Repair or Replace? How to Know When It’s Time to Scrap Your Car


24 October 2018


Repair Car

The line dividing when to keep or get rid of your car is one of the less appealing aspects of vehicle ownership. Sometimes we just want to be told the answer ahead of time.

If you’re stuck between not knowing if you should take your car to an auto wrecker or to hold off just a little longer, here are a few guidelines that could shed some light on the answer you’re seeking.

Outweighing the Odds:

The first thing to consider is how much your car is actually costing you in repairs on a monthly to yearly basis. Is this quantity more than what it would cost to purchase a new car and pay a monthly payment?

If so, then it’s probably safe to say that you should invest into buying a new vehicle.

Of course, when balancing out these odds you must consider the insurance difference on a new car will be a lot more (with things like collision) than you might be paying currently. For the most part, if you’re already paying a whole bunch to keep it running, why not make the change for the better?

When Old Reliable Is Not So Reliable Anymore:

If your car is reaching the point where it’s peaking at 200,000 miles (125k kilometres) things are getting a little squeaky, and the check engine light isn’t turning off, then that’s a good sign the clock is coming down to the wire on making a new purchase.

Breaking down is no fun when it’s a late night after a long day of work and it’s the last thing you need in your life. And trust me, these things hit you when you least expect them to.

For you, is the main question what you’ll be fixing next? If yes, then your car is past its prime.


With older vehicles, the engine and the transmission are likely to begin causing problems. Therefore, if you want to save yourself the trouble and the late night anxiety then scrapping is the best option here.

Old Reliable

Photo by Dietmar Becker on Unsplash

Looks, Matter:

Sometimes it’s not always about the inside, but the outside too.

With appearances, compromised vehicles are those that show signs of rusting on the exterior. If you don’t mind this, then you should just be concerned about the parts below your car that are showing signs of rust and could become compromised.

Aside from deteriorating metal, some of us actually want to look good when we’re driving around. If you feel like your car isn’t up to your standards, or the bodywork and chasey is beyond repair, why not trade it in for something newer?

Get it While You Can:

Trading in your used vehicle may be the last thing your car will ever give you. Whether it’s a little or a lot is up to you, depending on how long you wait or not.

While your car is still worth something, sometimes it’s better to trade it in than to wait until its worth next to nothing. What you should do at this point is check your incentives and approach certain dealerships to see what they would offer. And if the timing seems right, then so be it!

Making the Right Trade:

All of this information would be useless if you traded in your car for something of the same quality. Therefore, the most useful tip to give is to really consider the car you’re going to purchase in place of your scrapped one!

If you are basing your reasoning on getting a newer vehicle because the payments will be equal to the repairs, then make sure that your new car won’t need any of these same repairs.

Furthermore, if going through a dealership, make sure to have them provide free maintenance and oil changes for the next one or even two years, just to ensure that your trade is going to be worth it.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Off-Road Driving

What Type Of Vehicle Is Ideal For Off-Road Driving?

Off-driving is an adventurous experience that many people like to enjoy. Off-road driving is thrilling and exciting for those who love to be daring. Off-road driving is riding your vehicle on uneven, unpaved surfaces like sand dunes, gravel, mud, snowy peaks, rocks, or riverbeds. Off-roading gives a chance to experience and explore new places that are otherwise difficult to reach. Paved roads often do not lead to far-flung areas where an off-road vehicle can take you. Here Are Five Vehicle Qualities Ideal For Off-Road Driving: Vehicles for off-road driving have to be tough and durable. This article would help you to know what an ideal off-road vehicle should have. 1. Choose A Strong Beast Off-road vehicles are often manufactured by renowned and entrusted companies as these vehicles have to perform tough driving tasks. Off-road drives are huge in size, rough, and strong. Choose a vehicle that has a sound-heavy body and a solid hard lid. Ford Ranger Hard Lid in Brisbane Australia is one of the types of vehicles that can be considered tough for coarse rides.  2. Durable Tyres Good quality tires are the most essential for an off-road ride because only tires have the duty to take you to places where you cannot go otherwise. Off-road vehicles have huge-sized, wide tires and have deep grooves on them for ensuring grip in muddy or rocky areas. 3. Quality Suspension Suspension allows your vehicle to sustain bumps. An off-road ride is usually very bumpy and uneven; therefore, an off-road vehicle should have sufficient height and should have an exceptional quality suspension to prevent the vehicle from getting damaged from the humps of the ground while moving through a rough area. 4. Tools and Gears You never know of any upcoming uncertain situation that your vehicle might face from an off-road ride. A favorable four-wheeler should have an emergency tool kit and extra gear with it so that the driver can repair any minor damage that may occur to the vehicle. Breakages are inevitable during an off-road ride, thus it also falls on the driver to have some practical repairing skills, for emergency situations. Also, the drivers should keep their personal travelling tools along like a campus and other related outdoor necessity gears. 5. Choose Suitable Size Suitable Size Four-wheeler, off-road vehicles come in several sizes and shapes. You can either opt for a giant one or go for a smaller vehicle, the choice is yours. But the practical approach to buying an off-road vehicle is to opt for the size that suits your needs. If you like to go off-roading with a group of friends then definitely you’ll need a bigger version of your vehicle, but if you prefer to adventure alone or with a single partner, then choose a smaller model of the off-road vehicle as it would be easier for you to manage. 6. Look for Fueling System An off-road vehicle has high engine power and thus it requires more energy in the form of petrol or diesel. Before buying an off-road vehicle, estimate the amount of fuel that you’d need to run that beast. Hybrid four-wheelers are also available which provide ease to the driver in terms of carrying fuel along as they go on their voyage. Read Also: 7 Ways to Find the Best Auto Repair Shop for Your VehicleHow Do Self-Driving Cars Really Compare To Human DriversUsed Cars In Tucson Offer You The Best Range Of Driving Options


How Accessible Is Your Dealership’s Website?

It might be easy to think about your website as something ancillary or removed from your car dealership, a splash page in which you can throw up a few pictures, link to a mostly-ignored Twitter, and slap on a phone number, address, an invitation to come to visit you in-person. Nothing could be further from the truth. In our constantly evolving digital world, your website is a legitimate extension of your physical dealership. It needs to be constantly updated with your latest stock, contains accurate information, and provide not just one or two but a variety of ways in which to get in touch with you. In short, it needs to be as accessible as humanly possible. Customers who visit your site should leave feeling as though they have just visited your dealership in-person. All the amenities should be available to them. A full, accurate, and updated look at what you currently have in stock is of key importance. Keep a photo gallery of every single vehicle you have available for purchase for customers to peruse. Is a car model temporarily out of stock? Make sure that information is clear and let them know when you will be getting more shipped out. Is a model completely out of stock? Strike it from the site and don’t look back. Crisp, detailed photos should be a given. If you can offer a full, 3D digital view of even some of your stock, that’s even more impressive. Another way of replicating the in-person experience is by offering a live online chat. There is some extremely impressive car dealer chat technology available today. This will offer your customers the ability to talk to a live operator 24/7. With Gubagoo’s Chat Smart technology, you give these operators access to your stock and sales information; they, in turn, present it to the customer, create a profile of them, collect their contact info, and bring it all back to you. This information is highly-customizable and extremely easy-to-use. You can even, using a dealer-only app, see live chats as they take place in real-time and hop in if you have something to add or elucidate certain points. Online dealer chat technology can also be integrated with your Facebook page, so that the popular website’s online chat function can be funneled directly to a live operator. Another important aspect is social media. You already know, of course, about Facebook and Twitter, but these days it’s of extreme importance that your dealership is accessible through as many social media outlets as possible. Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitch, Discord, and Pinterest are just a handful of the avenues through which crafty dealerships are boosting their sales. Consider bringing on a social media expert to run your Twitter, keep your website updated, and get you in touch with potential customers in as many different ways as possible. Did you know that 75% of car buyers say that online research was key for them in making their eventual decision? A full three-quarter! And it’s a safe bet that some of the remaining 25% at least checked websites online in addition to in-person. Read Also: What Is Car Leasing Anyways, And How Does It Work? Your Simple Guide To GAP Insurance

Truck Accidents

The Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Big rigs, delivery, trucks or any kind of commercial trucks can present some serious threats to other vehicles and passengers present on the road. As per statistics, around five hundred thousand accidents from the total accidents are caused either directly or indirectly by commercial trucks. Out of these five hundred thousand, around five thousand have reported leading to deaths due to truck accidents. In order to take efficient measures for the prevention of truck accidents, we first need to understand the main causes as well. In this article, we have listed some of the most common causes of truck accidents. The Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents: 1.Cars Driving in the No-Zones areas The area behind and beside a truck is known as the ‘No-Zone’ area. A passenger vehicle or car driving in this area automatically puts itself in a dangerous position because the area is not visible by the driver. An accident can occur due to zero visibility. 2. Not Training the Truck Drivers Properly Driving a truck is entirely different from driving a car and requires an enhanced level of training. Drivers who are not properly trained may not be aware of the safety concerns and important techniques for driving trucks. These drivers, in turn, are more prone to cause accidents later on as well. 3. Speeding and Over Taking by the Truck Driver Speeding by any kind of vehicle whether it is a truck or a passenger car or even a motorcycle can ultimately lead to an accident. Overtaking while driving especially at high speeds also contributes to a majority of accidents. Most of the truck drivers tend to over-speed as a result of the unrealistic deadlines given by their companies to deliver goods in a lot of cases. Over-speeding, especially in poor weather conditions, poses a heightened level of danger for all the vehicles present on the road. 4. Poorly Maintained Trucks or Trucks with Faulty Systems A truck or any kind of vehicle needs to be properly maintained so that it can function well on the road. If a commercial truck is poorly maintained or consists of faulty systems, then it can lead to critical accidents. Faulty brakes, for example, can lead to an accident if a truck driver is not able to stop the truck at point hence leading to a collision. 5. Distracted Driving and Fatigue Drivers tend to become exhausted and even bored when they have been driving trucks from a long consistent period of time. As a result, they might be prone to falling asleep on the wheel or may look for distractions to keep them entertained. These distractions can include playing games on their cell phone or speaking on the cell phone while not focusing on the road. Speak to a Truck Accident Lawyer Today! These were some of the common causes in brief. In order to learn more in detail for filing a truck accident claim, you can choose to contact the Truck Accident Attorney Chicago for better understanding. Read Also: Why Texting Is Not A Good Idea When You Drive Why Times Are Tough For Truckers and Why It Concerns You