How To Sell A Small Business Without A Broker

Published on: 27 December 2019 Last Updated on: 04 September 2024
sell your small business

Once you’re ready to sell your small business, hiring a business broker tops your list. An article from this perfectly defines the role of business brokers that is to act as “intermediaries between buyers and sellers of a business”. They are the equivalent of real estate brokers or agents who sell properties on behalf of property owners.

Business brokers manage everything necessary to sell your small business, from planning to marketing to closing the deal. Some even assist during the transition process. Considering such an enormous task, enlisting a broker may seem the easiest and most convenient thing to do. However, their service comes with an outrageous fee, usually around 10% commission from the sale. This is certainly a huge cut from your profits.

If you want to retain the full profit from the sale, you can opt to sell your small business sans middlemen. This is an excellent choice especially if you have previous experience selling a business, you know of prospective buyers, or you’re not in a hurry to sell-off. However, when you decide to sell your business on your own, you have to be ready for a tedious legwork.

So, how do you go about the sale?

Know your reason for selling the small business

According to a business broker, the first thing that a buyer would want to know is why a business is being sold. For a business to attract a potential buyer, you need to have a good reason.

Some of the common reasons are retirement, sudden changes in personal circumstances, illness or death, boredom, partnership disputes, and burnout. Prospective buyers find these as ‘attractive’ reasons to buy a business.

It may be harder to sell a business if you tell the buyer that you’re selling the business due to its sorry financial state, persistent losses, lack of manpower, and changing market conditions and trends.

Make your business easily marketable by timing your sale properly. Show positive attributes to make it more marketable such as a strong customer base, increased profitability, consistent good financials, well-defined business processes, and a good contract.

Plan your sale

Prepare your business at least two years ahead of the sale, especially if you won’t enlist a broker. Have an ample amount of time to improve your client base, business structure, and financial records. This will help improve the value of your business and make it more attractive to buyers. This should also help ease the transition process.

Get your business appraised 

get business appraised 

Once you’re ready to sell, you need to decide on the worth of your business. It is best to work with a professional business appraiser to get a proper valuation. Often, business owners become illogical when it comes to evaluating their own business. Some price is too low in an attempt to make it more marketable but end up losing on potential profit. Others price it too high hence making it unattractive to potential buyers.

A business appraiser will evaluate your business to determine its worth. He then prepares a detailed explanation to give credibility to the proposed price.

Prepare all documents

preparing documents

Give time in preparing the design or sales package for your business. This document represents your business in the best possible light to potential buyers. It should include financial, operational and marketing information. If you are not comfortable with your communication skills, you can enlist the help of professional business writers.

Financial documents are an important part of the sale process. Gather your books of account, financial statements, and tax returns for the past four years. Review these documents with an accountant. In addition, develop a list of assets that are being sold along with the business. Include other necessary documents such as lease agreements, supplier contracts, and contact lists.

Prepare an information packet or operating manual that provides an overview of your business processes. In addition, you want to add photographs of your business, testimonials, case studies, and customer profiles. Highlight accomplishments and milestones to make it more marketable and command better-asking price.

Prepare your business on-site

Alongside the documentary preparations, you should also make your business site presentable. Check your physical store, production site, warehouse, and other related locations. You might need to have some areas repainted or redeveloped. Check if equipment or machinery needs to be replaced or fixed before the sale. Investing in such developments can help improve the asking price.

It might sound cliché but first impressions last. An unkempt and dilapidated business site might turn off a potential buyer. It pays to invest in your physical asset as soon as you decide to sell on your own.

Look for a buyer to sell your small business

Finding a buyer is difficult, but it becomes doubly challenging if you don’t have a business broker. Unless you have a ready buyer, it may take several months to years before you can find the right buyer.

The advantage of hiring a business broker is that they have wide networks and established marketing methods. If you are working solo, you will need to compensate for these services. There are listing sites dedicated to businesses-on-sale. You only need to pay a one-time fee and your business becomes available to potential buyers.

You can also tap your networks. Perhaps, a friend or an acquaintance (or someone they know) is planning to buy a business. You can check your local business clubs or chambers. Visit online forums and social networks. Don’t limit your advertising methods.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, if you sell your small business without a broker is possible. It can even be advantageous if you play an active role in the sales and negotiation process. Quite obviously, business owners are more passionate to sell their business to the right buyers. Of course, you just have to remain rational and avoid getting your emotions to affect your decisions.

As a final caution, if you have no experience selling and buying a business, you should consider working with a business broker or someone who has experience in this field. Better yet, you can check with your local chamber of commerce for assistance and counseling.

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mobile soy software

What Does Business Law State about Monitoring Employees?

Occasionally, we come across many individuals that are conflicted about the role monitoring applications have to play in the day to day office routines and activities. The most common question asked deals with the boundaries and limits that are “bendable” with the installment of monitoring applications. And the answer is simple; monitoring applications and software programs are legal and frequently advised to be installed in any firm or company. Here is why. Legal but… Monitoring or spy applications are legal in any court of law across the world. However, there are some regulations that need to be upheld by the employers’ side before installing monitoring software around the company premises. These guidelines include: Informing Employees Beforehand When it comes to employee monitoring applications, every court of law strictly states that the employees should be clearly notified about being monitored. The best way to accomplish this is via policies and guidelines that should be always kept on display within office premises. These guidelines should clearly explain every element of the employee monitoring intervention put forth by the company. Moreover, even when the firm decides to take on new employees, they should adjust a clause in the contract which makes it mandatory for every person being hired to sign a nondisclosure stating that they are alright with being monitored on company-related matters. Only Limited to Company Owned Gadgets Monitoring software programs tend to give employers an unwarranted power over the employees. And to protect the employee's interests, legal guidelines regarding monitoring apps clearly state that the spying should be only limited to company-owned gadgets. This means that every information coming in and going out through the company-owned gadgets are company property. The guidelines placed around the office premises should also clearly pinpoint this clause so that it poses as a reminder at all times. Furthermore, it is also recommended that the employers get their employees to sign a nondisclosure agreement that clearly states that all information on the company owned gadgets is company property. This means it can be used by the company in court if need be as well. Using Reliable Technological Sources When another’s a source of income and image in the business world is on the line, it is always best to be careful and use reliable technological sources and software programs rather than the usual cheap ones. The expensive yet well-reputed ones can be easily programmed and altered according to the specific needs of the company, hence always used for easy access and usage. Balancing is key Putting so many restrictions and highlighting many stingy clauses regarding monitoring applications like TheOneSpy mobile spy software around the office can definitely scare an employee and hence hinder their overall productivity. This is primarily due to the lack of rapport that should be there between the employee and employer to help increase profits as employee motivation grows. Therefore, it is always recommended by experts to use a system that is similar to a token economy where the employees are given some leeway and flexibility in some areas while at the same time restricted in some too. For example, allowing them access to specific social media sites during a few designated hours of the day. Never Resort to Open Slander It is never healthy to insult or accuse an employee openly among their peers. And with monitoring applications installed, there will be many times that the system may show you red flags which in reality are nothing but some mishap with the coding of the monitoring application itself. Therefore, rather than losing your cool and openly slandering a perfectly loyal employee, it is always best to take them aside or discreetly conduct a further investigation either with their knowledge of it or without it. This is because an employee can otherwise sue you for slandering their image followed by wrongful termination which would prove bad for your company’s image. The law about monitoring applications is specifically made to protect both the employees as well as the employers in case of any mishap or misunderstanding between the two parties. While it may look like the employers have all the power with monitoring applications installed, but in reality, analysis has shown that monitoring applications have been found to be more useful to employees. For example, if an employee faces discrimination at the hands of another employee or employer, they can use the backup made by monitoring applications to highlight the wrongful act in court.  

Business Loans

Benefits of NBFC Business Loans

Being a small-business owner, you have been putting your whole-hearted efforts to make your business venture a success. You have been working long hours, traveling for client meetings to different cities, staying away from home for days on stretch and also investing all your personal savings and assets to take your business to new heights. Now that you have put your business on the path to growth, it suddenly dawns on you that you have not been able to pay adequate attention to your financials. Now when there is a significant opportunity in front of you in the form of a brilliant idea, which will change the future course of your business, you find that you do not have necessary funds to put that into practice. You feel anguished and frustrated, but that is not going to serve any purpose. So rather than ruing your ill-luck, its better you start looking at other options that you must explore, to meet your financial requirements. One of the most obvious options is availing an Unsecured Small Business Loan. What is an Unsecured Small Business Loan? Business Loans that are available to small business owners for their desired purpose without any requirement of collateral are called Unsecured Small Business Loans. These loans are extended by all financial institutions in India, private sector as well as public sector. You are free to utilize the loan amount for any purpose you may deem suitable including the purchase of machinery, upgradation of infrastructure, renovation of office premises etc. There are two types of unsecured business loans in the market NBFC business loans and Bank business loans. The repayment of these loans is to be made in monthly EMIs. Advantages of Small Business Loans Small business loans offer a flexible source of funding for you to meet your urgent financial requirements. There are various advantages provided by small business loans such as: - No dilution in ownership : When you take a small business loan from a financial institution, you need not provide any collateral and are free to utilize the money in any way you want for your business purpose. The lender does not have anything to do with the way you have spent the money, as long as you repay your EMIs on time. This ensures that the ownership of business stays with you and is not diluted. This is a better option compared to other sources as venture capital or personal borrowing, where you must give up a part of your ownership of your business in lieu of money. Taxation Benefits : Small business loans are to be repaid in monthly installments, which comprise principal component and interest component. The interest that you pay on loan is allowed as an expense, and you can claim tax benefits against the same. This, in turn, reduces your tax burden, and the loan in effect costs less in practicality. No other source of funding offers this option. No Collateral required : If you do not have any collateral to be hypothecated with the financial institution, then unsecured business loans are your only option. This is an ideal situation for new businesses or start-ups who have a great idea but do not have any collateral to be mortgaged. If required by the lender, you can get a guarantor on board. Lower Interest Rates : Unsecured small business loans have a more moderate rate of interest as compared to various other sources of finance such as credit cards or private money lenders. Lower interest rates mean lower EMIs which translate into a lesser burden on your finances. In some cases, the government also offers subsidies on unsecured business loans to help small business owners have easy access to credit at lower interest rates. No stress on working capital : When you are able to avail an unsecured business loan, you get spare money at your disposal, which can help you in getting better deals from your suppliers and vendors. Moreover, this ensures that you need not withdraw money from your working capital and thus you can meet your daily expenses conveniently. Also, as the EMIs are to be paid on a monthly basis only, you do not have to put pressure on your cash cycle by withdrawing huge sums together. Flexibility in Repayment : some NBFC business loans come with the option for EMI holiday or flexible repayment options, where you only need to pay interest on the loan as your EMI for a specified period, in the beginning, this way your EMI payments, in the beginning, is reduced and you get time to manage your financial position. The principal amount for this mortarium period is adjusted over the remaining period of the loan. Unsecured small business loans offer a lot of benefits for you. But you must conduct proper research and analysis before you take a final decision regarding the loan. Read Also :  Top 5 Types Of Startup Business Loans Major Financial Problems That Can Affect A New Business  

Why You Must Embrace Green Home Technologies?

Why You Must Embrace Green Home Technologies?

Did you know? Buildings in India account for… 33% greenhouse emissions 38% energy consumption 30% landfill waste 12% water consumption And, every year, built-up areas in the country grow by 10% with a whopping 700% increase in energy consumption! It’s time to re-evaluate our priorities, It’s time to give back to nature, And for our children, it’s time to ensure that our homes do not destroy the world. India has been a fascinating growth story. Our story of growth is also about stress on the environment and natural resources. Fragile ecosystems and endangered species are struggling amidst the fast-expanding concrete. However, there is a silver lining in every cloud. Staying true to the traditional ethos of living in harmony with nature, Indian real estate is welcoming new technologies and innovative architecture to ensure a sustainable future. New-age financial solutions and subsidies are likely to encourage the adoption of green technologies in the construction sector. Your contribution, however small, is significant in creating an eco-friendly living space. Going green is an important milestone for your family where you create a positive environment for growth. It saves you lots of money as you pass down the lessons of conservation to the next generation and add to their inheritance. Green constructions and architecture are the flavors of our times and builders are incorporating environment-friendly and energy-efficient features like LED lights, waste management plants, urban forestry, natural ventilation, thermos bricks and many other design elements for your conservation and well-being. Why do you need a green home? Money, money, money A green building creates many financial benefits for owners and tenants. Natural materials are compatible with the environment, while solar energy, proper ventilation, rainwater harvesting, water recycling, waste management, and foliage help to cut energy consumption and save large amounts of money for you. Tenants are clearly attracted to buildings which offer a reduction in everyday costs. Environmentally safe with GRIHA It feels great doing your bit to safeguard the environment. Buildings are responsible for one-third of greenhouse emissions and that portion can be reduced by 35%. Demand for high-quality, eco-friendly and energy-efficient real estate is growing across India. It applies to both, residential and commercial spaces. And with our urban air becoming a pollution hazard, it is imperative that as an Indian, you seek green alternatives to safeguard health, environment, and productivity. You can choose environment-friendly homes as per GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) rating. It evaluates how your home stands against accepted benchmarks of green buildings. Better innovation As an investor, you gain a higher yield from green buildings. The practice also spurs design and material innovation, which is important for our nation. The “green wave” has brought forth new technologies, understanding of ancient practices and ample research interest. Green buildings are using traditional material and recycling old materials to reduce our carbon footprint. Reduce, reuse and recycle: that’s the mantra sustaining your green home. A great start-up culture Grassroots awareness will drive greater adoption of green technologies. Rural artisans, cottage industries, and agriculture have felt a positive impact of the green drive. A new culture of entrepreneurs providing new solutions to builders is enriching the green economy. Green buildings in India are becoming a part of the culture. You should be thrilled to know our country was ranked #3 on a list of 10 countries by the US Green Building Council (USGBC) for LEED outside the US. India today boasts of 1 billion square feet of green building area. With over 200 million square feet of commercial space and 45 million square feet of construction coming up, you can say without a doubt: The sky is our limit! Apoorva Bharadwaj is a freelance blog writer. She has written blog posts largely catering to the real estate industry. Throughout these many years of her career as a blogger, she has kept up with changing trends in the real estate industry. She has written many blog posts on why the real estate prices are skyrocketing in major metros, how to choose the right real estate agents, about new apartments in metros, etc. At present, her latest blog work is on Jain Height’s new eco-friendly homes, luxury condominium projects for sale in Bangalore and about the right time to invest in an apartment.