means to defend their cases aggressively. If you try to represent yourself, then you may have to face the attorney of the defense. So, knowing the imminent challenge and difficulty you must face, you must defend all. The personal injury attorney has all the tricks to fight your case. They are advanced enough, and they can provide you with the best support against the damages. Expediting Your  Claim The claim process includes extensive court cases. First, you must prove you are a victim and establish your case with the judges. Only then will you get your claim. It requires extensive paperwork, buying the time, and framing the strategies. Bank on the experts as they will manage to move the process quickly so that you receive your claim fast. The lawyers can help you facilitate the claims. Accessing The Medal Care  One of the advantages that you can reap with the help of an experienced and successful personal injury attorney is accessing medical care. The attorneys talk to the doctors and collect information on the recovery and treatment. This information is crucial from the point of view of extracting the maximum claim. The be-all and end-all of the entire case is to get both justice and compensation, and the attorneys are experienced enough to provide for their clients. Relief From Stress The court procedures are extremely tiresome procedure, and they involve their flow. Fighting the cases alone may not fetch you justice. You may suffer from stress; therefore, you must understand the attorney's role in keeping you free from stress. This is where the role of the attorney becomes crucial. Conclusion A personal injury can cause various losses, from medical expenses to lost wages. A Vero Beach personal injury lawyer can fight to get you the compensation you need for your financial recovery. Victims of accidents can seek damages not only for financial losses but also for non-financial losses such as pain and suffering. In the most severe cases, victims can claim compensation for the impact of the accident on their relationship with their spouse or partner, which is known as loss of consortium. Negligent parties can also face wrongful death lawsuits. Additional: Top 10 Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys Red Flags To Avoid When Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer What Are The Effective Ways To Communicate With A Personal Injury Lawyer

Mental Health in Canadian Criminal Law

The Role of Mental Health in Canadian Criminal Law

Exploring the interplay between mental health and Canadian criminal law presents a challenging and constantly changing scenario. The judicial system acknowledges that individuals struggling with mental health may necessitate a distinct approach compared to those without such issues, focusing on balancing justice and empathy. This article delves into the diverse role mental health plays within the Canadian criminal justice system, spanning from initial arrest to sentencing and rehabilitation. Mental Health As A Contributory Element In Sentencing A crucial aspect of the connection between mental health and Canadian criminal law lies in its influence on sentencing. The courts recognize that mental health difficulties can play a role in criminal activities and, occasionally, act as a contributory element. In determining sentences, judges consider factors such as the accused's mental state during the offense, possible connections between mental health problems and criminal actions, and the overall effect on responsibility. This comprehensive approach seeks to guarantee that sentences are equitable and tailored to individual situations. Diversion Initiatives And Mental Health Courts Acknowledging the distinct requirements of individuals facing mental health difficulties, Canadian criminal law has implemented diversion initiatives and specialized mental health courts. These alternatives strive to steer individuals clear of conventional criminal proceedings and towards programs that tackle the underlying reasons behind their conduct. Mental health courts specifically offer a more healing approach, linking accused persons with mental health resources and support instead of concentrating solely on punitive actions. Challenges In Assessing Mental Fitness Assessing mental fitness is a critical component in determining an individual's culpability and appropriate legal response. However, it poses significant challenges. Mental health assessments often require expertise from forensic psychologists and psychiatrists to provide comprehensive evaluations. The courts must navigate issues of reliability, confidentiality, and the potential stigmatization of the accused. Striking a balance between protecting the rights of the individual and ensuring public safety adds complexity to the process of assessing mental fitness within the Canadian legal system. Cases And The Role Of A Specialized Lawyer Within the broader context of mental health and Canadian criminal law, cases involving child pornography present a unique set of challenges. Accusations of child pornography offenses can be emotionally charged and complex. A specialized child pornography lawyer plays a crucial role in such cases, understanding the sensitivity and gravity of the charges. These lawyers often collaborate with mental health professionals to assess the accused's mental state, addressing underlying issues that may contribute to the alleged behavior. The goal is to ensure a fair legal process while also advocating for appropriate mental health interventions for both the accused and potential victims. Access To Mental Health Treatment For Offenders Recognizing the potential for rehabilitation, Canadian criminal law emphasizes access to mental health treatment for offenders. When mental health concerns are detected, the legal system strives to provide access to suitable treatment and assistance. This could entail collaborating with mental health experts, devising customized rehabilitation programs, and continuous supervision to make sure the individual gets the required care. Ultimately, the goal is to tackle the underlying reasons for criminal actions and encourage successful re-entry into society. The Need For Continued Education And Awareness Though progress has been achieved in recognizing mental health's significance in Canadian criminal law, continuous education and awareness remain crucial. Judges, attorneys, law enforcement officers, and the general public need to keep learning about the intricacies of mental health and criminal behavior. This involves identifying symptoms of mental illnesses, comprehending their possible effects on legal procedures, and supporting policies that emphasize the well-being of individuals within the criminal justice system. In conclusion, the relationship between mental health and Canadian criminal law reflects a commitment to a balanced and compassionate legal system. From sentencing considerations and Charter protections to diversion programs and specialized courts, the legal landscape is evolving to address the unique needs of individuals with mental health challenges. By recognizing the importance of mental health in legal proceedings, Canada is taking significant steps toward fostering a system that prioritizes justice, fairness, and rehabilitation. Read Also: 10 healthy Habits to improve your health How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health Living Healthily | Six Crucial Lifestyle Tips for College Freshmen

How An Attorney In San Francisco Can Help For Wrongful Death

Compassionate Advocacy: How An Attorney In San Francisco Can Help For Wrongful Death 

Are you grappling with the gut-wrenching pain of losing a loved one because of someone's negligence or because of some wrongdoing in the bustling city of San Francisco? Dealing with a wrongful death can feel like stumbling through a foggy maze, but guess what? Right here in the Bay Area, you can hire a San Francisco wrongful death attorney who understands the unique heartbeat of this city and can be your guiding light through this tough journey. So, take a deep breath, lean on those who care, and let these skilled professionals help you find the path to justice and healing. Understanding Wrongful Death In San Francisco First off, you should know what is meant by wrongful death in the context of San Francisco. Essentially, it occurs when a person dies as a result of the negligent, reckless, or intentional actions of another party. This could range from a fatal car accident caused by a drunk driver on the Golden Gate Bridge to a fatal workplace accident at one of the bustling tech companies in Silicon Valley. The Role Of A Compassionate Attorney Now, you might be wondering: How can an attorney in San Francisco help me during such a difficult time? Well, here’s a picture. Imagine you're standing at the edge of the Pacific Ocean, waves crashing against the shore. It's a turbulent sea of emotions, confusion, and legal complexities. That's where your attorney steps in as your lifeguard, ready to navigate the choppy waters and guide you safely to shore. Investigation And Evidence Gathering Having an attorney on your side is like having a trusted ally in your corner. They're not just there to handle paperwork. They're like your personal detective, diving into the details to uncover the truth behind what happened. Picture them out there, hitting the streets of San Francisco, talking to witnesses, gathering clues, and putting together the pieces of the puzzle. It's like having a friend who knows all the hidden gems and secret spots of the city, guiding you through the chaos with confidence. So, while you're grappling with emotions, let your attorney be the one to roll up their sleeves and do the legwork, so you can focus on remembering and healing. Crafting A Legal Game Plan Your attorney is like a strategic mastermind crafting a game plan for your case. They dive deep into San Francisco's legal landscape, analyzing laws and past cases like detectives piecing together clues. They'll cook up a strategy tailored to your situation, mixing legal theories like ingredients in a recipe to build a compelling case. Whether it's arguing negligence, strict liability, or intentional wrongdoing, they'll whip up a legal concoction aimed at winning justice for you. Navigating The Legal Process The legal system can feel like a maze, especially if you're not familiar with its twists and turns. But fear not, because your attorney is like your personal GPS, guiding you through each step of the process with clarity and expertise. Whether it's filing paperwork, negotiating with insurance companies, or representing you in court, they've got your back every step of the way. In San Francisco, when it comes to wrongful death, it means if you lose someone you love due to someone else's fault, you have legal options. For instance, let's say your partner passes away because of a negligent driver. Well, you and your family could seek compensation to include factors such as medical bills and funeral expenses, as well as the financial support your partner would have provided. But here's the catch: you've got to file a lawsuit within a certain time frame, or you might miss out on your chance to seek justice. Bringing In The Experts In the legal arena, it's like assembling a superhero team. Your attorney calls on a squad of experts to bolster your case. Picture accident reconstruction specialists as forensic artists sketching the scene of the incident, while medical experts dissect the injuries like CSI investigators. Economists crunch numbers to put a value on your losses, and forensic analysts comb through evidence like Sherlock Holmes on a case. Together, they form a powerhouse of knowledge and insight to support your claim. Read Also: Coping With Loss: Legal Aspects Of Wrongful Death Cases The Drama Of The Courtroom When negotiations stall and it's time to take the stage, it's like stepping onto the set of a legal drama. Your attorney becomes the leading actor, delivering a performance that could sway hearts and minds. They'll weave a narrative that captivates the jury, using evidence like plot twists to keep them on the edge of their seats. Cross-examinations become intense duels, with attorneys sparring like verbal gladiators in the arena of the courtroom. It's a high-stakes performance where every word counts. The Appeal Of The Appeal Even after the final curtain falls, the show may go on. Appeals are like sequels in the legal saga, where attorneys make their case to higher courts. It's a chance to rewrite the ending, challenging the judge's rulings or the jury's verdict with a fresh perspective. Attorneys become storytellers once more, crafting compelling arguments in written briefs and oral presentations. It's a battle of wits where legal minds clash, hoping to sway the judges with their persuasive powers. For instance, suppose a family believes the court's decision regarding compensation was unjust. In that case, they may appeal the verdict to a higher court, such as the California Court of Appeals. Here, their attorney would present arguments challenging the previous ruling, perhaps citing errors in legal procedure or misinterpretations of evidence. Final Thoughts And Encouragement In wrapping up, facing the aftermath of a wrongful death in San Francisco is undeniably tough. But with a San Francisco wrongful death attorney by your side, there's hope and guidance through the storm. From unraveling the details of the tragedy to crafting a solid legal strategy, your attorneys are there to navigate the complexities every step of the way. Read Also: 5 Common Types Of Personal Injury Cases Top 10 Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys How Much Compensation Can You Expect Run Accident Claims