10 Reasons to Purchase a Used Car


11 January 2019


Used Car

Looking to buy an inexpensive car? Then think about buying a used car rather than an expensive new car. Buying pre-owned vehicles can provide the same comfort as a new car, provide quality transportation for years, and can significantly save you money.

Here’s a list of reasons why you should buy a used vehicle.

1. Cheaper price tag:

The price of a used car is a lot less intimidating than the price of a new car. New vehicles are great to have, but cars still lose most of their value early in their lifespan. The inevitable law of depreciation remains a significant reason to purchased used cars instead.

2. Several options:

If you’re buying a new car, there are only a few brands and models available for you to choose from. But, when you purchase a used vehicle, you can look around and pick a specific car that best suits your needs.

3. Cheaper insurance rates:

New car insurance can be cheaper. However, the insurance rates for a used car are less expensive than they would be for new cars. It means you will be saving money on the vehicle itself and on your insurance, both at the same time.

4. Cheaper registration fees:

The same as with car insurance, several states charge a cheaper fee to register a vehicle if it has a lower transaction price. While some states increase its registration fees to generate more income, purchasing a used car is a good way to avoid rising registration fees.

5. Used cars now are much more reliable than in the last century:

With the help of today’s technology, vehicles are designed and manufactured to last longer, which makes modern used vehicles more reliable and dependable.

6. Negotiate the price:

You can purchase the vehicle for lower than its asking price if you successfully haggle about its price with the seller.

7. Cut down on maintenance costs:

Maintenance costs tend to be cheaper when you purchase a used car. You can also save money on internal configurations, premium oil, and more.

8. Less depreciation:

Brand new cars are bound to lose around half of their value in the first five years after purchase. However, used cars do not depreciate so fast, making your purchase a good investment.

9. Cheaper customization costs:

Since you’re purchasing a used car, you may install features on your own at a more affordable price than on a new car.

10. Certified pre-owned vehicles:

Certified pre-owned vehicles assure buyers that they’ll be getting a car that drives like new. It also ensures buyers that they’re buying quality and thoroughly inspected cars at a bargain price. Certified pre-owned vehicles may sometimes have an extended warranty, unique financing, and other benefits.

Buying used cars in Utah, Florida or any state is exciting, especially with several great options to choose from on the market today. These are some of the reasons why buying a used vehicle is worth it.

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Repower Boat

How to Repower Your Boat: 5 Expert Tips

Any boat expert will tell you repowering your boat is a smart investment, whether you won a sailboat, an outboard or any other type of boat. Replacing a boat engine makes a lot of financial sense in most cases. Of course, it depends on who you entrust with the job. Whether you own an old boat with a damaged engine you want to breathe some new life into with a new fixer or sell for a better price because selling it with your current engine is next to impossible, here are a couple of tips you should have in mind if you’re looking to repower your engine with the help of a company such as Propulsion Controls Engineering. Repowered Boat is Easier to Sell : Currently, the used boat market is so flooded that there are more boats for sale than there are interested buyers. If you’re trying to sell your old boat with debilitating mechanical issues, you might as well give it away since selling it in that condition will be impossible. There will always be better boats for the same price or even cheaper. However, since engines make up for more than half of the boat’s worth, replacing the engine with a new one will increase your chances (and your price) greatly. Ask around for the prices of both broken and repowered boats and you’ll see the difference. Calculate the Costs : When planning the repowering project, make sure to include the cost of the engine, the installation and add some more funds for additional expenses. With old, outboard boats there will be more elements you might need to replace like fuel tanks, transmissions, wiring, controls, engine mounts, the exhaust system, cutlass bearings, shafts, props, stuffing boxes and more when you take the engine out for the new engine to be as effective as possible. If your engine is old and worn out, there’s a big chance some of these elements are as well. For example, you’ll definitely need to replace old props and shafts to match the power of the new engine. You might also need to repaint the engine space, add sound isolation or lights to make the most out of the replacement. For outboard engines, think about transom repairs or adjustments, outboard brackets and controls. These elements might not need replacement, but only slight maintenance. In either case, it helps to be financially prepared. Engine Access Can Also Increase the Cost : In a lot of boats, the engine is installed before the decks. There is usually a hatch that enables you to reach the engine for cleaning and maintenance. However, in most cases, this hatch is not big enough to remove the engine for replacement. You might have to cut a piece of the deck or the bulkhead. On boats with wooden decks, this translates to a big carpentry expense. It’s even worse for boats with fiberglass. The cost of repairing the deck so that the repair isn’t obvious can be very high. Finally, if the crane cannot reach the engine due to the boat’s structure, mechanics may have to install a rail system to get the engine out. Naturally, this will cost you as well. Don’t Save on the Engine : Hearing about all these additional costs may make you reconsider whether you really want to get a new engine. Perhaps you are thinking about getting a used or rebuilt engine instead? You have to know that buying new or factory-refurbished engines come with a warranty that will guarantee your peace of mind and will appeal to potential buyers. You Can Attempt to Install Yourself : If you have some experience in maritime engines and feel confident that you can install the engine on your own, make sure you still have the engine checked by a reputable dealer who can approve the warranty.

Cars Sales

The Decline of Cars Sales Has Led to an Increase of Motorcycles in the UK

There has been a gentle decline in the number of cars that are being bought all over the UK. In 2018, car sales had plummeted to a record low of 7%. Even during September, which experiences an upsurge in car sales, the 9th month of 2018 saw a double-digit slump in the number of cars sold. This comes in the backdrop of the new testing rules, waning demand for new cars, weak customer confidence and the fears on Brexit. The majority of vehicles in the UK are diesel-operated and are over 20% more in number than their petrol-operated counterparts. The downward trend has continued since the start of 2018, but the end of the year experienced the highest decline. Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) Part of the reason was the introduction of a new test for all cars entering the EU market. The test, called Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP), measures all emissions from the car, including carbon dioxide. It also checks on the fuel economy. Unfortunately, there are very few WLTP testing centers across EU countries, and this has created bottlenecks in the delivery of new vehicles to customers. All new cars have to undergo the tests. This is causing delays with customers feeling the pinch of having to wait for the cars for too long. Some customers are either turning to car leasing to cater for their transport needs while others are going for motorcycles as a cheaper means of transport cross short distances. This reason and other factors discussed below have led to a rise in motorcycle sales volumes. The rise in the number of motorcycles on roads had led to a high demand in motorcycle parts and rider gear. This, in turn, has led to increased sales volumes for motorcycle parts and rider gear online dealers such as XLMoto. Brexit Uncertainty: Brexit talks seem to have hit a dead end. There are no concessions made so far on Britain’s pullout from the EU. Due to this uncertainty, most consumers are unwilling to commit lots of cash until the Brexit talks have been concluded. In this case, they are going for cheaper alternatives especially where the customers are singles. Some of these more affordable alternatives are motorcycles. In fact, major automotive manufacturers are urging the UK government to consider the plight of the industry in their negotiations. If there will be differences in car legislation after Brexit, many car makers may have to move factories into the EU affiliated countries. There is also waning confidence in many newer models getting into the market largely due to few improvements on previous models. Therefore, most customers do not see the need for changing their existing cars. The financial challenges affecting the middle class are also leading to many not buying cars. In the same time, motorcycles are fast becoming the travel mode of choice especially across major cities in the UK. In addition to the reasons provided above, motorcycles get you around jam-packed city roads faster than cars and they have less cost on maintenance and fuel consumption. The rise in motorcycle sales is expected to go up the post-Brexit UK and into the future. Online motorcycle sales lead to showroom sales of motorcycles across the UK. Read Also: Things To Consider Before Buying Your First Motorcycle The 5 Most Important Motorcycle Safety Tips All Riders Need To Know How To Choose The Right Motorcycle Tires For The Motorcycle


Why Times Are Tough For Truckers and Why It Concerns You

It wasn't all that long ago that truck drivers were paid competitive wages and offered benefits for doing their jobs. But in recent decades, a job that once provided stability and a comfortable paycheck has become much more trying for truckers.  When the trucking industry was deregulated in the 1980s, there was a rise in the number of trucking companies, leading to an increased demand for drivers. That need for more drivers has been a pox upon the trucking industry virtually ever since, and it shows no signs of letting up anytime soon. The American Trucking Associations says that the industry is currently short about 48,000 drivers. By 2025, that number will rise to approximately 890,000 drivers.  Ask a commercial driver who has been working a big rig for a long period of time and they will tell you how much times have changed. In many ways, drivers feel as though they are under siege, either through regulation or by the companies that find more and more ways to save the money they pay some of their hardest workers.  The changes in the trucking industry are important to everyone who shares the road with tractor-trailers. The fact that the industry is in limbo is a big concern for all of us. Truck Driver Pay Isn't Keeping the Pace The trucking industry has been struggling to retain the number of drivers that they need in order to meet shipping demands. While the industry refers to this as a shortage of drivers, many labor experts also believe that it is really a shortage of truck driver pay. Workers that used to gravitate toward the role of a truck driver are finding other sectors that offer more pay, or at least similar pay for more optimal working conditions. Truck drivers spend long stretches of time away from their homes and families. Unless adequate pay entices those workers to get behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler, they will find other sources of income. This means that the current workforce is stretched thin. Truck drivers are increasingly being hired as independent contractors, which means they lack the benefits that they used to enjoy and end up footing the bill for downtime. Self-driving Trucks are on the Horizon Though not an immediate threat to those who choose truck driving as a profession, the possibility of self-driving trucks is an ever-present entity in the trucking industry. While many believe that the automated trucks of tomorrow will have a human being in the vehicle to oversee and intervene in case of an emergency, the possibility of self-driving trucks raises a number of questions that remain unanswered. Now that companies are throwing their hat into the automated truck ring, the recent fatal crash involving the Tesla Autopilot system has also raised major concerns about the effectiveness and safety of a human operator taking over from an automated system. Until this technology is truly road-ready, it will remain a big question mark in terms of its impact on road safety and trucking labor. Many Regulations Currently loom Over the Trucking Industry A number of regulations have been hanging over the trucking industry in recent years. Electronic logging devices are slated to be mandatory on all trucks. Speed limiters are expected soon. These devices are promoted as being a boost to road safety by slowing trucks down and holding drivers and companies more accountable for hours spent on the road and for traveling too fast. However, many in the industry, including drivers, are concerned that these devices could cause more problems than they fix. Some drivers feel as though logging devices are a way to shift blame for violations onto them, and there have been many concerns (and lawsuits) over how the information from these devices is used to harass and intimidate drivers behind the wheel. Likewise, many drivers are concerned about the implementation of speed-limiting devices, which inhibit the ability of a truck to exceed a predetermined speed. Some safety advocates say these devices will improve road safety, but others are concerned that speed limiters will limit the ability of a driver to be as flexible and adaptable as they need to be in order to avoid causing traffic congestion. Yet another concern with speed limiters is that they create large speed differentials with other vehicles on the road, which increases the likelihood of collisions. Trucker Health and Sleep Apnea One of the biggest challenges for truck drivers is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Driving a truck means being sedentary for long periods of time. Eating healthy while on the road is difficult. It's easy to see why truck drivers, when compared to the average worker in the United States, have twice the rate of obesity and diabetes. Sadly, they are also twice as likely as all other workers to not be covered by an insurance plan. These less-than-optimal conditions set the stage for the high rate of sleep apnea among truck drivers. The FMCSA says that close to one-third of commercial truck drivers have obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that affects the quality of sleep and diminishes daytime alertness, among other health concerns. One report found that truck drivers with sleep apnea are five times more likely to be involved in vehicle crashes. These issues represent some of the greatest obstacles in the path of the trucking industry. As long as there is a demand for shipping, these companies will no doubt find a way to meet it, but the price is being paid by those who are behind the wheel. The fact that we all share the road with them means that we, too, have a vested interest in these struggles. There will be many changes to come for the trucking industry in the years ahead. Unless those in charge find a way to keep these drivers healthy, happy and better-taken care of, many of the problems mentioned above will only get worse. Read More: Important Things To Transport During A Relocation Finding The Right Moving Company How To Get A Loan On A Day With Bad Credit?