How to Select a New Shopping Center Site

Published on: 14 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
New Shopping Center Site

If the next goal of your retail construction business is to build a shopping center at a strategic location, the first key step is to find the right site where it’s economically, geographically and environmentally viable to build a shopping mall.

The planning and construction of a shopping center are way different from that of local markets or of store clusters. The selection of land itself is a lengthy process, from shortlisting possible locations to getting government approvals to begin construction. The location, the scale of the project and the size of the shopping mall are key determinants in the site selection process.

Moreover, when a developer chooses a site for a shopping mall, it must be a place that will receive high footfall, will have ample parking space, should be convenient to visit and should house the brands that can pull traffic. A shopping center is, therefore, a full package that doesn’t just offer products that people would like to purchase, but also an ambiance that will make the experience comfortable, hassle-free and weatherproof for visitors. If you’re an investor, developer or builder scouting locations to build a new shopping center, here are a few key factors that should guide your decision.

Base your decision on stringent selection criteria :

Building a new shopping center is a big investment and should get you maximum ROI in record time. However, reality often differs widely from projections made during the planning phase. Therefore, site selection for a shopping mall must be done after taking into account several key parameters such as accessibility, availability of local transport, road infrastructure around the location, traffic around the site, size and construction-readiness of the site, and scope of expansion.

Other key factors that should drive your site selection research are the topography of the area, the shape of the land, and survey-backed data regarding potential footfall and present and future competition.

Lastly, the catchment area should be studied in-depth to understand the demographics and spending habits of the population expected to be your future customers.

Be prepared to face the challenges in site selection :

Sometimes, finding a site for a new retail project takes only a few weeks, and at other times the process may stretch into months. The key challenges faced by builders and developers in finding an ideal location include land acquisition cost (land near the city center or in prime locations tends to be way more expensive than in other areas); availability of land for commercial projects near densely populated areas; getting the required environmental clearances and government approvals; and, lastly, the public infrastructure around the site.

A site that meets only some of these selection challenges may not be worth pursuing, as the success of a shopping center will depend on the footfall it attracts, which itself depends on several factors. So shopping plaza location should be finalized only if it will give its investors and retailers a handsome return on investment.

Use technology to find the best sites :

The most successful global retail chains rely on technology to help them find suitable locations for opening new stores worldwide. Using massive amounts of big data and cutting-edge mapping systems, companies are using technology to find profitable sites across the world. Expansion and investment decisions are increasingly being taken based on location- and demographics-based data provided by specialty software programs and applications.

If so far you’ve relied on physical research to scout locations for retail projects along with limited use of technology, it’s time to go all out into the fantastic realm of big data and digital mapping software to build your next retail success story.

Contact a digital map provider, such as to get a detailed map of the town or district or street you’ve shortlisted as an ideal site for your next retail construction project. The various types of digital mapping services available with Promap offer invaluable and in-depth information that is employed by developers and architects for site identification, risk analysis, feasibility, planning application, and environmental and geological analysis of a location before proceeding to the planning and design phases.

Lastly, market research is a key aspect of retail construction as it helps developers derive accurate projections in terms of present and long-term viability of the project. Once the site is selected, a detailed demand/supply study must be carried out, taking into account the lifestyle and spending power of the catchment area. This will help you determine which retail businesses are more likely to drive traffic to the shopping center.

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Sales Velocity

How To Measure Sales Velocity

Sales velocity is a vital metric that sheds light on the efficiency of your sales process. It helps you understand how quickly potential leads are converted into paying customers. Greater sales velocity means an organization is generating revenue faster, a positive indicator of healthy sales kinetics. However, measuring sales velocity involves an intricate understanding of individual parameters like the number of open opportunities, average deal size, win rate, and sales length. In this article, we delve into the labyrinth of sales velocity and reveal the processes to measure it accurately. Keep reading to empower your business with this substantial metric. Understanding the Concept of Sales Velocity Sales velocity demonstrates how swiftly a qualified lead converts into a closed deal. Understanding this idea is fundamental for companies wishing to increase revenue growth. It allows sales teams to identify bottlenecks within their process and address them efficiently. Increasing sales velocity can dramatically enhance your sales output and revenue generation. To give an insight into the concept of sales velocity, consider it the speed of your sales cycle. The quicker your leads move through this cycle, the higher your sales velocity. This concept provides insightful information about your sales pipeline and helps identify areas for improvement. It forms the foundation of sales forecasting, helping to create accurate sales predictions for future quarters. Accurately understanding sales velocity is not merely about measuring the speed of closing a deal. It includes a comprehensive analysis of your sales routine—from lead generation to sealing the deal. The concept gauges the efficiency of your sales process and can offer remedial measures for any shortcomings. Interpreting the Elements of Sales Velocity Four essential components determine your sales velocity: the number of opportunities, average deal size, win rate, and length of the sales cycle. These parameters collectively provide an accurate depiction of your sales velocity. The number of opportunities refers to the count of leads or prospects your sales team is working with. These open opportunities are the potential contributors to your revenue. On the other hand, the average deal size is the average value of each deal your team closes. It sheds light on the financial adequacy of your deals. Both components directly influence your sales velocity: the higher these values, the greater your sales velocity. The win rate is the percentage of opportunities that convert into actual sales. It directly correlates with the efficiency of your sales team. A higher win rate means your team is successfully persuading a majority of leads. The sales cycle length refers to the span between the first contact with a lead and closing the deal. This is inversely proportional to the sales velocity—the longer this duration, the lower will be the sales velocity. Precise Measurement of Sales Velocity To measure sales velocity, you need to calculate and analyze all four components, multiply the number of opportunities, average deal size, and win rate, and then divide the result by the length of the sales cycle. While this formula may seem complex, it yields a powerful insight into your sales dynamics. Calculating each component accurately is crucial for an exact sales velocity measurement. All these parameters are interconnected and contribute collectively to your sales velocity. Increasing one factor can compensate for a decrease in another, maintaining the overall sales velocity. Optimize Your Sales Velocity Understanding your sales velocity is one thing, but optimizing it is another. It requires strategic thinking and implementation. The first step is to conduct regular reviews of your sales velocity. Frequent auditing will spot changes in your sales velocity and allow immediate rectifications. Moreover, refining each contributing factor can lead to an optimized sales velocity. Effective marketing, lead generation, or referral programs can increase the number of opportunities. Raising the average deal size may involve upselling to existing customers or offering premium products to new customers. Understanding and measuring sales velocity can significantly boost your revenue generation. By mastering this art, you can spin the wheel of your sales pipeline in your favor, steering your business toward sustainable and substantial growth. Read Also: Types Of Objections In Sales And How To Overcome Them With An Email Delivery Test? 5 Ways To Help Your Sales Team In Door To Door Selling Top 9 Reasons Your Sales Training Isn’t Working


Prep Your Office For An Ergonomics Work Setting: Tips To Make It Perfect

A healthy and safe working environment is quite a product-oriented work environment. Regardless of the company’s size, some enterprises strive to prepare an ergonomically sound and capable workplace for their employees.  Ergonomics is vital because it safeguards the employees' mental and physical health and well-being. Similarly, you can avoid issues like repeated injuries and overexertion by incorporating effectively designed ergonomics equipment.  When there is poor ergonomic practice, it is the duty of every employee to ensure they are using good ergonomics at their own working station.  With a desk, fancy chairs, and equipment, the world will not assist an employee who slumps and slouches in an awkward way at their desk. In this article, you will find certain important tips to help you focus on the office and create a productive and healthy working environment.  Ways To Immediately Improve Your Workstation Ergonomics When you are uncomfortable at your desk or feel discomfort while working, it is due to a poorly positioned keyboard and monitor. It might further prevent an individual from reaching their full potential of working.  Here is a list of tips to help you create an ergonomic working station.  1. Proper Height Display  Monitor and other display devices should be placed at an eye level when your employees use them.  Similarly, when viewing a display, one must not strain the neck or squint the eyes. Therefore, ergonomics is dedicated to employees not being required to alter their neck to right, left, down, and up to see a display.  Thus, the principles apply to individuals with conventional single monitors and power the users in employing the multiple displays. 2. Good Working Posture  Whether your employees work in a warehouse or within a corporate office, the top ergonomics priority is establishing an effective workstation.  You need to ensure that your employees are able to stand or sit in the correct body posture. On the other hand, you need to see if they work in a relaxed position that requires no stress or excessive reaching to task completion.  Standing at the workstation is also suggested and is a good ergonomics approach. This will ensure your employees stand straight and wrists and arms remain in a neutral position.  3. Keyboard Position With ergonomics, a proper keyword, a mouse, and other gadget configurations are just as significant as your employee posture regarding neutral body position.  If the individual is reaching out for the mouse at a problematic place and has violated the parallel rule (inline) of wrist or elbow, then it might not be suitable for health reasons.  Ensure the employees reach for input devices that can lead to excessive fatigue after lengthy exposure.  You should place the mouse and keyboard where the employees can easily access them without neglecting any of the neutral body positioning rules.  Furthermore, tailor your devices for the employee who is using them.  Furthermore, both the devices should be tailored for the person using them. This might require an adjustable device for diverse users. Thus, flexibility or malleability is the most important element.  4. Adjustable Chairs And Desk  You must prioritize purchasing high-quality commercial business furniture with adjustable chairs and equipment to maintain a good posture and a neutral body position.  If you observe, there are individuals who have a poor sitting posture. On the other hand, there are employees who do not take breaks and sit constantly in one place for a long duration. This creates a risky situation of experiencing injuries and weariness to their neck and back.  The more comfortable a chair and desk can be, the more you can tailor the individual's use. Similarly, when it comes to ergonomics, employees must sit comfortably and work with dedication rather than suffer from pain.  5. Reduced repetitive Movement  The majority of business or corporate employees suffer from MSDs or Musculoskeletal disorders that occur due to repetitive movement.  Even if your employee applies perfect ergonomics rules, repeating the same without any motion will cause them stress and later an injury.  One of the best ways to combat the issue is by altering the duties and responsibilities. When they do something else and perform a different movement, even after a short time, it will eventually bringing down the capability for stress and injury.  6. Environmental Setting Often, the environmental setting is overlooked within a working station. Some essentials of ergonomics are proper lighting, convenience, humidity, and temperature.  However, the lighting must not cause any glare on the computer screen. This denotes that your workplace should be equipped with soft light systems. Incorporate light that is good for working and reading and will be necessary for computer light.  On the other hand, the settings of temperature are trickier since individual preferences differ. Avoid MSD among employees and reduce the working space temperature for a comfortable work experience.  7. Standing Up And Moving Around  This is one of the most important tips for office employees: get up from your seat and move around. It is as simple as it can be.  Once an hour, workers should get up from their seats and take a few minute breaks.  You can also encourage your employees to take short breaks, walk, visit the restroom, or grab a cup of tea. Remember, a healthy working environment is a productive working environment.  8. Shield Your Eyes  There are many business sectors that use computers regularly, and employees spend several hours each day.  When you constantly work in front of the computer at a regular stretch of time, the blue light from the screen induces eye weariness and strain.  In this situation, it is an effective method of incorporating ergonomics in your workstation to include preventive measures to keep employees motivated.  It is your responsibility to look after the employee and their well-being. In order to do this, you might either wear blue glasses or rearrange the employee schedule of spending screen time.  Summing Up Some of the major advantages of ergonomics working station include: Increased working satisfaction. Reduced number of employee compensation claims. Decreased sick leaves or less number of physical injuries.  Therefore, the majority of professionals within different business sectors spend their working days at a desk. This is why it is crucial to adjust their desk and chairs to their comfort level.  Thus, it is important to learn about workplace ergonomics as it can help you reduce fatigue, workplace injuries, and stress levels.  Even if the employee is not in danger, you can contribute to making the workplace a pleasant atmosphere where individuals look forward to coming to work every day.  Read Also: Remote Working In 2022: 5 Must-Have Tools—You Need To Know Sneak Peek Into The Working Of HR Department Five Reasons Why Freelancers Should Use a Coworking Space

Right Visitor Sign-In Software for Your Organization's

Choosing The Right Visitor Sign-in Software For Your Organization’s Needs

With the complexities of modern security and privacy concerns, organizations across industries are increasingly turning to advanced visitor management solutions. A reliable visitor sign-in system streamlines the guest check-in process and enhances overall security and compliance with regulatory standards. Identifying the ideal software tailored to your organization's unique requirements is imperative for a smooth and secure operation. Keep reading to understand the critical aspects that will guide you in choosing the right visitor sign in software. Keep on reading till the end to learn more… What Is A Visitor Sign-In Software? You might remember how all the visitors who were temporarily visiting the building or an organization were made to sign a big fat data entry book in the past.  They used to write down their names, the time of entry, and the purpose of the visit. They also used to mention their contact details and who they would want to meet. That was a visitor entry process that was made and managed manually. But times have changed. And with the evolution and advancements in technology, everything is now digital.  Data has become centralized, and it is managed that way. And THAR is where a Visitor Management Sustem comes into play. A Visitor Sign-in Software is a part of the Visitor Management System (VMS). A VMS helps organizations keep track of visitors entering the building. It lets them efficiently manage the visitors. A sign-in software for the visitors is a part of the smart VMS. It is located on the premises to control the data and to maximize security. So, the reason or purpose of having this system is nothing new. It remains the same as before. Understanding The Security And Compliance Needs Of Your Organization The first step in selecting visitor management software is analyzing the security and compliance demands specific to your organization. This may include understanding data privacy laws, such as HIPAA in healthcare settings, which your software must adhere to. Identifying these requirements early can help prevent legal and security issues in the future. Scrutinize the various levels of access control offered by the software. It’s crucial that the system can identify and manage different visitor types, from contractors to VIP guests, ensuring appropriate access while maintaining security. Your staff should be able to easily monitor and control visitor movements within your facility. Another key consideration is the software's capability to keep thorough visitor logs. These records are vital not only for security audits but also for any emergency action plan in the event of a situation requiring a quick evacuation roll call. Ensure the system can securely store and manage data while providing quick and efficient retrieval when necessary. Your organization's industry may also influence the level of security you require. For instance, organizations that handle sensitive information or have high-security areas will need a sign-in system with advanced identity verification features, such as ID scanning or biometric checks. Key Features to Look for in Visitor Sign-In Software When evaluating potential visitor management software, consider the features that are essential for streamlining operations. User-friendly check-in processes, such as self-service kiosks or quick scan-in options, can significantly reduce queues and enhance visitor satisfaction. Notification systems are another feature to look for. The software should notify the relevant personnel immediately upon a guest's arrival. Additionally, customizable badges with photo IDs can enhance security by making it easier to identify visitors within your premises. Also, the system should be able to pre-register guests, which can save time for both visitors and staff. Pre-registration can often include pre-screening questions that aid in security and compliance, ensuring unauthorized or risky visitors are flagged before they arrive. Ensure the software also provides detailed reporting and analytics. These insights can help with data-driven decision-making, inform capacity planning, detect security patterns, and understand visitor trends. Reporting functionality is valuable for continuously improving visitor management protocols. The Role of User Experience in Visitor Management Systems The user experience is crucial to the success of any software solution, and visitor sign-in systems are no exception. It should be intuitive for both guests and administrative users, with minimal training required. A complicated system can result in a negative first impression for visitors and frustration for staff. The interface design should be clean and inviting, offering clear instructions and guidance for visitors as they sign in. On the administrative side, the software should allow staff to easily oversee visitor flow and access clear and concise visitor data. Mobile compatibility is increasingly a must-have for both visitors and administrative users. Whether it's providing the option for visitors to check in using their smartphone or enabling staff to manage visitor details on the go, having a mobile-responsive system can significantly enhance the user experience. Take a Look at Integrations It is important that your VMS can be integrated with several other systems that you use for your organization. This helps with the overall efficiency and operations.  Some of the systems that you should consider incorporating your VMS with are security cameras, employee directories, and other access controls. One of the reasons behind this is that most organizations use a lot of digital and smart software. Since integration helps with data centralization, using a VMS that can be integrated with other systems makes managing the data much more efficient and smart. Freedom for Customization Last but not least, one of the things that you should keep in mind while choosing a particular VMS is whether you can customize it for better usage. Since every organization is different, the preferences and requirements for each of them will vary. Therefore, when choosing a particular software, it is important to see if it can meet all your needs. A VMS that you can customize as per your requirements will help create a better and more positive experience for both visitors and staff alike. Best Visitor Sign-in Software in 2024 Now that you know the importance of visitor sign-in systems, it is time to learn about the best software systems you can use.  The options are endless, but you should have a list ready, right? Here are the top three best Visitor Sign-in Software that you should check out this year: 1. SwipedOn The first one on this list of the best Visitor Management Systems and Visitor Sign-in Software is SwipeOn. Just as the name suggests, it is one of the easiest to work with. It gets integrated with other systems pretty smoothly and helps in the working of the same. One of the best things about this platform is that the average time to get a response here is even less than two minutes. 2. Robin Second on the list is Robin This one is a great platform for enterprise and mid-market companies. Additionally, you can also use it for scheduling meetings with people around the world. When it comes to customization, this platform is truly one of the most popular ones. 3. Doordesk Last but not least, Doordesk is one of the most popular VMS tools that helps with enhanced security. It is a great choice if you want to improve your visitor experience and streamline the check-in and checkout process. Bottom Line Overall, a visitor sign-in system is an integral part of modern organizational security and efficiency. By understanding your specific requirements and reviewing your options carefully, you can select a visitor management solution that not only meets your immediate needs but also supports your organization's growth and evolution over time. In case you wanted to know about the things to keep in mnd while choosing a VMS, we hope that this blog has been of help to you. If you have any other questions related to visitor sign-in software, please feel free to let us know by commenting in the box below. Read Also: Everything You Need To Know About PKI In Cybersecurity Five Tips to Make Sure Your Security Software Is Actually Secure Why DRM Is the New Standard for Document Security