Rocket Lawyer And ZenBusiness Services For Business


14 July 2021


Rocket Lawyer And ZenBusiness

If you are someone that is looking to start a new business, you would have probably come across the term- LLC or Limited Liability Company. An LLC is an official form of company legal structure, where the business owners are not liable to the official debts that the business accrues over a period.

Forming any business according to any company structure can be an intimidating affair. This is because the paperwork, documentation, bonds, proof, and cheques that are required to be submitted can by themselves become a complex and confusing affair.

This is why companies like ZenBusiness and Rocket Lawyer exist to help business owners set up LLC companies with zero or minimum fuss for small fee payments. In this article, we are going to look at which is the better online platform that you should select by carrying out an in-depth comparative analysis between ZenBusiness and Rocket Lawyer.

Limited Liability Company: Meaning and Definition

Limited Liability Company: Meaning and Definition

In other words, the liability for the downturns or failures of the business does not end up at the doorsteps of the business owners or entrepreneurs. An LLC works to combine the model or a proprietorship with that of a large corporation.

However, it adds to the list of advantages like personal control of proprietorship with zero obligations like a corporation. This means that it is a great model that helps bring in advantages like taxation benefits, personal ownership, and more. This is why an LLC is referred to as a Hybrid Model that combines the features and functions of the two entities.

As you could have guessed by now, LLC company formation is the most sought-after one because of the major advantages it offers. This is why more than 70% of new businesses that open in the United States opt for an LLC legal company structure and formation.

ZenBusiness Versus Rocket Lawyer: Which is the better Online Platform for LLC formation?

ZenBusiness Versus Rocket Lawyer: Which is the better Online Platform for LLC formation?

For the last few years, businesses that have looked at not hiring a full-time business lawyer have depended on either Zen Business or Rocket Lawyer for their company formation needs. Needless to say, customers have always been made to do a choice between Rocket Lawyer Vs ZenBusiness.

In this section, we are going to pick up some important factors and compare where do the two companies stand-

1. Price Comparisons-

If you are looking to compare solely from the vantage point of prices, then defeating ZenBusiness will be a very tough call. This is because the ZenBusiness charges start at only $39.99 per month legal subscription.

On the other hand, Rocket Lawyers starting subscription stands at a price of $99.99. Both these are just the fees that are charged by the respective companies for their services. You need to add the official state taxes and fees on top of this.

2. Features On Offer-

The starting plan for Rocket Lawyer just comprises LLC registration services for their $99.99 subscription. If you wish to add an agent to help you, the charges will go up significantly by $149. Lastly, if you want some extra templates for agreements, Rocket Lawyer will charge you an extra $39.99!

As against this, ZenBusiness looks to offer all three features for a paltry sum of $39.99. Yes, you read that right. This means that in terms of features to price comparison, there is no denying the fact that ZenBusiness is the better deal to make.

3. Experience and Credibility-

Rocket Lawyer has been in the business of LLC company formation for a very long time. In fact, it has a solid reputation and credibility in the industry. If you go through their company website, you would notice that they claim to have helped 20 million businesses.

I am sure ZenBusiness would not have managed to reach that figure of 20 million in their limited time of existence. The company was started in 2015 and has since then tried to slowly build its own following through competitive prices and excellent service records.

4. Customer and Technical Support-

When it comes to chatting support, both these companies offer them on all 7 days. In this area, we felt that Rocket Lawyer has a slight edge over ZenBusiness. You see Rocket Lawyer offers customer support from 9 to 9 every single day on phone, email, and chat support.

ZenBusiness on the other hand tries to match up to Rocket Lawyer for the weekdays. However, on weekends it offers shortened support between 11 to 8. Here too you get support on chat, email, and phone. Both the support teams are highly professional and dedicated.

5. Add-On Services-

When you look at both these companies, you see that they mostly all services regarding company formation, agent registration, filing taxes, agreement farming, and so on. To that end, there is not a lot of difference between them.

The differences start emerging when you look at additional legal services on offer Rocket Lawyer goes above and beyond mere commercial legal help and extends it to Divorce Settlements, Will Formation, Eviction Notices, Real Estate Deeds, and so on.

The Bottom Line

There are so many other issues and areas that as a business owner you can focus on apart from the paperwork process. By leaving this to an established and credible online platform like ZenBusiness or Rocket Lawyer, you can rest assured that your LLC formation will be a smooth affair.

At the end of the day, every small business wants to save as much as possible on overheads. This is what gives ZenBusiness a comparative advantage. It matches Rocket Lawyer and stays within its league for almost all features. Where ZenBusiness pulls the rabbit out of the hat is in terms of the pricing.

If you have any other questions on LLC company formation that you would like to raise, let us know in the comments section below.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Considering the potential of gaining those profitable gains from Dubai’s profitable estate industry? Dubai is known to be a blossoming sector for property investment throughout the world, although current economic times have been diminishing the returns of investment (ROI) for present property owners. Nevertheless, through careful planning and consideration, you can alleviate these economic repercussions and continue to weather the storm until the business cycle inevitably stabilizes. With that said, the best advice to be given to foreign investors looking to partake in the real estate industry in Dubai is most certainly to look for off plan real estate projects currently in place, which may yield the most lucrative rewards. Perfect Investment Opportunity for Expats: If you reside in another country far from Dubai itself, the regulations here in Dubai are quite lenient for you to be able to buy a property within the city. This came as a result of the current economic downturn of the local real estate industry, although the cycle trend has started to shift upwards again, come 2019. Since 2002, foreigners purchasing Dubai properties have been given leeway to own freehold properties without the need to register for holding visas in the city. However, if you want to visit your property, you will have to apply for a Property Holders Visa which is applicable for 6 months before requiring renewal. Still, this is only available for properties which range higher than AED 1 million in market price. Why Property Investment in Dubai is a Brilliant Idea? Off-plan properties in Dubai also offer the most reasonable prices for expats to own their dream house here in the city! Developers are willing to accept market price cuts and allow discounts for potential buyers to initiate a sale during a project’s kick-off phase. Considering that these properties have yet to be completed, some may not even be started yet; the ball is on the buyers’ court where purchasing power is given to your hands. Dreaming of owning a home overseeing the city’s sprawling towers behind beautiful crystal-blue waterlines? Dubai Creek Harbour projects are among the most in-demand property developments currently being pursued by potential investors around the world! Investing your time, and money, towards these upcoming off-plan properties in Dubai, will surely pave a way to more possibilities for you. The Benefits of Investing in Off-Plan Properties: Due to volatile market fluctuations and the frequent regulation changes made by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), purchasing off-plan properties will benefit you by locking the price of your preferred investment and safeguarding you from any unforeseen market changes. With the current market starting to experience a stabilizing cycle transition, you can look to avoid higher sale prices by committing to property early on in its development. Secure Long Term Investment and Peace of Mind:  With all these shared, it is high time that you start looking for off-plan properties to buy here, in Dubai. Delaying it longer will only endear you to higher opportunity costs in the long run. In addition, you may even find yourself completely outpaced by other investors who have invested earlier in their pursuits than you! Come make your interests known, and you will find that Dubai is indeed a land full of opportunities to be explored. Read Also: 10 Best Tourist Attractions In Dubai BEST GOLF COURSES IN DUBAI Investing In Property Is Investing In Your Future 4 Considerations Before Investing In An Oil Change Franchise Under 100k

Trade Show

Eco-Conscious Insights And Innovations From Emerging Trade Show Trends

In a world increasingly attuned to the urgency of environmental sustainability, trade shows have become crucial platforms for showcasing eco-conscious insights and innovations.  According to Sustainable Review, Sustainable Live London, SDG Summit, and Climate Week NYC are some of the biggest sustainability conferences and exhibitions. These exhibitions not only provide a glimpse into the future of sustainable practices but also serve as catalysts for change within industries.  As we navigate the challenges of climate change, emerging trends in trade shows shed light on groundbreaking initiatives that prioritize the planet. In this article, we will explore the evolving landscape of eco-consciousness within the world of trade shows. Sustainable Materials Redefining Exhibits Trade shows are witnessing a transformative shift in booth aesthetics as sustainable materials redefine the exhibitor landscape. Gone are the days of disposable plastic and wasteful displays.  Exhibitors are increasingly turning to eco-friendly alternatives like recycled cardboard, bamboo, and even mushroom-based materials to construct visually striking and environmentally responsible booths. As noted by Bis Research, mycelium-based materials have the potential to significantly contribute to the green economy and environment. They save energy and offer insulation. These materials not only reduce the overall carbon footprint of the event but also serve as powerful statements on the viability of sustainable design.  From modular structures to biodegradable banners, the creative use of sustainable materials is fostering a new era of conscious exhibition design. This inspires both exhibitors and attendees to consider the ecological impact of every element in their displays. Energy-Efficient Booth Designs Innovative booth designs are taking center stage at trade shows, with a spotlight on energy efficiency. According to Exhibits Northwest, exhibitors are incorporating cutting-edge technologies such as solar panels and energy-efficient LED lighting to power their displays. As noted by the Department of Energy, LEDs consume up to 90% less energy than standard lights while lasting up to 25 times longer.  This move toward sustainable energy not only minimizes the environmental impact of events but also sets a precedent for practical, eco-friendly solutions. These energy-efficient designs serve as a visual spectacle while demonstrating the feasibility and benefits of incorporating green technologies into everyday business practices.  As attendees experience the visual impact of renewable energy solutions firsthand, the ripple effect is a heightened awareness of the potential for sustainable practices. Sustainable Innovation With Local Trade Shows  Across the United States, locals are leading the charge in embracing sustainable innovation. Cities and states are increasingly recognizing the importance of environmental responsibility, with communities actively engaging in eco-conscious practices. From the adoption of renewable energy sources to the implementation of green building standards, the commitment to sustainability is evident. Certain cities and states have become pioneers in this movement, setting ambitious goals and implementing comprehensive plans to reduce their ecological footprint. From California's stringent emissions standards to New York's initiatives promoting green infrastructure, these regions are at the forefront of the sustainability revolution.  To further champion eco-conscious practices, trade shows focused on sustainability have become a hallmark across the United States. These events serve as platforms for sharing knowledge, showcasing innovations, and fostering a nationwide dialogue on the collective journey toward a more sustainable future. Nestled in the heart of the Pacific Northwest, Portland stands as a beacon of sustainable living and innovative environmental practices. Portland's residents have long embraced a lifestyle that prioritizes nature, sustainability, and community engagement. This extends to businesses and public institutions, making the city an ideal host for events dedicated to environmental responsibility.  Known for its commitment to eco-conscious urban planning, Portland has earned its reputation as one of the greenest cities in the United States. According to Green City Times, Portland has created almost 92,000 acres of green space. This includes a network of pathways and parks excellent for walking and riding. Against this backdrop of eco-awareness and forward-thinking, the Oregon Convention Center (OCC) has emerged as a cornerstone of sustainability within the city.  The OCC embodies the city's values through its commitment to green building and sustainable business practices. It frequently holds trade shows with numerous eco-friendly Portland trade show displays. As we explore the OCC's dedication to sustainability, it's essential to recognize how it integrates into the broader landscape of Portland's eco-friendly initiatives. Virtual Experiences for Reduced Carbon Footprint In response to the global call for reduced carbon emissions, trade shows are embracing virtual and hybrid experiences. This evolution allows for broader participation while significantly decreasing the carbon footprint associated with travel and logistics.  Virtual components include interactive online exhibits and virtual networking spaces. This enhances accessibility while underscoring the importance of adopting eco-friendly alternatives in the face of climate challenges.  As industries set sail toward more sustainable event formats, the positive environmental impact becomes evident. The shift toward virtual and hybrid experiences represents a dynamic step forward, proving that connectivity and eco-consciousness can go hand in hand. Circular Economy Initiatives in Product Showcases  Trade shows are becoming key battlegrounds for the promotion of circular economy principles, particularly evident in product showcases. Exhibitors are spotlighting products designed for longevity, repairability, and recyclability, challenging traditional linear production models.  From electronic gadgets with easily replaceable components to fashion items made from recycled materials, the emphasis is on creating a closed-loop system. This shift not only aligns with consumer preferences for sustainable products but also compels industries to reevaluate their approach to production.  With circular economy principles, trade shows are driving home the message that sustainable consumption is not just a preference but a necessity. Eco-Friendly Packaging Solutions  The spotlight on sustainability extends to the very packaging that houses products exhibited at trade shows. Exhibitors are increasingly adopting eco-friendly packaging solutions that prioritize biodegradability, recyclability, and minimal environmental impact. From compostable wrapping to innovative designs that reduce excess packaging, the emphasis is on minimizing waste throughout the supply chain.  This commitment not only resonates with environmentally conscious consumers but also prompts industries to rethink their packaging practices. The ripple effect is a broader shift toward a more sustainable and mindful approach to how products are presented and consumed. Collaborative Sustainability Initiatives Among Exhibitors The ethos of sustainability is thriving in trade show spaces, where exhibitors are forging collaborative initiatives to champion environmental responsibility. Shared efforts include waste reduction programs, carbon offset partnerships, and the establishment of industry-wide sustainability standards. This collaborative spirit not only amplifies the impact of individual exhibitors but also fosters a culture of environmental responsibility across diverse sectors. Exhibitors are pooling resources, sharing best practices, and collectively working toward a common goal of reducing the ecological footprint of trade shows.  As this collaborative momentum grows, trade shows are no longer just platforms for individual businesses. They have become hubs for collective action toward a more sustainable and resilient future. In conclusion, trade shows are driving transformative change through eco-conscious trends. From innovative booth designs with energy-efficient technologies to virtual experiences reducing carbon footprints, the industry is evolving. Local initiatives, like Portland's commitment to sustainability and collaborative efforts among exhibitors, highlight a collective dedication to environmental responsibility.  Trade exhibitions have evolved into more than just a platform for businesses. They have also become focal points for collaborative efforts toward a more sustainable future. As the industry continues to prioritize greener practices, it contributes significantly to a broader global movement for sustainable business models and conscious consumer engagement. Read Also: What Type Of Inflatables Should You Opt For At Your Business Event Getting a Return on Investment From Using a Trade Show Booth A Well-Oiled Trade Show Machine: The Ones Running the Show

Business Organized

5 Tools That Can Help You Get Your Business Organized

Keeping a business organized often feels like a futile task. There’s always something to do and it can feel impossible to take care of everything. Maintaining a high level of organization impacts everything about your company, from efficiency to effectiveness. You can’t afford to let your firm’s operations run away from you. But there are plenty of online tools available for you to manage every aspect of your business. We’re going to take a look at some of them now. 1. Slack :  Project management is often a battle in itself. Slack allows you to make sure that everyone knows what they’re doing and the progress of every project. You can collaborate on tasks of any size and create special boards where only certain members have access. Take full control of any project by assigning administrative privileges to your managers. It’s an easy way to manage your next project. 2. Profisee :  Talk about master data management and you might think that it’s just an IT thing. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Master data management is all about keeping the various bits of data within your business efficient, clean, and useful. Through proper master data management, you can find out the answers to important questions like, “Which of my customers are the most profitable?” Profisee makes it easy to understand what master data management is and how to begin implementing it in your small business. 3. Evernote : A big favorite among small business owners is Evernote. It organizes your thoughts on the go and enables you to keep track of everything. Furthermore, your notes can be organized and converted into a layout that’s suitable for presentations. The sheer number of different options for this is impressive. 4. Asana :  Virtual online businesses are becoming more common. Even brick and mortar businesses are turning to remote workers. But communicating by email can often be difficult. Asana allows you to communicate across the globe without the need for email. Conversations are organized based on a specific task. It can also double as a project management app if you prefer. This means you can assign people to specific tasks and receive status updates pinged to any WiFi-enabled device. 5. Tripit :  Business trips are a necessary evil. Tripit keeps everything from flight itineraries to hotel reservations in one place, and they’re tied to a calendar. Easily share these updates with your inner circle to allow them to plan around your visit to that client or the next big industry conference in Vegas. Last Word – How to Keep Your Business Organized : The organization isn’t just confined to a few areas of your company. This is the biggest mistake business owners tend to make. They often organize a single part of their business, such as their finances, but fail to properly manage the other parts of it. Inevitably, this leads to problems and invalidates their previous work. Don’t fall victim to that by picking up these five tools today. Do you have any tools you use to keep your business organized? Read Also : 7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Mobile App How To Master Social Media For Businesses & Entrepreneurs Relocating Your Business To Downtown Toronto? Read This First